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    Seeing through the Clouds: Introduction to the Azure Services Platform,James Conard Sr. Director Developer & Platform Evangelism Microsoft Corporation,Cloud Computing,Cloud Services,Software as a Service,Infrastructure as a Service,Everything as a Service,Challenges Building Apps,# of users? After 1 month? 6 months? 1 yr? Capacity? Servers? Bandwidth? Storage? How do you scale up or down over time? How can you handle peak loads? How do you provide high availability? What are the upfront capital costs? How quickly can you go live? How do you reduce your operations costs?,Platform Continuum,On-Premises Servers,Hosted Servers,Cloud Platform,Windows Azure,Scalable, virtualized hosting environment Flexible storage with blobs, tables, and queues Model-driven service lifecycle management Rich local & offline developer experience,Compute,Storage,Management,Internet,Storage,LB,Windows Azure,Demo: Hello Windows Azure,Simple ASP.NET app Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Roles & instances are models in XML config Local F5 debugging Deployed to the cloud Switched from staging to production,What you saw,Environments to run your apps Machines, rack space, switches, connectivity Automated deployment & configuration Isolation, redundancy, load balancing Abstraction & Flexibility,Windows Azure Update,Full-trust .NET Apps Enables composition of Windows Azure, .NET Services, and the Live Framework FastCGI support on IIS7 Enables PHP applications on Windows Azure Native code via P/Invoke Single SDK & Tools installation Coming soon Multiple Data Centers Provide Windows Azure in two North America data centers Select a data center for compute and storage,Need for additional capabilities,Relational database support Connect on-premises apps to the Cloud Provide single sign-on support Federate with existing Identity Providers Access user profile and contact data,Building Block Services,Provide higher-value capabilities Can be composed or used individually Can be consumed from applications running in Windows Azure or from any environment Comprehensive set of services for a range of scenarios,SQL Services,SQL Data Services,Reference Data,Business Intelligence,Initial Services SQL Data Services - Core SQL Server database capabilities Data Sync Enables the sync framework Future Services Additional SQL Server capabilities available as a service: Business Intelligence and Reporting New services: Reference Data and Secure Data Hub,Reporting,Data Sync,SQL Data Services,Familiar SQL Server relational database model Support for existing APIs & tools Built for the cloud with high availability & scale Interoperable with PHP, Ruby, and Java,Your Apps,(TDS),SQL Data Services,TDS Endpoint,ADO.NET,Entity Framework,SQL Server Drivers,.NET Services,Integrate on-premises apps with the cloud Securely connect through firewall & network boundaries Control permissions to your apps & services Reuse existing user accounts across applications Interoperable with SDKs for Ruby and Java,Service Bus,Access Control,.NET Services,Identity,Directory,Comms & Presence,Search & Geospatial,Applications,Data Sync,Users,Live Services,Devices,Building block services for building consumer oriented web and client applications.,Storage,Azure Services Platform Roadmap,How can you get started?,Download the SDKs & Tools Get an Invitation Code Review the hands-on labs & videos,http:/www.azure.com,Resources,Azure Services Training Kit Downloadable hands-on labs, demos, and presentations http:/www.azure.com,Azure Services Platform Forums http:/www.microsoft.com/azure/blog.mspx,Azure Whitepapers http:/www.microsoft.com/azure/whitepaper.mspx,© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.,Ray Ozzie Chief Software Architect,Windows Azure setting the stage for the next 50 years of systems both outside and inside the enterprise,


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