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    Unit1 Topic 1 重点短语1.看见某人做了某事_2看见某人正在做某事_1)我看见你暑假期间几乎每天都打篮球。I saw you _ _almost every day during the summer holidays.2) 我经常看到她在图书馆里看书。I often see _ _ _in the library.3) 这位老师看见一些男孩子正在操场上打篮球。The teacher saw some boys _ _on the playground. 3.have a basketball against _ 4.cheer sb.on _5.更喜欢划船_ 6.prefe A to B _7.quite a bit/a lot_ 8.加入学校划船俱乐部_9.join us/the party/the army_ 10.take part in=join in_ 11.参加400米接力赛_12.为打比赛;效力_13.play against_ 14.成长,长大成人_15.放弃某物/做某事_16.keep/break the Olympic record_17.What a pity!=What a shame!_ 18. pretty well_ 19.两次/三次一周_20.go mountain climbing_ 21.把时间/金钱花在某事上/做某事上_22.do /tack exercise_ 23.an exercise_做早操/眼保健操_24. 对有益/害_25. be good at=do well in_ 26.世界上最优秀的女乒乓球运动员之一_27.跳高_ long jump_ 28.all over the world _29.make me strong/popular_ 30.help them to relax_ 31.保持她的心肺健康_32arrive at/in=get to=reach_ 33.a good way to keep fit/healthy. _34.leave Beijing for Shanghai_35.Leave for Shanghai_35,辨析1)spend+时间+on sth(in)doing sht.花费时间在某事上/做某事。He spent his whole life(in)_ _ the poor.他把他的一生用来照顾贫穷的人。2)It takes sb.some time to do sth.表示花费某人时间做某事。It took me an hour _ _my homework yesterday.Unit 1 Topic2 重点短语1.do sb a vavor=help sb=give sb a hand_2.fall in_ fall down_ fall asleep_3.Id be glad to =Id love to=Id like to _4.play the piano so loudly_ 5.play the guitar more quietly_ 6对大声地喊叫_7.对某人/某事生气_8.do/try ones best to do sth._ 9.be sorry for/about sth._ be sorry to do sth._ 10. keep trying._ 11. with the help of=with ones help_12.打开/关闭_turn down the music_ Tun up the music_13.Keep sb doing sth._ Keep on doing sth._14.对某人是重要的_15.take a seat=have a seat=sit down_ 16立刻,马上_=_=_17.be busy with/doing sth._ 18.在电话里,通过电话_ on the radio_在网络里,通过网络_19.enjoy doing sth._ enjoy oneself=have a good time_ 20.so that_ sothat._ 词组的区别练习1). 他为学生发明了一种室内游戏,以便他们即使在糟糕的天气也能玩。He invented an indoor game for his students _ _they could play even in bad weather.2) 他很早起来以便能赶上早班车。He gets up early _ _he can catch the early bus. 3) 他跑得如此的快,以至于他赢得那场比赛。He ran_ quickly _he won the race. 21.in good/had weather_ 22.follow/obey the rules_23.have a history of+时间段_24.全世界_25.越来越受欢迎/美丽_27.get tired_26.一个7岁的男孩_28.build sb.up_29.before/after starting running_ 30.玩得愉快_/_/_ have(greda)fun doing sth.(非常)快乐地做事.The children have great fun _English.孩子们非常快乐地学习英语。31.Mind的几点用法.1.mind意为:“介意,反对”,通常用于否定句、疑问句。我不在乎寒冷/炎热。I _ _the cold/heat.2.Would/Do you mind+doing sth?用来客气地提出现请求,意为:“你介意做某事吗?或者是请你做某事好吗?”3.mind doing sth.的否定式为:Would/Do you mind not doing sth?意为:“请你别做某事好吗?”请你别在这儿抽烟好吗?Would/Do you mind_ _ here?(smoke)请你别在这儿讲话好吗?Would/Do you mind _ _here?(talk) Unit1 Topic3重点短语1学校运动会_ 2.男子80米赛跑_3.make friends with sb_4.一双运动鞋_5.be ready for_ 6.its ones first time to do sth._7.定在六点半_8.hold/have a sports meet_ 9.prepare for_10.pass sth.to sb.=pass sb.sth._ 11.take some photos of_ 12.祝贺你。_13.go to the movies_14.win the first place in=be the first in_ 15.the first to cross the finish line._16.鼓励某人干某事_17.be able to do sth._18在做得好/差_19.be the first to do sth._ 20.the Peoples Republic of China_ 21.do sth for the first/last time._ 22.improve our environment_ 23.a symbol of_ 24.代表._25.at least_ at most_一般将来时态(II)1、连用词:tomorrow,soon,later,next week(month,year),in a few days(months,years)this afternoon/evening.2、基本结构:will+动词原形I _ _you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你打电话。I _ _ _the park if it rains.如果下雨我就不去公园了。 若是征求对方(第二人称)的意见,希望对方做什么则用:“will you”Will you play basketball with me?你愿意和我一起去打篮球吗?3、在英国英语中,shall用于第一人称I/weShall we meet at th school gate?我们在校门口见行吗?_ _ go out for a walk?我们出去散散步行吗?Unit 2 Toopic1重点短语1.Whats wrong with?=Whats the matter with? _? Whats the trouble with?Whats up?(一般用于口语)2.看医生/牙医_3.看起来气色好/脸色苍白_4.be/get well son._ 5.休息一会_6. .day and night_7.plenty of=lots of =a lot of_ 8.have a good sleep=sleep well_ 9.提重物_10.have a terrible cold=have/catch a bad cold_11在晚上_ at noon_ at midnight_12熬夜,不睡觉_12.feel like doing sth=would like to do sth.=Want to do sth._13.Chinese tea with nothing=Chinese tea without anything_14.辣的食品_15.躺下休息_16.开水_17.刷牙_18.on the Internet_19. .nothing serious_ 20 take care of=look after=care for_21.检查正误,检查身体_22.每次服三片。_23.follow ones advice=take ones advice_24.一本有趣的书。_25.notuntil_重点语法: 1.情态动词must的用法 1)定义:表示出于职责、义务或出于主观意识或必须做某事。意为“应该、必须、一定”。2)对于must(必须、一定要)开头的问句,应用neednt/dont have来回答。 他一定要在课前打扫教室吗?Must he clean the room before class?肯定回答:Yes,_ _否定回答:No,_ _ /_ _不,没有必要。2、动词短语做主语,是分词,谓语动词用三人称单数:1).熬夜对你的身体是有害的。_ _ _is bad for your health.2)看电视太多对你的视力不好。_ _ _is bad for your eyes.3)饭前洗手对我们的健康有好处。_ _ _ _is good for our health.Unit2 Topic2重点短语1.What caused it?=Whats happening?=Whats the matter/wrong/the trouble?_! 2.watch a game/match on TV_ 3.吃得太少_4.take some medicine_ 5.do morning/eye exercises_6.留长指甲_7.饭前洗手_8.play/do sports=do/take exercise_9.feel sleepy_ fall asleep_10.在阳光下看书_11.在报纸上_12.Thats too bad_ 13.How terrible!_ 14.give up sth./doing sth.=stop doing sth._ 15.将垃圾扔进垃圾箱_16.到处丢垃圾_17.充足的睡眠_18.保持空气清新_19.整理我们的房间并扫地_20.spit in public_ 21.have the right kinds of food_ 22.使我们强健_23. 健康饮食习惯_ 24.少于_more than=over_25.一般般,马马虎虎_26.in different ways_重点语法1、should和had better都是情态动词,意为“应该”和“最好”,无人称、数及时态的变化。它们常用来向对方委婉提出建议和劝告。缩写:should not=shouldnt youd better=you had better You should answer my question in English你应该用英语回答我的问题。你们应该相互帮助You _help each other.。你不应该在课堂上说话。You _ _in class.你最好休息一会儿。_ _have a rest.他最后别再干那种事。Hed better_ _ that again.2、表示委婉建议的句子:1)Would you like to do sth.?2)Could you please(not)do sth?3)What about sth./doing sth.?=How about sth./doing sth.?4)Why not do sth.?=Why dont you do sth.?5)Lets do sth?6)Shall we do sth?7)Would you mind doing sth.?3.Will you?征求对方意见,希望对方做什么。你愿意和我一起去购物吗?_ _ go shopping with me?4、Whats wrong with you? =Whats the matter with?=Whats the trouble with?你怎以啦?该句常用来表示对对方的关心,并询问情况。意为“有什么麻烦(病)”或“出了什么问题”等。Whats up?,(一般用于口语)_ _ _your bike?你的自行车出什么毛病了?_ _ _ _the radio?你的收音机出什么毛病了?_ _ _ _your head?你的头怎么啦?Unit3 Topic1重点短语1.in ones spare time=in ones free time._2喜欢看连环画。_3.一个电影迷_4.do some outdoor activities_ 5.sounds good_ 6.对感兴趣_7.dance to music_8.朗诵诗_9.be fond of acting_ 10.遛狗_11.特殊事件_12.制作飞机模型_13.Pleased to see you!=Glad/Nice to see you!_ 14.多精美的邮票!_15.集邮一定很有趣!_16.It certainly is._ 17. collect stamps/toys_ 18.很值钱的,很贵重的_19.对油画几乎也不了解/了解很多。_20.和某人分享某物_21.在池塘里_22在暑假_23.在前面(外部前面)_24.在的前面(内部前部)_25.教我的/我们的英语_26.教某人做某事_27.listen to pop music_28.养宠物_29.in our daily life_30.chat on the Internet_.。31.take a bath=have a bath._ 32.爱好能给人们带来快乐、友谊和知识_33.a little friend_ 34.take care of=care for=look after_ 35.他不介意他们是否好_重点语法一、情态动词(must)的用法1、表示有把握的推测,意为“肯定”must be一定 cant be不可能 may be 可能 我的手表一定出问题了。There _ _something wrong with my watch. 他不可能如此老。He _ _so old.2、must和have to的区别:1)must通常表示责任、义务等主观原因必须做某事。Have to 表示客观原因必须做某事。我们必须遵守交通规则。We_ _ the traffic rules.我的父母不在家,我必须在家照看妹妹。My parents arent in,I _ _stay at home to look after my sister.Unit3 topic2重点短语1.Igo to a concert_give/hold a concert_ 2.How exciting!_ 3.it sounds beautiful!_!4.在音乐厅_5. 上课_=_。give sb.a lesson/lessons_。6.lend sth.to sb._ borrow sth from sth_7.度过一个美好的夜晚_10.Its hard to say_8.一节钢琴课要花多少钱?_?11.classical music_9.in your free time=in your spare time_ 12.rock music_13.piano music_ 14.folk music_ 15.pop music_16.流行音乐经常是很快流行起来,然后又很快地过时。_17.受的欢迎_18.be famous for _19.be famous as _20.世界上最著名的摇滚音乐队之一_21. 978年秋天_22.一个17岁的中学生_23.组建乐队_24.把乐队命名为U2。_25.close friends_26.make music_7.多可爱的狗啊_28.How wonderful!_29.多糟糕的天气啊!_30.How carefully he studies!_!


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