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    职称英语 卫生类C级 完形填空 考试押题 小抄版【必考】 .doc

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    职称英语 卫生类C级 完形填空 考试押题 小抄版【必考】 .doc

    第二篇 Going on a dietA typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay alive. These calories keep your heart 1_and your lungs breathing. They keep your organs operating2_and, your brain running. They also keep your body warm. A person 3_weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than needed. The only way to lose fat is to 4_the number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic 5_behind going on a diet. 6_,diets don't work for most people. They do lose weight but then 7_ the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to 8_ a consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day and how many you 9_ take in. The next step is to add ,exercise so that you can 10_the number of calories you can consume per day.Exercise charts can show you how many calories different 11_of exercise can burn. Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can 12_a big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can 13_ the stairs instead of the elevator. Find an exercise 14_. Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. It's a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are on a diet. 15_clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.词汇:typical / 'tipik?l /. 典型的,有代表性的calory / 'k?l?ri / n. 卡路里consume / k?n'sju:m / v. 消耗,消费,耗尽 (燃料、能量、时间等)sensible / 'sens?bl /. 明智的,合情理的,切合实际的consistent / k?n'sist?nt /. 一贯的,始终如一的reminder / ri'maind? / n. 令人回忆起的东西,提醒的东西accomplish/ ?'k?mpli? / v. 完成,实现,做成功注释:1. .diets don't work for most people . . . :节食并不是对大多数人都奏效2. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can:你可以在看电视的时候骑自行车或者你可以.练习:1. A ticking B beating C running D kicking2. A properly B appropriately C approximately D effectively3. A adds B increases C gains D puts4. A cut off B take down C remove D reduce5. A way B principle C method D kind6. A Similarly B Though C Unfortunately D Although7. A go off B go on C go after D go under8. A getting B measuring C maintaining D reserving9. A preferably B actually C consistently D eventually10. A raise B go up C exceed D grow11. A ways B factors C functions D forms12. A have B do C make D give13. A walk B climb C run D take14. A partner B colleague C associate D friend15. A Tight B Loose C Casual D Formal答案与题解:1. B 从句意来看,本句要说明"体内的热量可以使人的心脏跳动",所以答案选择 beating。tick 是"发出滴答声"或"激怒";run 是"奔跑" ;kick 是"踢"。只有 beat 符合句意。2. A 从句意来看,本句要说明"体内的热量可以使身体的器官正常运转"。Properly 和appropriately 都有"合适的,适当的"之意,但 properly 可以表达"正常的、按照一定的规律" 的意思;approximately 是"近似地,大约,大概,近乎"effectively"有效地"。答案选择 A。3. C 选项 A) 、B) 、C) 都有"增加"的意思,但只有 gain 和 weight 搭配使用,才构成"增加体重"的意思。文中原意要表达"一个人增加了体重"。选项 D)put 和 weight 搭配,没有增加体重的意思。4. D 选项 A)cut off 意为"切割,剪断"等意思;选项 B) take down 为"记录、记下"选项 C) remove 为"移走、去除"选项 D)reduce 为"减少、降低"。本句意为"唯一的减肥办法就是减少每天的卡路里的消耗量",所以答案选择 D。5. B本句要表达节食的基本原则是上文所述的"减少每天卡路里的消耗量"。答案 A)way和 C)method 是"方式、方法"的意思。选项 D) kind 作为名词是"类别"的意思,不符合题意。答案为 B) principle"原则"。6. C本句要表达的意思是" 遗憾的是,节食对于大多数人的减肥并不奏效"。选项 A)Similarly 为"相似地"选项 B) Though 为"虽然"选项 C) Unfortunately 为"遗憾地、不幸地"选项 D)Although 为连词"虽然"。只有 C 符合句意。7. A本句要表达的意思是"他们体重下降了,就放弃节食,结果体重又上升了"。选项 A)go off 为"离开、消失、中断"选项 B) go on 为"继续"选项 C) go after 为"追逐、追求"选项D)go under 为"沉落、失败"。只有 A 符合句意。8. C 本句意为"建立一个切实可行的节食和锻炼计划是保持体重的关键"。选项 A) getting为"获得、得到"选项 B ) measuring 为"测量"选项 C) maintaining 为"保持、维持"选项D) reserving 为"保留、储藏"。只有C符合句意。9. B 本句意为"你需要计算出你每天需要的和实际摄入的卡路里"。选项 A) preferably 为"更好地"选项 B) actually"实际上"C) consistently 为"一贯地"选项 D) eventually 为"终于、最后"。只有选项 B 符合句意。10. A 本句意为"你可以增加运动以增加每天消耗的热量"。选项 A) raise 为"增加"选项 B)go up 为"上升";选项 C)exceed 为"超过、超越";选项 D) grow 为"生长"。只有A符合句意。11. D 本句意为"运动图表可以向你展示不同形式的运动所要消耗的热量"。选项 A)ways 为"方式、方法"选项 B) factors 为"因素"选项 C) functions 为"功能、职责":选项 D)forms为"形式、种类"。只有 D 符合句意。12. C 本句意为"每天消耗 200 或者 500 卡路里会是不同的"。选项 A 、B 和 D 都无法和下文的 difference 搭配构成"产生不同"。只有选项 C)make 符合句意,表示"导致不同"。13. B 本句意为"你可以选择爬楼梯而不是乘电梯"。选项 A)walk 与 stairs 连用可以意为"走上/下楼梯"选项 B) climb 与 stairs 连用可以意为"爬楼梯"选项 C)run 与 stairs 连用可以意为"跑上/下楼梯"选项 D)take 一般不与 stairs 连用。答案为 B。14. A 本句意为"找个一起锻炼的伙伴"。选项 A) partner 为"伙伴、同伴"选项 B ) colleague为"同事、同行"选项 C ) associate 为"合作者"选项 D) friend 为"朋友"。选项 A 符合句 意。15. A 本句承接上文提到的 firm-fitting ,要表达"紧身衣可以像一个提醒者一样提醒你要尽力达到的目标"。选项 A)Tight 为"紧身的、紧贴的"选项 B) Loose"宽松的、不受约束的"选项 C) Casual"随便的,非正式的"选项 D)Formal 为"正式的"。选项 A 符合句意。第十二篇 Dreams Everyone can dreamIndeed, everyone does dreamThose who 1 that they never dream at all actually dream 2 as frequently as the rest of us, 3 they may not remember anything about itEven those of us who are perfectly 4 of dreaming night 5 night very seldom remember those dreams in 6 detail but merely retain an untidy mixture of seemingly unrelated impressions. Dreams are not simply visual-we dream with all our 7 , so that we appear to experience sound, touch, smell, and tasteOne of the world's oldest 8 written documents is the Egyptian Book of DreamsThis volume is about five thousand years old, so you can 9 that dreams were believed to have a special significance even thenMany ancient civilizations believed that you 10 never ask a sleeping person as, during sleep, the soul had left the body and might not be able to return 11 time if the sleeper were suddenly 12 .From ancient times to the present 13 ,people have been 14 attempts to interpret dreams and to explain their significanceThere are many books available on the subject of dream interpretationalthough unfortunately there are almost as many meanings for a particular dream 15 there are books词汇:Frequently / 'fri:kwntli/ adv. 时常,屡次;频繁地,经常地Significance/ significance / n. 重要性,意义 civilization / ,sivilai'zein, / n. 文明,文化interpret / in't:prit / vt. 解释,说明 口译interpretation / in,t:pri'tein / n. 解释,口译seldom/ 'seldm / adv. 很少,不常retain/ ri'tein / vt. 保持;雇;记住 注释:1. . . . very seldom remember those dreams in detail but merely retain an untidy mixture. . but. 不而是2. From ancient times to the present.从古至今练习:1.A demand B promise C agree D claim2.A also B just C only D quite3.A though B besides C however D despite4.A familiar B accustomed C aware D used5.A after B on C through D over6.A great B high C strong D deep7.A feelings B emotions C impressions D senses8.A considered B known C regarded D estimated9.A see B feel C ensure D think10.A would B ought C should D need11.A by B in C with D for12.A awoke B awoken C awake D awaken13.A minute B hour C moment D day14.A doing B putting C making D taking15.A as B like C so D such答案与题解:1. D 这里是一个复合从句,缺的部分是带后边宾语从句的一个谓语成分。根据后边宾语从句的内容"never dream at all " ,可以判断此处应该是 claim ,声称。demand ,promise ,agree 都有后边的语义不符。-2. Bas frequently as 已经表达了"同样"的意思,所以 also 不符合这一空。quite 不能用来修饰 as. . . as 这样的词组,而根据上下午的语境,这里应该是"刚好,恰恰”所以最佳答案是Just 。3. A 根据上下文的语-境,可以判断出这一空所衔接的前后两个句子有转折的关系,而且后一 句为条件,despite 与 though 都可以表示."虽然,尽管"的意思,但是 despite 是做介词是才有"虽然,尽管"的意思,此处缺的是一个连接词,所以只能用 though. .4. C 这四个选项中,只有 aware 可以与 of 搭配,策示"意识到',accustomed 通常与 to 搭配,表示习惯于,同样 used to 也表示习惯于。而 familiar 通常与 with 搭配,表示"对熟悉"。 从语义与搭配两个层面来看,最合适的都是 aware.5. A night after night" 一夜又一夜",固定搭配。同样的结构还有 year after year ,day after day,week after week。相似的结构有 day by day ,"逐日,一天天"year by year ,"逐年,一年年.6. A 此处是在 in detail 这一表达当中增加了一个形容词,来表示细致的程度。high 表示高度的变化,strong 是强度,deep 是深度,用来表示细致都不合适。所以应该用 great ,in great detail ,表示细致入微,描述得淋漓尽致。7. D从前边的 visual ,以及后边的 sound ,touch ,smell ,taste 这些可以看出,这里指的是人所有的各种感官的感觉。感官叫做 sense organ ,所以这种种的感觉通常都用 sense 来表示。8. B 根据上下文,可以发现此处是在描述一个事实。因此首先排除 estimated"估计",而这 本最古老的书是已经被认定过7的,所以 regard ,consider 都不合适,因此,最佳答案应该是 known ,目前所知的。9. A 此处是通过从前文所描述的这样一个事实,可以让我们认识到这个空后边所表达的内容。因此不是 feel ,think. 也不是让我们确认,而只是发现,所以也不是 ensured ,而应该是see。10. C 根据上下文的语境,可以判断出此处表达的是不能,不应叫醒睡梦中的人。首先排除 need ,另外 ought 通常跟 to 一块使用,所以也不可能。而 would 更 should 两者相比,后者的 程度更深,更符合这个语境。11. B 此处应该是及时的意思,in time ,固定搭配。12. B 此处考察的是被动语态,与动词 awake 的变形。这里是被叫醒,所以 A 和 C 都排除了, 表示被动态而且形式又正确的应该是 B awoken.13. D 这里表达的是从古到今的意思,通常都用笼统一些的概念,minute ,moment 表示的比较具体。所以用 day 比较合适。14. C 此处所表达的是人类一直在尝试,"尝试,试图"通常直接用 attempt to,或者用 make attempts to ,固定搭配。15. Aas. . as 句式,这里所表达的前后一样是指书的数目,与书中对梦解释的数目的一致性。


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