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    湖南省长沙县实验中学2014届高三下学期第一次模拟英语试题时量:120分钟 满分:150分 命题:高三英语备课组Part Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22. 5 marks)Directions In this section, youll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter(A,B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11.Where are the speakers? A. On a train.B. In a taxi.C. On a plane.2. Whats the mans problem?A. He is very tired.B. There isnt enough room.C. He doesnt like the woman. Conversation 23.Why didnt the man call?A. He got into an accident.B. He lost his cell phone.C. He thought he didnt need to.4.Where does the man live?A. Next doorB. On the next street.C. In the next city. Conversation 35. What can the girl do when she reaches the destination?A. Swim in the ocean.B. Feed the chickens.C. Visit big shopping malls.6.Where does the grandma probably live?A. In the country.B. In the city.C. In a town.Conversation 47.Whose toilet needs to be fixed?A. MarksB. Marks friendsC. Mindys8.Where did the woman go?A. To the mechanics.B. To the grocery store.C. To the hardware store.9.What does the man say about the job?A. Its actually very easy.B. Its difficult for woman.C. He has never done it before.Conversation 510. Where might the speakers be?A. In a boat.B. In an airplane.C. On an amusement park ride.11.What does the man tell the woman to do?A. Close her eyes.B. Stop crying.C. Drink some water12.What will the speakers do next?A. Go home.B. Go on a train ride.C. Go to the doctors.Conversation 613. How does the man drink his coffee?A. With milk and sugar.B. Without sugar.C. With sugar only.14.Where does the man often get his coffee now?A. At a coffee shop.B. At home.C. At the womans15.What does the woman want to learn?A. How to choose coffee beans.B. How to stop burning the milk.C. A new way to make coffee.Section B (7. 5 marks)Directions In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.How to 16._ a FireA. For most firesUse 17._B. For oil firesPut the lid on the pan, or 18._on the fire.C.For both 19._ and oil firesUse a 20._ chemical.Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15marks)Directions For each of the following unfinished sentences, there are four choices marked A B C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence 21. The new policy allows a couple to have a second birth _ either is an only child.A. althoughB. whetherC. unlessD. if22. Health experts believe that even a little exercise is far better than _ at all.A. little B. noneC. everythingD. anything23. To find more about university courses, my boy, _ to this address.A. to writeB. writingC. writtenD. write24. Ending his gap year, Mike returned home, _.A. safe and soundB. safe but soundC. safely and soundlyD. safely but soundly25. The Lakers were ahead during the first half of the match, but they _ in the last five minutes.A. beatB. were beatingC. were beatenD. are beaten26. _ everyone wants to be friends with her reflects her popularity among people.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhereD. Whether27. Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award, a title _ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.A. being givenB. is givenC. givenD. was given28. Mr. Brown, the students working on the project have finished their report. _ they bring it to you today or tomorrow?A. NeedB. ShallC. WillD. Must29. May I speak to your manager at 400 this afternoon?Sorry, Sir. He _ to a meeting soon.A. is goingB. has goneC. will have goneD. would go30. How nice to have a walk around the lake.Indeed. I like _ when the weather is like this, sunny and warm.A. thisB. thatC. itD. one31. Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars till I _ next month.A. get paidB. got paidC. have paidD. will pay32. Isnt it a surprise that I happened to meet Francis Mathews at the Christmas party last week?If my memory serves me correctly, you _ each other for exactly two years.A. hadnt seenB. havent seenC. didnt seeD. dont see33. The picture of the park _ memories of our classs trip last year, when Mr. Smith began to take charge of our class.A. called upB. remindedC. turned upD. came up34. The young manager is well known for his problem-solving skills, _ is important for a successful leader.A. it B. that C. what D. which35. People just wonder _ that makes the housing price so high. A. what it is B. what is it C. why it does D. Why does itSection B (18 marks)Directions For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.When I was in high school, I didnt know anything about engineering. At that time, when the car I drove needed repairing, I was afraid to take it to the _36 . Because honestly, the mechanic could have _37_ me an electric can opener and said, “This is part of your car and its _38 -pay me to fix it.” Then I wouldnt have known any better.At the end of my junior year of high school, I heard about a summer program _39_ to interest girls in engineering. The six-week program was free, and students were _40_ college credits and a dorm room at the University of Maryland. I applied to the program, not because I wanted to be an engineer, but because I was looking forward to _41 and wanted to stay away from my parents for six weeks.I was accepted to the program and I earned six engineering credits. The next year I entered the university as an engineering student. Five years later I had a degree and three good job offers.I cant help shaking _42_ I hear about studies that show women are _43_ when it comes to math. They imply that I am a little stupid. Im not, but I _44_ know that if I hadnt met with that summer program, I wouldnt be an engineer.When I was growing up, I was told, as many students were, to do what I was best at. But I didnt know what that was. Most people think that when you are _45_ something, it comes easily to you. But this is what I discovered just because a subject is _46_ to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work hard to get good at it. Once you do, theres good _47_ that you will enjoy it more than anything else.36. A. engineer B. salesman C. factory D. mechanic37. A. shown B. given C. brought D. taken38. A. old B. broken C. fixed D. dirtied39. A. designed B. performed C. controlled D. described40. A. sent B. afforded C. offered D. awarded41. A. independence B. success C. happiness D. beauty42. A. until B. when C. since D. before43. A. at a disadvantage B. at a loss C. in a trap D. in a shock44. A. never B. do C. hardly D. nearly45. A. good at B. bad at C. interested in D. devoted to46. A. easy B. funny C. difficult D. interesting47. A. will B. feeling C. desire D. chanceSection C (12 marks)Directions Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Scientists find that hardworking people live longer than average people. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poor health compared to the job-holders. A research shows that _48_ the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate may increase by 2%. All this comes to one point work is helpful to health. Why is work good for health?It is because work keeps people busy, away from loneliness and anxieties. _49_ research shows that people feel unhappy, worried, and lonely when they have nothing to do. _50_, the happiest are those who are busy. Work serves _51_ a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other. By cooperation, they find friendship and warmth, _52_ are all helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. 53_ affects people spiritually and makes them liable to diseases. Besides, work makes one feel ones value and status in society. When a doctor successfully operates on a patient _54_ a teacher sees his students make progress in their studies, he is happy beyond words. From the above, we can come to the conclusion that the _55_ work you do, the happier and healthier you will be. Part III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions Read the following three passages., Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.A"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."     You probably heard those lines in grammar school, but do you really agree that harsh (严厉的) or negative words do not harm us? Words have power. Surely we all have had our feelings hurt by something someone said.     We may not say words to hurt others, but the way we interpret (解释) them and how we say them may cause great harm. Heres an example     An ancient king dreamed all his teeth had fallen out. He sent for a wise man to explain his dream to him the dream means that all your relatives will die and you will be left alone!     The king was very angry and threw the interpreter into prison. He then sent for another interpreter who said, "Congratulations! King! You will live many more years. In fact, you will survive all your relatives. Long Live the King!"     Both interpreters gave the same interpretation, but there was a huge difference in the way they said it.     Our speech must be understood by those who hear our words, but the way we say things and the intention behind them have as much power as the words themselves. Words can cause anger or appreciation. Which would you rather receive?     People who say harsh and negative things may not mean to harm, but have you ever known anyone who is a naysayer? They often look at the dark sides of things. They always see the glass as half empty rather than half full. How do you feel when you are around this type of person? Remember words have power. Use them wisely.56. The author mentions the story of the ancient king to show that _.A. one dream sometimes has different explanations B. good words can bring good luck to peopleC. people should be careful when talking to a kingD. different ways of saying things have different effects57. The underlined word "naysayer" in the last paragraph refers to a person who always _.A. has a negative attitude B. likes to be praisedC. talks big D. likes to repeat what others say58. According to the text, how can people understand each other better?A. By sharing different life experiences. B. By accepting different habits.C. By properly using words. D. By recognizing different values.59. The author wrote the last paragraph to _.A. show how the dark sides of things affect people B. advise people to see and say things positivelyC. show how harsh and negative words hurt peopleD. advise people to stay away from negative people60. The passage mainly talks about _.A. the power of words B. the cruelty of the king C. how to understand others D. how to build good relationshipsBIt must be something that many American companies hold a baby contest. Of course, babies are wonderful, and many parents would be the first to agree. Companies really bring in much money.Walgreens Baby contestIf you play the new Baby Milestones Challenge Contest by BabyCenter & Walgreens, you could win $1,000 in Walgreens & Beauty.com Gift Cards and Certificates. You can play the instant winner if you get a $ 25 Walgreens gift card, but you also have to write down your email address and receive all their sales and other information for the contest.Kids and BabiesKids and Babies are accepting entries for May 2013 Free Photo Contest. Baby Photo Galley with theme albums and age group albums is moved to the new website Cute Baby Gallery. Check KidsandBibs.com for their Baby Photo Contest blogs latest update. The Grand prize is $ 25,000. The catch Winners are decided by the visitors coming to the site and voting for their favorite babies, so you have to advertise their site for them.Parents.comPerents.com has a website only for their members, but if you are into baby photos, it is well worth surfing. You could receive offers on free samples, money-saving coupons (优惠券), and chances to win the latest contests.AvonAvon is another company that has a baby photo contest this spring. Avon is advertising their newest collection. It is Avons only collection for the photos of babies. Babies age newborn to 2 years. Just go to TinyTillia.com and upload your recent babys photos. The first place baby will be featured in a Tiny Tillia Storybooks and win a $ 5,000 U.S. Savings Bond. Ten beautiful girls will win $ 300 worth of Tiny Tillia products.The tip is to run a search engine for all the latest contests going on and start entering them today. You could be lucky and win enough to put your baby through college! Have fun! 61. In the author's opinion, companies action of holding a baby contest .A. is not reasonable at all B. is funny and interestingC. attracts parents' attention D. can cost a company much money62. What is the basic condition for you to play the instant winner in Walgreens & Beauty.com?A. Getting a gift card B. Getting a certificateC. Winning 1,000 dollars D. Receiving information for the contest63. If you want your baby to win the 2013 Free Photo Contest, you will _.A. have to spend $ 25,000 B. take your baby to the gallery in MayC. upload more photos of your babyD. have to help to advertise their site 64. What can we learn from this passage?A. Free Photo Contest will be held in March, 2013B. Avon is a website that will hold a baby photo contestC.


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