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    必修二 1.6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》.ppt

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    必修二 1.6《Unit 1 Cultural relics》.ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修2-1.6,1 No one knows for certain how the statues were transported by the islanders, most of whom lived far away from where the stones were 2 It was impossible for men to carry the large stone statues, several of which were too heavy 3 People doubt that they were dragged over the land, which is too rough 4 Some people think that the islanders used large strong wooden tools, but there is not enough evidence to prove this 5 The wood for making the tools should come from big trees, which did not exist on the island,6 A number of people think that God moved the statues, to which no scientists agree 7 According to the islanders, the finished statues were transported by those who had magical powers 8 The statues were built during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when a mysterious society ruled the island 9 The Dutch visited the island in 1722, after the society that made the statues had disappeared 10 The Dutch went to this island, where there were only four thousand people, in search of supplies,模块(2)Unit 1 1.单词:cultural survive remain state rare dynasty vase belong gift ton stone heat design fancy style jewel king reception light mirror wonder(n.) remove furniture secretly wooden doubt apart trial consider opinion evidence prove pretend maid castle sailor treasure besides.,2.重点词组: look into belong to in search of in return at war take apart think highly of do with serve as have sth. done there is no doubt that be of the style/size/height be careful with tell the truth,3.交际英语: 1)征求看法(Asking for opinions) Are you sure he / she was telling the truth? How do you know that? How can you be sure he / she was telling the truth? Why / Why not? 2)发表看法 (Giving opinions) I don't believe ., because That can't be trueIt is (not)a fact,I (dont)agree with you I don't agree that It can be proved The truth is (not)easy to know I think they have said useful things has no reason to lie,4. 重点语法 定语从句(III) 1限制性定语从句 (Restrictive attributive clause) A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China 2非限制性定语从句 (Non-restrictive attributive clause) This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it,5. 句子背诵 (1). It is his job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China.(it做形式主语) 他的工作是调查研究所有关于在中国发现的文物的报告。 (2). A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed. 文化遗迹是一些存留很长时间的东西,常常是其他部分已被毁掉而其中一部分得以保存的古老的东西。,(3). The man who has the rare Ming Dynasty vase insists that it belongs to his family. 拥有这个稀有珍贵的明朝花瓶的人坚持说它属于他的家族。 (4). Once (it is) heated, the amber can be made into any shape. 一旦加热,琥珀可以被制成任何形状。 (5). The design of the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. 琥珀屋的设计具有当时那个年代最为流行的奇 特风格。,(6). The Browns were at dinner while their maid was at work in the garden. 布朗一家在吃饭时,他们的女仆在花园干活。 (7). The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks or where that person lives or works. 法官不考虑每一位目击者相貌如何以及他们在哪儿住或在哪儿工作。 (8). After leaving the army, Mr Brown came to China in search of a job. 退役之后,布朗先生来到中国,想找份工作。,(9). He mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly of. 他提到了几位法官的名字,他对他们的评价不高。 (10). She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return. 她给了我们食物和衣服,没求任何回报。 (11). There is no doubt that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作将会继续下去。 (12). He remained a prisoner for the rest of his life. 他的余生是在监狱里度过的。,(13).I could have lent him the money but he didnt tell me he needed it. 我本可以借给他钱,可他没有告诉我他需要钱。 (14). He is not honest. Besides, what he says doesnt agree with what he does. 他不诚实,而且言行不一致。 (15).It has been proved that pride goes before a fall. 事实证明骄必败。 (16). What he had reasoned about the theory proved (to be) true. 他对该原理的推理证明是正确的。,


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