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    浙江省宁波市2015届高三一轮复习阶段性考试英语试题I卷(选择题部分:共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. Are you cleaning my room, Lily? _. I cant bear seeing your room in a mess!A. I cant help it B. Not at allC. You are clever D. No chance2. My grandparents like to live in the countryside where they can enjoy _ leisurely walkon the country road and feel _ warmth of the sun on their faces. A. the; B. a; the C. the; a D. a; 3. Since Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight _ happened on March 8th, it has aroused a widespread concern around the world. A. IssueB. Affair C. Event D. Incident4. I _ the chance to apply for the new post. What do you think? I think you should go for it. Well all back you up. A. have given B. am given C. have been given D. was given5. There is still much to discuss. We shall, _ , return to this issue at our next meeting. A. howeverB. otherwise C. therefore D. instead6. She has expressed her hope _ the foreign students will spread the good will and sincerity of the Chinese people to other parts of the world. A. thatB. which C. whether D. what7. Chinese President Xi Jinping appeared at the Sochi Olympic opening ceremony, _ Chinas strong support for the Olympics and Russias efforts to host the Games. A. signingB. symbolizing C. sponsoring D. signaling8. Jack, whats your main reason for choosing one restaurant _ another? A. fromB. over C. on D. by9. Id appreciate _ if you can turn the radio down, for my baby is sleeping. A. itB. that C. this D. you10.Thanks to Mrs Smith, the father and the son eventually _after ten years cold relationship between them. A. took upB. picked up C. made up D. turned up11. _ the extreme levels of air pollution, city authorities have started to take measures to quickly reduce pollution levels and protect city dwellers. A. In spite of B. As well as C. In response to D. By means of12. I dont think the price of gas will go down this week, _ ? A. will it B. dont I C. wont it D. do I13. Parents should pay attention to areas _ their child is having difficulty and spend extra time helping him or her. A. whenB. where C. which D. why14. Miss White was a _customer here until the supermarket next door opened a couple ofweeks ago. A. commonB. typical C. normal D. regular15. We can also_ for you to share an apartment with other international students. A. arrangeB. instruct C. provide D. settle16. Although we havent got the accurate statistics, it is estimated that _ 300 factories in this province closed down during the economic crisis. A. absolutelyB. relatively C. universally D. approximately17. The problem of the widening gap between the rich and the poor, if not properly _, can result in many serious social tensions. A. being handledB. to handle C. handled D. handling18. Compare some recent work with your old stuff _ youll see how much youveimproved. A. butB. or C. so D. and19. She was greatly shocked at the scene before her eyes. Never did she expect that the localconditions _ be so awful. A. couldB. should C. would D. might20. Tom! Corey has broken the glass. _. Such things happen.A. What a pityB. No wayC. It doesnt matterD. By no means第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。In 1972, I returned to Miami Beach High School to speak to the drama class. Afterward I asked the drama teacher 21 any of my English teachers are still there. Irene Roberts, he tells me, is in the class 22 down the hall.I was no one special in Miss Roberts class just another student who did okay work. I dont recall any one special bit of wisdom she passed on. Yet I cannot forget her 23 for language, for ideas and for her students. I 24 now, many years later, that she is the perfect example of a 25 teacher. Id like to say something to her, I say, but I dont want to 26 her from a class. Nonsense, he says, shell be 27 to see you.The drama teacher 28 Miss Roberts into the hallway where stands this 32-year-old man she last saw at 18. “Im Mark Medoff,” I tell her. “You were my 12th-grade English teacher in 1958.” She 29 her head to one side and looks at me, as if this angle might remember me in her 30 . And then, though armed with a message I want to 31 in many words, I cant think up anything more memorable than this: “I want you to know,” I say, “you were 32 to me.”And there in the hallway, this lovely woman, now nearing 33 age, this teacher who doesnt remember me, begins to weep; and she encircles me in her arms. 34 this moment, I begin to sense that everything I will ever know, everything I will ever pass to my students, is an inseparable part of a legacy(遗产) of our ancestors.Irene Roberts holds me 35 in her arms and through her tears whispers 36 my cheek, “Thank you.” And then, with the briefest of looks into my forgotten face, she 37 back into her classroom, 38 to what she has done thousands of days through all the years of my 39 .On reflection, maybe those were, 40 , just the right words to say to Irene Roberts. Maybe they are the very words I would like to speak to all those teachers through my life, the very words I would like spoken to me one day by some returning student: “I want you to know you were important to me.”21. A. thatB. ifC. asD. when22. A. justB. almostC. nearlyD. about23. A. kindnessB. respectC. friendshipD. love24. A. knowB. learnC. realizeD. believe25. A. selfishB. self-confidentC. self-consciousD. selfless 26. A. callB. dragC. pushD. pull27. A. upsetB. delightedC. interestedD. annoyed 28. A. bringsB. takesC. fetchesD. introduces29. A. bowsB. raisesC. risesD. puts30. A. thoughtB. brainC. attentionD. memory 31. A. announceB. speakC. deliverD. tell32. A. usefulB. importantC. hopefulD. beneficial33. A. retirementB. enjoymentC. employmentD. happiness34. A. RemindingB. ExplainingC. RememberingD. Forgetting35. A. happilyB. straightC. calmly D. briefly36. A. againstB. withC. offD. beyond37. A. escapesB. gathersC. disappearsD. fails38. A. longsB. continuesC. goesD. returns39. A. absenceB. classC. workD. task40. A. or ratherB. in additionC. as usualD. after all第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分, 满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A “Tell me again how you learned to ride a horse,” I would ask my father when I was a little girl in Denmark. I was no more than four years oldtoo little to learn to ride a horse by myself. But I liked to hear my father tell his story. And then he would begin.“When I was a little boy, as little as you are now,” he would say, “I wanted to ride the horses. But I was too small to mount a horse. So I would slip into my fathers stables to be with the horses and admire them. Such big, powerful animals they were!“The gentle workhorses stood quietly in their stalls, eating their hay. I would climb up the side of one of the stalls and slide over onto the horses back.“Then I would hold its mane and imagine us running quickly over the grasslands, down to the shore, and even into the sea.“When I grew tall enough to mount a horse,” he said, “my wish came true.”“You swim with the horses now,” I said. “You even swim with Fiery. And he has spirit!”Everybody knew about Fiery, the great black male horse with the fierce temper, and how he behaved when he first came to the stables. He raised itself on its back legs with the front legs in the air. He snorted and kicked. He rolled his eyes. And everyone was afraid of him. Everyone, except my father. I wanted to hear more. “Now tell me how you made Fiery your friend,” I begged. This was my favorite story.“Well, little Else,” my father went on, “I just talked to him. I talked as a friend. You must talk to a horse like Fiery. “Id say, No, little horse. No, my friend. You cant run free. You must learn to let me ride you. “And soon Fiery began to listen. He knew from my voice that I would be his friend.”So Fiery let my father teach him to carry a rider. Then Fiery would take my father across the soft green grasslands or even into the lively waters of the northern sea. I loved to see Father riding Fiery without a saddle(马鞍) into the sea. There they swam, Father and Fiery, out in the cold, clear water.Often I would watch them from the shore, holding tight to my mothers hand. They swam so bravely. I was so proud of them! Then Father and Fiery would come splashing out of the water and run along the shore toward us. They made a fine stopjust in time!Fiery towered over us. He tossed his head and shook sea water from his shining black coat.Father was laughing and patting Fierys neck. And I was making a wish. I wished that someday I could have a horse, too . . . but a smaller one!41. What is Fiery like when he first comes to the stables?A. He is quiet and lazy.B. He is wild and full of spirit.C. He makes friends with everyone.D. He only lets Elses father ride him.42. Where does Else most like to watch her father ride Fiery?A. At the seashore. B. On the farm. C. In the grasslands. D. In the stables.43. In the passage, the underlined word “mount” means_. A. feed withB. talk about C. fasten to D. climb onto44. How does Else feel about horses after watching her father ride Fiery?A. She wants a horse just like Fiery.B. She has no interest in riding horses.C. She would like to have a smaller horse.D. She thinks horses should not go into the sea.45. What does Else learn from her fathers story?A. How to train a workhorse. B. How to swim with a horse.C. How to make friends with a horse. D. How to ride a horse without a saddle.B Successful athletes today are able to earn enormous salaries and many of them choose to share the wealth they have by donating to charities.Ron Artest This NBA Lakers forward is planning to auction his 2010 championship ring online in an effort to raise money for mental-health problems in schools. He has also been publicly considering donating at least half of his salary for the 2011-2012 year.Steve NashThe Phoenix Suns player has a foundation bearing his name. It was started in 2001, and provides funds for children who are less fortunate in health, education and personal growth. The charity also focuses efforts on the community overall.Tiger WoodsThe pro-golfer has continued to make charitable donations despite the trouble in his personal life. His foundation sent $3 million to Haiti following the earthquake that destroyed the region. Woods also donated $100,000 to assist with the tsunami in 2004 and $200,000 went to the needy affected by Hurricane Katrina.Hannah TeterThe Olympic snowboarding champion joined with other athletes for the charity Children International. She has been a part of the humanitarian(人道主义的)group since 2007 and along with Gabi Viteri, a Burton Team Snowboarder, she traveled to Guadalajara,Mexico, to understand the needs of the school children there and how they can help. Hannah has helped improve the lives of many poor children.Lance ArmstrongThe professional cyclist and survivor of cancer created a foundation to help those affected by the disease as well. Funds are raised by cyclists, volunteers and cancer survivors, who appeal to local communities for donations. The funds are used to give hope to cancer sufferers and help them in all stages of dealing with the disease.Mexico, to understand the needs of the school children there and how they can help. Hannah has helped improve the lives of many poor children.Lance ArmstrongThe professional cyclist and survivor of cancer created a foundation to help those affected by the disease as well. Funds are raised by cyclists, volunteers and cancer survivors, who appeal to local communities for donations. The funds are used to give hope to cancer sufferers and help them in all stages of dealing with the disease.Perhaps the generosity displayed by these athletes will inspire others to join them in helping the less fortunate.46. What do we know from the passage?A. Donating to charities is common among famous athletes.B. All the athletes mentioned in this passage are famous basketball players.C. Some athletes mentioned in this passage will donate all their money in future.D. Successful athletes will be scolded if they dont donate their money to people in need.47. Who has a foundation that is named after him/ her?A. Ron Artest.B. Steve Nash.C. Tiger Woods.D. Hannah Teter.48. How many athletes mentioned by the author mainly help the school children?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.49. This passage was written in order to_. A. tell us the successful athletes are generousB. tell us there are a lot of charities in the USC. inspire more and more people to help the needyD. praise the successful athletes for their good deedsCA house of cards? Sounds unbelievable, doesnt it? Not if the architect is 31-year-old Bryan Berg. Hes made a career out of building fantastic card houses, stadiums, capitols, castles and the worlds tallest card tower. How does he do it?Bryans structures are amazing because they are made entirely of perfectly balanced, freestanding playing cards. He never uses glue, tape, or anything else to hold the cards together. Nor does he fold the cards. Hes discovered another way to make a strong house of cards, using a trick from nature.To make plants strong, nature builds them with cells that have tough walls. Rows and rows of these cells form a grid(格子) that helps leaves and stems keep their shape. Bees use the same kind of repeating pattern to create strong honeycombs, where they live and store honey. Bryan designs similar grids, using cards to create a repeating pattern of cells. He begins with a single cell made by balancing four cards against one another to form a box. Then he repeats the cell over and over, expanding outward to form the grid, which makes a good foundation for a strong card structure. The larger the grid, the more weight it can carry. Sometimes Bryan uses several cards, instead of just one, to construct the cell walls, making the grid even stronger. The trick, he tells kids when he speaks in classrooms, is to place your cards as tightly together as


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