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    高一英语必修4 Unit 4 Body Language P-2.ppt

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    高一英语必修4 Unit 4 Body Language P-2.ppt

    Unit 4 Body language,Learning about language,Language points:,1. major-adj. 较大的,较多的,主要的,大学主修科目,年长的 One of the major aims is to destroy the whole plan. 其中一个主要目的是要毁灭那个城市。 b. the major part 主要部分 c. major subjects 主修(专业)课程 d. major party (有竞选力量的)主要政党 e. the major vote 多数票 f. Brown major 年纪较大的布朗,2. local - adj. 地方的,本地的,局部的. n.本地人 a. a local infection 局部传染 b. local government 地方政府 c. local time 地方时间 d. a local name 地名 e. local news 本地新闻 f. a local station 地方电台,我兄弟上本地的学校。 b.上星期二他接到当地警察局的一封信。,Translate the following sentences:,My brother goes to the local school.,Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.,3. represent - vt. 表现, 描绘, 声称, 象征 Translate the following sentences: 这幅画描绘暴风雨。 b. 我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。 c. 那些石头代表部队。 d. 他声称自己是哲学家。,This painting represents a storm.,We chose a committee to represent us.,These stones represent armies.,He represented himself as a philosopher.,4.curious-adj. 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的 be curious about sth 对感到好奇 be curious to do sth 很想做 渴望做 n. curiosity好奇心 a. It is good to _the world around you. b. I _ know what he said. c. a curious glance 好奇的眼光 d. curious neighbors 爱管闲事的邻居,be curious about,am curious to,5.introduce vt. 介绍,采用,提出(议案、话题等) a. introduce a question for debate 提出一个问题供讨论 d. introduce new techniques 采用新技术 c. 他把朋友介绍给我。 b. 主席把讲演者介绍给听众。,He introduced his friend to me.,The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.,6. approach- vt./vi. come near 走近,开始考虑, 开始着手,接近 Translate the following the following sentences: a.我们走近了博物馆。 b.他开始认真地考虑那个主意。 c.我们上船的时间快到了。,We approached the museum.,He approached the idea with caution.,The time is approaching when we must be on board.,7. touch - vt./ n. 触摸,触到,谈到,涉及,提到 a. Don't touch that pot; it's very hot. 不要摸那口锅,它很烫。 b. The matter touches your interests. 这事涉及到你的利益。 c. get in touch with 和.取得联系 d. lose touch with 失去联系;停止联系 e. out of touch with 无联系;生疏 f. keep in touch with 和.保持联系,8. cheek - n. 面颊,脸蛋 Her cheeks became red after she ran up the stairs to the six floor. 她奔上楼梯到了七楼,两颊涨得通红。 b. I like his cheek! 我真佩服他的厚脸皮! c. None of your cheek! 不得无礼! d. have plenty of cheek 厚脸皮,9. strange-adj. 奇特的,陌生的,生疏的,没有经验的 Translate the following sentences: 那边的陌生人是谁? b. 他对这项工作仍很生疏。 c. 她说她觉得不太舒服。 d. 由于不会说那种语言, 我感到很不自在。,Who is that strange man over there?,He is still strange to the work.,She says she feels strange.,Not being able to speak the language made me feel strange.,10. action- n. 姿势,行动,动作 a. She had a fine action. 她姿态优美。 b. to take action 采取行动 c. rude action 粗鲁的行为 d. Actions are more important than words. 行动比语言更重要。 e. Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更有效。,11.likely- adj. 很可能(发生)的;适合的 be likely to do It is likely that Translate the following sentences: 她下月很可能不来。 b. 很可能他不会同意。 c. 最后我找到了一间合适的房子。,She is not likely to come next month.,It is very likely that he will not agree.,I have found a likely house at last.,12. nod- vi. 点头,摆动,低垂,打盹,打瞌睡 n. 点头 Translate the following sentences: 她点头表示同意我的意见。 c. 树在风中摇曳。 d. 他点头向我打招呼。 e. 我在会上打瞌睡,没有听到别人说了些什么。 f. 每次见到我,他都向我打招呼。,She nodded to show that she agreed with me.,Trees nod in the wind.,He greeted me with a nod.,I nodded off in the meeting and didn't hear what was said.,Every time he saw me, he nodded to me.,13. avoid- vt. 避开,避免,逃避 Translate the following sentences: 为避免混淆,两队分穿不同颜色的衣服。 b. 你是不是想躲开我? c. 我横穿马路以便避开他,To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.,Are you trying to avoid me?,I crossed the street to avoid meeting him.,Look at the reading passage again to find words and expressions that mean the same:,1.a particular area in which you live 2.speak or act for another person or group 3.move nearer to someone 4. very large or important 5.tell what you think 6.wanting to know about something 7.not limited to one part 8.probably do something 9.prevent something bad from happening,1.local area,2.represent,3.approach,4.major,5.express,6.curious,7.general,8.be likely to,9.avoid,Learning about language:,Deal with the exercises on pages 28 and 29 SB. Pay attention to the useful words, expressions and structures.,Learning about language:,Assignments:,Sort out the notes and go over the words learned today. Finish the translation: Ex 3 on page 64 WB.,


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