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    Analysis of college students how to deal with the psychological problems of employment_1571.doc

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    Analysis of college students how to deal with the psychological problems of employment_1571.doc

    Analysis of college students how to deal with the psychological problems of employment        Abstract college graduate employment success depends not only on their professional competence, moral quality, cultural quality, etc., but also depends on the employment of psychological status and mental ability to adapt. In this paper, employment of university students face when causes of psychological problems were analyzed and presented for different situations corresponding solutions.         Key words employment psychological factors of university students                    A psychological analysis of the employment impact of college students                    As the graduates of the distribution system reform, market mechanisms in resource allocation graduates are playing an increasingly important role. Graduates need to choose jobs, the job market competitive. University graduate employment success depends not only on their professional competence, moral quality, cultural quality, etc., but also depends on the employment of psychological status and mental ability to adapt. I will be through the employment of university graduates psychological analysis, so that graduates understand the psychological factors that affect employment, actively carry out employment, psychological preparation, timely adjustment of employment, poor attitude to help graduates in the job market to achieve a smooth job opportunities.         1.1 Subjective factors         Subjective factors such as college students own physical condition and mental level of development, personality characteristics, their knowledge structures.         1.1.1 the level of physical condition and psychological development         Most of the contemporary college students graduate at 23 years old of age, physical development has matured, psychology is not mature enough. In physiological terms, as employers in recruiting workers for the candidates of the sex, height, health status has been requested, while the very nature of professional practitioners in the physical condition of the there is a limit. Therefore, physiological factors have some influence on employment, thus affecting the applicant's psychological.         On the psychological level of development is mainly manifested in the individual's psychological processes, including a person's cognitive, emotional feelings and the will to three aspects, such as perceptual ability, memory, analytical ability, logical thinking ability, attention, emotional regulation, will quality and so on. A direct impact on the psychological level of development of individual's work ability, work results, so popular with employers attention.         1.1.2 personality         Personality refers to a person in his life, practical activities are often shown relatively stable, with a certain direction of the sum of the individual psychological characteristics that distinguish it from other people a person's unique spiritual and psychological characteristics.         Personality through the person's life, affecting people's life. It is contained in the human personality needs, motivations and ideals, beliefs, world views, interests and guided the direction of life, life goals and life path of a person's personality traits contained in the temperament, character, ability, impact forward and decide on the life style, life, career and life's destiny.         1.1.3 Knowledge Structure         Knowledge structure refers to the body of knowledge in the minds of the intrinsic link job-seekers. Structure determines the ability to indicate the different knowledge structure's ability to perform the work of a different nature. With the scientific and technological development, career development, showing a smart, comprehensive and so on, according to characteristics of professional development, practitioners should be more general knowledge structure and reasonable. Students studying in school, not only to master the professional knowledge and skills, but also to pairs of similar or related knowledge and skills to learn. Generous basic knowledge and necessary skills to master in order to adapt to the rapid development of society against the ever-changing personnel requirements.         Can be said that a wealth of knowledge and capacity, strong hands-on capacity, a graduate of the knowledge structure is the key to successful employment, but also to establish whether the self-confident graduates in the job market basis. Therefore, the students of knowledge structure is an important factor affecting the employment of graduates.         1.2 objective factors         Subjective factors include the age of university students in which social environmental factors, school education, family influence.         1.2.1 Social environmental factors         Human beings are social animals, living in society, the individual will inevitably be affected by social environment. Affect employment psychological factors including social environment, social trends, demand for talent in socio-economic development situation, employment situation and employment policies. As China's employment system development and reform, market competition has become the primary means of careers graduates are now also given more autonomy and graduate careers more room, and create favorable graduate fair, impartial and independent manner go to the employment situation. However, the number of college graduates in recent years, the surge in economic development, the demand for professionals for different differences in regional economic development is uneven, the community there are still unhealthy tendencies such as nepotism and are affected to varying degrees, graduates of employment, thus affecting the employment of graduates in psychology. From a psychological perspective, adaptation is one important indicator of health, faced with the employment impact of the social environment, students should look at it objectively, and actively respond to it, and maintain a healthy state of mind. The reality is before the students eyes, fear, withdrawal, complaining and so can not solve the employment problem. Therefore, graduates should be in-depth understanding of society, an analysis of social, psychological and timely adjust their employment in order to achieve adapt to social and smooth job opportunities.         1.2.2 School Education         With the deepening of people's understanding of education, colleges and universities are now not only the importance of professional education on the students in the overall quality of education has been placed in colleges and universities on the agenda. School as a microcosm of society, to carry out the students in social-oriented education and training. Students in the school during this period whom the provision of social-oriented educational environment continue to accumulate experience of living in their own learning, life practice, to better understand society and make social life skills, so that the psychological continued to mature. In this process, a school's ethos, culture environment, teaching mode has a profound impact on college students, thus imperceptibly affect the employment of graduates in psychology. 1.2.3 family influence         The family is the basic cell of society, parents are teaching their children's enlightenment. Families, educational methods, parental values are affecting the mental development of students. Graduates in employment, their employment, are vulnerable to the psychological impact of family factors. Such as the education model for a democratic type of family, graduate employment when self-confidence, optimism, courage to face the challenges; doting type family grew up in the employment situation of graduates in the grim face of the pessimism, helplessness, inferiority strong hopes Parents help. Of course, parents in employment, the attitude of the graduates of the career attitudes also have important effects, such as: Some parents want their children Liuzaishenbian, and some parents do not want their children to private or individual enterprises employment. Family Education affects the formation of personality traits of university students, parental attitudes to graduates when they have concerns about career, which had an impact on the employment of graduates in psychology.                    2 Graduate Employment Psychological Performance Analysis                    2.1 utilitarian psychology         When college students in career choice by social effects, both for the country when they will find jobs for the community and for the people's strong desire to contribute, but also to have access to high-income, high-status aspirations. In particular, poor intellectual and social trends affect the business, as well as the campus was inspired to pursue careers induced high economic income demand rich psychology.         2.2 The order to 'name' psychological         Among consumers, there is a demand were psychological, not only the pursuit of brand-name merchandise to show their social status, even at the cost to purchase fake products, to meet their vanity. In finding a job who are also seeking the name of this psychology, do not understand the inherent job requirements and their own capacity, simple pursuit of 'high standing, reputation good' units.         2.3 Bandwagon psychology         Mental comparisons are usually based on 'self' and 'vanity' is based. Some college students career choice, the lack of objective analysis of the self, not from the actual situation for their own careers, often based around the standard of the students to locate their own careers employment standards, even if a unit is ideal for self-development, but a inferior aspect of the employment of students have chosen the units for a loss to give up.         2.4 seek psychological idle         Some university students in seeking jobs and those who hold 'it is necessary to inadequate resource allocation, but also the horse run fast' mentality, hoping to find not only easy, leisure has a high salary, benefits a good job, too much emphasis on the wages of the employer benefits , working environment, lack of entrepreneurial spirit through thick and thin, for he could as a unit to consider how much less.         2.5 herd mentality         Some university students in seeking jobs, blindly follow the crowd, which popular on where to squeeze in, and do not consider their own actual situation, to vote only hot spot in the recruitment of professional, often resulting in a serious sense of failure. The emergence of these unhealthy psychology, both the social influence of objective factors, but also college students own subjective factors. The problem is not solved in time, will directly affect the careers of the process and results.                    3 Students should be mentally prepared for employment and awareness                    Graduates of its life in the development of a major turning point, in order to meet the vocational needs of students in addition to the knowledge and skills to increase employment preparation, professional ethics to prepare, there should be adequate psychological preparation, adjusting the career mentality, the courage to meet the the employment challenge, it is very important. Job is different from studying the social practice, it is to find one suited to their jobs, and can in this position to fully play its role in achieving self-development, reflecting self-worth. A variety of reasons may make the students in finding a job after graduation frustration, helplessness, or loss. To be able to do something out of frustration, graduates only out of the ivory tower, correct understanding of their position in which job-seekers to understand the needs of the community, and actively take the initiative to meet society's needs, adjusting his own attitude in order to successfully achieve employment. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/         3.1 should be mentally prepared for         Due to lack of employment experience and the job market is fiercely competitive, and many university graduates employment pressure is large, much of employment problems. How to avoid or mitigate this kind of psychological response? Adequate psychological preparation is an important factor. Graduates from the following aspects should be psychologically prepared.         3.1.1 ready to convert and the role of a reasonable position         For most students, college-off is a relatively simple and secure living, learning, living, communication and others have stability, regularity, in such an environment can easily be a romantic and beautiful the ideal, but that's life and social reality there is a certain distance. At the university of life coming to an end face by a carefree, it is the envy of college student into a real community job-seekers, such a change in identity, that is, the role of the so-called conversion. Students should realize that the university learned during the professional knowledge and skills for individuals to adapt to the needs of society and become a qualified builders of socialism and lay the foundation for the accumulation of knowledge is only a reserve process. Students should be timely and reasonable manner the changing role and the role of orientation, face up to their own identity, consciously throw themselves into the ranks of career choice, to searching for their place. 3.1.2 the right of self-awareness         Students should fully understand their choice of occupation is characterized by an important prerequisite, as a job-seekers, on the basis of only confidant to avoid weaknesses, in order to make decisions suited to their job search. The scientific understanding of their most effective way is through scientific psychological test, measurement. Of course, with teachers, parents, students exchange, to get their own objective evaluation is also an effective channel.         3.1.3 the correct understanding and evaluation of occupational         Only the different occupational division of labor, there is no distinction or distinction. As the saying goes:三百六十行 ,行行出状元 , therefore, as a university graduate, it is best not to limit their career choices within a confined area, out of contempt or service manual labor's traditional thinking that but according to the needs of society and their own characteristics, to choose their own profession, and thus broaden the channels of employment.         3.1.4 the employment situation of the severe psychological preparation         Job search process is a competitive process, there is competition there will be losers. At present, due to a variety of factors, for the graduates of the ideal and the reality will be a certain gap. As a university student about to graduate into society, to the current employment situation have suffic


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