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    精心整理 精心整理 绘本 I have a robot 教案 教学目标: 1. 能正确理解语篇,初步掌握语篇中的生词:caterpillar,beep, roll, blink, giggle 2. 通过阅读,对语篇进行分析并获取有用信息。 3. 能综合已有的语言积累设想未来的机器人。 4. 让学生明白机器人虽然能做很多事情,但它们没有感情,人类才是最聪明的有感情 的生物。 教学过程 一、读前活动( pre-reading activities ) 1.Greetings T: How are you, children? Ss: I m fine. And you? T: I m so happy to meet you again. Do you like toys? Can you tell me any words about toys? What is your favorite toy? Now Miss Pan will show you a toy. Please guess what it is. ( 由拼图 游戏引出 robot 一词 ) 2.free talk T: Can you tell me what it is? Ss: T: Yes, Do you like robots? Do you have a robot? Is it a new one or an old one? What color is it? What can your robots do? (设计意图:由问题引出短文) 二、读中活动( While-reading activities) 1. Brief introduction (绘本简介 ) T: Today Miss Pan will guide you to read a picture book. It s about a robot. Can you guess the title? T:please read the title together. (设计意图:由猜故事标题,激发学生学习兴趣。) 2. Read and choose 整体阅读 T: Please read it quickly, and then choose the main idea. (设计意图:选择故事大意,检测学生的阅读效果。) 3.Read, find and guess解决生词 : 精心整理 精心整理 T: Please read it again, and circle the new words. Try to understand the meaning according to the pictures and context. Beep: a short, high sound that acts as a signal. Listen and judge.(听音判断 ) caterpillars: they are round and long like worms, but have six legs. They may be brightly colored. Is this a caterpillar? / Are they caterpillars? giggle: laugh in a silly or nervous way In Picture _, the boy is giggling. roll :make sth turn over and over _ is rolling. blink:close and open the eyes very quickly please blink your left/right eyes. We can blink, but can fish blink? (设计意图:根据图片与上下文,理解生词。) 4. Read and answer( 分段细读 ) P 2: Read these two sentences with emotion. P 3: What can my robot say? -“ beep, beep ” Can your robot say that? - Yes. / No. What can your robot say? - Fire! Fire! What can you say? - a lot of things. P4: Can you say “ Beep, Beep ” ? -Yes, of course. What can “I ” say? -I can say “ beep” , too. Can “ I” say more difficult words? - Yes, I can. What s the difficult word? -“ Caterpillar” Can you say difficult words like that? - P 5: Please look, what can my robot do? -roll in a circle Can it stop? Can “ I” roll in a circle? -Yes, I can. P 6: What else can I do? -stand on hands. Compare : Robot can _. I can _, too. I can even _. (Robot can say “ beep ” . I can say that, too. I can even say “ caterpillar” . Robot can roll in a circle. I can roll, too. I can even stand on hands .) T: So my robot can do many things. And I can do, too. I even do more! 精心整理 精心整理 (设计意图: 教师指导学生细读文本,知晓 robot和 I 能做事情。 同时提炼 can句型, 并进行扩句。 ) P 7-P9: First please listen and point. Now this time, please read from page 7 to page 9, and then finish the table using tickor cross ×. Check the answer. P10p12: Please read and match. T:Can you tell me the differences between my robot and “I”. (设计意图:通过阅读,分别找出robot 与 I 之间的不同。) P12: I can do many things, too. I can even _. (设计意图:突出主题,my robot maybe is clever. But I can feel and I can do more. So I am the best.) 三、读后活动( post-reading activities ) 1. retell the story (设计意图:根据板书,复述故事,检测学生的阅读效果) 2T: Actually we know robots can do many things. Can you guess what robot can do in the future? Please design and finish the sentence. T: It s time for you to show your pictures and sentences. (设计意图:培养学生创新思维,运用所学知识进行拓展。) 3T:You really did a good job! Now I want to share you a short movie. Please tell me what robot can do now. ( make noodles swim play the violin play football ) ( sing songs cook sweep the floor play chess ) (设计意图:帮助学生了解更多关于现代的robot 的功能, 提高学生学习兴趣,激发学 生进一步表达。) 4 T: Do you want this kind of robot? Why or why not. 精心整理 精心整理 Robots can do many things, but they can t feel because they are only machines. I / We can feel and we can do lots of things. So we are the best. (设计意图 :帮助学生认识虽然机器人可以做很多事,但它们没有感觉, 人类才是最了不 起的。) 板书设计:


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