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    Lettuce Handbook莴苣栽培手册.doc

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    Lettuce Handbook莴苣栽培手册.doc

    Lettuce Handbook 萵苣栽培手冊出處:http:/www.cornellcea.com/handbook_home.htm翻譯:阮奕凱 (碩一研究生)、謝安琪 (碩士級研究助理)、方煒校對/排版:方煒 (台大生機系教授)Ver. 2.0 Last updated: 2011/09/16Table of Contents 目錄Welcome to the electronic handbook for the production of CEA-grown hydroponic lettuce.  This handbook is designed to be a comprehensive manual for the production of pond-grown CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture), or greenhouse, lettuce. More importantly thanks to the innovation of the World Wide Web, it is designed to be interactive.  We hope your visit to this site is informative and helpful.歡迎來到環控農業水耕萵苣量產的電子手冊,本手冊將對在環控設施內以水池栽培萵苣的水耕量產方法做詳細介紹。包括了:環控農業相關的溫室、水耕、萵苣栽培等。本手冊亦提供圖文超連結的互動功能,方便讀者對照瀏覽。希望本手冊能對您有所幫助。Growth of lettuce from day 1 to 35萵苣從第1天到第35天的成長過程39Table of Contents 目錄· Greenhouse Hardware溫室硬體· System Component Information系統組成· Computer Technology電腦技術· Lettuce Production萵苣生產· Pond Area Stage水池區栽培階段· Crop Health作物健康· Post-Harvest Procedures收穫後處理程序· References參考資料Greenhouse Hardware溫室硬體Of fundamental importance to hydroponic lettuce production are the physical components of both the germination area and the pond area.  It is necessary to have not only an idea of the physical components associated with each area, but also a good understanding of their purposes.水耕萵苣的栽培主要在發芽區和水池區等兩個區域進行,除了需要瞭解兩大區域涉及的實體組成之外,還需要瞭解各自存在的目的。1. Germination Area發芽區The first 11 days of lettuce production takes place in the germination area.  Seedlings develop best under constant lighting conditions with specific, closely controlled temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and irrigation.  These conditions can best be met in a controlled area with the following equipment:最初的11天,萵苣是生長在發芽區,種子將會在最佳的光照條件下生長,佐以嚴謹的溫度、相對濕度、二氧化碳濃度控制,還有良好的栽培方法。而要達到上述的各種條件,我們需要的設備有:· Ebb and Flood Benches潮汐灌溉的植床· Solution Tank and Plumbing養液槽和連接的管路· Lighting人工照明· Aspirated Box通風的感測箱· Sensors感測器1.1 Ebb and Flood Benches潮汐灌溉 (淹灌) 的植床This is a photo of an empty Ebb and Flood bench while the bench is flooding for sub-irrigation. To uniformly supply the germinating seedlings with water and nutrients, Ebb and Flood benches (approximately 2.5 by 1.3 m) are periodically (2 to 4 times per day for approximately 15 minutes) flooded. These benches were specifically designed to supply water and nutrients through sub_irrigation.  Through a pump and piping, the Fertilizer_Solution is pumped into the Ebb and Flow bench.  The solution is then automatically drained after a given time period. Humidity covers are used to provide a high humidity environment around the germinating seeds. 右上方的照片是一個空的潮汐灌溉植床正在進水做淹灌的準備。為了讓發芽的種子 (種苗) 都能均勻地吸收到養分和水分,潮汐灌溉式植床 (1.3 m寬 x 2.5 m 長)會定時的做水面高度的升降 (每天2到4次,每次上升15分鐘)。透過幫浦和管路將養液輸送到植床上,養液會在設定的時間之後自動排掉。保濕蓋用來維持發芽的種子於一高濕度的環境。Humidity Covers保濕蓋Here the Ebb and Flood bench is being flooded for sub-irrigation of the plug trays.  The water level is approximately 1.5 inches deep and submerges the bottom half of the plug tray.  See Lettuce Production for purpose and use of humidity covers.此處的潮汐灌溉植床正在進水做灌溉的準備,水深大約1.5英呎並淹過穴盤底部的一半,詳情請見萵苣生產和保濕蓋的用途。1.2 Solution Tank and Plumbing養液槽和連接的管路A fiberglass tank (A) holds the nutrient solution used for sub-irrigating the seedlings. Approximately 250 L of nutrient solution is sufficient to prime the system, fill the bench, and provide nutrient solution for the first 11 days of growth for approximately 2000 seedlings. A small (Teel Model 1P808A 1/50 h.p.) pump (B) is used to pump the solution to the bench.  The piping (C) should be flexible to adjust to individual germination area needs.  A throttling or gate valve (D) is included to control the flow of the nutrient solution to the Ebb and Flow bench.  The bottom of the sub-irrigation bench (E) is visible in the photo above. 灌溉種苗的養液儲存於玻璃纖維槽 (A)。大約250升的養液即足夠供應2000 顆種子的預措、植床的灌溉並提供11天栽培所需的養液。一個 Teel公司量產 (型號 1P808A,1/50 馬力) 的小幫浦 (B) 用來將這些溶液輸送到各植床。連接管路必須要靈活調整,方便養液供應到各發芽區。系統還須包含一個節流閥或水閘 (D),用來控制流量。上列照片顯示的是淹灌植床的底部 (E)。1.3 Lighting人工光源Type種類Cool white fluorescent (CWF) lamps (A) are recommended, but High Pressure Sodium (HPS) can also be used.  Heat generated by the lamps must be dissipated from the germination area in order to maintain the temperature set points.  Use of incandescent lamps (B) is discouraged because the red light emitted from these lamps causes the seedlings to 'stretch'.  Fluorescent lamps are rich in blue light, which cause short and squat seedlings.一般建議使用冷白螢光燈管 (A),但是也可使用高壓鈉燈光。人工光源產生的熱量一定要移出發芽區,以利溫度控制於設定值的維持。白熱燈泡 (B) 則不鼓勵使用,因為這些燈泡所散發出紅光(與紅外光)會導致種苗子突長。螢光燈管則富含藍光,可讓種苗較為矮壯。Configuration 配置The lamps should be configured for a uniform distribution of light over the entire growing area.  Light intensity is maintained at 50 mmole/m2/s of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) during the first 24 hours the seeds are kept in the germination area.  For the remaining 10 days, the light intensity is maintained at 250 mmole/m2/s.  The photoperiod (or day length) is 24 hours.  Shorter photoperiods are acceptable if the light intensity is increased to provide the same total daily accumulated light (22 mol/m2/d).  Light output of CWF lamps decays over time.  Thus, it is important to measure the light output of the lamps regularly.  If the light intensity drops below an acceptable level (e.g. 200 mmole/m2/s), new lamps should be installed.  A quantum sensor can be used to measure the amount of PAR.Every three months 25% of the lamps should be replaced.  The lamp life is about 7500 hours, and by 5000 hours about 50% of the light output is lost.  If the lamps were replaced all at one time, there would be an enormous increase in total light output between installation and replacement.  Replacing only a portion of the total lamps means some lamps are working at their maximum light output and some are declining in efficiency, and the fluctuation in total light output is minimized.  This exchange system will make for more uniform lighting, which is critical for uniform production. 這些燈管必須均勻地裝配在全部的生長區內。在最初的24小時,光量必須保持在50 mmole/m2/s的光合作用有效輻射,而在接下來的十天內,其光量須提高到250 mmole/m2/s,且光週期 (每日照光時數) 必須是24小時。而若是要縮短光週期,則我們必須將光照強度提升到和上述之累積光量相同才行 (約為22 mol/m2/d)。冷白光燈管的光照強度隨著使用時間會持續地衰減,所以定期檢查光照強度是一項重要的工作。若是光照強度衰減至可接受的平均值以下 (例如 200 mmole/m2/s),則我們就必須置換新的燈管,可以使用光量感測器來測得光合作用有效光的總量。大約每三個月我們就必須替換掉25%的燈管,這些燈管的使用壽命約為7500小時,而大約在使用5000小時候,光量就會衰減一半。若我們一次替換掉全部的燈管,則在替換之後,光量會巨幅地增加。如果只替換一部分的燈管,雖然已更換的新燈管 (1/4) 處於最大光量且未更換的燈管 (3/4) 的光量有些衰減,但這麼做可讓總光量的歷時變化較為緩和。在燈管替換的前後提供不致變化太大的光量,是維持穩定量產不可或缺的一項要素。1.4 Aspirated Box通風的感測箱This is an example of an aspirated box which houses and protects the computer sensors from light or localized temperature fluxes.  The position of the box should be close to the plant canopy to measure the environmental parameters at the plant level.  This may not be possible in all germination areas.  The box is equipped with a small fan (A) which draws air past the sensors (B).  Sensors are located upstream from the fan. 如圖所示的是通風的感測箱,這是多種形式中的其中一種,外箱可以保護裡面與電腦連線的感測器免於受到光照與鄰近空間熱浪或冷鋒的影響。感測箱的位置必須靠近葉冠,以利準確地測得植物附近的環境參數。但要在所有發芽區都這麼做或許是有困難的。此感測箱內裝有一個小風扇(A)來將外部的空氣吸入並通過感測器(B),但必須注意感測器需在風扇的上風處 (也就是風扇在感測器後吸風)。1.5 Sensors感測器See "Sensors" under Computer Technology for full details. 在“電腦技術”的篇幅中針對”感測器”有更詳細的介紹。2. Pond Area水池區The concepts involved in the pond area are the following: 與此區相關的概念包括:· Pond Size水池的大小· Pond Solution水池中的養液· Construction建構· Pond Design 水池的設計· Lighting 人工照明· Turbulator Fan 渦流風扇· Aspirated Box 通風的感測箱2.1 Pond Size水池的大小For example, for the production of 1000 heads per day a 660 m2 growing area is required. The lettuce plants are grown in the pond area for 21 days. This includes one spacing of the plants at Day 21, from 97 plants m-2 to 38 plants m-2. 舉例來說,要每日產出1000株萵苣需要660平方米的生產區域,而這些萵苣必須要在這水池內栽培21天,此計算方法已包括萵苣成長至第21天時的的疏植作業:栽培密度由每平方米栽培97株改成栽培38株。2.2 Pond Solution水池中的養液Equal portions of Stock Solutions A and B are added to RO water to achieve an EC of 1200 mS cm-1. 將相同比例的母液A和母液B加入逆滲透水中,直到電導度達到1200 mS/cm。Stock Solutions母液Two stock solutions are prepared which will be added separately to RO water and will supply nutrients to the lettuce plants while in the pond area. Two separate stock solutions are prepared to prevent certain chemical reactions. These chemical reactions will cause some of the chemicals to form a precipitate and become inactive. The precipitates will not form if mixed one after another with a large volume of RO water. 水池區的養液以兩種母液來調配,母液須分別加入逆滲透(RO) 水中供應水池區中作物所需養分。之所以需要分成兩種母液主要是避免化學元素起反應而造成沉澱無法被植物利用,母液分別加入相對較大體積的RO水體中可避免沉澱發生。STOCK A母液/濃縮液AThese chemicals are added to 300 L of RO water ( 300 公升RO水)Calcium Nitrate29160.0 gPotassium Nitrate6132.0 gAmmonium Nitrate840.0 gSprint 330 Iron - DTPA (10% Iron)562.0 gSTOCK B母液/濃縮液 BThese chemicals are added to 300L of RO water (300 公升RO水)Potassium Nitrate20378.0 gMonopotassium Phosphate8160.0 gPotassium Sulfate655.0 gMagnesium Sulfate7380.0 gManganese Sulfate*H2O (25% Mn)25.6 gZinc Sulfate*H2O (35% Zn)34.4 gBoric Acid (17.5% B)55.8 gCopper Sulfate*5H2O (25% Cu)5.6 gSodium Molybdate*2H2O (39% Mo)3.6 gFinal Fertilizer Solution Concentrations養液中各營養成分之濃度Macro-nutrients:巨量元素Micro-nutrients:微量元素N 氮8.9 mmol l-1(125 ppm)Fe鐵16.8 mmol l-1(0.94 ppm)P 磷1.0 mmol l-1( 31 ppm)Mn錳 2.5 mmol l-1(0.14 ppm)K 鉀5.5 mmol l-1(215 ppm)B 硼15.0 mmol l-1(0.16 ppm)Ca鈣2.1 mmol l-1( 84 ppm)Cu銅 0.4 mmol l-1(0.03 ppm)Mg鎂1.0 mmol l-1( 24 ppm)Zn鋅 2.0 mmol l-1(0.13 ppm)S 硫1.1 mmol l-1( 35 ppm)Mo鉬 0.3 mmol l-1(0.03 ppm)2.3 Construction水池的建構The pond may be sunken in the greenhouse floor, with the pond surface just above the floor or a containerized pond with concrete walls can be constructed. The pond floor can be layered with sand to cushion any sharp edges from puncturing the polyethylene lining. A heavy plastic (for example, 0.5 mm poly) liner is then installed as the major barrier for leak protection. Proper precautions should be taken to avoid leaks.水池可以直接建造在溫室地面,保持池面稍稍露出地板的高度即可,或者是在地面上直接以水泥建構外牆形成一個蓄水空間。水池底面可以用沙來當做緩衝避免任何尖物刺破塑膠襯墊造成漏水。使用較厚的塑膠襯墊 (約0.5公釐) 當作主要的防漏保護,適當的防漏措施對系統來說是非常重要的。2.4 Design水池的設計The pond area is designed to allow for one plant spacing on Day 21.  To facilitate the spacing process, multiple ponds run in parallel.  The plants are grown in one of the ponds between days 11 and 21.  After respacing (from 97 plants m-2 to 38 plants m-2) the plants are moved to one of the remaining ponds where they will be grown for two weeks (day 21 through day 35).水池區的設計為讓作物生長到第21天進行疏植,為了方便疏植作業的進行,需要多個水池同時運作。作物從第11天到第21天在某一個水池中生長,在疏植是將後 (從每平方米97株到38株),部分作物留在原池,其餘作物移到另一個水池內再生長兩週 (從第21天到第35天),但栽培密度從每平方米97株改成每平方米只有38株。Spacing疏植Proper plant spacing is an important aspect of lettuce production. In production situations where plants are placed in close proximity to one another, the plants are shaded by neighboring plants. Shaded plants become tall and thin, "reaching" for extra light. This produces an unacceptable head of lettuce. Spacing plants far enough away from their neighbors allows the plants to grow outward. Once the leaves of adjacent plants start to touch one another, the plants should be re-spaced. In the described hydroponic lettuce production, the spacing is scheduled for Day 11, during the transfer from the germination area to the pond area, and also on Day 21, when the plants are growing in the greenhouse.在作物間保持適當的間距是非常重要的,植物如果相靠太近,彼此之間會有遮光影響,被遮光者會以突長的形式來搶更多的光,最後就會失去該有的半結球外型。須保持適當間距讓植株可以盡量伸展,一旦相鄰兩株的葉片會彼此碰到,就該考慮疏植了。在上述介紹的內容中,疏植執行了兩次,第一次是第11天,由發芽區移到溫室內的水池區,第二次則是在第21天。2.5 Lighting燈光Uniform light distribution is required in the Pond Growing Area.  A supplemental light intensity within the range of 100-200 mmole/m2/s (for a total of 17 moles/m2/d of both natural and supplemental lighting) at the plant level is recommended.  High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are used to supply light.  These lamps are relatively efficient, have a long life, and slowly decay in output over time.  Independent lighting consultants have specialized software to determine proper number and placement of lamps needed for a specific and uniform light intensity.  It is critical to have the correct lighting system installation.Because the CEA lettuce program is production-intensive, lighting and electrical power usage is high.  Local utility companies should have information on special rates and rebate programs for new industries and Controlled Environment Agriculture facilities. 水池區中需要均勻的光量分布,通常建議在作物高度的光量維持在100-200 mmole/m2/s 內 (使得自然光和人工光的日總光量可達17 moles/m2/d),通常使用高壓鈉燈為光源,因其有高效率、使用壽命長、光量衰減慢的優點。獨立的燈光顧問有專門的軟體來決定要在哪裡加裝多少燈具才會達到有效且均勻的燈光強度。正確的燈光系統安裝是很重要的。因為環控農業所栽植的萵苣是高集約性的,所以在燈光和電能方面的需求也非常大。各地的電力供應公司應該對新興產業和環控農業的設備都有特殊的費率和補貼方案的資訊,建議多加了解。Lighting Configuration and High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps燈光配置和高光量燈管The number and position of the lamps were determined using a specialized lighting configuration computer program.The photo below shows a high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp and luminaire used for supplemental lighting.  These lamps provide the recommended Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) needed to supplement natural light.The computer control program records the irradiance and adjusts (on and off) the supplemental lighting system to achieve a predetermined total light level each day.  For the lettuce production the recommended level is 17 moles/m-2d-1 day.燈管的數目和位置由特殊燈光配置的電腦軟體來決定,下圖為高壓鈉燈管,作為光源使用,此燈管在日照下可提供光合作用有效輻射,電腦控制軟體可量測每日葉冠的太陽輻射照度,並經由供應光源與否來校正達到每日總光量,萵苣的建議光量為17 mol/m2d。2.6 Turbulator Fan渦流風扇An overhead fan is used to blow air vertically down onto the lettuce plants.  The airflow increases plant transpiration.  This increase in transpiration increases the transport of nutrients, especially calcium, from the roots to the young, fast-growing lettuce leaves.  The greater rate of nutrient transport provides sufficient amounts of calcium to the leaves and, therefore, prevents tip burn.  Without this airflow, lettuce must be grown under reduced light levels, which slows the rate of growth. 高架風扇是用來將空氣垂直地吹向下方的萵苣,增加其蒸散作用。這會使得營養物的傳遞更佳良好,特別是對幼株的根部和快速成長萵苣葉片中的鈣離子傳遞。更好的營養物傳遞效率提供了足夠的鈣離子至植物的葉片,而使葉片的邊緣產生葉燒。若沒有空氣流動,則萵苣只能在低光量下成長,減緩了生長速率。Tip Burn葉燒Tipburn is a browning of the edges or tips of leaves.  It is a physiological response to a lack of calcium.  Adding calcium to the solution will not alleviate the problem.  The lack of calcium is actually a result of the leaves growing at a faster rate than the rate of calcium translocation to these growing points.  To increase the translocation of calcium, the rate of transpiration, or the movement of water from the roots through the plant and out of the leaves, is increased.  Increasing the rate of transpiration can be accomplished by increasing air movement over the surface of the leaves and the entire gr


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