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    教学设计 课题 英语人教版必修四 第一单元第一课时 Book4 Unit1 Women of achievement A student of African wildlife 本节课教学内容分析 This period includes Warming up, Reading and Comprehending of the Reading. It introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests, observing the chimps. After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodall s working methods, her great achievements and her attitude towards wild animals. Reading the passage, the students can also learn some reading strategies such as 依据标准 新课标规定的课程性质和理念: 使学生在义务教育阶段学习的基础上,进一 步明确学习目标, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;在加强对学生综合语言运用 能力的培养的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题、和解 决问题的能力, 以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力;通过高中英语学习, 使学生 的语言运用能力进一步得到提高,国际视野更加宽广, 责任人感和使命感进一步 增强。 三 维 教 学 目 标 知识与 能力 Knowledge : a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests, observing the chimps. Skills: skimming; scanning; detail-finding; role-play; discussing summarizing; 知识 :Jane Goodall和她的同事观察黑猩猩的方法,以及她在黑猩猩 的研究和保护方面取得的成就。 技巧 :精读、泛读、信息查找、分组讨论、实际应用能力、总 结概括。 过程与 方法 参 看 教 学过程 教学方法 Prediction and structure;task-teaching; practice 预测功能和结构、任务型教学、和实 际应用; 学法指导 Individual work, pair work and group work. 情感态 度价值 观 For forty years Jane has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. People will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better 学生特征分析 本堂课的教学对象是高一下学期学生,学生已经具备一定的阅读理解能力,但学 生的口语表达能力有限, 虽然学生对保护野生动物这一话题比较熟悉,但输出不 够准确流畅。学生对有成就的女性事迹有一定的背景知识,在讨论时有话可说。 教学重 点及分 析 1. Comprehend the story of Jane Goodall s protecting the African 2. Learn from Jane Goodall s story and come to the idea that great 通过预测策略进行启发诱导式探索与总结;通过两两合作和小组活动等 讨论法、操练法、角色扮演法等解决重点问题。 教学难 点及突 破 Charming sentence and difficult sentences; 1. Watching a family wake up wake up is our first activity of the day. 2. Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project. 3. Once she stops, it all comes crowding in and she remembers the chimps in the laboratories. 培养学生积极并主动的英语生成汉语的思维,踊跃提出不懂的问题并将 自己的想法和意见向老师或同学表达。 教学策略阐述 探究引导策略:探讨式学习;教师启发引导; 自主合作探究式学习策略:建立小组讨论、交流、合作的课堂氛围; 情景创设策略:运用生活中与教学内容相关的情景,借助多媒体展开教学活动; 设计问题,组织教学内容,提出有启发性的引申问题,激发学生的学习兴趣,积 极地参与到探究学习当中; 教学过程 教学 环节 充分调动学生自主性和自觉性;老师指导为辅,学生活动 为主;启发诱导为主,采取适当点评法; 设计意图 导 入 导 入 导 入 Step I Warming up Through a charming sentence and some pictures about great women. T: In class, I want to ask you a question: Women can hold up half of the sky. Ss: 女人能撑半边天 . T: Today let s look at some pictures about women who can hold up half of the sky. And match the pictures with the descriptions. You can discuss in pairs Ss: Discuss in pairs. Step II Pre-reading T:Today we will learn one of them: Jane Goodall. First, let s enjoy some pictures about Jane and the title of the passage. 这个任务活 动展示给学 生一句耳熟 能详的谚 语,能够调 动学生的积 极性,并激 发学生的兴 趣使之思考 这篇文章是 否与伟大的 女人有关, 同时自然过 渡到 Pre-reading 。 这个任务活 动旨在培养 学生对话题 的敏感性和 根据图片、 泛 读 泛 读 泛 读 精 读 After looking at the pictures and the title of the passage, think about what the passage is about. Step III While reading T: Now class look at my suggested answer: Let s skim the passage and check if we were right. 1. Read for structure 【Task 1】Skimming to check the prediction The students read the text quickly and check if we were right. T: These are the two clues of the text. So our predictions are right. 【Task 2】Skimming to get the topic sentence and the main idea of each paragraph. Get the students to read the passage quickly and silently to underline the topic sentence in each paragraph and match each paragraph with its main idea. The teacher should give the students some guidance to help them use the proper skimming strategy. a. Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. b. Nobodybefore Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. c. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. d. She has achieved everything she wanted to do. 文章题目等 预测文章内 容的能力。 通过观察图 片,阅读文 章的题目, 预测文章内 容是一种很 好的阅读策 略。 通过略读验 证 预 测 内 容,这是一 种很好的阅 读带题目的 文 章 的 策 略,能够锻 炼学生在快 速阅读中获 取目标信息 并同时增强 学生学习这 篇文章的自 信心。 本篇课文把 主题句基本 设计为每段 的第一句 话,除了第 一段是第二 句。因此, 教师要学生 快速浏览文 章并画出每 段主题句, 通过引导学 生对每段主 题句位置的 观察,总结 找主题句的 方法。通过 Suggested answer: Jane protects animals 1. Who is the student? 2. What animal are protected? Suggested answer: 1. Jane Goodall 2. The chimps 精 读 角 色 扮 演 2. 【Task1】Get the students to read paragraph1 to get some detailed information and to fill in the blanks . The students read paragraph1 carefully and answer these questions in actors, for example, one acts the group, another acts the chimps and the teacher acts the narrator. Encourage them to answer the question bravely. The teacher gets the students to enjoy a charming sentence and make up a sentence according to it. 对每一段相 关内容的理 解,以及对 每一段所提 供的信息、 词汇、短语 的粗略分析 进而确定每 段的主旨大 意。通过对 文章每一段 大意的理 解,进而理 解全文。要 求学生使用 默读的方 式,注意信 息处理的层 次。 引导学生学 会寻找段落 中具有时间 标志的词和 贯穿段落的 线索,指导 他们利用这 些去完成题 目。使学生 对于该题材 文章段落形 成原理有一 个整体的认 识并充分意 识到抓住文 章细节,特 别是关键细 节的重要 性。美句欣 Suggested answer: 1. a - the second sentence in Para1 b - the first sentence in Para2 c - the first sentence in Para3 d - the first sentence in Para4 2. Para1 A Para2 D Para3 B Para4- C 精 读 精 读 精 读 【Task 2】 Get the students to read paragraph2 to get some detailed information. The students read paragraph2 silently and answer these questions. The teacher should instruct them the way of doing the third question, for example, remind them to pay attention to the transitional words like “one important thing”, “also ” and “and”. The teacher should help the students to analyze a difficult sentence in the paragraph. 赏能够加强 学生的语言 运用能力。 这几个题目 以阅读表达 的 方 式 呈 现,培养学 生深入理解 文 章 的 能 力,增强学 生对文章的 深层分析和 理解能力。 进而培养学 生的深入理 解和独立思 维的能力。 同时培养学 生通过抓住 题目中的关 键词并搜索 与之匹配的 答 案 的 能 力。 本过程主要 采用判断正 误的形式, 让学生捕捉 更 具 体 信 息,加深对 课 文 的 理 解。利用这 种方式能够 培养学生获 取信息,发 现问题,解 Suggested answer: 1. The group: studying chimps; wander into; worthwhile The chimps: wake up; feed, clean, showing love;play; go to sleep The narrator: bond; strong 2. Watching a family wake up 为动名词短语作主语。 Studying chimps is not an easy task. 1) What did Jane spend many years doing? 2) When was Jane permitted to begin her work? 3)What did she discover about chimps? Suggested answer: 1. She spent many years observing and recording chimps daily activities. 2. Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project. only 位于句首,后跟 after 引导的状语从句时,这个 句子要部分倒装,部分倒装的结构是:情态动词/系 动词/助动词 +主语。


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