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    上学期九年级英语试卷 (满分 95分,考试时间 100分钟) 本试卷包括四道大题,共8 页,满分95 分,考试时间为100 分钟。考试结 束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形 码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿 纸、试卷上答题无效。 一、基础知识(共25 分) I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。 (5 分) 1.My little sister is 7 years old. She's old to go to school. 2. It is not to speak loudly in public. 3.Jack was in painting when he was young and he could paint very well. 4.Helen won the first prize in the English speech competition. Her parents were of her. 5.Bob does homework so carefully that he makes many mistakes like others. II. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分) 6. All the students (rush) out of the classroom after the bell rang. 7.Alice is (sleep) now because she didn't rest well last night. 8.Tell us (exact) where he lives. 9.Tea plants are (grow) on the sides of mountains in China. 10.The man keeps the problem to (him). III. 单项选择。(15 分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ( )11.To find the result. He has to go up to second floor second time. A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a ; a ( )12. When they went into the park, they saw someone Chinese Kung fu. A. plays B. played C. to play D. playing ( )13.The restaurant is known its good service. A. as B. for C. of D. to ( )14. - Paul has finished his homework, hasn't he? -Yes. He it two hours ago. A. finished B. finishes C. has finishes D. will finish ( )15. The government provides homeless people nice houses. A. with B. for C. to D. of ( )16. -The photo makes me think of trip to Shanghai last year. - Yeah, we had great time there. A. a; / B. an; the C. the ; a D. the ; the ( )17. In India, about of people in cities now. A. three fifths; lives B. third fifth; lives C. third fifths; live D. three fifths; live ( )18. It's necessary for her exercise every day. A. taking B. to take C. take D. takes ( )19. What can we do the environment? A. protecting B. protected C. to protect D. protects ( )20. This is the most beautiful park she has visited. A. ever B. yet C. never D. been ( )21. Don't give up, we will never succeed. A. and B. but C. or D. though ( )22. David has made great progress recently. , and . A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have ( )23. Could you tell me how long the tennis club? A. you have joined B. have you joined C. you have been in D. have you been in ( )24. _ They're sisters, they don't look the same. A. If B. When C. but D. Though ( )25. Where are Mary and Lucy? They England, They there for five days. A. have been to; have been in B. have gone to; have been in C. have gone to; have been D. have been to; have been 二、交际运用(共5 分) IV. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。 (5 分) Helen: David, you look tired. 26 David: I stayed up late last night. I only slept for about five hours. Helen: What? 27 David: An old friend came over and we had a talk until late last night. Helen: Why didn t you stay in bed a little longer this morning? David: 28 Helen: But Ive read a report. It says that if you don t get enough sleep after you study, you may forget 30% of what you ve learned. David: Forget 30%? 29 Helen: Yes. I ve also read that eating right can help you study. David: Really? 30 Helen: Don't you think so? And some foods can help you stay well. I think the best foods are fish, eggs, milk and so on. David: I see. Thanks for telling me. A. That sounds terrible. B. I ve never heard of that. C. I had to study for my English test. D. Why did you go to bed so late? E. How did you know that? F. What s the matter? 三、阅读(共 45 分) V. 完形填空。(15 分) Mike's parents used to tell him how important school was for him, but he didn t think so. He paid little attention to it. But one thing let him finally 31 what his parents meant. One day, when he 32 a mobile phone store, he saw an advertisement on its door. It was hiring new workers! “ Sir, are you hiring people?” he went33 the store and asked. “ Yes, but you should be the man who we need, ” the manager answered. He looked at him for a few 34 from head to foot. “ Do you have a high school diploma( 文 凭)?”35 he, “Or do you have any work experience?” He felt so ashamed and 36 that he didn t know what to say, so he just turned around and left. He could not fall asleep that night, and he thought a lot about his 37 . “ I must go to school or I can t do anything without a good education,” he 38 to himself silently. He never went back to the store again 39 he finished his study and got a diploma. 40 looked the same when he returned to the store: the same people and the same design. However, compared with last time, he had more 41 . The manager told him they needed new 42 . So it was a great chance for him. He 43 his diploma to the manager. He looked at it and said, “ Great, you are in. ” Now he is still working in the same store. With this experience, he always 44 people to attend school. Education helps you have a bright future. Now he is not worried about his future because he is still 45 in his spare time. ( )31.A.realize B. remember C. wonder D. imagine ( )32.A.went through B. left for C. stepped into D. walked p ast ( )33.A.out of B. into C. with D. onto ( )34.A.days B. hours C. minutes D. seconds ( ) 35.A.continued B. answered C. warned D. reported ( )36.A.uncomfortable B. impolite C. unkind D. impatien t ( ) 37.A.hobbies B. future C. parents D. manager ( )38.A.shouted B. listened C. said D. cried ( )39.A.when B. while C. after D. before ( ) 40.A.Nothing B. Everything C. Nobody D. Everybod y ( )41.A.grade B. luck C. confidence D. pleasure ( )42.A.volunteers B. teachers C. students D. workers ( )43.A.sold B. showed C. sent D. shook ( )44.A.teach B. allow C. order D. advise ( )45.A.learning B. working C. playing D. chatting VI. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) Mr. White is sixty years old. He always complains about how fast things have changed, and often says that life used to be better than nowadays. Now cities are full of cars. Some families even have two or more cars,so parking is becoming a big problem. The traffic in some cities is getting worse and worse, too. Car drivers drive so fast that there are more traffic accidents. More and more people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. Mr. White often sees people in the restaurant eating face to face while looking at their own mobile phones. He thinks it is strange that they don t talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun chatting with others on the phone. Most families own computers now. A study found that children use the Internet more and more. The number of children using the Internet has grown by three times in the past three years. Mr. White's grandson is a middle school student. He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet. He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spend less time doing homework. His teacher told Mr. White that his grandson failed another test. Mr. White got very angry with him. Mr. white thinks that life used to be simple and happy,but now it has changed a lot. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5 分) ( )46. What does Mr. White think of the life now? A. He thinks the life now is very good. B. He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be. C. He thinks the life now is better than it used to be. D. He thinks the life is the same as it used to be. ( )47.What has happened these years according to the passage? A. Children often stay up late playing computer games on the Internet B. people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down C. The traffic in some cities is getting worse and worse D. All of above. ( )48.Why don't people talk to each other during the meal? A. They don't know each other. B. They are busy in looking at their phones C. They are unhappy. D. They are tired. ( )49.What changes have taken place according to the passage? Most families own computers. The traffic is getting worse and worse. Some families have two or more cars. There is more room for parking. A. B. C. D. ( )50.From the passage,we can infer (推测 ) that _. A. Mr. White's grandson is not interested in the Internet B. Mr. White is a worker. C. Mr. White is worried about his grandson. D. Mr. White likes today's life more than that of the old days (B) A Phone Message From: Liu Hai To: Wang wei Date: June 23 Time: 17:00 Message: He says that you must put on your sports shoes, your hat and sunglasses, bring some food and drinks, and ride a bike to meet him at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow. Tel: 837-352-53 Taken by: Father Found June 16, 2018 A watch was found in the library on the morning of June 16th. Will the owner please call at 832-965-37 or come to Class 2,Grade 9 to get it? Lin Xiang Music Club FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM 12 TO 18 YEARS OLD Every Saturday 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. London Street 30 675-396-82/675-396-83 Just 5 pounds a time Activities: music, dancing and lots more 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5 分) ( )51. Wang Wei will meet Liu Hai at the school gate . A. at 8:00; on June 23 B. at 8:00; on June 24 C. at 16:00; on June 23 D. at 16:00; on June 24 ( )52. Tomorrow Wang Wei and Liu Hai will probably . A. go hiking B. go to a party C. go to the movies D. join the Sunshine Club ( )53. Which number can Mary call at if her watch is lost? A. 846-763-52 B. 875-396-83 C. 832-965-37 D. 870-583-44 ( )54. Which of the following people is allowed to join the club? A. A 10-year-old kid . B. A 13-year-old boy. C. A 19-year-old student. D. A 30-year-old parent. ( )55. We can know that the club . A. is on Land Street B. costs 35 dollars a week C. open once a week D. is open for four hours a week (C) Have you had a headache during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can t sleep at night? If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad, scared, or afraidall of which can give you a stomachache or a headache. However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For example, you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test. On the other hand, bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you re having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isn t going to help you. And it can actually make you sick. The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you keep yourself in mind: Sleep, Exercise, and Food. If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, you ll probably feel less stressed. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误( F) 。 (5 分) ( )56. All the stress can push you to do things better. ( )57. You may feel sad if your parents are fighting. ( )58. It won't cause you any stress when you are worried about something. ( )59. The best way to fight the stress is to have a balanced life. ( )60. The writer thinks sleep will make you feel less stressed. (D) One morning Victor got up late. He quickly jumped out of the bed, washed his face, then hurried to the bus stop. As soon as he got on the bus, it started raining. Suddenly the bus stopped. Something was wrong with it. 61. , so he ran to school. He reached the classroom but he was almost all wet. The chemistry teacher had already begun her lesson. 62.All the students were a little afraid of her. Victor liked neither her nor her chemistry lessons. 63.“ I'm very sorry, Mrs . Smith. I'm late,” He said with a red face. “ It s you, Victor, ” Mrs. Smith said angrily. “I've told you not to be late, but you “ she suddenly stopped and looked at his wet clothes. She turned to the class and said, “I'm very sorry, my boys and girls.” 64.“ Now take off your wet coat and put on this one or you'll catch a cold,” she said kindly. Victor went to his seat with Mrs. Smith's jacket on. 65. He found, for the first time, chemistry was so interesting and how well he could understand it! 阅读短文,把A-E 五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。(5 分) A. It was Mrs. Smith. B. He had no time to wait for the next bus C. He stood for a moment and then opened the door. D. It was a bit large for him but he felt very warm in it. E. With these words she quickly took off her own jacket and handed it to him. (E) Which hand do you use when you write? About 8 to 15 percent of people are left handed. They often have to use tools that are designed for right-handed people. So it is difficult for left-handers to use most tools. If you are right handed, try this experiment: Take a knife with your left hand and try cutting a potato into pieces. Don t be surprised if you feel awkward ( 别扭的 ). In the past, people thought it was strange to use the left hand. Young students looked down upon their left-handed classmates. Some children were even punished for using their left hand to write. But these days parents and teachers have accepted that. In almost every school in the world, left-handed students can use their left hands to write. What causes people to be left handed or right handed? Experts have searched long and hard on this. They concluded (得出结论 ) that left-handed people are left handed for the same reason that right-handed people are right handed. One out of every ten people just is a left-hander. Its simply like the color of our eyessome people have brown eyes, while some others have black eyes. However, many researchers think that left-handers and right-handers are different in some aspects. Right-handers are more talkative and outgoing than left-handers. Many right-handed people understand spoken words better. For example, after they listen to directions to a supermarket, they can find it easily. Right-handers are good at organizing people, too. They are also better basketball guards. Just ask Yao Ming. Research shows that left-handers are creative and artistic. Many famous performers are left handed. Many left-handers learn better visually (在视觉方面 ). In art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed. In music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In science, you find Newton and Einstein. The left-handed people are also really good at tennis and other single sports. If you prefer one hand, but you are still good at writing with the other, you are mixed handed. Research shows mixed-handers can remember everyday things better than other people . What did you eat for lunch two weeks ago? If you re mixed handed, you can probably remember. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10 分) 66. What percent of people are left handed? 67.Do the research show that right-ha


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