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    1 八年级英语上册 Unit 11 Could you please clean your room导学 案 【学习目标】1. 识记: chore, dish, do the dishes, sweep, trash, take out, make the bed, fold, living room 2.学习句型: Could you ( please ) (not ) do sth.? 【重难点预见】对 Could you (please ) (not ) do sth.?句型的使用及其回答。 【知识链接】 1. Could you (please) do sth.? 表示委婉(礼貌)地请求对方做某事,意思是“请你干某 事好吗?”,其肯定回答可用Yes, sure. / Certainly./Of course. 否定回答可用Sorry, I cant./Sorry, Im afraid not. I have to ,等。这种句型的否定结构是在please后加 not 。 (如: Could you please not stand here ? ) 这类句型还有:Would you (please) (not) do sth.? Will you(please) (not) do sth.? 2. Could I /we do sth.?表示请求得到对方的许可, 意思是“我 / 我们可以干某事吗 ?” 这种 问句无论肯定回答还是否定回答都避免用could ,肯定回答常用Yes, you can./Sure . ,; 否定 回答常用Sorry./No, you cant. 3. need“需要;必须”,名词和动词。作动词时有两种用法:行为动词,其后常跟名词或动 词不定式作宾语。 (如: I need help. I need to go there.) 情态动词,常用于否定句和 疑问句。(如: He neednt go. Need she go?)注意:以 must 引起的一般疑问句否定回答 要用neednt。 (如: Must I do it? No, you neednt. ) 预习指导 仔细阅读教材,将学习目标、重难点所涉及的内容用蓝、黑笔勾画出来。 1. 读记教材第65 页至 66 页的单词和短语。 2. 完成教材65 页 1a:你在家做这些家务吗?写“Y”(表示做),写 “N”(表示不做) 。然后 问你的伙伴,并把他的或她的答案写入下表。 3. 阅读教材第65 页至第 66 页上的对话。 预习反馈:认真阅读教材,完成下列内容 合作探究先自主完成练习,然后组内合作探究 活动 1: 读记 【知识链接】 ,完成译句: 1. 请你打扫一下你的房间好吗?好的, 当然可以。 Could you _ _ your room? Yes, _. 2. 请你洗一下餐具好吗?对不起,我得做作业。 _ you please _ the dishes? Sorry, I _. I _ to do my homework. 3. 我可以看一下你的新书吗?当然可以。 _ I _ at your new book? _ . 4. 我们可以九点钟到吗?不行。_ we arrive at 9:00? _, you _ . 5. 他不必今天来。 He _ _ today. 活动 2:汉译英 : 1. 取出 _ 2. 洗餐具 _ 3. 整理床铺 _ 4.起居室;客厅 _ 5. 从事;忙于 _ 6.折衣服 _ 7. 需要帮助 _ 8.不必写 _9. 请你干某事好吗? _10.我 / 我 们 可 以 干 某 事 吗 ? 2 _ 展示提升1. 两人一组操练Section A 1c。2. 将活动 1、活动 2 在组内合作探究后,由 小组推荐负责人把答案写在黑板上并讲解,教师点评。 过关检测单项选择: 1. Could you help me, please? _. A. Right B. That's all right C. Yes, please D. Certainly 2.Will you please _ pictures on the wall? A. not to draw B. not draw C. dont draw D. not drawing 3. Could I look at your picture? Yes, you _. A. could B. will C. can D. cant 4.There is some trash in the bag. Could you please _? A. take it out B. take out it C. take them out D. take out them 5.Could you please _ the door? Its too hot in the room. A. to open B. opening C. open D. opened 6. Can I talk to you for a minute? Sure, I have _ time. A. a few B. little C. a little D. many 7.Could you please_? Im studying. A. not to talk B. not talk C. dont talk D. not talking 8.You look tired. You need _ a good rest. A. has B. have C. having D. to have 9.Jim _ sweep the floor now. A. needn t B. doesnt need C. dont need D. need to 10. Must I do my homework today? No, you _ . A. don t B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt 【中考链接】单项选择: 1. Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor? No, you _ .You can go back home tomorrow. (2010. 湖南娄底市) A. mustnt B. neednt C. must 2. Must I finish my homework right now? No, you . (2010. 四川达州) A. can t B. may not C. mustnt D. neednt 2. 选择动词并用其适当形式填空 do, need, take, make, have, get, give, go, leave, work 1)Could you please us some coffee? - Sure. Here you are. 2)When will Peter Nanjing for Shandong? - The day after tomorrow. 3)Thanks for care of my pet dog. - Youre welcome. 4)David can t play with us. He to do his homework. 5)We tired after a long walk yesterday. 6)I don t want to for a walk. 7)Does she often help her mother dinner? - Yes, she does. 8)I don t likechores because its boring. 3 9)We some drinks. Could you please buy some? 10) I m going to on my English project and then meet my friends. 八年级上册第11 单元导学案第二课时Section A 3a-Section B 2c 【学习目标】 1. 识记: hate, do chores, laundry, do the laundry, snack, teenager, borrow, invite, player 。 2. 掌握以下重点词语的用法:hate doing/to do, do, make, borrow, invite。 【重难点预见】hate doing/to do, do, make, borrow, invite 【知识链接】 1. do和 make的最常见用法区别: 它们都有“ 做 ”的意思。 不确定指什么活动时,用do。 (如: Do something! 做点什么吧!) make侧重于“制造;创造”,而do 侧重于“进行某 种活动;完成;做到”。(如:make a model plane 做个飞机模型,do homework) 谈及工 作时一般用do。(如: do a good job 搞好工作) 记住一些固定用法:do: do the dishes 洗餐具 , do chores干家务 , do the laundry洗衣服 , do homework (housework, exercise) 做作业(家务,练习),do some reading读书,do ones best 尽力,do a good job 搞 好工作等。 make: make the bed 铺床 , make breakfast做早餐 , make friends交朋友 , make tea 泡茶 , make money 赚钱等。 2. hate doing( 指长时间 ); hate to do(指某一次),都 意为“不喜欢(不愿)干某事”。 3. borrow “借(入) ”; lend “借(出)”,借多长时间要用have/keep 。常用句型: borrow sth. from sb.从某人处借来某物; lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人。 4. invite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人干某事” invite sb. to+地点 “邀请某人到某处”。 【学习流程】 自主学习 预习指导: 仔细阅读教材,将学习目标、重难点所涉及的内容用蓝、黑笔勾画出来,并将存 在的问题用红色的笔勾画或记录在书中相应的位置。 1. 读记教材第67 页至 68 页的单词和短语。 2. 先读记【知识链接】 ,用 make或 do 填空,完成教材67 页 3a。 3. 完成教材68 页 1a: 孩子们叫他们的父母做什么?父母叫孩子们做什么?在短语后写 “parents ”或“ teenagers ”。 预习反馈:认真阅读教材,完成下列内容 合作探究先自主完成练习,然后组内合作探究 活动 1:读记 【知识链接】 ,英汉互译短语: 1. 洗餐具_6. do ones best _ 2. 铺床 _7. make friends _ 3. 不喜欢干某事 _8. lend sb. sth. _ 4 4. 从某人处借来某物_9.invite sb. to + 地点 _ 5. 邀请某人干某事 _10. make money _ 问题 _ 归纳 _ 活动 2:用 do 或 make 的适当形式填空: 1. A lot of people hate to _ the laundry. 2. My mother _ a big birthday cake for me last night. 3. She often _ some shopping on weekends. 4. Do you like to _ breakfast? 5. I want to be outside because I hate to _chores. 问题 _ 归纳 _ 展示提升1. 就 Section B 1b 的对话,两人一组进行问答。 1. He often borrows money _others, but he doesnt lend anything _anybody(任 何人 ). A. from ,from B. to , from C. to ,to D. from ,to 2. I _ a book from the library I can _ it for a week . A. lent , borrow B. borrowed, lend C. borrowed , keep D. borrow , kept 3.The girl isnt outgoing. She _ asking others for help. A. hates B. begins C. enjoys D. loves 4.-Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you _ A. could B. will C. can D. might. 5.Could you please invite my mother _ the Great Wall(长城 ) with you? A. visit B. to go to C. to go D. visiting 6. -I think doing the dishes _ boring. - I disagree(不同意 ). A. be B. am C. are D. is 7. -Could I please _? - Sorry, you cant . Your father has to use it. A. do chores B. use the car C. go to the movies D. go to school 句型转换: 1)Could you please wash the clothes? ( 改为同义句 ) Could you please . 2) He likes making the bed.( 改为反义句 ) He making the bed. 5 3) I dont like doing the dishes because its boring.( 对划线部分提问 ) you like doing the dishes? 4).Could you help me clean the living room? (作肯定回答) _ _, _ _. 5).Remember to clean the bed. (改为同义句) _ _ to clean the do or. 八年级上册第11 单元导学案第三课时 Section B 3a- 4 【学习目标】1. 识记: care, take care of, feed 2.学会使用Thanks for doing sth. , give sb. sth. , forget doing /to do sth. 句型。 【重难点预见】forget doing /to do sth. 句型的使用。 【知识链接】 1. thanks for/thank you for doing sth. 这个句式用来表示对别人做某事的感谢,意为“谢 谢你, ”。for 是介词,其后跟名词或动名词,不跟不定式。 (如: Thanks for your help.=Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。 ) 2. give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.“把某物给某人”,当直接宾语是人称代词时,只能用 后一个句型。双宾语 句型结构是:及物动词 +间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(事物) 。 但若要先说 出直接宾语(事物) ,后说间接宾语(人)时,则要借助于介词to 或 for: 及物动词 +直接宾语 (事物) + to/ for+间接宾语 ( 人) 。用 to 侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。 用 for侧重指动作的受益者,表示为了某人,替某人。常见其后用to 的动词有: give, show, pass, teach, tell, ask,bring, lend, hand, read, leave, write等。 (如: Give me the pen.=Give the pen to me.把笔给我。)常见其后用for的动词有: buy, call, cook, do, draw, find, get, make, order, play(演奏 ), sing等。 (如: Please sing us a song.=Please sing a song for us. 请给我们唱首歌吧。 ) 3 forget doing sth.忘记(曾)做过某事 ; forget to do sth.忘记(将去) 做某事。 remember doing sth.记得(曾)做过某事; remember to do sth.记得(将去)做某事。 【学习流程】 自主学习 预习指导: 仔细阅读教材,将学习目标、重难点所涉及的内容用蓝、黑笔勾画出来,并将存 在的问题用红色的笔勾画或记录在书中相应的位置。 1. 读记教材第69 页的单词和短语。 2. 阅读教材69 页 3a 的电子邮件:按表示锻炼、做清洁、食物的词语分类填入右边的表内。 3. 完成教材69 页 3b 的电子邮件: Sandy 要 Dave帮助他筹办聚会,完成 Sandy 给 Dave的电子 邮件。把活动2b 中的表格作为参考。 6 预习反馈:认真阅读教材,完成下列内容 合作探究先自主完成练习,然后组内合作探究 活动 1:读【知识链接】 ,完成译句: 1.谢谢你及时到来。Thank you _ _ in time. 2.请把你的名片给我看看。Please _ _ your card. 3.莉莉的父亲昨天给她买了一辆自行车。 Lily s father _ a bike _ _ yesterday . 4.我记得见过他。 I _ _ _ . 5.别忘记马上给吉姆回信。Don t _ _ _ to Jim soon. 活动 2:任务型阅读读教材 69 页 3a,回答下列问题1.Does Nancy let Thomas help her? _2. How often does Nancy have to do these things? _ 3. What does Thomas ask Nancy not to do? _ 展示提升1. 就教材 69 页 4,三人一组进行问答。 过关检测 1. Thanks for _ me with my English. A. to help B. helps C. helped D. helping 2. Mr. Li teaches _ Chinese. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3.Could you please pass the cup(杯子 ) _ me? A. at B. of C. to D. for 4.We all call(叫) _ Xiao Li. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 5.He made a new dress(衣服 ) _ his wife and gave it _ her on her birthday. A. for; to B. to; for C. for; for D. to; to 6.Could you _ the children a story(故事 )? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell 7. Please remember _ your homework next time. A. bringing B. to bring C. taking D. to take 8. Do you remember _ him before? A. meeting B. to meet C. meeting D. met 9. I never forget _ them for the first time. A. visit B. to C. visiting D. visited 10. Don t forget _ off the light. A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. turning 同义句转换,每空一词 1) We are going to take good care of my pet birds. We are going to your pet birds . 2) I want to ask my friends to go to the school party. 7 I want to my friends the school party. 3) They enjoyed themselves in the aquarium yesterday. They in the aquarium yesterday. 4) Let s go for a walk with the dog. Let s the dog . 八年级上册第11 单元导学案第四课时 Self Check 【学习目标】1. 学习词语: mine, work on, use, get angry, be in。 2.提高书面表达能力。 【重难点预见】use, get angry, mine, work on, be in 的用法。 【知识链接】 1. use 作及物动词,发音为/ ju:z / 。 意为“用;使用;利用”。(如:Could I use your bike? ) 作名词,发音为/ ju:s /,常与 of 连用。意为“用;使用;利用;用途”。(如: He makes good use of his time.他很好地利用时间。) 2. be angry :“生气”。 get angry=become angry : “变得生气 / 气愤”。 be 和 get/become 都是连系动词,be 动词表示状态;get/become 等表示动作,意为“变得, ”。其它含有be 动词的短语也是如此。be(get) angry with sb.生某人的气。 3. be in 在家 穿着 参加(某个团体/ 组织或某项活动,表状态。)(如: Jim isn t in. 吉姆不在家。) 4. mine“我的”,名词性物主代词。一个名词性物主代词等于一个形容 词性物主代词加一个名词。(如:This is your pen. Mine(=My pen) is in the desk.) 预习反馈:认真阅读教材,完成下列内容 【学习流程】 自主学习 预习指导: 仔细阅读教材,将学习目标、重难点所涉及的内容用蓝、黑笔勾画出来,并将存 在的问题用红色的笔勾画或记录在书中相应的位置。 1. 读记【知识链接】和教材70 页 1 表格中的红体单词,完成句子。 2. 读 70 页 2 所给的句子,完成短文:你和你的父母将去度假。给你的最好朋友李明写张便条, 请他帮你照看房子。 合作探究先自主完成练习,然后组内合作探究 活动 1:读记 【知识链接】 ,完成译句: 1.这个词的作用是什么? What s the _ _ the word? 2.你可以用我的电脑。 You _ _ my computer. 3.别生她的气。Don t _ _ _ her. 8 4.莉莉今天穿着红色的衣服。Lily is _ _ today. 5.汤姆是校篮球队的。 Tom _ _ _ the school basketball team. 我的自行车在树下。他的在哪里?My bike is _ the tree. Wheres _? 活动 2:读记本单元短语: 1. 洗餐具 2.取出 3. 整理床铺 4.起居室;客厅 5. 从事;忙于 6.干家务;处理琐事 7. 洗衣服 8.不喜欢干某事 9. 请你干某事好吗? 10.照看;照顾 11. 为某人买某物 12.把某物给某人 13. 忘记(曾)做过某事 14.忘记(将去)做某事 11. 谢谢干某事 16.和, 一起玩;玩弄 17. 去(在)度假 18.在家;穿着;参加 19. 从某人处借某物 20. 把某物借给某人 21. 邀请某人干某事 22.生某人的气 23 不得不干某事 24.上交 展示提升1. 组内展示教材70 页 2,互相纠错。 2. 将活动 1 在组内合作探究后,由小组推荐负责人把答案写在黑板上并讲解,教师点评。 过关检测完成句子。 ( 每空 l 分,共 8分 ) 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 1. Chen Ping got an e-mail last Friday. (改为否定句 ) Chen Ping an e-mail last Friday. 2. There are fifty students in our class. (对划线部分提问) students are there in your class? 3. I often borrow a dictionary from Bruce. (改为同义句 ) Bruce often his dictionary me. 4交卷前你应仔细检查。( 完成译句 ) You should check(检查 ) your answers carefully(仔细 ) before you your paper. 单项选择 . ( ) 1. Can you buy some snacks me, Mom? A. to B. with C. for D. at ( ) 2. Could you please give me help? I cant move the heavy box. A. some B. much C. any D. a ( ) 3. - Must I finish all the math exercises this afternoon? - No, you . 9 A. can t B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt ( ) 4. - Could you please out the trash, Peter? - Yes, sure. A. bring B. take C. give D. get ( ) 5. - Kate, when shall we go out for a walk? - After I finish the clothes. A. wash B.washed C. washing D. to wash


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