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    硕士专业学位论文 论文题目小学心理健康教育校本课程之一 心理健康教育活动课校本教材的开发研究 研 究 生 姓 名朱小敏 指导教师姓名童辉杰 专 业名 称教育管理 研 究方 向小学心理健康教育 论文提交日期 小学心理健康教育校本课程之一 心理健康教育活动课校本教材的开发研究 中文摘要 青少年是祖国的未来、 民族的希望。 不仅需要学习必备的科学文化知识,而且要 有强健的身体和良好的心理素质。在小学阶段, 比较合适的心理健康教育方式是开设 心理健康教育活动课。 本文作者根据目前大部分学校没有针对本校学生特点的心理健 康教育活动课校本教材这一问题, 在“九五”“十五”本人承担的有关小学生心理健 康教育课题研究的基础上,进行心理健康教育活动课校本教材快乐de 成长的开 发研究。 我校心理健康教育研究中心首先组织老师参照小学生心理素质(中小学心理 素质教育研究中心编著)和心理健康教育活动手册(张静涟主编)这两套教材, 结合学生实际自编心理健康教育活动课内容,积累了一定数量的教案。 明确了小学心 理健康教育活动课的任务:提高学生的自我意识、自我认同、自我接纳等水平;培养 具有健康的人格和具有创造性、良好适应性的人;学会学习,学会多种思维;学会适 应社会,学会生存;树立正确的价值观。 再以开放式问卷调查、 访谈法等, 进行质化研究, 确定了心理健康教育活动课校 本教材快乐 de 成长的编写原则是:科学性兼系统性,趣味性兼灵活性,全员性 兼参与性,多样性兼体验性,协同性兼持续性;具体目标为:认识自我、学会交往、 学会学习、学会创造。根据学生心理发展特点,按照年级分成六个年龄段,每个年段 各设置 10 课时,六段共计开发60 个课时。 该套教材的特点和价值是:重视正确的社会价值观的传递,突出教材的校本化、 特色化;重视学科内容与心理年龄有机结合,促进学生理解和应用; 坚持教材内容生 活化、问题化取向,确保学生的主体地位;注意教材结构的全面性和连续性,兼顾共 性特征和个体差异; 强调非智力因素培养的同时, 也重视智力因素的培养。 该套教材 得到昆山市教育局德育处、 苏州市教育局宣教处、 南师大教科院的高度评价, 并在江 苏省心理学会教育心理专业委员会年会上作交流,在全国新教育年会上作交流。 成为 我们昆山市小学开发心理健康教育活动课校本教材的范本。 关键词: 小学心理健康教育活动课校本教材开发研究 作者:朱小敏 指导教师: 童辉杰教授 School-Based Curriculum of Mental Health Education Course in Primary School - Part One Research & Development of School-Based Curriculum Textbook of Mental Health Education Abstract Youth is the future of the country and the hope of the nation. They do no only need to learn necessary knowledge of science and culture, but also should have strong bodies and healthy mental quality. The suitable mental health education method at primary school period is to have mental health education course. Based on the situation that currently most of primary schools do not have school-based curriculum textbooks to aim at own school's students' characteristics, the author is now performing research and development of the school-based curriculum textbook for mental health education with name of Happy Growth on the basis of his undertaking the research work on related mental health education of primary school students during the Ninth Five-Year Plan & Tenth Five-Year Plan. The Mental Health Education Research Center in our school first organizes teachers to refer to following two textbooks:The Mental Quality of Pupils (compiled by the Primary & Secondary School Mental Quality Education Research Center) and the Activity Book of Mental Health Education (compiled by Zhang Jinglian), then combined with self-compiled mental eduction activity course with students' actual situation, thus accumulated a number of teaching plans. The task of the primary school mental education course is then defined as:to improve students' self-awareness, self-identification and self-acceptance, to nurture students to be a person with healthy personality and with creativity and adaptability, learn to learn, learn to think in different way, learn to fit the society, and to establish proper view of value. Then to perform qualitative research based on open questionnaire investigation and interviewing method, thus determined the compiling principles of the mental health education school-based curriculum textbook Happy Growth are:scientific and systematic, interesting and flexible, full participation and experiential, collaborative and consistence. The specific target is :self-awareness, learn to communicate, learn to learn, learn to create. It is divided into six age groups according to different grades, there are 10 lessons in each age group, and altogether there are 60 lessons for 6 age groups. The feather and value of this textbook include following:to emphasis the transfer of correct society value, to highlight the characteristic of school-based and tailor-made, to strength the combination of contents and the mental age, to promote understanding and application by the students, to insist the contents of the textbook should be life-oriented and questioning guided, to assure that the students are the subject, to pay attention to the completeness and continuous of the textbook structure, to take into the account both the generality characteristics and individual difference, in addition to emphasis on non-intelligent training, also to emphasis on intelligent training. This textbook has already been praised by the Moral Education Section of Kunshan Education Bureau, the Propaganda and Education Section of Suzhou Education Bureau and the Academy of Education Sciences of Nanjing Normal University. It was presented at annual meeting of Jiangsu Province Psychology Association, Educational Psychology Committee, also was presented at national new education annual meeting. This textbook is already become a model school-based curriculum for our Kunshan primary school mental health education. Key words:Primary school mental health education course, school-based curriculum, research and development Written by:Zhu Xiaomin Directed by:Professor Tong Huijie 目录 1 引言 1 1.1 开设心理健康教育活动课的必要性. 2 1.2 开设心理健康教育活动课的可能性. 4 1.3 小学心理健康教育活动课及教材的研究综述. 5 1.4 我国小学心理健康教育活动课教材的研究现状. 10 1.5 开发小学心理健康教育活动课校本教材的必要性. 12 1.6 研究的方法 . 12 2 小学心理健康教育活动课的编写原则及其依据 14 2.1 小学心理健康教育活动课的基本任务. 14 2.2 小学心理健康教育活动课的编写原则. 14 2.3 小学心理健康教育活动课的编写依据. 16 3 小学心理健康教育活动课校本课程快乐de成长的开发 20 3.1 我校心理健康教育研究的历程. 20 3.2 我校心理健康教育活动课校本课程开发的可行性. 21 3.3 问卷调查 1我校学生心理发展特点 21 3.4 问卷调查 2家长对学校心理健康教育的需求 24 3.5快乐 de成长的课程目标 26 3.6快乐 de成长的课程内容 28 3.7快乐 de成长实施办法 29 3.8快乐 de成长教材特点 29 3.9 存在的困惑 . 31 参考文献 32 攻读硕士学位期间发表论文和独立论著、参编论著 36 附录 错误!未定义书签。 后记 错误!未定义书签。


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