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    . 外研版四年级下册Module 1-2 单元测试题 学校:班级:姓名:成绩: 一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ()1.A.shy B. nice C. girl ()2.A.mother B. father C. cool ()3.A.naughty B. clever C. dog ()4.A.cute B. panda C. cool ()5.A.beautiful B. famous C. river 二、选择正确的词组,将序号写在前面的括号里。 ( ) 1. the Buckingham Palace A.塔桥 ( ) 2. the Big Ben B.海德公园 ( ) 3. the Tower Bridge C.白金汉姆宫 ( ) 4. the Hyde Park D.大本钟 三、单项选择题。 1. She is _nice teacher . A. a B. the C. an 2. Lingling is shy. A. bit B. a bit C. a 3. Look Panpans little sister. A. up B. to C. at 4.Are _nice ? Yes , I am. A. I B. you C. we 5. London is the capital England. A. to B. of C. about 四、选词填空。 nice naughty cute clever famous 1. The Big Ben is very _. 2.Panpan s father is a _ man. 3.She is a _ girl. 4. Ms Smart is a very _ teacher. 5. Parrot is a _ bird. 六、情景连线。 ( ) 1. Are you naughty? A Yes, I can. ( ) 2. What s this? B. No, it s the Queen s house. ( ) 3. Can you play the flute? C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4. Is it Big Ben? D No, I m not ( ) 5. Is that your house? E. It s a book about London. 七、根据课文内容选择填空,写出序号。 This is my 1 .Shes very nice. This 2 my big brother. 3 cool. This is 4 little sister. She s5c utei.s my father. He s very clever. This is my friend. He s very naughty. ( )1. A. brother B. father C. mother ( )2. A. are B. is C. am ( )3. A. She s B. He s C. I am ( )4. A. my B. I C. she ( )5. A. These B. is C. This - 1 - . 四年级英语下册Module 3-4 检测题 三.选词填空。( 10 分) A. Tuesday B. Sunday C .Monday D. Wednesday E. Thursday 6.星期一 _2. 星期二 _3. 星期四_4. 星期天 _5. 星期三 _ 四、选择。( 14 分) ( )1. Will you take your kite ?Yes ,I _. A.am B.do C.will ( )2. Robots will do _. A.everyone B. everyday C. everything ( ) 3.I will _my kite tomorrow. A.takes B.take C.taking ( ) 4. We re going to have a picnic _Friday. A.on B.at C.in ( ) 5. On Thursday I ll d o _homework. A.her B.my C.his ( )6.Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is _. A.Saturday B.Thursday C.Wednesday ( )7.-Will you take your ball tomorrow ? -_. A.Yes,I am. B. No ,I don C t No ,I won t . 五、将下列单词分类写下来。( 15 分) We Saturday she Sunday noodles rice Friday Wednesday meat Tuesday 3.(食物 )_ 4. (时间)_ 5.(人称 ) _ 六、仿照例句完成下列各句。( 10 分) 例: Will you take your kite? ( ) Yes, I will. 6. Will you take a ball? (×) 7. Will they do our homework one day? ( ×) 8. Will she take some rice tomorrow? (×) 9. Will he go to school tomorrow? ( ) 10. Will it be windy in Beijing? () - 2 - . 七.按时间的先后顺序将下列单词排序。( 15 分) Tuesday Friday Thursday Wednesday Monday _ _ _ _ _ 八选词填空。 (10 分) tomorrow have on not Because 7. we are going to _a picnic_Sunday. 8.will you take your book _? 9.why _? _tomorrow is Friday . - 3 - . (外研版)小学(三起)四年级英语下册第四模块测试题 一、词汇:( 30 分) 把下列单词补充完整:1、 every (所有事情) 2、work ( 家务) 3、work( 家庭作业)4、day ( 今天 ) 5、day( 星期日 ) 写出下列单词的反义词: 6、 cool 7、 cold 8、cloudy 9、 yes 10、this 写出下列单词的缩写形式: 11、will not= 12、do not= 13、what is= 14、it is = 15、I will = 二、翻译下列短语:( 20 分) 1、做家务2、做蛋糕 3、在北京4、帮助孩子们学习 5、做我们的作业6、 The Weather Tomorrow 7、 be hot 8、 listen to music 9、 I dont know 10、 be cloudy 三、选择填空:( 20 分) () 1、 Whats that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.Its () 2、they do our homework ? No ,they wont . A. Will B.Can C.Are ()3、Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk ()4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning () 5、 One day robots will do everything . A . 一天B .总有一天C .过去一天 () 6、 It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy ()7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow ()8、The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny () 9、 Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I wont know B .I dont know C .I cant know ()10、you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will 四、连词成句:( 20 分) 1、 will What weather the tomorrow be ? 2、 it Will hot today be ? 3、 wont do They homework our . 4、 can play Robots football now 5、 in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:( 10 分) The Weather Forecast(天气预报) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,SaturdayandSun day Good evening everybody !What will the weather be this week ? It will be on Monday .But it will be on Tuesday .It will be on Wednesday. It will on Thursday .And on Friday,Saturday and Sunday it will .Children wont go out to play on Saturday and Sunday. - 4 - . (外研版)小学四年级英语下册第三模块测试题 一、找出下列不同类型的单词:( 20 分) () 1、A .take B .heip C .picnic () 2、A .Great B .Oh C .ball () 3、A .because B .kite C .so () 4、A .Thursday B .why C .Tuesday () 5、A .will B .homework C .picnic () 6、A .capital B .famous C .beautiful () 7、A .long B .wide C.about () 8、A .England B .China C .London () 9、A .will B .so C .do () 10、A .play B .on C .start 二、将下列单词填入对应括号内:(20 分 ) 星期日() 星期一() 星期二()星期三()星期四( ) 星期五() 星期六() 星期()今天()明天() Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday tomorrow Friday today Saterday Wednesday week 三、选择填空:( 20 分) () 1、Why not ? tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And () 2、take your kite tomorrow ? A .Will you B .You will C .Are you () 3、 Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in C.on () 4、Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday () 5、 On Saturday we have a picnic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to () 6、Will you take your ball ? A .Yes ,I wont B .No ,I wont C .No ,I will () 7、What will Shanshan do on Monday ?She help her mother. A .wills B .is willing C.will () 8、On Sunday she is going to her homework A .do B .does C .did () 9、 Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit () 10、I will on Wednesday . A .go the park B .go to park C .go to the park 四、 用所给单词填空:( 20 分) a do take so have with 1、 Were going to a picnic on Sunday . 2、 Will you your kite for a picnic tomorrow ? 3、 My favourite toy is a computer game , I will play computer games on Sunday . 4、 On Friday afternoon I will play football my friends 5、 Next week is holiday . and of see on read about 6、 There are many boats the river . 7、 Today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday . 8、 Ill my books at home on Sunday. 9、 London is the capital England . 10、 This is a book China - 5 - . 四年级英语下Module 8 笔试部分 据汉语,将下列字母组合成正确的单词 1。W o h 谁 2 .h I a r 头发 - 3 . f a t 胖的 4 . I n t h 瘦的 5 . d l o 年长的 - 二、连词成句。 1、was ,very ,she ,naughty 2 . is , who ,the ,pupil 3 . hair her short was then 4 . Tom ,worse ,is ,the girls ,than 三、选词填空,完成句子。 10.Who are_( them they ) ? My grandparents! They were 11.young ( now then ). 12. Who is that girl? It s _( my me ) sister. 13.Where is Beijing ? It s_(in on ) the north. 14. Amy is_( better good ) than Sam . 15.5 . My hair _-( is are ) long . 四、写出下列反义词。1. tall- 2 . fat- 6.long- 4 . big- 5 .old- - 6 - . 四年级英语下Module 9 笔试部分一、写出下列动词的过去 式。 16.talk_ 2.cook_ 7.play_ 4 phone_ 8.5 laugh_ 6 jump_ 9.7 .stop_ 8 .clean_ 二、选择所给动词的适当形式填空,完成句子。 1 . On Monday she _(phone phoned ) her friend . 2 .It _(raining rained ) yesterday . 3 . Did you and Sam_(helpeded help )your mother ? 10. Tomorrow she_(danced will dance )with her friends . 11.5 . Yesterday I _( wlks walked ) in the park 12.三、英汉词组互译。 1 。看电视 2 。listen to music_ 3 。煮面条 4 。 cook fish _ 5 . 做午饭 6 。帮助他 - 7 - . 四年级英语下册第一模块测试题 一、翻译下列词组 17.友善的_ 2.害羞的 _ 3.聪明的 _ 4.小的 _ 13.酷的 _ 6.可爱的_ 7.淘气的 _ 8.有点儿 _ 11.朋友们_ 10.有点害羞_ 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项 () 1.A.clever B.naughty C.little D.sister () 2.A.brother B.teacher C.mother D.father () 3.A.bird B.panda C.parrot D.clever () 4.A.big B.this C.that D.the () 5.A.he B.she C.my D.it 三、根据所给提示,补全句子 1.He s a _(聪明的 ) pupil 。 2.Maomao s very _( 友善的 )。 3.Lingling s a bit _( 害羞的 ) 4.Parrot is a _( 淘气的) bird。 5.Lucy is _( 有点儿 ) fat。 四、根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。 1.我的妈妈个子很高。My mother is very _ 2.我的哥哥很酷My big brother is very _ 3.我的妹妹很淘气。My sister is very _ 4.我的爸爸很瘦。My father is very _ 5.我的朋友很可爱My friend is very _ 五、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 My name is Panpan, I am five, This is my mother, She s very nice, This is my little brother. He s cool, This is my big sister, She s cute. This is my father. He s very clever, This is my friend. He s very naughty. () 1.How many people are there in my family (家里有几口人)? A.Six B.Four C.Five () 2.How old is Panpan ? A.Two B.Four C.Five ( ) 3.Panpan s mother is very_ A.nice B.cute C.tall () 4.Panpan s mother is very _ A.nice B.clever C.thin () 5.Panpan s brother is very _ A.nice B.clever C.naughty - 8 - . 小学四年级英语下册第二模块测试 题(外研版 ) 一、将下列单词所缺字母补充完 整:( 20 分) 1、c p tal 2、bea t ful 3 、w de 4 、r v r 5、f m s 6、 ld 7 、l ng 8、 m ny 9、 ab t 10、p l ce 二、翻译下列短语: ( 30 分) 1、一本关于伦敦的书 2 、来自 ?(是?人) 3、中国的首都4、白金汉 宫 5、大本钟 6 、皇后的房子 7、在河上8 、塔桥 9、伦敦桥 10、倒下 三、选择填空 : ( 20 分) ( ) 2、is the capital of England . A .London B .Beijing C .Washington d.c. ( ) 3、 This is a book luxun . A .to B .about C .of ( ) 4、 The Great Wall is very . A .short and wide B .long and very old C .wide and very beautiful ( ) 5、 My father is . A .young and beautiful B .very small and cool C .young and cool ( ) 6、 This is house . A .Linglings B .Lingling of C .linglings ( ) 7、 My English teacher England . A.be from B .are from C .is from ( ) 8、 This is Hyde Park .Its very . A .long B .small C .famous ( ) 9、 Tiananmen is very famous ,and its beautiful , . A .to B .too C ,now ( ) 10、this tree tall? Yes , it is . A .Are B .Is C .Am 四、补全对 话:( 10 分) A:Good morning ,Tom . B: ,John .Where are you from? A: ,And you ? B: Im from London . A:Whats Big Ben like ? B : . A:Do you know London Bridge ? B: . A:Its very famous . B:Yes . . A 、I am from New York 。 B、 Of course ! C、 It is very tall 。 D、And it is very beautiful too 。 E、 Good morning - 9 - . (外研版)小学四年级英语下册第三模 块测试题 一、找出下列不同类型的单词: ( 20 分) () 1、 A .take B .heip C .picnic () 2、 A .Great B .Oh C .ball () 3、 A .because B .kite C .so () 4、 A .Thursday B .why C .Tuesday () 5、 A .will B .homework C .picnic () 6、 A .capital B .famous C .beautiful () 7、 A .long B .wide C.about () 8、 A .England B .China C .London () 9、 A .will B .so C .do () 10、A .play B .on C .start 二、将下列单词填入对应括号内: (20 分 ) 星期日 ()星期一 ()星期二 () 星期三 () 星期四 ( )星 期五()星期六()星期() 今天()明天() Tuesday Monday Sunday Thursday tomorrow Friday today Saterday Wednesday week 三、选择填空 : ( 20 分) () 1、 Why not ? tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And () 2、take your kite tomorrow ? A .Will you B .You will C .Are you () 3、 Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in C.on () 4、 Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday () 5、 On Saturday we have a picnic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to () 6、 Will you take your ball ? A .Yes ,I wont B .No ,I wont C .No ,I will ()7、What will Shanshan do on Monday ?She help her mother. A .wills B .is willing C.will () 8、 On Sunday she is going to her homework A .do B .does C .did () 9、 Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit () 10、 I will on Wednesday . A .go the park B .go to park C .go to the park 四、用所给单词填空 : ( 20 分) and read of about a on take so have with 1、 Were going to a picnic on Sunday . 2、Will you your kite for a picnic tomorrow ? 3、 My favourite toy is a computer game , I will play computer games on Sunday . 4、 On Friday afternoon I will play football my friends 5、 Next week is holiday . 6、 There are many boats the river . 7、Today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday . 8、 Ill my books at home on Sunday. 9、 London is the capital England . 10、 This is a book China . 五、根据Amy 的下周计划请说五句 话:( 20 分) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday read her books play football go swimming watch tv Help her mother On Monday Amy will ? - 10 - . (外研版)小学(三起)四年级英语下册第四模块测试题 一、词汇:( 30 分) 把下列单词补充完整: 1、 every ( 所有事情) 2 、work ( 家务 ) 3、work( 家庭作业) 4、day ( 今 天) 5 、day( 星期日 ) (2)写出下列单词的缩写形式: 6、 will not= 7 、 do not= 8 、what is= 9 、 it is = 10 、 I will = 二、翻译下列短语:( 20 分) 1、做家务2、做蛋糕 3、在北京4、帮助孩子们学习 5、做我们的作业6、 The Weather Tomorrow 7、 be hot 8、 listen to music 9、 I dont know 10、 be cloudy 三、选择填空:( 20 分) ( ) 1、 Whats that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.Its ( ) 2、they do our homework ? No ,they wont . A. Will B.Can C.Are ( ) 3、 Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk ( ) 4、 And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning ( ) 5、 One day robots will do everything . A . 一天B . 总有一天C .过去一天 ( ) 6、 It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy ( ) 7、 Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow ( ) 8、 The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny ( )9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I wont know B .I dont know C .I cant know ( ) 10、you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will 四、连词成句:( 20 分) 1、 will What weather the tomorrow be ? 2、 it Will hot today be ? 3、 wont do They homework our . 4、 can play Robots football now 5、 in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:(10 分) The Weather Forecast(天气预报) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday, SaturdayandSunday Sunny Windy Cloudy Rain Snow Good evening everybody !What will the weather be this week ? It will be on Monday . But it will be on Tuesday .It will be on Wednesday. It will on Thursday .And on Friday ,Saturday and Sunday it will .Children wont go out to play on Saturday and Sunday. ( - 11 - . (外研版)四年级英语下册第八模块测试题 一、完成下列单词或短语:(15 分) 18.谁o 2.祖父 (母 )gr dpar t 3. 在那时th 4.头发 h 5.堂兄 c sin 14.美国the 7.在东部the 8.汉语 Chin 9.如此可爱(be) cute 10. 现在n 二、按要求写出下列单词的形式:( 15 分) 12.is(过去式)2.were( 原形) 3.young( 反义词 ) 4.long( 反义词 ) 5.fat( 反义 词 ) 6.tall( 反 义 词 ) 7.was not( 缩 写 ) 8.does not( 缩 写 ) 9.dont( 全 写 形 式) 10.arent( 全写形式) 三、选择填空:( 15 分) ( )1.Who they? A.is B.was C.are ( )2.Your hair short then. A.is B.was C.were ( )3.They are my . A.grandparent B.grandparents C.granparents ( )4.He naughty now . A. isnt B.wasnt C.werent ( )5.Who is that little girl? me. A. Shes B.Hes C. Its ( )6.But she was very naughty, . A. also B.too C.either ( )7.Beijing is China. A.the capital for B.the of capital C.the capital of ( )8.This girl is worse than girl. A.the first B.a first C.the one ( )9.People English in America. A.say B.speak C.talk ( )10.Shanghai is a famous city.My cousin Xiaohu there. A.lives in B.live in Clives - 12 - . (外研版)四年级英语下册第十模块测试题 一、完成下列单词:( 8 分) 19.发生happ 2.口渴的th ty 3.西瓜water 4.胃疼 stom ache 5. 头疼head 6. 发烧 f r 7. 携带,运送c 8.磕,碰b 二、完成下列短语:( 14 分) 15.怎么了.? what ? 2.肚子 /胃疼have 3.许多 13.头疼a 5.发烧a 三、按要求写出下列单词的形式:( 15 分) 6.has( 过去式 ) 2.fell( 原形) 3.go( 过去式) 4.buy( 过去式 ) 6.happen( 过去式 ) 6.carry( 过去式 ) 7.bumped( 原形 ) 4.felt( 原形) 9.hold( 过去式 ) 10.ache( 过去式 ) 四、选择填空:(15 分 ) ( )1.Sam had chocolate biscuits. A.a lots of B.lot of C.lots of ( )2.Amy had yesterday. A.a cold B.cold C.got cold (


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