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    well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusiasm or be misleading, dampene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of peopl e-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seri ously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantag of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record“ and “pote ntial performance“; bot h subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focus on participating t he breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handi ng over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be ta ntamount to establishi ng a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the findings as on the cadre s ' bonus-penalty, a n important basis for future movements, incentive and re straint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity“. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the pr oce ss, to prevent one-sided and still look , from actual people. One i s to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on developmnt emphasizes, i s still taking economic construction as t he Center. Any departure from the development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of pe ople-oriented. A dhere to people-oriented both to overcome one -sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and spee ding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabao's Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last year's 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to a ccelerate development in the first place . Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human needs are also changing. Pra ctice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increa singly high level of leadershi p situation, a ctively adapt to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the a bility to overcome a good servi ce, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to peopl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used is a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hol d, ca nnot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to for ce you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain living and hard struggl e, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energy“ conservation “disposition“ to the spirit of selfless de dication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defi ned responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone i s a liability. People-oriented, a bove and below with the responsibility for coordinating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen t he leadership. “In its place, its governa nce, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.“ Thi s is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of“ mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing peopl e-oriente d. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement pe ople-ori ented, to manage their people, “plug in own responsibility“, effectively enhance t he education of leading ca dres, cadres and cadre s work efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitality 小学生必背歇后语大全 瞎子走路 -不分日夜 木偶戏子的脑壳-随摆 木偶表演 -任人摆布 手板心的小 -要你活就活 ,要你死就死 牛拉磨子 -上了圈套 龙灯的脑壳 -任人摆布 田坎上种黄豆 -靠边站 老牛死了 -任剥 吊桶在你井里 -由你做主 舌头无根 -随人转 灯草拐杖 -做不得主 鸡毛遭风吹 -身不由主 低个子看戏 -随上人家说 洗脸手巾 -老是提着 染匠下河 -摆布 橱窗里的东西 -任人摆布 砧板上的鱼 -任人宰割 砧板上的鱼 -任人解剖 耕田的牛 -被人牵着鼻子走 铁路上的车站 -靠边站 一雷天下响 -处处皆知 十字街口告示 -众所周知 大年三十吃肉 -还用你说 小葱拌豆腐 - 一青 (清 )二白 心里开个窗户 -明白了 天明下雪 -明白 水晶棺材 -透明 手心里的虱子 -明摆着的事 石灰窑里装电灯-更加明白 司马昭之心 -路人皆知 电灯照雪 -明明白白 西瓜子拌豆腐 -黑白分明 豆腐炒韭菜 -一青 (清)二白 豆腐煮猪血 -黑白分明 苍蝇落在饭碗里-黑白分明 秃子头上的虱子-明摆着 well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusiasm or be misleading, dampene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of peopl e-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seri ously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantag of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record“ and “potential performance“; bot h subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, focus on participating t he breadth of the subject. Evaluation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres and the masses handi ng over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominated the main object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was accurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attention to the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluation findings is mainly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be ta ntamount to establishi ng a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the balance, otherwise it would undermine the offset the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the findings as on the cadre s ' bonus-penalty, a n important basis for future movements, incentive and re straint effect of making evaluations. 3. Prevention of understanding “infidelity“. People-centered development, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in the pr oce ss, to prevent one-sided and still look , from actual people. One i s to use dialectical point of view to understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the scientific Outlook on development emphasizes, i s still taking economic construction as t he Center. Any departure from the development of thought and action, is a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of pe ople-oriented. A dhere to people-oriented both to overcome one -sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Must be very clear, people oriented and spee ding up development is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier Wen Jiabao's Government work report this year, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than last year's 9.1%, but in 8 work remains to a ccelerate development in the first place . Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is evolving, human nee ds are also changing. Practice of humanism is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to follow the development of the times, and continue debugging the humanist perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting point, high standard of armed people, shaping, exercise, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erms of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to actively adapt to the knowledge faster and actively adapt to the increa singly high level of leadershi p situation, a ctively adapt to the demand of the masses more and more situations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, honed the a bility to overcome a good servce, panic. Third is to use realistic understanding. Adhere to pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here in Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the glass used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink this cup can only hol d, ca nnot be put down. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to for ce you to get drinking water, go back to your seat business. Our emphasis on people-oriented, does not imply you can indulge the desires, the comfortable, the pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all levels of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain living and hard struggl e, to stand up to the tests of temptations, exciting “energy“ conservation “disposition“ to the spirit of selfless de dication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defi ned responsibilities. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone i s a liability. People -oriented, a bove and below with the responsibility for coordinating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we must strengthen t he leadership. “In its place, its governa nce, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division.“ This is the minimum requirement for leaders, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a leading cadre is competent. Leaders need to “it is an official term for the benefit of“ mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing peopl e-oriente d. Director of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to implement pe ople-ori ented, to manage their people, “plug in own responsibility“, effectively enhance t he education of leading ca dres, cadres and cadre s work efforts to revitalize the Office of human resources, Office work is full of vigor and vitality 浅碟子装水 -一眼看到底 单眼看老婆 -一目了然 画匠不给神作揖-知道你是哪块地里的泥 周文王请姜太公-尽找明白人 浊水里放明矾 -看得见底 玻璃菩萨 -明神 疾风知劲草 -日久见人心 萤火虫的屁股 -亮通通的 蜈蚣吃萤火虫 -心里明白 【歇后语 清闲类】 三月鸭蛋 -净咸 (闲) 三条泥鳅夹两条给猫吃-图耳边清静 大头鱼剁了脑壳-咸身子 大河里洗煤炭 -闲得没事干 六月间的庙堂 -鸦雀无声 孔夫子的徒弟 -贤(闲)人 阴天打孩子 -闲着也是闲着 喝盐开水聊天 -净讲咸 (闲)话 盐店里的老板 -咸(闲)人 盐坛子里装个鳖-咸圆 (闲员 ) 【歇后语 热闹类】 田鸡婆过垅 -好热闹 瞎子弹琴 -手熟 捡来的麦子打烧饼卖-没本净利 【歇后语 清楚明白类】 戏台下开铺 -图热闹 戏台上看火 -热火加热火 金钢钻包饺子 -热闹得钻心 烧开了的水 -沸腾起来了 半路上留客 -口上热闹 隔岸观火 -看热闹 粥铺里买卖 -热闹一早晨 喝米汤猜拳 -图热闹 端午节的黄鱼 -在盛市上 【歇后语 热情大方类】 六月里穿毛衣 -热心 六月天吹南风 -热对热 田里的甘蔗 -一副甜心肠 well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Third, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practical results, the key is to know the law, to grasp the laws and using laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the law, to overcome blindness and strengthening initiative, creative. Working in the Office, we should be good at analyzing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishment of evaluation system. Evaluation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was objective and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusiasm or be misleading, dampene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of peopl e-oriented people, but to establish and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behind. Work in this area should be seri ously caught up. “Three emphasis on“ to take advantag of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluation criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehensive eye evaluation of cadres. Office work, both “record“ and “potential performance“; bot h subjective efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both “pragmatic“ enough, take another look at the “retreat“ level. Second, foc


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