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    人教版 PEP 小学英语五年 级下册全册教案 1 人教版五年级下册英语教案 Unit 1 My day Section A Let s learn Ask and write P5 教师寄语:(Always do your best.凡事都要尽力去做.) Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 能听、说、读、写do morning exercises, eat breakfast, haveclass, play sports, eat dinner。 2. 会说句型:“When do you do morning exercises/ ?”并能回答“ Atoclock.” 。 Important Why ? S s: Because its 2) listen to tape about Lets talk.(初步感知对话内容) T: When is the trip this year? S:Its in October.(学生可看到书自己寻找答案) 3).learn about the “Let s talk” . And read after the tape/teacher. 4) Finish the sentences What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day? I ll _ _ will _ Step 3.合作交流:(用时 8 分钟) 1)Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿 Chen Jie 和 Oliver 的对话。 2)听录音,模仿对话的语音语调。 Step5、布置当堂作业 1. 和同桌一起背诵Lets talk 的对话m 板书设计:Unit 3 My school calendar P27 We usually have a school trip in autumn. A: When is the trip this year? B: Its in October 13 We ll go to the Great Wall. I ll cook for my mother. 教学反思: Period 5 Let s spellP26 Read and write p29 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1.能了解及会发字母组合ch 及 sh在单词中的发音。 2.能听出字母组合ch 及 sh的音并写出有关的单词, 3.理解书上重点句子,如:We will play many games. We will look for eggs Important ch/ / sh/ Important When is Chinas National Day? B: Its on October 1st. Step5、布置当堂作业和同桌一起背诵Lets talk 的对话 板书设计:Unit 4 When is Easter? What are they? A: When is the April Fools Day?. B: Its on April 1st. special days A: When is Easter ? B: Its on April 5th. And Easter? 教学反思: Period 3 Section B Let s learn Look and write P42 Learning aims(学习目标 ): 1. 能够听、说、读、写序数词及简写形式: twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th) 2. 初步了解一个月份中日期的表达方式。 3. 让学生能自己总结出序数词表达的基本规律。 Important Yes. T: The yellow picture is ChenJies . The yellow picture is hers . T: Whose is that picture of Beijing ? S: Its Zhang Peng s . T: Whose is that picture of Shanghai ? S: Its Yifans . 5. Students read this part ,and understand this part. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8 分钟) 1.Pair work. (Lost and found 失物招领 )灵活掌握本节课的句型) S1: Whose storybooks are these ? S2: They are mine . S1: Whose book is this ? S2: Its Mike s ./ Its his . 2. Role play reading of Lets talk part . 学生小结:这节课我学到了_ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、熟读 Lets talk 部分。 2、抄写 Lets talk 部分并写出汉语意思。 Title 板书标题Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Lets talk p48 Board Design 板书内容设计 The yellow picture is mine . Whose is that picture of Beijing? Whose is that picture of Shanghai? Are these all ours ? Yes , they are. 教学反思: Period 3 Section B Let's learn P52 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1.掌握新单词 : climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping. 2.掌握句型 : Fido is sleeping. They are playing with each other. 21 Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能掌握新单词,并知道如何在单词的后面加上ing。 2. 能用英语表达谁正在做什么。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时6 分钟) 1. Review last lessons content . 2. T: Whose bag is this ? S1: Its mine . T: Whose English books are these ? S: They are mine . T: Whose cat is that ? S: Its Sarahs ./ Its hers .(板书句型) 3. Read Lets talk part of page 48. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟) 1. T: What do you do ? S: I eat banana./ I climb mountains. T: Teach and review words: sleep, drink water, climb mountains. 2.T: I do , You guess.(我做你猜) Look at me ,What am I doing ?( 老师做睡觉状) S1:睡觉( sleep) T: Sleeping . I am sleeping . Use the same way to learn the other words: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking.并板书在黑板上同时将每个单词的原 形也板书在黑板。 3. T: Look at the picture. Look at the Fido. Fido is sleeping. T: Look at these rabbits . Are these rabbits eating? S: No, Theyre playing with each other. 4. Read these words together . Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时7 分钟) 1. Who is faster? (灵活运用本节课大句型) 2. T: eat (jump ) S: eating.(jumping) 3. Lets play .( Make up sentences 组句子 ) For example : Chenjie is jumping. ( 看那组租的句子又多有正确) 1、抄写单词: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping 2、记住新单词并五个进行时的句子。 Title 板书标题Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Lets talk p52 Board Design 板书内容设计 sleep- sleeping eat- eating Mike is play- playin jump - jumping They are drink - drinking (Mike and John) are climb - climbing 教学反思: Period 4 Section B Let's learn P51 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 听录音完成Lets try 的练习题 . 2. 熟练掌握对话及重点句型:Where is Fido now ? Is he drinking water ? Can I play with him now ? Of course e here. Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能听录音完成相应的练习题。 2. 能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。Is he drinking water? Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt. 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时6 分钟) 1. Review words : climbing, jumping, eating, sleeping, drinking, playing. 2. T: Whose Chinese books are these ? S: They are mine . 22 T: Whose eraser is that ? S: Its Olivers . /Its his. T: John is running . S: Oliver is reading. () 3. 给下列单词加ing。 (老师板书在黑板上) read_ swim _ sit _ sleep _ dance _ Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟) 1. Listen to the tape of Let s try part and finish exercises. Where is the dog ? (老师讲解录音中的重点句子) 2. (出示图片 )T: Where is the book ? S: Its on the desk. T: Where is the pen? S: Its in the bag . 3.教读 Let s talk 部分Key s phrase and sentences: He s in the kitchen. Can you take him to the park? Of course. Come here. (教读和操练这些句子和短语) 4. T: Listen to the tape of Lets talk and answer these questions . Is Fido drinking water ? Is he eating ? 5. Listen to the tape again and follow reading. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6 分钟) 1. 分角色朗读课文。 2. 灵活运用句型。 S1: Is Sarah singing ? S2: Yes. She is . S1: Is the cat eating ? S2: No, he isnt.() Step 5.布置当堂作业 1、熟读 Lets talk 部分。 2、抄写 Lets talk 部分并写出汉语意思。 Title 板书标题Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Lets talk p51 Board Design 板书内容设计 Where is Fido now ? Is he drinking water ? Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt . Can I play with him now ? Can you take him to the park ? 教学反思: Period 5 Let's spell Read and write P50 、53 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 能拼读含有字母组合ing 和 nk 的单词。 2. 能理解 Read and Write 的主要内容,并完成相关的练习题。 Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能拼读包含字母组合ng 和 nk 。 2. 能理解 Read and write 部并熟读。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟) 1. Read part A and part B s words and Lets talk part . 2. T: Whose pen is that ? S: Its Mike s pen . /Its his . T: Whose pencil is this ? S: Its my pencil. / Its mine . T: Are these dogs running ? S: Yes, they are ./ No, they arent. T: Is he eating ? S: Yes, he is . / No, he isnt.(强调划线部分) Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟) 1 Teach letters ng nk pronunciation / N / / Nk/ 2. Spell these words : long sing ring young think ink trunk pink 23 3. 给下列单词加ing。 (老师板书在黑板上) look _ dance _ run _ walk _ fly _ Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10 分钟) 1. Students read these words : like , bear, rabbit, tiger, elephant, monkey , bird , want to be . 2. Listen to the tape of Read and write three times. 3. 理解课文中的重点句子 4.Answer these questions: Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at _. The bear is _ The rabbits are _ The tiger is _ The elephant is _ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、熟读 Read and write 部分。 2、完成相应的练习题。 Title 板书标题Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Lets spell P50 Read and write p53 Board Design 板书内容设计 ng / N / long sing ring young nk / Nk/ think ink trunk pink look _ dance _ run _ walk _ fly _ want to be 教学反思: Period 6 Let's check Story time P54 、55 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. Can finish exercises of page 54. 2. Can understand Story time part . Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能完成 p54 的练习题,复习这个单元的重点句。 2. 能理解 Story time 部分讲述的是什么。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时6 分钟) 1. 听第五单元的磁带跟读单词(单词表) Main scene 1Turn to page46and page47.Try to read and translate these sentences. 2Guess the meaning of the story. 3T show the meaning of these sentences. 4Read after the tape twice. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟) . 1) Listen to the tape and finish exercises of Lets check part . 2)Learn story time . 1.Students draw out keys words and phrases: here come . Be quite! tail , fast, Thats cute. Copy. 2. Teach these keys words and phrases. 3. Read this part by self. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6 分钟) 1. Role play . 2. Students repeat this part of Story time. 24 Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、熟读 Read and write 部分。 2、完成相应的练习题。 Title 板书标题Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Lets check P50 Story time p53 Board Design 板书内容设计 Here comes a tiger . Whose tail is that ? Theyre taking pictures. What are they doing? 教学反思: Unit 6 Work quietly ! Period 1 Section A Let's learn P59 教师寄语:(Every season brings its joy.春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。) Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 掌握新单词和短语:doing morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music. 2. 掌握句型: What is Chenjie /she /he doing? What are the students /they /you doing? Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能掌握新的单词和短语。 2. 能理解并运用新的句型。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟)1. T: When is your birthday? S: My birthday is on April 8th. T: Whose storybook is that ? S: Its yours. T: Whose pen is that ? S: Its Sarah s . /Its hers. T: Is he drinking water ? S: Yes, he is . T: Are these rabbits eating ? S: No, they arent.(板书这些句子,也可留空让学生填) 2. Review unit5s content. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟) 1. T: Look at the picture .Whats Chen Jie doing? S: (做早操 ) doing morning exercises. T: Follow me doing morning exercises. Use the same way to learn other words: havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.( 老师要板书单词的原形) 2. Sentences: T: What is Chen Jie / he /she doing? S: He / She is eating lunch T: What are the students / they/you doing? S: They /We are listening to music. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10 分钟) 1. Teacher say English, students say Chinese, And then exchange. 2. Teacher show word card, student say words. 3. 灵活运用本节课句型:. S1: What is Zhang Peng doing ? S2: He is reading a book. S1:What are Sarah and ChenJie doing ? S2: They are eating lunch. Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、抄写单词: havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music 2、熟读单词和短语。 Title 板书标题Unit 6 Work quietly ? Lets learn P59 Board Design 板书内容设计 What is he /she doing ? What are they/you doing ? doing morning exercises 25 He/ She is having class eating lunch They / We are reading a book listening to music 教学反思: Period 2 Section A Let's try Let s talk P58 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 熟读对话部分。 2. 掌握和灵活运用句型:What are they doing? What is he / she doing? Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能熟读对话部分。 2. 能用英语表达和提问某人正在做什么。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟) 1. T: Is ChenJie doing morning exercises ? S: Yes ,she is . T: Are the students having English class? S: No, they arent. T: What is Yifan doing ? S: He is walking. T: What is Mike doing ? S: He is listening to music. T: What are they doing ? S: They are doing morning exercises. (板书问句,并强调划线的地方) 2. Read last lessons words. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟) 1. Listen to the tape of Let s try part and finish exercise.(老师讲解录音中的重点句子) 2. Teach words and phrases : cute , They like bamboo. Do you see any elephants? Look there ! (板书这些重点句子,单词) 3. T: Whats this ? S: Its a monkey. T: Teach words: bamboo, cute T: Whose like to eat bamboo? S: Pandas. 4. T: Look at the picture. What are the monkey doing? S: They are playing . T: What are the pandas doing? S: They are eating lunch T: What is the elephant doing ? S: Its drinking water. 5. Listen to tape and read it . 6. Students read understand this part. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8 分钟) 1. I point ,you say .( 老师指一个句子,学生就读那个句子,看谁最快) 2. 分组和分角色朗读课文。. 3. Drill . (灵活运用本节课的句型) S1: What is he doing ? S2: He is eating dinner. S1: What are you doing ? S2: I am reading a book. S1: What are they doing ? S2: They are watching TV. Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、抄写对话,并写出汉语意思。 2、熟读对话。 Title 板书标题Unit 6 Work quietly ? Lets talk P58 Board Design 板书内容设计 What are they doing ? They are eating lunch. Theyre so cute. 26 Whats the little monkey doing ? Do you see any elephants? 教学反思: Period 3 Section B Let's learn P62 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 掌握新单词和句子:Keep to the right .Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly. Take turns. 2. 能使用新的句子。 Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 能熟读和理解新的短语。 2. 能指导在一些公共场所应注意的什么规则。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟) 1. T: What is Sarah doing? S: She is eating lunch . T: Whose book is that ? S: Its mine. T: What are they doing?S: They are jumping. T: What are you doing? S: I am reading a book. 2. Read Part A s words and sentences. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟) 1. T: Look at the picture. What is he doing? S: He is walking. T: We are walking on a way , What must we do? S: 靠右行( Keep to the right ) T: Follow me read it : Keep to the right Use the same way to learn other phrase and sentences: Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly. Take turns. 2. Learn sentences: Can we use your crayons ? Ok. Take turns. Talk quietly, please. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10 分钟) 1. Guess. ( Students according to picture say sentence. 学生根据图片猜句子) 2. Finish exercises of page “Look, match and say” 3. Teacher do action, Students say sentences. Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、熟读并抄写本节课的句子和短语。 2、完成相应的练习题。 Title 板书标题Unit 6 Work quietly ? Lets talk P62 Board Design 板书内容设计 Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly. Take turns. 教学反思: Period 4 Section B Let's try Let s talk P61 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 能熟读对话部分,并掌握重点句型:Whats your name ? I can show you the English books . Here they are . Anything else ? 2. 能听录音完成Lets try 部分。 Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 掌握对话部分并理解难点句子。 27 2. 能进行简单的英语的交流。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟)1. T: When is Mothers Day ? S: Its on the second Sunday in May. T: Which season do you like best? S: Summer. T: Why do you like summer? S: Because I can swim. T: What is John doing? S: He is talking.( 老师可将这些问句板书在黑板上,或空出句子某一部分让学生填) 2. Review last lesson words and sentences. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟) 1. Listen to the tape and finish exercise of Let s try part. (老师讲解录音中的重点句子) 2.Teach Key s sentence: Whats your name? I can show you the English books . Here they are .Can I read the books here? Anyth ing else ? 3. T: 4. T: Look at the picture . Where is John? S: He is in the library. T: What is he doing? S: He is talking. T: What are they talking about ? S: I dont know. T: Ok. Listen to tape and answer the question. 5. Students listen to tape again。 Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8 分钟) 1. Read this part together . 2. Role play . Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2 分钟 ) 1、抄写对话部分,并写出汉语意思。 2、熟读对话部分。Title 板书标题Unit 6 Work quietly ? Lets talk P61 Board Design 板书内容设计 Whats your name? I can show you the English books? Can I read the books here ? Anything eles? 教学反思: Period 5 Let's spell Read and write P60、63 Learning aims(学习目标 ) 1. 能拼读含有字母组合wh 的单词。 2. 能理解 Read and write 部分并完成相关的练习题。 Important &difficult points(重难点 ) 1. 掌握字母组合wh 的发音。 2. 理解和读 Read and write 部分。 导学探究 Step1 : 预习温故(用时5 分钟) 1. T: Whose ruler is this ? S: Its mine. T: Whose schoolbag is that ? S: Its hers . T: What is she doing? S: She is reading a book. T: What are they doing? S: They are having English class. 2. Spell these words :chicken, shirt, shorts, sing, pink. library, grapes. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟) 1. Teach letters wh pronunciation /w/ /h/ 2. Spell some words : what when where whose who 3. Listen to the tape and follow read it. 28 4. Teach these sentences: What are you saying ? What are you doing? Are you cooking? (理解这些句子,并知道如何回答) Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8 分钟) 1. Spell words: what / white wait / when weather / whose who / wall 2. Read “read and write” and finish exercises. 3. Read this part together. t


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