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    第 1 页 Unit19 Language-词汇篇 2 _ _ 1. 掌握本单元Lesson2、 Lesson3 及 Communication Workshop 中的重点单词,短语及句型。 2. 灵活运用本单元Lesson2、 Lesson3 及 Communication Workshop 中的重点单词,短语及句型。 一重点单词和短语 (思想、服饰等 )受 的欢迎, (在 中)流行,(被 )接受 (with sb.) ;理解,了解(to sth.);学会 短语拓展: catch up with sb./sth. 赶上 catch sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事 catch sight of 看见 catch one s attention/eye吸引某人 Being a foreigner, Carl did not catch on to the joke. 卡尔是个外国人,不了解这个笑话的含意。 2.the +比较级 , the +比较级 越 越 The shorter your dialogue, the better is. 你们的对话,越短越好。 The more difficult the problem is , the more careful we should be. 问题越难,我们就应该越小心。 3.keep to 遵守 I m sorry, but we have to keep to the timetable, sir. 抱歉,先生我们得按时间表办事。 Keep to the point. 不要离题。 短语拓展: keep on 继续 keep away form 避免接近,远离 I must keep away form the thieves. keep up 保持 Well done! Keep up the good work! 干的好,继续好好干吧! 4.set off 启程 短语拓展: set about 开始,着手 set aside 留出,把放一边 set down 记下,写下 set out 动身;开始工作;陈述 set up 建立,创建 第 2 页 Remove the mushrooms and set them aside.摘下这些文蘑菇,把它们放在一边。 I want to set down my feelings sown on paper. 我想将我的感受写在纸上。 5.congratulate vt.祝贺,恭喜 congratulate sb. on sth.为某事向某人祝贺 congratulate oneself on 庆幸,感到幸运 You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job. 你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。 【易混辨析】 congratulate 与 celebrate (1)congratulate“祝贺, 庆贺”,其宾语不是所祝贺的事,而是所祝贺的人。常用于祝贺某人取得成功、 赢得奖品或名次等。 (2)celebrate“庆祝”,指用荣誉、节日或欢乐的庆典庆祝(一天或一个事件)。 You can congratulate yourself on having done a good job. 你的工作做得很出色,你应该感到高兴。 His victory was celebrated with music and dancing. 以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。 6. on the other hand 另一方面 on the 一方面,另一方面 for one thing., for another. 一则;二则 On (the) one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand, I can t bear the thought of moving. 一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不能忍受搬家。 特别提醒 on (the) one hand.on the other (hand).常表达相矛盾的两方面; for one thing., for another. 陈述的两方面情况常一致。 7.consist of 由组成 短语拓展: make up 组成 be made up of 由 组成 The brain is made up of cells in a certain arrangement. 人脑是细胞按照一定的排列方式组成的。 8. On purpose 故意地 for (the)purpose of 为的是;为了 的目的 with the purpose of 以 为目的 to the purpose 得要领的,中肯的;合适的 He did it on purpose. 他故意做的。 I came here on purpose to see you.我特地来这儿看你。 9.while conj.然而 原文再现: Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss.某人高兴地跳跃是容易看到的,而挑起眉毛表示怀疑更容易被人忽略。 第 3 页 句型剖析:此句为并列句,while 的意思并不是“当 的时候”,引导时间状语从句,此处的while 为并列连词,意为“然而”,表示前后意义上的对比或转折。 温馨提示: while 还可以引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管” ,此时 while 必须位于句首。 经典例句: He likes pop music, while I am fond of folk music.他喜欢流行音乐,而我喜欢民间音乐。 While I admit that there are problems, I don t agree that they cannot 10. unconscious adj.无意的 辨析 unconscious 与 unaware 易混词词义区别 unconscious 无意识的指缺乏意识和感知能力 unaware 没察觉到的指集中注意力却没发现 They found him lying unconscious on the floor.他们发现他晕倒在地板上。 He was unaware of his mistake. 他没有意识到他的错误。 11. merely adv.只,仅仅 辨析 merely/only/ simply 易混词词义区别 merely 仅仅副词,只不过 only 只形容词,唯一的 simply 只,不过副词,简单地 This is merely the beginning. 这仅仅是个开头。 He is the only man for the position. 他是这个职位的唯一人选。 This drink consists simply of fresh orange. 这种饮料仅含新鲜橙汁。 12.negotiate v. 协商,洽谈 negotiator n.谈判者 negotiationn.商谈 短语拓展: negotiate with sb. 和某人谈判、协商 We ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim. 我们决定就提高工资的问题与雇主谈判。 13.regardless of 不管,不顾 辨析 regardless of/despite/in spite of 易混词词义区别 regardless of 不管,不顾介词短语, 强调客观上无法避免 的事实 despite 尽管介词,语气比in spite of 轻 in spite of 不管,无视介词短语, 强调主观上故意忽视 He says what he thinks, regardless of other people s feelings.他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的感受。 They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。 The plane took off in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,飞机还是起飞了。 第 4 页 14.due to 由于 短语拓展: thanks to 由于 ,幸亏 on account of 因为 because of 因为 Thanks to his efforts, it is more successful that we have expected. 由于他的努力,事情比我们预测的更加 成功。 We delayed our departure on account of bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将启程的时间推迟了。 Many beautiful fish are facing disappearance because of the severe pollution. 因为污染严重,许多美丽的 鱼类正面临绝种。 15.nevertheless adv.然而 辨析 nevertheless与 but 易混词词义区别 nevertheless 然而比 but 语气弱,并不是直接引出相反的情况,常用作插入语, 侧重即使做出完全的让步,也没有任何影响,或者说也不是 决定因素。 but 但是but 用来引出相反的情况,较口语化 There was no news; nevertheless, we went on hoping. 尽管没有消息,我们仍抱着希望。 Tom went to the party, but his brother didn t.汤姆去参加聚会去了,但他的兄弟却没去。 二重点句型 1.unless 引导条件状语从句 unless相当于 ifnot,引导条件状语从句,在翻译unless引导的条件状语从句时应关注主句与从句的 逻辑关系,将其完整地翻译为“除非 否则的话 ” I shall not go unless I hear from her. 除非我收到她的来信,否则的话我就不去。 2.provided (that) 如果,在 条件下 provided that 如果,在 条件下 ,其中 that 可以省略,也可以写作providing( that), 引导条件状语从句, 相当于 on condition that 例 1. (2019 陕西 ) Ralph W. Emerson would always _new ideas that occurred to him. A. set off B. set about C. set up D. set down 解析 :试题分析:考查set 动词短语辨析及语境理解。set off 出发 , 动身使爆炸 , 点燃 , 发射使(某 人)开始做 , 使发火 ; 触发;set about 开始 , 着手口攻击散布 (谣言 );set up 竖起 ; 建起安装设立 , 开办资助 (某人 ), 扶持 (某人 )建立事业; set down 放下 , 搁下 让 (乘客 )下车 ; 把(东西 )卸下车记下 , 登记。根据句意:Ralph W. Emerson 总是愿意写下他突然想起的新主意。由句意可知本题答案。 答案: D 例 2. (2019 山东枣庄六中开学初检)It puzzles the scientists _ some mammals produce their young _others lay eggs . 第 5 页 A. that; while B. what; while C. that; as D. what; as 解析:试题分析:本句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that 引导的主语从句,that 在主语从 句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用。第二空的连词while 然而,表示上下文轻微的转折关系。As 不能表示上下文的转折关系。句义:让一些科学家困惑的是一些哺乳动物生出下一代,而另外一些 却产卵。可知本题答案。 答案为 A 例 3. (2019 福建 ) Our club is open to everyone _age, sex or educational background. A. due to B. except for C. along with D. regardless of 解析:试题分析:regardless of 是固定用法,意思是无论。due to 由于; except for 除之外; along with 和一起; regardless of 无论。这里意思是“无论年龄,性别或是教育背景”句意:我 们的俱乐部对每个人都开放,无论年龄,性别或是教育背景。由此可知本题答案。 答案: D 例4. (2019 安 徽 安 庆 一 中 四 模 )The manager refused to have his daughter in his department _showing favor to her. A. in need of B. because of C. for fear of D. regardless of 解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。由语境可知本句所表达的句意:经理拒绝他的女儿进入他的部门以 免偏爱她。 in need of 需要;because of因为; for fear of 以免; regardless of 不顾。根据句意可知本 题答案。 答案: C 例 5. (2019 浙江杭州七校联考)My parents lent me the money._, I couldn t have afforded the trip. A. Therefore B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless 解析:考查连词辨析。根据意思,父母借给我钱,否则的话,我不可能付得起这次旅行。Therefore 因此; Meanwhile 同时; Otherwise 否则; Nevertheless 然而由此可知本题答案。 答案: C 基础演练 一. 单项填空。 ( )1. This special school accepts all disabled students,_educational level and background. A. according toB. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of ( )2. This is a nice song. I think it will _quickly. A. hold on B. go on C. get on D. catch on ( )3.Cheer up! _trying and you'll make it. A. Keep up B. Keep on C. Keep away from D. Go on with ( )4. I wonder how much you charge for your services. 第 6 页 The first two are free _the third costs$30. A. while B. until C. when D. before ( )5. I'm sorry.I didn't spill the juice on your clothes_. That's OK. A. on purpose B. by accident C. after all D. in general ( )6. I would like a job which pays more,but _I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. for one thing D. as a matter of fact ( )7All happy families _one another ,but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. A. like B. appear C. resemble D. represent ( )8. My parents don't approve _out. A. of me and Mary staying B. of Mary and me staying C. of Mary and my staying D. about Mary and me staying ( )9. The House of Commons_658 members. A. make upB. consisted of C. made up of D. was included ( )10. As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn ,_. A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life Keys: 1.B句意:这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管其受教育水平和背景如何。according to 根据; regardless of 不管,不顾; in addition to 除之外 (还);in terms of 从的观点,从的角度。 根据题意故答案选B。 2. D句意:这是首好歌,我想它很快会流行起来。由nice 可知这里指“这首歌很快会流行起来”。 catch on 流行,符合语境。hold on 坚持; go on 继续; get on 进展。 3. B句意:振作起来!继续努力,你会成功的。keep up 保持; keep away from 远离; go on with 继 续, with 后接名词或名词性短语;keep on 继续。 4. A句意:我想知道你的服务收费多少。前两次是免费的,但第三次收费30 美元。根据 题意, “前两次免费”和“第三次收费30 美元”之间是前后对比关系。until 表示“直到时候” ; when 表示“当时候” ;before 表示“在之前” ,均不合题意。 5. A句意: “很抱歉,我不是故意把果汁洒在你衣服上的。” “没关系。”on purpose 故意地,符合句 意。 by accident 偶然地,意外地;after all 毕竟; in general 通常,一般而言。 6. B句意:我想找个工资高的工作,但另一方面, 我又喜欢目前我正在做的工作。on the other hand 第 7 页 另一方面,符合句意。in other words 意为“换句话说” ;for one thing 意为“首先”;as a matter of fact 意为“事实上” 。 7. C考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有幸福的家庭彼此相似,但不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。此处 resemble 意为“相似” 。 8. Bapprove of sb./sth.赞成,同意,故先排除D 项。 and 连接并列成分,故排除C(Mary 和 my 不同 类,要改成Mary's and my) 。最后,第一人称要放第三人称后。 9. B“由组成”用consist of。若用 make up,此处应用被动语态be made up of。 10. B本题考查的是:the more.,the more.句型以及be equipped for sth. 的用法。首先the more 句 型要以 the more 开头,故排除D。另外根据“ the more(形容词 /副词 )主语谓语”的语序,可以 排除 A、C 两项。故答案选B。 巩固提高 一用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1.I hope the arrangements will meet with your _(approve). 2. _ (congratulate) on your success! 3.The story shows little _ (resemble) to the facts. 4.He lay in bed _ (conscious) for many days and finally he woke up. 5.Their _ (negotiate) was fruitless. Keys:1. approval 2. Congratulations 3. resemblance 4. unconscious 5. negotiation 二用方框内短语的适当形式填写句子 be unconscious ofon purposeapprove ofon the one handregardless of 1.She broke the window _to show her anger. 2.His parents dont _his going abroad to study. 3.He_his shortcomings and it made his mother angry. 4.He is determined to do so _all consequences. 5. _,you shouldn t be shy;on the other hand,you mustn t forget your manners. Keys: 1. on purpose 2. approve of 3. was unconscious of 4. regardless of 5. On the one hand 一根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空 1.All _( 全体职员 )of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. 2.He made several favorable comments about the _ ( 候选人 ). 3.She was _ (窘迫的 )when people asked her age. 4.As the wages are low, there are few_ ( 申请人 )for the job. 5.No one doubts h is_ ( 胜 任)as a teacher. 6.He obtained d_ in architecture, but it is no guarantee of everything. 7.He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic r_. 8.He is very p _and always arrives on the dot. 9.An air s _came and asked him if he would like some drink. 第 8 页 10.You re professional, but I am an a_. Keys:1.personnel 2.candidate 3.embarrassed 4.applicants 5.compentence 6. diploma 7. regulation 8.punctual 9. Stewardess 10.amateur 二用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1.I ll _(applicant) to the company for a job. 2.I shall go _ (provide) it doesn t rain. 3.She had to leave off if he couldn t be _ (competence) for the job. 4.He dealt with an_ (embarrass) situation in a skillful way. 5.Keep your safety belt _ (fasten). Keys:1. apply 2. provided/providing 3. competent 4. embarrassing 5. fastened _ _ 一单项选择 ( )1.Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with w spends his time, his house his personality. A. resemblesB. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes ( )2.The government tried every means not to the basic living level but also help them to make more money. A. nearly; balance B. almost; register C. hardly; delicate D. merely; guarantee ( )3.It was a little difficult for a young teacher to a new flat merely after graduation A. repair B. brush C. purchase D. start ( )4.Big companies in Germany generally the euro, while small manufacturers are nervous. Big banks are in favor; small ones are against. A. consist of B. complain of C. approve of D. dream of ( )5.advertisements are of great help, I don t think we should entirely rely on them. A. Since B. While C. Because D.As ( )6.The book gives a brief of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall. A. outline B. reference C. article D. outlook ( )7.The Young Pioneers are busy practicing programs, for the celebration is . A.at hand B.in hand C. on the other hand D. out of hand ( )8.This special school accepted all disabled students,educational level and background. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of ( )9.He once observed that “ All happy families one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” 第 9 页 A. like B. appear C. resemble D. represent ( )10.The broader the boat is, . A. the more safe is it in bad weather B. the safer it is in bad weather C. the safer in bad weather is it D. the more safe in d weather it is Keys: 1. C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就好像一个人穿的衣服、吃的东西以及花时间交往的朋友能反映一个 人的个性一样,他的住房也是如此。reflect“反映 ” ; resemble“ 类似 ” ; strengthen “加强 ;巩固 ” ; shape“ 塑 造” 。 2. D 句意为 “ 政府想尽一切办法不仅仅要保障农民的基本生活水平,而且帮助他们挣更多的钱” 。空白 处应该填入表示“ 保证 ” 的词。 balance “ 平衡 ” ;register“登记 ” ;delicate“精致的 ” ;guarantee “保证 ” 。not merely.but also.的意思是 “ 不但 而且 ” 。“ 保障农民的基本的生活水平” 和“ 帮助他们挣钱” 是 递进关系。 3. C:从 difficult 和 a new flat 看出 “ 一位刚毕业的年轻教师要购买一套新公寓是有点儿困难” ,空白处应 该填入表示 “ 购买 ” 的词。只有C 项的 purchase表示 “ 购买 ” 。 4. C 题意为 :德国的大公司基本赞同欧元,而小企业则很紧张;大银行赞同 ,小的反对。 approve of 表示 “ 赞同 ” 。 5. B 句意 :尽管广告很有帮助,但我认为我们不应完全相信广告。while “尽管 ,虽然 ” ,引导让步状语从句。 6. A 此处 outline 表示 “ 轮廓 ,概要 ” ,符意。 reference“参考 ” ;article“文章 ” ;outlook“景色 ,前景 ,眺望 ” 。 7. A 句意 :少先队员们正在忙着排练节目,因为庆祝活动就要来了。at hand“即将到来 ” ;in hand“在手头 上,在控制中 ” ;on the other hand“另一方面 ” ;out of hand“无法控制 ” 。 8. B 题意 :这所学校接受所有的残疾学生,不论他们的教育背景和水平如何。according to “ 根据 ,依 照” ;regardless of“不管 ,不顾 ” ;in addition to“除 之外 (还有 )” ;in terms of “以 角度 ,就 而言 ” 。 9. C 所有幸福的家庭都是相似的,但是不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。resemble 是及物动词 ,意思为 “ 相似 ” 。 干扰项 A 意思正确 ,但 like 表示 “ 像” ,是介词 ,作动词是 “ 喜欢 ” 。 10. B 本题考查 “ the + 比较级 ., the + 比较级 ” 结构 ,主句应用陈述语序,并且 safe 的比较级是safer。 二. 完形填空 To learn another language is more than just learning words and grammar, it involves learning about another culture, too. We 1much of our own culture s body language before we learn to speak, from the time we are 2, usually without even being aware of it. And that body language 3from culture to culture4it s something to which second language 5should pay attention. Sometimes, cultural 6in appropriate body language can7discomfort or 8too. For example, there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should kept between two people who are speaking together. If you are used to people keeping their 9, you will feel very uncomfortable, and probably 10away repeatedly, if someone keeps trying to stand 11to you at a party! We call this the “ personal comfort zone”. Another 12example of misunderstanding is the use of a 13. In some Asian cultures, a 第 10 页 smile can show embarrassment or apology.14, smiling back at a teacher who is unhappy with you, or a stranger whose foot you accidentally 15upon is probably not a 16idea in most English speaking cultures! Even speakers of the same 17, such a British, American, or Aust


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