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    IATA 标准地面服务协议2002 主协议 此处所指“承运方”或“代理方”应包括其雇员、代理人和分包人; (b) “groundsupport equipment”shall mean all equipment used in the performance of ground handling services included in Annex A, whether fixed or mobile, and “地面保障设备”应指附件A中所指的所有用于地面服务当中的设备, (无论是固定的或是可移动的) 。 (c) “ act or omission” shall include negligence. “故意行为或过失”应包括疏忽行为。 8.1 Except as stated in Sub-Article 8.5, the Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company and shall indemnify it (subject as hereinafter provided) against any legal liability for claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of: 除条款 8.5 说明的有关规定之外 , 承运人不得向代理人提出任何的赔偿要求, 并应对以下有关责任的法律赔偿或诉讼,包括因此而产生的费用进行赔偿: (a) delay, injury or death of persons carried or to be carried by the Carrier; 承运人载运或将载运的乘客延误、受伤或死亡;及 (b) injury or death of any employee of the Carrier; 承运人自己的雇员受伤或死亡; (c) damage to or delay or loss of baggage, cargo or mail carried or to be carried by the Carrier, and 承运人载运或将载运的行李、货物或邮件破损、延误或遗失; (d) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by , or on behalf of, the Carrier and any consequential loss or damage; 由承运人或代表承运人拥有或经营的财产损失或遗失和随之发生的损坏 或遗失; arising from an act or omission of the Handlingcompany in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with the knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result. 承运人不得向代理人提出索赔,并应偿付下述情况下的法律索赔和诉讼费 以及其它相关费用与开支,但由于代理人的故意行为或过失或明知可能导 致破损、死亡、延误、伤害除外。 Providedthat all claims or suits arising hereunder shall be dealt with by the Carrier; and 如下述情况产生索赔或诉讼应由承运人办理;且 Provided also that the Handling Company shall notify the Carrier of any claims or suits without undue delay and shall furnish such assistance as the Carrier may reasonably require. 代理人应及时告之承运人索赔事件和诉讼案例,并且若承运人提出合理要 求,代理人应给予协助。 Provided also that where any of the services performed by the Handling Company hereunder relate to the carriage by the Carrier of passengers, baggage or cargo direct to or from a place in the United States of America the Warsaw Convention would have applied if any such act or omission had been committed by the Carrier but are held by a Court not be applicable to such act or omission committed by the Handling Company in performing this Agreement then upon such decision of the Court the indemnity of the Carrier to the Handling Company hereunder shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount for which the Carrier would have been liable if it had committed such act or omission. 代理人所提供的服务涉及承运人从美国承运亦或是承运至美国的旅客、行 李或货物出境,承运人的过失行为按华沙公约第22条规定的责任赔偿 限制符合其赔偿限制,但某些法庭判定代理人在履行本合同过程中的过失 行为不符合其责任赔偿限制时,承运人所承担的向代理人赔偿限制的总量 就不应该超出承运人因其失误行为而导致的责任赔偿限制的总量。 8.2 The Carrier shall not make any claim against the Handling Company in respect of damage, death, delay, injury or loss to third parities caused by the operation of the Carrier s aircraft arising from an act or omission of the Handling Company in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result. 由于代理人在执行本协议过程中因自身行为,承运人不得向代理人提出索 赔或疏忽使承运人的飞机操作造成第三方破损、死亡、延误、受伤或遗失 提出索赔。但代理人的故意行为或过失或明知可能导致破损、死亡、延误、 受伤或遗失者除外。 8.3 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article 8.1, in the case ofclaims arising out of surface transportation which is provided on behalf of the Carrier and is part of the operation of loading/embarking or unloading/disembarking and/or is covered by the Carrier s Contract of Carriage the indemnity shall not exceed limits specified in the said Contract of Carriage. 尽管有上述 8.1 款的规定,但如果索赔是因地面运输引起,而这种地面 运输是以承运人的名义经营, 而且是装机卸机或登机下机过程中的 一部份,且或包括在承运人的运输契约范围之内,则索赔和免除责任 不应超出运输契约所规定的范围。 (b) In the case of claims arising out of surface transportation which is not provided on behalf of the Carrier and/or is not part of the operation of loading/embarking or unloading/disembarking and/or is not covered by the Carriers Contract of Carriage the waiver and indemnity herein contained shall not apply. 如果引起索赔的地面运输不是以承运人的名义经营,且或不是装机 卸机或登机下机过程中的一部份,且或不包括在承运人的运输契约 范围之内,则不适用本章中规定的放弃索赔和免除责任。 8.4 The Handling Company shall not make any claim against the Carrier and shall indemnify it (subject as hereinafter provided) against any legal liability of claims or suits, including costs and expenses incidental thereto, in respect of: 代理人不得向承运人提出诉讼要求任何法律形式的索赔,以及下列情况下 所发生的成本和费用: (a) injury to or death of any employees of the Handling Company , its servants, agents or subcontractors; and 代理人的雇员、服务员、代理人或分包商受伤或死亡;以及 (b) damage to or loss of property owned or operated by , or on behalf of, the Handling Company and any consequential loss or damage; 由代理人或代表代理人拥有或经营的财产损失或遗失和随之发生的损坏 或遗失; arising from an act or omission of the Carrier in the performance of this Agreement unless done with intent to cause damage, death, delay, injury or loss or recklessly and with knowledge that damage, death, delay, injury or loss would probably result. 代理人不得向承运人提出索赔并偿付上述情况下的法律索赔和诉讼费及上 述情况的费用与开支;但承运人的故意行为或过失或明知可能导致破损、 死亡、受伤或丢失者除外。 8.5 Notwithstanding Sub-Article 8.1(d), the Handling Company shall indemnify the Carrier against any physical loss of or damage to the Carrier s Aircraft caused by the Handling Company s negligent operation of ground support equipment PROVIDED ALWAYS THATthe Handling Company s liability shall be limited to any such loss of or damage to the Carrier s Aircraft not exceeding the limits stated in Annex(es) B which shall not, in any event, exceed USD 1,500,000 except that loss or damage in respect of any incident below USD 3,000 shall not be indemnified. 尽管有第 8.1(d) 条款之规定,若代理人对其提供的地面代理设备进行过失 操作而导致承运人,飞机损坏或损失向承运人进行赔偿时,必须始终以代 理人对此类承运人飞机损坏或损失的责任限制不能超过附件B 中所规定的 责任限制为前提,而在任何情况下这种责任限制不得超过$1,500,000 美元, 并且低于 3000美元涉及任何事故的损失及损坏也将不能得到赔偿。 For the avoidance of doubt, save as expressly stated, this Sub-Article 8.5 does not affect or prejudice the generality of the provision of Sub-Article 8.1 including the principle that the Carrier shall not make any claim against the any liability in respect of any and all consequential loss or damage howsoever arising. 为避免含糊, 正如前面已明确规定过 , 该 8.5 条款并不影响或损害8.1 条款 的完整性,包括承运人不得针对代理人对任何责任及其损失后果提出任何 赔偿要求的原则,并赔偿任何责任和由此引起的全部随之发生的损坏或遗 失。 Article 9 第九章 ARBITRATION 仲裁 9.1 In the event of any dispute or claim concerning the scope, meaning, construction or effect of this Agreement, the parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve disputes amongst themselves. Failing mutual resolution of the dispute, the parties may elect to resolve the dispute through arbitration (either by a single arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators). In the event that the parties fail to agree to an arbitration process, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the state or jurisdiction set out in Annex(es)B, by the courts set out in Annex(es)B without regard to principles of conflict of laws. 当协议双方对协议的主题、表述意义、结构或效果产生分歧或争议时,双 方应尽量采取所有合理的行动争取在双方内部解决。如果未能达成解决方 案,协议双方可选择仲裁的方式以解决问题(可以选择一个仲裁员也可选 择一个仲裁小组)。如果协议双方不同意采用仲裁方式,则应按照附件B中 所指明的所在国家的法律和管辖范围之规定,通过法律程序解决争端。 Article 10 第十章 STAMP DUTIES ,REGISTRATION FEES 印花税,登记注册费用 10.1 All stamp duties and registration fees in connection with this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national law of either Party to this Agreement, are payable by that Party. 如果根据本协议一方所在国家法律规定须支付与本协议有关的所有印花税 和注册费的,则该费用应由这一方支付。 10.2 All stamp duties and registration fees in connection with this Agreement, which may be prescribed under the national law of the location(s), as mentioned in the Annex(es) B and not being a location situated in the country of either Party to this Agreement will be shared equally between the Parties. 如果协议所规定服务地点所在地国家法律规定须支付所有与本协议有关的 所有印花税和注册费,而这一服务地点不属于协议双方任何一方所在地国 家内的,则该费用应由双方平均分摊。 Article 11 第十一章 DURATION, MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION 协议期限、更改与终止 11.1 This Agreement shall be effective from . the date specified in the respective Annex(es)B. It shall supersede any previous arrangements between the Parties governing the provision of services at locations for which there are valid Annex(es) B to this Agreement. 本协议自附件B 所规定的生效日期起生效,一经生效,该协议将取代双方 在此之前达成的在本协议中同样服务地点提供上述服务的其它协议或安排。 11.2 Modification of, or addition s to this Agreement shall be recorded in Annex(es) B. 本协议的修改与补充都应记录在附件B中。 11.3 Any notice referred to under this Article 11 given by one Party under this Agreement shall be deemed properly given if sent by registered letter, or by other means where proof of receipt or acknowledgement is obtained, to the respective office of the other Party as recorded in the Annex(es) B. In the case of a registered letter notice shall be considered to be served on the date of receipt. 本协议中的任何一方如果把关于第十一条的通知书以挂号信形式,或以其 他方式寄交给附件B 中所列明的另一方的办公地,并取得对方回执或认可 时,则该通知书被视为有效送达。以挂号信方式寄送时,该项通知应在收 到之日起被认为已提交对方。 11.4 This Main Agreement shall continue in force until terminated by either Party giving sixty days prior notice to the other Party. 本协议生效后,任何一方要求终止本协议,在对方收到其通知后的第六十 天起本协议即行失效。 11.5 Termination by either Party of all or any part of the services to be furnished at a specific location requires sixty days prior notice to the other Party. In the event of part termination of services, consideration shall be given to an adjustment of charges. 任何一方要求终止在某一特别地点提供的全部或部分服务,应提前六十天 提出终止通知。部分代理服务项目终止后,应同时考虑收费标准。 11.6 Any Annex(es)B to this Agreement exceeding a defined period of validity, shall continue in effect until terminated by either party providing sixty days prior notice to the other Party. 任何本协议下的附件B 即使其有效期超过协议中所规定的期限,其仍将被 视为继续有效,直到协议一方提前60 天提出书面终止通知。 11.7 In the event of the Carrier s or the Handling Company s permit(s) or other authorization(s) to conduct its air transportation services, or to furnish the services provided for in the Annex(es) B, wholly or in part, being revoked, cancelled, or suspended, that Party shall notify the Party without delay and either Party may terminate the Agreement or the relevant Annex(es) B at the effective date of such revocation, cancellation or suspension by giving to the other Party notice thereof within twenty-four hours after such event. 如果承运人或代理人的经营许可证或其它授权书( 从事航空运输服务或提 供列于附件 B中的全部或部分项目 ) 被吊销、注销或暂停,这一方应在二十 四小时内通知另一方,本协议或相应的附件B 于吊销、注销或暂停生效的 当天终止。 11.8 Either Party may terminate this Agreement and its Annexes at any time if the other Party becomes insolvent, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or commits an act of bankruptcy or if a petition in bankruptcy or for its reorganization or the readjustment of its indebtedness be filed by or against it, provided the petition is found justified by the appropriate authority, or if a receiver, trustee or liquidator of all or substantially all of its property be appointed or applied for. 如果一方没有能力偿还债务, 或将财产已全部转让他人, 或宣告破产重建、 重组的申请被有关主管部门证实或其财产已被委派来的破产管理官员接管, 则另一方随时可以终止本协议及附件。 11.9 Both Parties shall be exempt from obligation if prompt notification is given by either party in respect of any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement arising from any of the following causes: 如果任何一方因如下原因, 无法履行自己的职责,并立即通知另一方,则 代理人和承运人都应免于追究责任。 -labour disputes involving complete or partial stoppage of work or delay in the performance of work; -劳动纠纷导致全部或部分工作停止或延误; -force majeure or any other cause beyond the control of either Party. -不可抗力或其它双方不可抗因素。 11.10 In the event of the Agreement or part thereof being terminated by notice or other wise, such termination shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of either Party prior to termination. 当协议任何一方通知终止本协议或部分服务项目时,在协议正式终止前发 生的权利和义务不应受到这种终止的影响。 11.11 The Handling Company shall have the right at any time to vary the charges set out in the Annex(es) B provided, however, that the Handling Company has given notice in writing to the Carrier not less than thirty days prior to the revised charges becoming effective. The notice shall specify the revised charges which the Handling Company proposes to introduce, together with the date on which they are to be brought into effect. 代理人有权随时调整附件中有关项目的收费标准,但须至少提前三十天把 调价意向书面通知承运人并随附代理人建议调价的详细项目,以及新收费 标准具体生效的日期 ( 不得早于此书面通知的最后期限) 。 11.12 Notwithstanding the Article 11.11, when changes occur in the schedule, and/or frequencies and/or types of aircraft, other than those set out in Annex(es)B, which affect the handling costs, either Party shall have the right to request an adjustment to the handling charges as from the date of the change provided that the Party concerned does inform the other Party within thirty days of the change. 尽管有上述第11.11 之条款,当航班时刻、班次或机型等与附件B 中相比 发生变化并可能影响到代理成本时,协议任何一方有权要求自变化发生之 日起,对代理费用进行调整,并且要在上述变化发生30天内通知协议另一 方该项调整。 Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2002 IATA 标准地面代理协议 (2002 版本) Annex A Ground Handling Services 附件 A地面服务项目 Table of Contents 目录 Section 1. Representation, Administration and Supervision 第一节代表、行政管理和监督 1.1General 总则 1.2Administration Functions 行政管理职能 1.3Supervision and/or Co-ordination of Services Contracted by the Carrier with Third Party(ies) 对承运人与第三方协议服务的监督和协调 Section 2. Passenger Services 第二节旅客服务 2.1 General 一般服务 2.2 Departure 出发 2.3 Arrival 到达 2.4 Remote/Off Airport Services 机场以外的服务 2.5 Intermodal Transportation 多种运输方式联运 Section 3. Ramp Services 第三节机坪服务 3.1 Baggage Handling 行李处理 3.2 Marshalling 引导飞机 3.3 Parking 飞机停靠 3.4 Cooling and Heating 制冷和供暖 3.5 Ramp to Flight Deck Communication 机坪与驾驶舱间通信 3.6 Loading and Unloading 装机和卸机 3.7 Starting 启动 3.8 Safety Measure 安全措施 3.9 Moving of Aircraft 飞机移动 3.10 Exterior Cleaning 外部清洁 3.11 Interior Cleaning 内部清洁 3.12 Toilet Service 厕所清洁 3.13 Water Service 加水服务 3.14 Cabin Equipment 客舱设备 3.15 Storage of Cabin Material 客舱物品的存放 3.16 Catering Ramp Handling 配餐机坪操作 3.17 De-icing/Anti-icing Services and Snow/Ice Removal 除冰/防冰服务和除雪 /冰 Section 4. Load Control, Communications and Flight Operations 第四节载量控制,通信及航务签派 4.1 Load Control 载量控制 4.2 Communications 通信 4.3 Flight Operations General 航务签派 - 总则 4.4 Flight Operations Flight Preparation at the Airport of Departure 航务签派 - 始发站的航班准备 4.5 Flight Operations Flight Preparation at a point Different from the Airport of Departure 航务签派 - 非始发站的航班准备 4.6 Flight Operations en-route Flight Assistance 航务签派 -航路飞行协助 4.7 Flight Operations Post-flight Activities 航务签派 - 航后工作 4.8 Flight Operations En-route Re-dispatch 航务签派 - 飞行中的再遣派 4.9 Flight Operations Crew Administration 航务签派 - 机组管理 Section 5. Cargo and Mail Services 第五节货物及邮件服务 5.1 Cargo and Mail Handling General 货物和邮件处理总则 5.2 Custom Control 海关监控 5.3 Irregularities Handling 不正常情况处理 5.4 Document Handling 文件处理 5.5 Physical Handling Outbound/Inbound 出港/ 进港实体处理 5.6 Transfer/Transit Cargo 联运/ 过境货物 5.7 Post Office Mail 邮件 Section 6. Support Services 第六节支援服务 6.1 Accommodation 场所安排 6.2 Automation/Computer System 自动化和电脑系统 6.3 Unit Load Device(ULD) Control 集装设备管理 6.4 Fuel Farm(Depot) 油料公司(库房) 6.5 Ramp Fuelling/Defuelling Operations 机坪加油 /抽取燃油服务 6.6 Replenishing of Oils and Fluids 添加滑油和液压油 6.7 Surface Transport 地面交通 6.8 Catering Services Liaison and Administration 配餐服务 -联系和管理 Section 7. Security 第七节 安全 7.1 Passengers and Baggage Screening and Reconciliation 旅客与行李过机检查及对照 7.2 Cargo and Post


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