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    长沙市第一中学2016-2017 学年度下学年高二英语第一次月考试题( 即开学考试 ) 时间 :120 分钟总分 :150 分 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置。 2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 学校 :_ 姓名: _班级: _考号: _ 第一部分 ( 听力共 30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A.Waitress and customer. B.Mother and son. C.Doctor and patient. 2.How many lectures did the man attend? A.Three. B.Two. C.One. 3.What does the man mean? A.He didn t buy anything.B.He was sick and couldn t go shopping. C.He bought nothing except a football. 4.Why didn t the man come to the meeting? A.Be cause he didn t know there would be a meeting. B.Because he wasn t interested in attending the meeting. C.Because he didn t know he must attend the meeting. 5.What does the woman suggest the man do? A.Find an apartment elsewhere. B.Bargain with her for 第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分总分 a lower price. C.Move in the apartment before classes start. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第 8 三个小题。 6.When and where will the woman get off the plane? A.May 19th,Shenyang. B.May 9th,Xi an.C.May 19th,Xianyang. 7.How much is the original price of the ticket? A.1,500 yuan. B.1,350 yuan. C.1,050 yuan. 8.What can we learn about the woman? A.She will book a ticket at 5:00 a.m. B.She wants a round-trip ticket. C.She wants an economy ticket. 听下面一段对话,回答第9 至第 11 三个小题。 9.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Computer programmer and boss. B.Cook and customer. C.Mother and son. 10.What is the man doing? A.Working on his webpage. B.Making jiaozi. C.Chatting online. 11.Which country didnt the man mention? A.New Zealand. B.Japan. C.Germany. 听下面一段对话,回答第12 至第 14 三个小题。 12.What s the main idea of the conversation? A.Getting a college education is a good investment. B.Getting ready for college early is necessary. C.College education means better job opportunities. 13.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Interviewer and interviewee. B.Teacher and student. C.Journalist and parent. 14.Who will jointly pay for college according to the conversation? A.State governments, colleges and parents. B.Parents,the federal government and colleges. C.Scholarship funds, colleges and parents. 听下面一段对话,回答第15 至第 17 三个小题。 15.Where does the man live? A.Building 13,Room 803. B.Building 3,Room 308. C.Building 3,Room 803. 16.How long did it take the man to get here? A.A day and a night. B.Two days and a night. C.Almost 18 hours. 17.What do we know about the man? A.He welcomed the woman this morning at the station. B.He is looking for the library on campus. C.He has registered. 听下面一段独白,回答第18 至第 20 三个小题。 18.Where did ancient people use to camp? A.In mountains,by the seaside or on open ground. B.In forests,on ships or in fields. C.In caves,in forests or on open ground. 19.Why do modern people like to go camping according to the talk? A.To get excited. B.To relieve stress. C.To get near to nature. 20.How long did ancient people live in one place? A.For weeks. B.For months. C.For years. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Brian was unhappy because he had to babysit his little sister Crissy on the first day of their mountain vacation sinc e Mom had to pick up Dad at the airport and wouldnt be back until later. “I ll miss the Perseids this year,” he said. “What are the Perseids?” Crissy asked. “Theyre lots of falling stars called a meteor shower(流星雨 ) that comes every August, ” Brian replied, annoyed. “ Let s sleep on the deck (露天平台 ) tonight. We can both watch!” Crissy suggested. That was not a bad idea, Brian thought. “OK. I ll leave a note inside so Mom and Dad know were on the deck. Go and get your sleeping bag.” When Crissy returned, she asked, “When will the stars come out?” “Soon. The Perseids come early in the morning.” They both soon fell asleep. Suddenly, Brian heard something moving on the other side of the deck. He tried to be very quiet so he would not frighten whatever it was. Carefully, he looked out of the sleeping bag and found there was a large black bear standing on his back legs. Crissy was awake too. “We have a visitor. It s a bear, ” Brian tried to sound confident so Crissy wouldnt be frightened, but inside, he was very nervous. “I m scared, ” Crissy said in a low voice. “Just don t move, ” Brian warned. The bear was now eating the hamburgers they had placed on the deck earlier. Brian covered both of them with his sleeping bag. Crissy closed her eyes and held her breath. Brian tried to stay still. Minutes later, Crissy asked, “Is he gone? ” Looking out of the sleeping bag again, Brian replied, “Yep. I guess he was just hungry. ” “Well, I m just glad he liked our dinner and didn t eat ME!” Crissy laughed. Brian laughed too, “Nah! That bear just wanted some just food!” Crissy hugged her brother, and Brian hugged her back. Things didnt turn out so badly after all, he thought. “Look! ” Brian said, pointing upward. Above their heads, the Perseids meteor shower had begun to move fast across the night sky like fireworks ( 烟花 ). 21. When Crissy knew a bear was visiting their deck, she felt_. A. unhappy B. annoyed C. frightened D. confident 22. What can we know about Brian from the passage? A. He knew a lot of things about the bear. B. He gave the bear some junk food to eat. C. He was a brave, calm and humorous boy. D. He woke up at night because he was hungry. 23. What is the best title for the passage? A. Taking a mountain vacation B. Waiting for the Perseids C. Unusual sound at night D. Fireworks show B Dear Editor, I have just returned home after studying for a year in Germany. But it seems that my parents dont understand me now. They expect me to be the same person I was before I went abroad, but Im not! Why can t they let me be myself? Jimmy Hi, Jimmy, As far as I know, people who have lived abroad often find that the adjustment ( 调整 ) to returning home is more difficult than their adjustment to living in a foreign culture. Why? We expect to have some problems when we go to a new place, speak a different language and learn the rules of a different culture . But home? . we know that place! Your parents expect that the same person who boarded the airplane one year ago will be returning. Especially if they have never been abroad themselves, your parents probably won t understand the changes that living abroad can cause in a person. On the other hand, you may have maintained (保持 ) an ideal mental image of your loved ones while abroad, an image that is broken into pieces when you return. Remember you have been living a different lifestyle in your host country, and you have probably become very independent while staying there alone. Now that youre home, you will be expected to conform (顺应 )again to the lifestyle of your family. As a result, you may be upset about your parents involvement in your life. Communication is the key to overcoming this problem. Tell your parents how you are feeling. Share with them information about cultural re-entry(重归 ), and ask them to be patient. This does not mean that you have to forget your experience and give up everything youve learned! Learn to find a balance between the old and new, just as you did when first adjusting to your host countrys culture. 24. What is Jimmys main purpose in writing the letter? A. To criticize his parents. B. To ask for advice about his studies. C. To complain about his parents. D. To ask for help. 25. What does the editor think of Jimmys problem? A. Its unusual. B. Its normal. C. Its serious. D. Its interesting. 26. The editor thinks that both Jimmy and his parents _. A. have changed in the past year B. have unrealistic expectations of each other C. need to behave like they did before D. need to find a balance between the good and bad 27. The author suggests that _ would help solve Jimmys problem. A. patience and trust B. patience and politeness C. better communication between family members D. a deeper understanding of the host countrys culture C Like people, plants experience stress. And also, like people, the response to that stress can determine success. Bad environmental conditions, such as drought, flood, heat and other stresses, affect yields(产量 ) more than crop pests and diseases. We are trying to find a way to equip plants with the ability to tolerate environmental stress and maintain high yields, said Stephen Howell, a professor of genetics and cell biology. Plant cells produce proteins(蛋白质 ) and ship them to different parts of the cell. Under normal conditions, these proteins are folded into their normal, healthy structures as they are produced. When a plant is under stress, its cells produce poorly folded or unfolded proteins. Then a built-in system senses this and “sets off an alarm in the cell,” said Howell. In response to the alarm, another protein (IRE1) starts working and creates a different process which activates (激活 ) the stress response genes whose products bring about defensive measures that help the plant survive. “As it turns out, responses that are activated under stress conditions actually inhibit the growth of plants,”said Howell. “This allows them to preserve their energy to survive the stress conditions.” For plants in the wild, this response is a help for survival, he said. In production of agriculture crops, however, this response reduces yields. “You dont want crop plants to stop growing,” Howell said. “You want them to continue to grow and produce even though they are under stress.” With the new understanding of this stress response, the next step may be to silence the alarm system, said Howell. “What may be important is to disable some of these stress responses. That may make the plant more productive under stress conditions.” 28. According to the text, an alarm in the plant cells is caused by . A. the folded proteins B. the changed proteins C. the defensive measures D. the stress response genes 29. The energy preserved in the plants under stress conditions . A. helps the plants to survive B. helps to maintain high yields C. keeps the plants growing D. helps to produce proteins 30. The underlined word “inhibit” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_. ”. A. prevent B. start C. continue D. promote 31. How does Howell intend to make crop plants maintain high yields under stress conditions? A. By making crop plants keep more energy. B. By making crop plants stop growing. C. By making the alarm system stop working. D. By making the alarm system respond quickly. D “Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy they re given after all. Choices can be hard.” Jeff Bezos. I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago. I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year. Id never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast, and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me. I had just turned 30 years old, and I d been married for a year. I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldnt work since most start- ups dont, and I wasnt sure what to expect. MacKenzie told me I should go for it. As a young boy, Id been a garage inventor. Id always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my passion. I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people, and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired. I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn t already have a good job.” That logic made some sense to me, and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours before making a final decision. Seen in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but ultimately (最后 ), I decided I had to give it a shot. I didn t think Id regret trying and failing.And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all. After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and I m proud of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our choices. 32.What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore? A. His dream of being an inventor. B. The support of his wife. C. The greatly increasing usage of the Internet. D. Millions of exciting titles. 33.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence? A. The idea of not trying would keep coming to his mind and disturb him. B. He would be very excited if he tried it out. C. He would be always having a doubt if he didnt try. D. The decision to not try the online bookstore would terrify him. 34.We can know from the passage that _. A. the boss thought the idea was suitable for the author B. the author wanted someone else to try the idea C. the author might not regret if he failed the idea D. the author might go back to his boss if he failed 35.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Cleverness and Kindness B. The Starting of Amazon C. Following My Passion D. We Are What We Choose 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Being able to read is an important skill in today's society. It is important because it develops the mind and imagination. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any area of life they are interested in. Reading is an active mental process that improves your concentration and focus. Since you must concentrate in order to read, this requires you to focus and think about what you are reading. 36 Studies show if you don't use your memory, it becomes more and more difficult to remember things. 37 It requires you to remember details, facts and figures, plot lines, themes and characters. The more you read, the more knowledgeable you become and with more knowledge comes more confidence. Reading about the diversity of life and exposing yourself to new ideas and more information help to develop the creative side of the brain and bring innovations (创新 ) into your thinking process. 38 When you are well read, people will look to you for answers. Then your feelings about yourself get better. Even more confidence! When you are reading books, especially challenging ones, you will probably find yourself exposed to many new words. Do you remember when you learned to read, how you learned to figure out the meaning of one word by reading the other words in the sentence? 39 Reading can help you get access to the


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