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    2018-2019 学年度第一学期期中考试 八 年 级 英 语 (总分: 140 分时间: 100 分钟) 一、听力(共 20小题;每小题 1分,计 20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听二遍。 1. What does the girl look like? 2. Where does Jack come from? A. BC 3. Which subject does the man like best? 4. When did Simon arrive at school this morning? A. At 6:45. B. At 6:55. C. At 6:35. 5. How wide is the bridge? A. 99 feet B. 19 feet C. 90 feet 6.When will Julia go to the park? A. On Sunday B. On Saturday . C. On Saturday or Sunday 7. How much does the woman have? A. 125 yuan. B. 75 yuan. C. 50 yuan. 8.Why didn t Tom go to watch the football match? A. Because he had to look after the dog B. Because he had to do the homework. C. Because he didn t like it. 9. Where re the two speakers? A. At the bus station B. On the bus . C. In the zoo. 10. Which coat does she want to buy? A. The green one. B. Both. C. The yellow one. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题,每段对话听二遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第 12 小题。 11. What did the woman borrow two weeks ago? A. Some story-books. B. Some newspapers. C. Some pictures. 12. What's the name of them? A. READERS. B. WOMEN FRIENDS. C. POPULAR TV. 听一篇短文,完成第13-15 题,请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记 录表。 Yao Ming Birth He was born in Shanghai in _13_. Basketball career He got his first basketball when he was only_14_, but he didn t become serious about basketball till he was 12. Yao joined the Houston Rockets in 2002. The best moment in his career was in 2004-he scored 41 points in a game against the _15_. 13. A. 1978 B. 1980 C. 1982 14. A. four B. five C. twelve 15. A. LA Lakers B. Atlanta Hawks C. Chicago Bulls 听第二篇短文,回答第16 至 20 小题。 16.How many good friends does Linda have? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 17.How often does Lily go shopping? A. Never. B. Every day. C. About once a week. 18. What does Nancy often do in her free time? A. She often goes shopping. B. She often surfs the Internet. C.She often reads magazines. 19.How does Tom go to school every day? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. 20.What is Linda s hobby? A. Playing basketball. B. Watching movies. C. Reading magazines, 二、单项选择(共15 小题, 每题 1 分,计 15 分) 从下列各题 A,B,C,D 中选出一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21. I think English is _ unimportant subject. I don t think so. It is _ useful tool when we talk with foreigners. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an 22. People in the UK say holiday while people in the USA say_. A. movie B. fall C. vocation D. elevator 23.MissLi, can I use your scissors? Sure. But you _ give them back before the class. A. can B. may C. must D. would 24. Nanjing isn t so large _ Shanghai. But, it s the second _ city in East China. A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; large D. as; large 25.The light on the wall is broken. He wants to _a new one. A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put down 26.The subjects students study in America are different from_in China. A. that B. those C. it D. one 27. You don t need to teach _ how to cook and sew. I can teach _. A. me, me B. myself, myself C. my, myself D. me, myself 28. _of giant pandas is getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmland. A. The number, less and less B. A number, larger and larger C. The number, smaller and smaller D. A number, more and more 29.-No need to talk to me in English.-Sorry, I _know you are also from China. A. didn t B. aren t C. don t D. needn t 30.-_ does your new friend _?- She is tall and slim with long hair and bright eyes. A. How; like B. What; look C. What; look like D. How; look like 31. - Did you go to the cinema last night? - No. _ seeing a film, I just stayed at home and used We Chat A.While B. Instead C. Instead of D. Because of 32.Wolves will _ their lives _ the loss of the trees and forests. A. lose;because B. lose; because of C. lost; because D. lost; because of 33.Who did it better, Bill or Henry? I think Bill did just _ Henry. A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. more badly than 34.If you take the fastest train, the trip from Nanjing to Nantong _only two hours. A. costs B. takes C. pays D. spends 35.-Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane. -_.I never go travelling without a book. A.You are joking B. That s true C.I don t think so D. It sounds good 三、完形填空(共 15 小题 ,每小题 1 分, 计 15 分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选项出一个最佳答案。 Mr. Young has a big shop in the center of the city. He tells all his employees ( 雇员)to be _36_ to the buyers and he gets a lot of _37_. One day an old woman went to the shop to _38_ a silk blouse. When she came out of the shop with the blouse, she _39_ her wallet in it. A girl picked it up and _40_ there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and _41_ saw it. She put it into her _42_ quickly. Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she _43_.That evening Mr. Young was told about it. He was very _44_ and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ an honest man to take her _45_.A few young men came, but Mr. Young didn t like _46_ This morning a young man came to his _47_.He asked, “Do you smoke, sir?“ “No, sir,“ answered the young man. “Do you _48_?“ “No, sir.“ Mr. Young asked him the other questions, and the young man's _49_ satisfied (满足,满意)Mr. Young. Before he employed(雇佣) him, he asked him the last question, “You have _50_ shortcoming, (缺点) do you?“ “No, I don't, sir.“ said the young man.“I only like telling lies.“ 36. A. angry B. strange C. friendly D. terrible 37. A. interest B. money C. surprise D. hope 38. A. borrow B. buy C. look for D. lend 39. A. threw B. forgot C. left D. placed 40. A. found B. knew C. understood D. wanted 41. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody 42. A. hand B. bottle C. pocket D. glass 43. A. won B. lost C. failed D. forgot 44. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. worried 45. A. seat B. place C. table D. chair 46. A. him B. their C. them D. theirs 47. A. house B. car C. home D. office 48. A. dress B. eat C. drink D. sleep 49. A. answers B. clothes C. knowledge D. face 50. A. no B. some C. any D. much 四、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A LOST A white cat with two big blue eyes. If you find it, please call Sam at 385-0926. Many thanks. Titanic 3D Saturday and Sunday Showtime Cinema $20 ( half for children under 12 ) Call David at 332-5147. BOOK SALE A Christmas Carol by Charles Diukans A story of Christmas The true meaning of Christmas was $59.60 now $29.60 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 sunny bedrooms with a kitchen. $500 a month Call Mary at 591-3127 for more information. 51. Who lost a white cat with two big blue eyes? A. Sam. B. David. C. Mary. D. Charles. 52. You need to pay _ if you buy the book A Christmas Carol now . A. $59.60 B. $49.60 C. $39.60 D. $29.60 53. If you want to rent a house, you can call _. A. 385-0926 B. 591-3127 C. 332-5147 D. 592-5147 B It is a beautiful spring morning. There isn't a cloud in the sky. And the sun is warm but not too hot, so Mr. Hunt is surprised when he sees an old man at the bus stop with a big strong black umbrella in his hand Mr. Hunt says to him, “Are we going to have rain today, do you think so?“ “No,“ says the old man, “I don't think so.“ “Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?“ “No, the sun is not very hot in spring.“ Mr. Hunt looks at the big umbrella again, and the old man says, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a walking-stick. But when I carry a walking-stick, people say, 'Look at that poor old man', and I don't like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, 'Look at that stupid (傻的) man.'” 54. What is the weather like in that morning? A. Fine B. Hot C. Rainy D. Cloudy 55. The old man carries an umbrella to _. A. keep the sun off B. keep the rain off C. keep the snow off D. help him to walk 56. The man _ the people to say he is an old man. A. likes B. wants C. doesn't like D. doesn't hate 57. What's the meaning of “walking-stick“? A.枝条B.拐杖C.小车D.手推车 C “ I will think of it. ” It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places. A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fire, watching the lid of the kettle move up and down. He wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the lid. From that time he went on thinking and thinking. And when he became a man, he improved the steam engine (蒸汽机 ) so much that it could easily do the work of many horses. James Ferguson was a poor boy. Once, seeing the inside of a watch, he wondered. “ Why should I not make a watch?” But how could he get the materials to make the mainspring (钟表的主发条 )? He soon found he could make it with whalebone (鲸骨). He then made a wooden clock which kept good time. His motto (座右铭 ) was “ I will think of it.”And he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world. Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, don t lose heart, and don t ask someone for help before helping yourselves. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose. 58From the passage, we know that some great things come from _. A. listening B. reading C. speaking D. thinking 59The achievement of James Watt was that he _. A. kept thinking B. found the steam in the kettle C. improved the steam engine much D. watched the lid move up and down 60The right order of the following sentences is _. James Ferguson made a wooden clock. James Ferguson saw the inside of a watch. James Ferguson made the mainspring with whalebone. A. B. C. D. 61What is the main idea of the passage? A. Learn to ask for help. B. A difficult lesson to learn. C. It is easy to say “ I will think of it. D. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose D Nihal is a high-school athlete( 运动员 ). With the tiring training, he always feels tired and worn out on game days. He wants to know if there is something he can eat before a game that will keep him energetic without slowing him down. Many young athletes have the same question as him. The overall diet may be slowing you down on game day. During tiring training, it's quite possible that you're not eating enough calories to make up the ones you're using up. One sign that you're not getting enough calories is weight losing. During training, as always, it's necessary to eat a balanced diet and not cut one of meals to make sure you're getting enough nutrients (营养物 ) and keeping energy levels. An excellent meal or snack before games will have lots of carbs (碳 水化合物 ) , some protein ( 蛋白质 ) , and very little, if any, fat and fiber (纤维). Fat and fiber are important parts of a balanced diet, but may lead to pains of stomach during exercise. Try a sandwich with some meat and a piece of your favorite fruit. The carbs will give you energy at once and the protein will give you some energy later in the game. No matter which snack you go with before games, remember to hydrate ( 水 合 作 用 ) before, during, and after your game for best performance. Of course, being tired on game day can be a sign of not getting enough sleep. Most children need at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. 62. What is Nihal's problem? A. He hates the tiring practice schedule B. He's always tired and worn out on game days. C. He wants to eat something to slow down. D. He wants to lose weight. 63. How do we know a person doesn't get enough calories? A. He's slowing down. B. He's full of energy. C. He's thinner than before. D. He feels tired during training. 64. What should an excellent meal have before games? A. It should have little fat and fiber, much carbs and some protein. B. It should have a Little carbs, some protein and lots of fat and fiber. C. It should have lots of protein, some carbs and little fat and fiber. D. It should have lots of carbs, protein, fat and fiber. 65. What will give you energy later in the game? A. Fat and fiber. B. A sandwich. C. The carbs. D. The protein. 五、词汇运用(共10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空(每空一 词) 66.All the _ _names are on the paper. You can have a look. (swim) 67. Simon and Tom didn t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to _ _(they) 68.In the very_ _,the lost boy was very excited about the strange place.(begin) 69. He spent as much money as he could_ _ snacks. (eat) 70. Jerry was so careless that he gave an _ _ answer at last (correct) 71.He read _ _the newspaper and found nothing interesting.(从头到 尾) 72. ,some climbers helped Simon and he was safe,(幸好) 73.The dinner is ready. Let's begin. (已经) 74. I scored 90 points and came_ _in the competition.( 十二) 75.Please read the first before you “ DIY” (说明) 六、任务型阅读(共10 空;每空 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读短文并根据短文内容完成表格。(每空一词) Good morning, boys and girl. Today I ll give a talk about going online. We know that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable(令人愉快的) . Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer. We can learn English and read some newspapers and magazines to know more around us. It can make us clever in playing computer games. Also when we can send e-mails to our friends,they can get them at once. It can help us communicate( 交流)with people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Some girls even get to have boyfriends or some boys get to have girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them too much time to chat online so they do worse in their lessons and they don t study well any more. I think we mustn t get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. I think we should get online with our teachers or parents. At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some activities after school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon . You can play basket ball or football. We also have some interest groups in school, such as drawing, singing and dancing. We can go to the English corner on Monday afternoon. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet. Title: A _76_ about going online Advantages (优点) Make our lives interesting and make us _77_ our lives. Learn how to use the computer and can get more information. Send e-mails to our friends _78_. Help us get in touch with people from_79_ the world. Disadvantage s (缺点) It _80_ too much time to play computer games. Some students write too_81_ letters to each othe


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