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    七年级(上)Units 7-8能力测试题笔试部分(85分)第一卷 选择题(60分)I.词汇测试。(15分)i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)()1. I didnt see you at the meeting yesterday. Where were you?Oh, I was so busy that I forgot (忘记) to attend the meeting.A. listen toB. find outC. take part in()2. Where does your mother work?She teaches in No. 2 Middle School.A. gives lessonsB. does the cleaningC. makes clothes()3. We are all surprised to find out the fact of the news.Me too. I cant believe (相信) it.A. happyB. amazedC. bored()4. I think English is boring. When I read it, I often feel sleepy.I dont agree with you. I like it and I think it is very helpful.A. not importantB. not help fillC. not interesting.()5. There is not enough space for more cars.All right. I will find another place for my car.A. room B. timeC. money()6. Where is Candy?She followed Helen to the garden just now.A. threw awayB. went afterC. looked after()7. Do you know how to spell this word? Of course. L-E-A-V-E, leave.A. SureB. Really C. No()8. I really like eating hamburgers. But my mother says they are bad for my health. I agree with her. You need eat more Vegetables.A. not important toB. not good forC. not happy withii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分)()9. If you _ a fact or a piece of information, you find it out by looking in something such as a reference (参考) book or a list.A. light upB. get upC. look up()10. If you are _, you are not busy and dont have to go to work.A. nervousB. freeC. friendly()11. Why do you want to join the Music Club?Because I can learn more _ about singing.A. grammarsB. skillsC. hobbies()12. He is only five years old, but he knows a lot.Yes. He is a really _ boy.A. poorB. weakC. unusual()13. I am very hungry, Mom.Sorry, Sam. We will have dinner _.A. soonB. slowlyC. quietly()14. When I see her smile, my sorrows (忧愁) _ soon.Yes, she can always make people happy.A. disappearB. completeC. come()15. Before we go to another country, we should _ its culture and language.Yes, I agree with you.A. look atB. learn aboutC. help withII.完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)Little Marys grandparents have a farm. On the farm there are many kinds of 16, such as cows, dogs and cats. She likes to play with them because they make her 17.On the farm there is also a little 18. It doesnt have mother. And it never 19 other animals. It often walks around by itself. Mary thinks this is why she likes it so much.Many times, Mary 20 the elephant how sorry she is for the death (死亡) of its mother. She loves talking with it and the elephant becomes 21 to Mary. When it sees Mary on the farm, it 22 up to her like a little dog. It sometimes follows her into a wood (树林). There Mary sits on the 23 and reads a book and the little elephant stands by Mary.Her grandfather often asks her, “Why does the elephant 24 you so much?” “Oh, because I love it, Grandpa,” Mary answers.Grandpa thinks Mary is 25. Animals are our friends. We should love them.()16. A. workersB. animalsC. flowers()17. A. happyB. weakC. sad()18. A. catB. pigC. elephant()19. A. fights withB. flies withC. plays with()20. A. speaksB. tellsC. says()21. A. nervousB. friendlyC. afraid()22. A. runsB. studiesC. wakes()23. A. wallB. treeC. ground()24. A. likeB. hateC. catch()25. A. strangeB. hardC. rightIII.阅读理解。(30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)ACharles, 15, the US:I joined the Table Tennis Club two years ago. Playing table tennis can help me to relax (放松) after a busy day of schoolwork. I often win the school table tennis game. I enjoy the feeling of winning.Tom, 15, the UK:Im interested in the Chinese martial arts (武术), so I joined the Taichi (太极拳) Club. In v the club, our teacher teaches us the history of Taichi and how to do Taichi. I like the way of moving my arms and legs slowly and easily.Xu Lifei, 14, China:Reading is my favourite thing to do, so I joined the Reading Club. I learnt a lot after reading. I also find I could read faster and understand (理解) better after joining the club.Amy, 13, Canada:I joined the school Chess Club because I really like playing the game. Our club holds meetings every Sunday afternoon. We play chess against club members and talk about the famous chess players in the world. Our club is always full of fun.()26. How old was Charles when he joined the Table Tennis Club?A. Fifteen years old.B. Fourteen years old.C. Thirteen years old.D. Twelve years old.()27. What is Xu Lifei interested in?A. Playing table tennis.B. Reading.C. Playing chess.D. Practicing Taichi.()28. Where is Amy from?A. The US.B. The UK.C. China.D. Canada.()29. How often does the Chess Club have a meeting?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Once a month.D. Every day.()30. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Tom learns the history of Taichi from his teacher in the club.B. Charles is not good at playing table tennis.C. Students in the Chess Club can only learn how to play chess.D. Both Tom and Amy are 15 years old.BLittle Jack is only five years old. He loves chocolate. He always asks his mother for some chocolate. His mother doesnt want him to have so much chocolate. She thinks eating too much chocolate is not good for his health.The day before last Christmas Day, Jacks grandparents came to their home. They bought Jack a lot of presents, but they didnt buy chocolate. Jack was happy to get so many presents, but he still thought of chocolate. On Christmas Eve, they had a big dinner and everyone had a good time. After dinner, it was time for Jack to go to bed. “Jack, if you love something, please tell Santa Claus. You can get it tomorrow morning,” his mother said.Jack put up a stocking (长筒袜) at the end of his bed before he went to bed. “Santa Claus, please give me some chocolate!” Jack said loudly.“Why do you speak so loudly? Santa Claus can hear you,” his mother asked.“But my grandparents in the next room cant,” said Jack.()31. Why doesnt Jacks mother want him to have so much chocolate?A. Because Jacks mother doesnt like Jack.B. Because Jacks mother thinks it is very expensive.C. Because it is not good for Jacks health.D. Because Jack is too young to have it.()32. When did Jacks grandparents come to their home?A. On December 24th.B. On December 25th.C. On November 26th.D. On January 1st.()33. What did Jacks family do on Christmas Eve?A. Played games.B. Enjoyed a nice meal.C. Watched TV.D. Had a party.()34. Who did Jack want to get chocolate from?A. Santa Claus.B. His mother.C. His father.D. His grandparents.()35. What do you think of Jack?A. Brave.B. Clever.C. Silly.D. Honest.CA young man loved to collect jade. He was interested in it. So he wanted to learn from Mr Smith. Mr Smith knew a lot about jade. But Mr Smith didnt want to teach him because he was worried that the young man was not patient (有耐心的) with learning.The young man asked again and again. Finally Mr Smith told him, “Be here tomorrow.” The next morning the young man came. Mr Smith put a piece of jade in the young mans hand and told him to hold (举起) it. Then he went away. The young man sat quietly and waited. The second morning, Mr Smith again put a piece of jade in the young mans hand and asked him to hold it. On the next several days, Mr Smith asked him to do the same thing. Several more days passed and the young man felt very angry. One morning, when he held the jade, the young man shouted without looking at it in his hand, “This is not the same piece of jade! It is much lighter.”()36. Mr Smith didnt want the young man because _.A. the young man was not cleverB. he didnt like the young man at allC. the young man was very poorD. he was afraid that the young man was not patient()37. What did Mr Smith ask the young man to do?A. To break the jade in his hand.B. To look at the jade again and again.C. To hold the jade in his hand.D. To see how big the jade was.()38. How did the young man feel after some days?A. Nervous.B. Angry.C. Sad.D. Excited.()39. What can we know from the underlined sentences?A. The young man didnt like Mr Smith.B. The young man became very strong.C. The young man learnt something about the jade.D. The young man didnt want to hold the jade.()40. What can be the best title for the passage?A. A young man.B. A famous student.C. A lighter piece of jade.D. How to collect the jade.DThis is the time of a year when we think about giving and receiving (收到) presents. Do you want to give a hand? We give you a few organizations you might like to help.Littleton Childrens HomeWe dont want your money, but childrens toys, books and clothes would be very welcome. We also need friendly families. They can take our children into their homes for a few hours or days and give them not only food but also love. Do you want to help us?Phone Sister Thomas at 55671 or email us at Uttleton2017sina.com.Street FoodIn winter, its no fun being homeless (无家可归的). Its much worse (更糟糕的) if youre hungry. We give hot food to about fifty people every night. Its hard work. Can you come and help? If not, can you give a little money or buy some saucepans (炖锅)? We use a very old kitchen, and we really need some new saucepans. Money for new things would be welcome. Phone Mary at 27713.()41. What does the underlined word “organizations” mean?A. Steps.B. Groups.C. Subjects.D. Dreams.()42. Which of the following does NOT the Littleton Childrens Home need?A. Books.B. Toys.C. Money.D. Love.()43. How many ways can you use to contact (联系) the Littleton Childrens Home?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.()44. Which of the following is NOT the way to help Street Food?A. Giving out food at night.B. Giving some money.C. Providing new saucepans.D. Providing clothes.()45. Where can we read the passage?A. In a food magazine.B. In a storybook.C. On the Internet.D. In a travel guide.第二卷 非选择题(25分)IV.语法填空。(10分)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。(共10小题,每小题1分)Dear Alan,How are you? Im glad (46) _ (hear) from you. Now let me tell you the plan for your trip in Beijing. (47) _ you get here, we will take you to Beijing Hotel to have dinner. The next day were going to take (48) _ trip to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum is very large, and well spend about four hours (49) _ (visit) it. I want to take you to the Beijing Zoo on the third day if you dont feel very (50) _ (tire). We can see lovely pandas, smart monkeys and many other (51) _ (interest) animals there. On the fourth day, we will enjoy (52) _ in the Summer Palace. We can go boating on the lake. On the fifth day, we5 re going to visit the Great Wall. Were going to some (53) _ (park) like Beihai Park and Jingshan Park on the sixth day. Before you go back to Sydney, I would like (54) _ (have) a party for you at home. All my friends will come and say goodbye (55) _ you.I hope to see you soon.Best wishes.Yours,Zhao KaiV.书面表达。(15分)现在许多学校都会有各种各样的社团活动供学生放学后参加。假如你加入了网球俱乐部,请你根据下列提示,介绍一下你所参加的社团的情况;要求:60词左右,可适当发挥。提示:1.最喜欢打网球,所以加入了网球社团;2.每周去社团两次,分别是周三和周五;3.在网球社团里,学习如何更好地打网球,有时候会比赛;4.在俱乐部里学习了很多打网球的技巧并且交到很多朋友。_七年级(上)Units 7-8 综合能力测试题参考答案笔试部分第一卷I. 1-5 CABCA 6-10 BABCB11-15 BCAABII. 16-20 BACCB 21-25 BACAC III. 26-30 CBDAA 31-35 CABDB36-40 DCBCC41-45 BCBDC第二卷 (One possible version) IV. 46. to hear 47. When 48. a 49. visiting 50. tired 51. interesting 52. ourselves 53. parks 54. to have 55. to V. There are many clubs in our school. They are all very interesting. I like playing tennis best, so I joined the Tennis Club. There are about 15 members in our club. All of them are very friendly. We take part in the Tennis Club twice a week. They are on Wednesdays and Fridays. In the club, we learn how to play tennis better. Sometimes we also have games. In the club, I can learn many skills of playing tennis and make lots of friends.I love my club!【书面表达写作指导】本次书面表达要求根据提示介绍网球俱乐部的情况。写作时要注意以下几点: 1. 确定时态,叙述经常发生的事情用一般现在时态,叙述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时态;2. 根据提示内容逐一介绍,不可遗漏要点,可适当发挥;3. 文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。


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