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    译林英语6B Unit2 测试卷 (1).docx

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    译林英语6B Unit2 测试卷 (1).docx

    Unit2 单元综合训练一、选出划线部分读音与其余三项不同的单词( )1、A .for B. horse C. sport D. homework( )2、A. after B. wake C. last D. fast( )3、A. really B. teacher C. clean D. ice-cream( )4、A. order B. short C. firework D. morning( )5、A. walk B. always C. talk D. tall二、英汉互译1、早早起床 2、before bedtime 3、昨夜 4、bad habits 5、睡觉晚 6、in the street 7、走得快 8、feel sleepy 9、一间整洁的教室 10、put things in order 三、用所给词适当形式填空1. -What do you like doing? -I like (watch) films.2. My mother usually (read) books at the weekends. But my father doesn't. He (play) computer games. 3.Mike is a good boy. He never (finish) his homework late.4. Nancy should (brush) her teeth before bedtime.5. My little brother (have) many toys. He always (put) them in order.四、选择填空( )1.-Did Liu Tao his teeth last night? -No, he didn't. A. brush B. brushes C. brushed( )2.At the weekends, Miss Li usually at home. A. do housework B. did housework C. does housework( )3. Su Yang always her teachers at school. A. listen to B. listens C. listens to( )4. Nancy should her room clean and tidy. A. keep B. keeps C. keeping( )5. The woman usually early, but she late yesterday. A. gets up, gets up B. gets up, got up C. gets up, got up五、完成句子,每空一词1、麦克有一个坏习惯。他经常很晚完成他的作业。Mike a bad . He often his homework .2、苏阳每天准时上学。Su Yang to school on every day.3、刘涛有时早上感觉累。Liu Tao sometimes in the morning. 4、海伦总是把她的书和玩具整理得井井有条。Helen always her books and in .5、这个男孩正在操场上慢跑。The boy is in the playground.六、 阅读短文,选出正确答案One day an old woman wants to see her son in Paris. When she goes to the small station, she forgets the time the train is coming and leaving. She looks around and she sees a boy playing with a toy pistol(手枪) nearby. She comes up to him and asks for help. The boy doesn't say a word. He only points to her with his pistol, says "/ tu: tu:tu: tu: tu: tu: /", then he runs away quickly. The old woman is very angry. She doesn't know why the boy plays such a joke with(同某人开玩笑) her. The train comes. She gets on the train. When the train starts, she suddenly smiles: How clever the boy is! He tells her the time in that way!( )1. The old woman goes to the small station_ A. to play B. to see her son in Paris C. to take a train to Paris D. to see her daughter in Paris( )2. What is the boy doing? He_. A. plays with a pistol B. playing with a toy C. is watching a train nearby D. is playing with a toy pistol( )3. Does the boy answer the woman's question? A. No, he isn't. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn't. D. Yes, he don't.( )4. The boy is a _boy. A. clever B. foolish C. sad D. happy( )5. When does the train stay at the station? A. 1:40-2:20 am. B. 1:58-2:02 pm. C. 2:02-1:58 pm. D.20:02-21:08


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