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    译林英语6B 英汉互译.docx

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    译林英语6B 英汉互译.docx

    Unit1根据语境,进行英汉词组互译1.The lion is_(又大又强壮).2. He didn't see me when I _(走过) yesterday.3.Don't_ (让这个男孩离开).4. _(从那之后),we_(成为了朋友).5. The mouse made a big hole in the net. _6. Just then, the mouse saw the lion. _7. We can catch mice with a net. _8. How can I get out? _9. Please wake up the little boy. _10. The mouse is small and weak. _11. 他是一个快乐的男孩,他总是开心地笑。_12. 听了一个伤心的故事后,他伤心地哭了。_13. 这是一本中国成语故事。_14.我的姑妈去买了一些棒棒糖给我的表弟。_15. My cousin _(擅长踢足球).16.He didn't see me_ (在操场上).17.Don't_ (快速奔跑)in the bus.18. _ (接下来的一天),we worked hard together.19. Let's _(欢呼) our football team.20. Well done Mike. _21. Don't pour the water into the big hole. _22. Tim hit the ball hard. _23. I like reading animal stories. _24. We know how to make a study plan. _25. 听到这个令人兴奋的消息后,他激动地跳了起来。_26.狮子无法从网里挣脱出来。_Unit21. _ (好的学习习惯)are useful for the students.2. Mike always_ (早起床) in the morning.3.We should_ (保持房间的干净整洁)。4. You can't_ (走得快) after dinner.5.He_ (做得好)at school.6. My mother knows me well._7. Tim sometimes feels sleely in class. _8. We can't_(完成我们的家庭作业) at school today.9. Wang Bing always brushes his teeth before bedtime. _10. Linda usually _ (保持她的东西井然有序).11. Mike看起来有起来有些疲倦。他怎么了?_12. 睡觉前请把你的东西都按顺序摆放好。_13.我有时在家里帮助父母。_14.好习惯对我们是有益的,但坏习惯是有害的。_15.四匹矮脚马飞奔过一片草地。_16. Tim 在早晨和睡前刷牙。_17.我们应该在家和在学校都表现很好。_18.我的腿受伤了,我走不快。_Unit31.He only _ (喝一点水).2.Yang Ling likes _ (吃许多面条)。3.Did you _ (吃一些鱼)?4. Mike and I have some bread _ (每-天) 5. We have some eggs and milk for breakfast. _6. Do you have a healthy diet?_7. Mike likes sweet food very much. _8. Linda doesn't like milk and she drinks only a little at a time. _9. 健康的饮食时非常重要的。_10.不要再图书馆大声喧哗。_11.昨晚我看到两只老鼠在我的卧室里乱跑。_12.吃许多的蔬菜和水果对你的健康有益。_Unit41.There are many _(繁忙的马路)in the city.2.To _(过马路)safely, you should _(看交通信号灯).3.First, we must look for _(斑马线).4.You _(不可以)run or play on the road.5. You must _(当心、提防)cars and bikes.6. You must not_(在人行横道上玩).7. 1.You must always_(走在横道上人)。8.Look!The bus is coming, we must _(上车).9. When you see the green man, you can_(安全地过马路).10.We_ (不应该上课大声讲话).11. If you_ (遵守规则 ) at school. You must be a good student.12.My mother always waits for me_(在交车站).13. There are_ (这 么多人) in the supermarket at the weekends.14.Everyone must_ (保持教室干净).15. I _(生病了), so I didn't go to school yesterday.16.In The UK, people drive_ (在道路的左边).期中1.You shouldn't_ (喝太多可乐),2. _ (我最喜爱的食物)is sweet food.3. Do you have_ (健康的饮食)?4. Mike_ (篮球打得好).5.I don't have_ (一些坏习惯),6.Look, Wang Bing and Liu Tao_(正开心地打乒乓球)now.7.We_ (成为好朋友)a few years ago.8.The man_ (用一张大网抓了一头狮子)in the forest yesterday.9. Listen to the teachers in class, you can_ (轻松地完成你的回家作业).10. When you cross the road, you must_ (小心汽车和自行车).Unit 5翻译括号中或画线部分的内容。1.Wang Bing_(正准备买一些小吃和饮料).2.Would you like_ (从家里带一些水果)?3. There was a party_ (在Mike的家中) last Friday.4.Are we_ (准备玩玩具)first?5.Let's_ (玩得开心).6. Just then, a clown appears. _7. The students bring their things to Liu Tao's house. _8. What is he going to do for the party? _9.在聚会上,Bobby将表演戏剧,他将成为一名国王。At the party, Bobby is_.He_.10.你这个周末要去滑冰吗?一不,我不去。_11.苏海将要买一些食物吗?_11.Do not _Saturday.(到得太晚)12.Come to my party_(带着小吃和饮料)13.Would you like_?(想许多游戏)14.What about _on National Day?(举办一个派对)15.Sam_ (将成为一名国王)16.Are you going to_?(给你的孩子讲个故事)17.Shall we meet at 8_?(明天早晨)18.Last week,_(一个小丑出现了)at the party.19. Sam gets a letter from Mike a few days later ·_20. When is the lesson going to end? _Unit 61.They_ (想要找出关于悉尼的信息)before the lessons.2.Can she_ (发送给我一些照片)?3.Ill_(寻找书籍和杂志)about Australia.4.Did you_(发现许多有趣的事情)last night?5.I_ (喜欢袋鼠), but Mike_(不喜欢).6. _(来自澳大利亚的考拉)are very lovely.7. Sport-lovers will like football games. _8. People in Australia welcome visitors. _9.Billy将为Bobby和Sam烹饪美味的晚饭。_10.那么等着瞧。_11.Helen昨晚给他发送了一封电子邮件。_12.我想要找到更多关于澳大利亚的信息。_13.她将买一些礼物给Bob叔叔。_14.Ill _in Australia(发一封电子邮件给我的朋友).15.Would you like_ (为Bobby烹饪晚饭)?16.Are you _on the Internet?(将学习做三明治)?17.I can't_ (等着读报纸).18.Sam_ (想要买一些礼物给他).19.Su Hai _yesterday.(从超市买了一些小吃)20.The city has_(新鲜的空气). _(它的景色)is fair.21. You will find interesting places like the Big Ben, London Eye and Tower Bridge. _22. What do you think, Sam? _Unit71.Will you_ (去海洋公园)this year?2._(回到伦敦)and_ (向我们展示一些照片).3. _(多久)will you_(待在那里)?4.Did you_ (去年暑假去迪斯尼)?Yes, I did. I_ (去了香港).5.Would you like_ (坐火车去)?6. Look! They_ (谈论他们的假期计划).7. Where will you go for the holiday? _8. That sounds great! _9.Bobby正在和Sam谈论他的周六计划。_10.我想成为一名旅行者并且环游世界。 _ 11.Mike is writing about _(他们的暑假计划).12.Will we stay in London _ (待一·个月)?13.Do you _ (环游世界)with me?14.How will you _ (到达美国)?15.I will have _ (一个美妙的圣诞节假期).16.Sam _the fashion show(感到很兴奋).17. Look! The little boy _ (正在玩他的玩具).18.I _ (做了许多事情)yesterday.19. You will find Buckingham Palace in the UK. _20. He's so full of joy! _Unit81. Many people_ (不关心) their teeth.2.I want to be a_ (钢琴演奏家).3. He wants to play in_ (世界杯) next year.4.Running_ (让人变得健康).5. If you want your dreams_ (成真), don't sleep.6. Miss Li is good at singing. _7.What do you want to be in the future? _8. Some day I'll be a pilot. _9.你将来想做什么? 我擅长写作,我想成为一名作家。 _10.我想在月球上行走。_11.我妈妈病了。我应该待在家里照顾她。_ 12.我想当一名宇航员,因为它是件有趣的工作。_13.你喜欢唱歌和跳舞吗?_14.我想乘宇宙飞船去月球。_15.轻音乐让我觉得疲倦。_16.苏海想为孩子们写故事。_


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