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    译林英语6B 适当形式填空.docx

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    译林英语6B 适当形式填空.docx

    用所给单词的适当形式填空Unit11. The clothes fit you_(good).2. Mike likes_ (sweet) and he often goes to the_ (sweet) shop.3. Su Yang_ (read) an English book in the classroom yesterday.4. Here_ (come) Miss Li.5. This is_ (one) lesson of the new term.6. Bobby and I_ (be) good friends. We_ (become) good friends when we_ (be) children.7. Mike shouted_ (excite), because he was too_ (excite) after he got the_ (excite) news.8. Look! The cat is running_ (quick).9. Time_ (go) to the cinema.Unit21. I have a bad_ (tooth) 9 so the doctor lets me brush my_(tooth) every day.2. Reading is a good habit for_ (we).3. I feel_ (sleep) and I want_ (sleep).4. Mike is a_ (good) student and he also does_ (good) at home.5. The room is_ (mess) but we can make it clean.6. The old man is walking_ (slow).7. Last night I_ (not finish) my homework late.8. I always help my_ (parent) and they are very happy.9. Mr Green is not a good_(sing) because he sings. (bad).10. Yang Ling_(have) some good and bad habits.11. I_(get) up late this morning so I_ (be) late for school.12. Watching too_ (many) TV is a bad habit.13. Mike and I are good friends and our_ (child) know each other very_(good) too.14.Whose bedroom is this? It's my_ (brother).15. Look! The room is in a_ (mess).Unit31. The food was so good and we_ (eat) a lot.2. I like eating_ (mango).3. They don't have_ (some) bread.4. There are a lot of _(mouse) under thc table.5. Ben_ (not shout) in the classroom.6. There is nearly_ (not) water in the bottle.7. There are a lot of_ (potato) and_ (tomato) in the kitchen.Unit41. Please keep your bedroom_ (clean).2. We must_ (stop) and wait for the green light.3. Stop_ (talk) ! Class begins.4. You_ (must) play football on the road.5. My cousin_ (can) walk one year ago.6. The baby is sleeping. Please speak_ (quiet).7. Tom can answer the question_ (easy).8. The lion_ (bite) the net with his sharp teeth, but that didn't help.9. There_ (be) some fruit and a lot of vegetables on the table yesterday.10. We should keep_ (health).Unit51. It is_ (child) Day this Sunday.2. Su Hai_ (buy) some sweets for the next party.3. Would you like_ (bring) some toys?4. Here_ (be) some snacks for you.5. Lct's_ (begin) our class.6. Suddenly a clown_ (appear) at the par ty.7. Don't_(play) with strangers. It's dangerous.8._ _(be) you going Io thc shopping centre? No, we_ (not),9. David_(like) making model planes, but I_ (not).10. It is_ (cloud) now. It_ (rain) soon.11. Let the old woman_ (get) on the bus first.12. The_ (France) man is coming. I would like to_ (be) his friend.13. There_ (not) any toys on the ground just now.14. April is the_ (four) month of a year.15. My father_ (work) there next week.Unit61. Mike will_ (ask) his e-friend in China.2. Liu Tao often_ (read) books about Scotland in the evening, but he_(watch) TV now.3. Do you want _(learn) more about me?4._ _(be) he going to_ (see) the animals? No, he_ (not). He_(see) them yesterday afternoon.5. Many_will_ the Great Wall. (visit)6. The_ (Australia) Football games are very_ (excite). People look so_ (excite). Look! They_(shout) and_ (laugh).7. I_ (make) snowmen next week.8. I_(read) about an English boy in the newspaper yesterday.9._ _you_(have) a picnic the day after tomorrow?10. Many_(visit) went to Shanghai to see the World Expo.12. He is good at_ and he is a good_ (swim).13. 1 go to my grandparents' home_ (one) a week.14. He asked me how_(get) to the post office.15. Su Hai, it's your turn. You are the_ (five).P68用合适的介词完成下列句子。1. I'll find out _the old city in the library.2. I'll go to the library and look for books_ Sydney.3. My friend always sends cards _me.4. The woman is_ Australia.5. Mike chatted _his friend _the Internet yesterday.Unit7用适当的介词填空:1. The children are talking _their plans the summer holiday.2. Where will you go _the holiday?3. I'll go back_ London.4. Ill stay there_ a month. What _you?5. Ill visit my aunt and uncle _Beijing.6. Will you go to Beijing _ plane?7. I'll go _Hong Kong_My family.8. Ill show you some photos_ the holiday.9. My friends and I will be busy _the summer holiday.10. 1 want to be a traveller and travel_ the world.11. Sam is excited_ Bobby's plans.12. I was very _ (excite) at the show.13. Yesterday, I _ (meet) my friend Tom. We _ (be) glad to see each other.14. Nancy usually_ (draw) pictures. She can _ (draw) well.15. Listen! Wno _ (sing) in the next room?16. He_ (play) football for the USA next month.17. You can get off at the _ (three) stop.18. They come from different_ (country).Unit 81. I want to be an _ (art).2. I want _ (work) for a TV station.3. I like talking to people and _ (write) stories.4. We want a music teacher _ (teacher) guitar.5. This is a great school for _ (child).6. _ (dance) makes people beautiful.7. I saw two_ (cook) in the kitchen.8. Peter wants to be a _ (drive).9. I want to work with_ (he).10. Jeff doesn't want to be a _ (wait), but his sister wants to be a_ (wait).11. He likes_. He can_ very well. (paint)12. He wants_ (be) a policeman when he grows up.13. My cousin wants _ (play) in the next World Cup.14. He is going to_ (watch) TV this Sunday.15. Why don't you_ (go) to the cinema?16. We should _ (study) hard.17. Sam wants_ (read) English in the morning.18. How about_ (play) football this afternoon?19. What are they doing? They _ (listen) to music.20. Can you_ (help) me with my English?21. Willy will have _ (paint) lessons next term.期末1. Tom _ (play) the piano every Saturday. Now he_ (play).2. Listen! My aunt _ (sing) in the room. She is a singer. She_ (like) singing. She_ (have) a music show next month. She is excited.3. Tom and Mike always _(swim) in the river. They_ (swim) inthe swimming pool this Sunday.4. Tom often _ (go) to school on foot. But it is raining now. He_ (go) to school by bike.5. _ they all_(play) in the World Cup next week?


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