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    1. We must be sure that children in our country should get well _( 2011· 河北正定中学月考) A educate B educating C education D educated 解析: D 考查过 去分词的用法。此处 get相当于系 动词 , 句意:我们必须保证我们国家的孩子 们应该 受到良好的教 育。 2. The program was so fascinating that the children kept their eyes _on the screen ( 2011· 河北正定中学月考) A to fix B to be fixed C fixed D fixing 解析: C 考查分词的用法。此处考查 keep+名词+过去分 词的用法。 3. Everyone of us has many responsibilities _us So we must work hard.( 2011· 河北正定中学月考) A attaching B attaching to C attatched with D attatched to 解析: D 考查分词的用法。此处 attatched to us作定语,我 们每个人都有依附于我们的责任。所以我们必须努力学 习。 4. Taobao com has begun selling tickets online for international flights , to cut the market share of Ctrip corn and other competitors( 2011· 唐山市摸底) A to aim B having aimed C aiming D being aimed 解析: C 考查分词的用法。此处现 在分 词短语作结果状 语。 句意:淘宝网开始在网上售国 际航班的票目的是 为了削弱 旅游公司和其他 竞争对手的市 场份额。 5. When I turned to the person _ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate. ( 2011· 重庆师大附中 月考) A. seating B. being sat C. sit D. seated 解析:考查分词的用法及 词语 辨析。此处相当于 the person who is seated next to me 。 6. _ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the world every day.( 2011· 浙 江温州十校 联考) A Having opened B Opened C Opening D To open 解析: B 考查过 去分词的用法。此处表明在五一世博会被 开放。 7. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition She seemed _ for it pretty.( 2011· 浙江温州 十校 联考) A to prepare B to have prepared C having prepared D to be preparing 解析: B 考查非谓语动词 的用法。此处不定式的完成 时 表明已 经准备好。句意:她似乎已经为比赛准备好了。 8. They made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, _ to achieve a big success ( 2011· 浙江温州八校返校 联 考) A hoped B hoping C to hope D hope 解析: B 考查分词的用法。此处 hoping 短语作伴随状 语。 句意:他们努力为展览做准 备,希望取得巨大成功。 9. , the sun was rising in the east. ( 2011· 浙江学 军中 学月考) A.Arriving there B.We arriving there C.Having arrived there D.We arrived 解析: B 考查独立主格 结构。根据句子 结构可知逗号前 应 是状 语成分,不能是句子。故用独立主格 结构。 10. Exciting as its special effects are ,there is too much violence in the film. ( 2011· 浙江学 军中学月考) A.to watch B.to be watched C.watching D.being watched 解析: A 考查不定式的用法。此 处用不定式的主 动形式 表被 动。 11. John thought he was when the manager asked him for the advice on the new product.( 2011· 浙江学 军中学月考) A.something B.anything C.somebody D.a nybody 解析: C 考查不定代 词的用法。此处 somebody意为:人 物。句意:当 经理问 John有关新 产品的建 议的时候,他认为 他是个人物。 12 Did you get a ticket?( 2011· 云南昆明一中月考) No, , but there wasn't any left. A I tried B I tried to C I try D I try to 解析: B 考查不定式的省略。 语境: -你得到票了 吗?- 没有,我设法买过 ,但没有了。 13 The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ for a meal to be cooked. ( 2011· 云南昆明一中 月考) A laid B laying C to lay D being laid 解析: A 考查 with 的复合 结构。此处为 with+名词+过去 分词的用法,表示桌子被放好。 14 We hurried all the way to the airport, only that the flight had been called off because of the foggy weather. ( 2011· 广西玉林、南宁二中 9 月联考) A being told B to be told C having told D to have been told 解析: B 考查不定式作 结果状 语。句意:我 们一直急匆匆 的赶到机 场, 结果被告知由于 雾天航班已 经被取消了。此处 不定式短 语表示意外的 结果。 15 With prices going up, it is sometimes difficult for us to make ends meet on our small income. ( 2011· 广西玉林、 南宁二中 9 月联考) A kept B keeping C to keep D being kept 解析: B 考查 with 的复合 结构及分 词的用法。句意:随着 物价的不断增 长,依靠我们的微薄收入有 时难 以量入 为出。 16 Qian Xuesen, a key leader of New Chinas nuclear, missile and space programs, passed away. ( 2011· 广西玉林、南 宁二中 9 月联考) our country lose one of the greatest scientists. A being made B made C to make D making 解析: D 考查现 在分词的用法。此处现 在分词短语作结 果状 语,表示自然的 结果。 17. Ted and his friends established a website offering useful information about thunderstorms _ similar accidents happening.( 2011· 浙江学 军中学月考) A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. prevented 解析: C 考查非谓语动词 的用法。此处不定式短 语作目的 状语。 18. of danger in the street at night, she had to go home with a friend her.( 2011· 浙江学 军中学月考) A. Warned; accompanied B. Having warned; accompanying C. Warning; accompanying D. Having been warned; accompanying 解析: D 考查分词的用法。第一空表示已 经被警告;第二 空是 with+ 名词+现在分 词的用法。 19 in diving stilts, they walked into a magic world lighted by learns on board.( 2011· 四川成都市摸底) A Dressing B Wearing C Worn D Dressed 解析: D 考查过 去分词的用法。此处 be dressed in意为: 穿着。 20 Please tell me the after service of the computer; Im worried about a break down sometime( 2011· 湖南长沙 一中月考) A there being B it being C there is D it is 解析: A 考查动 名词的复合 结构。此处 about为介词,其 后是 there be句型的 动名词的复合 结构。 21 What should I do with this passage?( 2011· 湖南长沙 一中月考) the main idea of each paragraph A Finding out B Found out C Find out D To find out 解析: C 考查非谓语动词 及动词 的替代。此处 find out 替 代了 do,表示 do的具体内容。 22 If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better it youve got some big bills coming( 2011· 湖南 长沙一中月考) A forget B forgot C forgetting D to forget 解析: A 考查非谓语动词 的用法。此处 better相当于 had better,其后用动词 原形。 23. The Spanish football team won the South Africa World Cup on July 13th, _ it the 8th country to have won the World Cup.( 2011· 四川 绵阳中学月考) A. made B. making C. to make D. to have made 解析: B 考查现 在分词的用法。此处现 在分词短语作结果 状语。句意:西班牙足球队赢 得了 7 月 13日的南非世界杯, 致使西班牙成 为第八个 赢得世界杯的国家。 24 The project _ by the end of 2011, will expand the city s telephone network to cover 2000000 users.( 2011·四 川成都外国 语学校 9 月考) A being accomplished B accomplished C to be accomplished D having been accomplished 解析: C 考查不定式的用法。根据 by the end of 2011可知 表将来的 动作,此处不定式作定 语。 25 Living in the dormitory means to take care of yourself, understand each others ' differences and share interests. ( 2011· 四川成都外国 语学校 9 月考) A. to learn, common. B. learning, ordinary C. to learn, ordinary D. learning, common 解析: D 考查非谓语动词 及形容 词的用法。句意:住在宿 舍里意味着你要照 顾好自己,理解彼此之 间的差异并分享 共同的 兴趣。 26 She hurried to her office by taxi, only _ that the key had been left at home. ( 2011· 宁夏 银川一中月考) A finding B found C to find D find 解析: C 考查不定式的用法。此 处 only+不定式表示意外 的结果。句意:她急急忙忙乘出租 车赶到 办公室,结果发现 钥匙被落在家里了。 27. The old professor told us that every part of the materials should be made use of _ the station. ( 2011· 江西 师大开学 试题 ) A. building B. to build C. build D. being built 解析: B 考查不定式的用法。此 处不定式短 语作目的状 语。 28 All things _, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.( 2011· 湖南雅礼中学月考) A consideration B considering C considere d D are considered 解析: C 考查独立主格 结构。此处 All things 是逻辑 主语, considered是过去分 词,意 为:被考 虑。 29 I really appreciate_ time to relax( 2011· 江西 南昌一中月考) I don t doubt _ able to do so A to have;you to be B having;that you being C to have;you are D having;that you are 解析: D 考查动 名词及词的用法。第一空 appreciate后接 动名词作宾语;第二空doubt 后接宾语 从句。 30 Even on a cold day he prefers _ out to play football _at home( 2011· 江西南昌一中月考) A going;rather stay B going;to staying C to go;rather than staying D to do;rather than to stay 解析: B 考查动 名词及 prefer的用法。解题关键:掌握 prefer doing to doing 的用法,其其后 为并列成分。


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