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    UNIT 6 达标测试卷 时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分 第卷听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选出句子中包含的信息(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1A.taking Btalking Cwalking 2A.pool Bmall Clibrary 3A.long Bfun Cyoung 4A.use Blose Cplay 5A.bedroom B classroom Cliving room 二、听句子,把图片与所听句子相匹配(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) _(6)_ (7) _ (8) xkb1.com _(9)_ (10) 三、听对话,选择最佳答案(每小题 1分,共 5 分) 11Who is Alan writing to? AHis uncle.BHis cousin.CHis friend. 12What does Bob think of the movie? AIt's interesting. BIt's scary. CIt's bor ing. 13Where are the two speakers? AAt school. B At home. CIn the zoo. 14What is the boy doing now? AListening to a CD. BCleaning the room. CWatching a movie. 15What time is it now? A6 o'clock. B7 o'clock. C8 o'clock. 四、听短文,填入恰当内容完成表格(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) At my birthday party Peter He is eating the birthday cake. The cake is_ (16). Molly She is_ (17). Selina She is playing the_ (18) Her father is a_ (19) teacher. Dave He is talking about basketball with my_ (20). 第 卷笔试部分 (80 分) 五、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 21_ Yes, she is. AWhat is Mary doing? BDoes Mary go to school by bus? CIs Mary reading or talking ? DIs Mary talking on the phone? 22Each couple in China can have two _ from January 1st, 2016. AboyBgirlCchildrenD child 23Excuse me. Is there a _ near here? I want to buy some drinks. Yes. Go along the street, and it's on your left. AzooBschool x§k§b 1 CsupermarketDmuseum 24What _ things do you want? Some eggs, please. AotherBthe others CanotherDothers 25What's Rose doing? _. AShe likes reading BShe is a doctor CShe is eating dinner DShe does housework after school x k b 1 . c o m 26Last night, the shop was closed _ she didn't buy any chocolate. Aso Bif Cor Dwhen 27Listen! She _ in the classroom. AsingB sings CsingingDis singing 28My parents often _ TV in the evening. Awatc hBseeing CwatchingD look at 29Don't _ the chance when you can catch it, or you will regret it. Aguess BmissCrememberDallow 30We _ any Chinese classes on Friday. And we _ an English class now. Aaren't having; are having Bdon't have; have Cdon't have; are having Daren't having; don't have 六、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (词数:约110;建议用时: 5 分钟 ) It is Sunday. It's nine o'clock in the morning. My_ (31) are all at home. My mother is surfing the Internet (上网 ). She wants to buy a _ (32) because she likes taking photos. She says it is _ (33) to buy things on the Internet, because we can save (节省 ) some _ (34). My father is watching a talk show on TV . He likes _ (35) very much. My grandparents are _ (36) newspapers. The news may be _(37). Look, they are laughing ( 笑 )! My little sister is next to _ (38). She is playing with her cat. _ (39) name is Mimi. I'm calling my friend Jim. I want him to _ (40) his new book to school on Monday. I want to read it. 31A.friends BsistersCfamily Dfather 32A.book BcameraC mapDwatch 33A.friendlyBdangerous CquietDgood 34A.food BclothesCmoneyDbooks 35A.itBhimCher Dme 36A.readingBbuying CsellingD drawing 37A.boring BfunnyCdifficultDsad 38A.themBherCusDhim 39A.TheirBItsCOurDYour 40A.bring BtakeChaveD give 七、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A(词数:约140;建议用时:5 分钟 ) Dear Tim, Today is Saturday. It's 7:00 in the evening here. I'm writing to tell you something about my life. My father is watching a talk show on CCTV. That's his favorite program. My brother is playing computer games. My dog Dick is taking the hat to me. He wants me to put it on and go out for a walk with him. What a clever dog! My little sister is practicing playing the piano. It sounds beautiful today. Outside, I can hear cars and buses coming and going quickly. Also there are some boys playing ball games. It's really a noisy but happy evening. What are your family doing? I know that time here is thirteen hours ahead (提前 )of that in New York. Are you getting up? Please write to me soon. Best wishes! Yours, Daniel 41Daniel's father is _ Alistening to the news Bwatching a talk show on TV Cwatching a video Dlistening to some music 42The dog wants the writer to put the hat on because _ Ahe likes the hat very much Bhe thinks the hat is strange Cthe weather is too hot Dhe wants to go out for a walk 43What do you think of the piano playing skill of the writer's sister? AIt's much better (更好 ) BIt's just as usual(和平常一样 ) CIt's much worse ( 更糟的 ) DIt's always so good. 44How does the writer feel while he is writing the letter? ANot very well.BVery bad. CVery glad.DVery sad. 45What time is it when the writer begins to write the letter? A4:00 am.B5:00 am. C6: 00 a m.D7:00 pm. B(词数:约160;建议用时:6 分钟 ) Today is the first day of the week. In the afternoon,Mr. Read is driving his car to his sister's school. Now he is very near the school. But he doesn't know the way to it. At this time,he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of his car and goes to her.“ Excuse me! Where's the school, please?” he asks. The young woman says , “ It's very near here. I want to go with yo u. ” Now the young woman is sitting in the car. Soon they come to a small house and she says, “ Stop , please! ” Mr. Read stops the car and says, “ But this is not a school.” “ No, ” says the young woman, “ this is my house. I want to get home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me home. The school is behind the factory. So go back to the factory and then turn right,and you can find the school.” 46Today is _ AMondayBSaturday CTuesdayDSunday 47What is Mr. Read doing this afternoon? AHe is going to his sister's factory. BHe is repairing( 修理 )a car for the young woman. CHe is driving his car to his sister's school. DHe's driving his car to see the young woman. 48What does the young woman want to do? AShe wants to go to the school with Mr. Read. BShe wants to get home in Mr. Read's car. CShe wants Mr. Read to go to her house. DShe wants to stop Mr. Read's car. 49Where's Mr. Read's sister's school? ABehind the factory. BNear the young woman's house. CIn front of the woman's house. DBehind the woman's house. 50Which is not TRUE? xkb1.com AMr. Read doesn't know the way to the school. BThe young wo man doesn't get home before supper time. CMr. Read and the young woman aren't friends. DMr. Read wants to find the school , so he must go back. 八、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(词数:约80;建议用时: 5 分钟 ) It's late at night. (51)Martin_正坐在他的床上看他的钟表. His neighbors are making (53) a_lot_of noises and Martin is very angry. The people in Apartment 2 are dancing. The man in Apartment 3 is singing. The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin. The teenagers in Apartment 5 are listening to loud rock music( 摇滚乐 )The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument ( 争吵 ). (52) It's_very_late_and_Martin_is_tired_and_angry. What a terrible night! 任务一:把画线句子翻译成英语 51 _ 任务二:把画线句子翻译成汉语 52 _ 任务三:写出画线短语的同义短语 53 _ 任务四:回答问题 54What is the dog in Apartment 6 doing? _ _ _ 55How many apartments are mentioned ( 提到 ) in the article? _ 九、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 56H_ is a picture of my family. 57His h_ family is very friendly to him. 58The fish is d_. Help yourself. 59She likes to go to the s_ to buy food and drinks. 60Is the m_ over there her uncle? No, he's her father. 十、补全对话(有两个多余 )(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Kate:Tom,what are you doing? Tom: _ (61) Kate:Could you come to help me? Tom:Sorry, I can't. _ (62) Kate:OK. I can ask Gina for help. _ (63) Gina:_ (64) 来源:Z*xx*k.Com Kate:Could you give me a hand? I have too many things to do. Gina:Sure. _ (65) AI'm doing my homework. BI'm watching TV. CI have too much homework to do. DWhere is she? EI'm coming. FI think you can help me. GWhat are you doing? 十一、句型转换(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 66Tina often draws pictures after school. ( 用 now 改写句子 ) Tina _ _ pictures now. 67They are playing_basketball. ( 对画线部分提问) _ _ they _ ? 68Are the students having a cla ss? (作否定回答 ) No, _ _ 69He is reading a book. (改为否定句 ) He _ _ a book. 70She's talking to her friend now. ( 改为一般疑问句) _ she _ to her friend now? 十二、书面表达(共 15 分) 假设你是Sonia,请根据下列4 张照片和所给的词写一段话,介绍你的朋友们都在 干什么。开头已给出。 Tom and Mary Mike John Alex and Eric Here are some of my photos._ _ _ _ _ 系列资料www.xkb1.com


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