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    牛津英语二年级第二学期期中试卷 (试卷满分 100 分 做题时间 40 分钟) 一、正确书写下列词组和句子。 (共 15 分) 1. Kitty and Alice soft and nice fly a kite 2.Can you ride a bicycle? No, I can t. 二、选出不同类的词。 (12 分) ( )1. A. banana B. apple C. orange D. fruit ( )2. A. meat B. food C. hamburger D. rice ( )3. A. fine B. eight C. nine D. four ( )4. A. I B. she C. them D. he ( )5. A. giraffe B. snake C. meat D. elephant ( )6. A. ship B. sheep C. van D. train 三、看图填入合适的单词。 (8 分) 1. Touch the table. Its _. 2. What is it? Its _ _. 3. What _ you hear? I can hear a _. 4. Are they zebras? No, they are _. 四、选出正确的答案。 (15 分) ( ) 1. Look at the birds. _ blue A. They are B. Its C. they are ( ) 2.-What do you see? -I _the orange juice. A. can see B. see C. am ( ) 3. - _ are they? - They are white rabbits. A. What colour B. What C. Who ( ) 4. - _ are you? - Very well. Thank you. A. How B. How old C. Who ( ) 5. In spring, the _ are green. A. flowers B. grass C. trees ( ) 6. - Touch the doll. Is it _? - No, it s soft. A. rough B. hard C. smooth ( ) 7. - What _ it? -_ a yellow bird. A. is Its B. Is They re C. is Its ( ) 8. Let s go _ together. A. sing B. skating C. ride a bicycle ( ) 9. Come and draw _ me. A. on B. with C. in ( ) 10. -Do you like _? -No, I like _. A. running, hop B. running, running C. running, reading ( ) 11. -They are black and white. They like grass. They are _. A. zebra B. pandas C. cows ( ) 12. I can skip, but I _ fly. A. can B. can t C. don t ( ) 13. -Let s play _ football. -All right. A. a B. the C. / ( ) 14. Look _ the elephant. It has a long nose. A. to B. at C. in ( ) 15. -What colour are the butterflies? -_ purple. A. It is B. They are C. We are 五、看图选出符合图意的句子。 (10 分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 六、应答句配对。(10 分) ( )1. What can Kitty hear? A. Here you are. A. It has a big mouth and a short tail. It likes grass. B. It has big ears and a short tail. It likes grass. A. I am a monkey. I like swinging. B. I am a monkey. I like swimming. A. Touch this. It is smooth. B. Touch this. It isnt smooth. A. What do you like eating? I like eating salad. B. What do you like eating? I like eating rice. A. It is long. It is smooth. It likes rats. B. It is long. It is smooth. It is a rope. ( )2. What do you like eating, Tom? B. They are red and black. ( )3. Touch the bag. Is it hard? C. No, it's soft. ( )4. May I have some juice? D. I like eating cakes. ( )5. What colour are they? E. She can hear a bird. 七、阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”和“ F”表示。 (15 分) Today is a fine day. It's Mary's birthday. There is a big cake on the table. Mary is eight. She is short. She is thin. Her eyes are big and bright. Her hair is long and brown. She has a gift. Its a book. She likes reading books. Mary is happy. Mary and her parents eat the cake together. ( )1. Today is Mary's birthday. ( )2. Mary isn't tall. ( )3. Mary has big and bright eyes. ( )4. Mary's gift is a book. ( )5. Mary likes reading books and dancing. 八、看图,完成句子,每空一词,首字母已给。(15 分) Look at the tall e_. It's b_ and grey. It has a long n_ and two big ears. Touch it. It is s_. It likes g_. It is very strong. 牛津英语 2B 期中试卷参考答案 一、略 二、D B A C C B 三、hard a snake can train pandas 四、A B B A C B C B B C C B C B B 五、A A B B A 六、E D C A B 七、T T T T F 八、elephant big nose soft grass


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