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    小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 - 开封市集英中学20172018 学年上期期中质量检测 七年级英语 试题 注:考试时间100 分钟,满分100 分。 所有试题的答案要写在答题卡上,否则不得分。 考试结束只交答题卡,请将试题卷保存好,以备讲评时使用。 一、听力理解(15 分) 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1. Whose(谁的)book is this? A. Its Maria s. B. Its Jane s. C. Its the boy s ( )2. What s that in English? A. A banana. B. A map C. An apple. ( )3. Who is Lucy? A. Maria s friend B. Maria s sister C. Maria s classmate. ( )4. Where are the boys books? A. On the desk. B. In the bookcase. C. Under the bed. ( )5. What can David see under the chair? A. A notebook B . An eraser C. A dictionary 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。 每段对话和独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第 7 两个小题。 ( )6. Who is that man? A. Tina s father. B. Tina s friend. C. Tina s English teacher. ( )7. Where is he from? A. England. B. America. C. China. 听下面一段独白,回答第8 至第 9 两个小题。 ( )8. What color is the schoolbag? A. Yellow and black. B. Red and yellow. C. Red and white. ( )9. What is NOT in the schoolbag? A. A dictionary. B. A photo. C. A pencil box. 听下面一段对话,回答第10 至第 12 三个小题。 ( )10. Where is Julias Pencil? A. It s in her schoolbag. B. Its in her pencil case. C. Its in the bookcase. ( )11. What color is Tonys pencil? A. Red B. Black C. Blue ( )12. What is Daves last name? A. Brown. B. Hand. C. Miller. 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第 15 三个小题。 ( )13. things are in the picture. A. Four B. Two C. Three ( )14. What color is the cup? A. Green. B. Black. C. Blue. ( )15. What color is the pen? A. Green. B. Red. C. Blue. 二、单项选择(15 分) 16.Cindy found _ ID card , I think _ ID card is mine. A. an,the B. an, a C. the, an D.a , an 17. My friend s name is Jim Green , Jim is his _ name, Green is his _ name A.first, last B. last , first C. family , last D. first, given 18.- _ he have an eraser ? - Yes, he _ . A.Does, do B. Do; do C.Does, does D.Do; does 19. - I lost my keys. 学 校 班 级 姓 名 考 场 准 考 证 号 座号 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 - You can ask Ms. Li _ help. A. to B.in C.of D.for 20. - What color is it ? - _ A.This is an orange. B.It is orange. C. Its an orange. D.It is my orange. 21.- Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncles daughter ? -Yes, it is my _ . A. father B. brother C. aunt D. cousin 22. -Where is my hat ? - It s in your _ room. It s on their bed. A. grandparent B. grandparents C.grandparent s D. grandparents 23.-Your jacket is so nice. - _. A.That s OK B.Thank you C. No, it isnt D. It s good 24. _ are good friends. A.I , you and he B. You , he and I C. He , you and I D. I , he and you 25._ his room , you can see a clock and a map . A.In B. Under C. On D.At 26.The set of keys _ mine , it s _ . A. is, his B. isn t , his C.are , her D. aren t hers 27. - _ in the box? - No , they aren t . A. Where are B.What are C. Are they D. Is it 28.-Is he your mothers brother? - _ . He is my father. A.Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. Yes, it is D. No,he isnt 29._ is my dictionary and _ are my books. A. This, that B. This, the C.That, this D.This, those 30. - What s under the bed? - It s _ . A. A bookcase B. A bat C. A table D. A sofa 三、完形填空(10 分) Hello! My name is Jim. I am 31_English boy. Here 32_ two photos. This is a photo _33_ my family.This is my father and _34_ is my mother. This is my _35_ . _36_ name is Mary.This is my room photo.Look! This is my math book. _37_ on the desk. My English book is on the desk,too . My pen and my pencil _38_ in my pencil box. My pencil box is in my _39_. It is on the chair. My baseball is under the chair. Where is my computer game? Oh, it s here. It s on the sofa. It s a nice room. I _ it . 31. A. a B. an C. my D. the 32. A. am B. is C. are D.do 33. A. of B. for C. at D. in 34. A. she s B.it s C. it D. this 35. A. son B. daughter C.brother D.sister 36. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your 37.A. It s B. They re C. I m D. He s 38.A.am B. is C.are D. do 39.A. sofa B. desk C. chair D.schoolbag 40.A. know B.like C.play D. think 四、阅读理解(20 分) A Things in the Lost & Found Case Owners Things Colors Alice notebook yellow and green 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 David watch white and green Jenny dictionary blue and red Lucy pencil black and purple Tom baseball green and white 根据表格信息,选择正确选项: 41. The underlined word “ Things _” means “_” in Chinese . A.货物B. 物品C. 礼物D. 文具 42. Is the notebook Alice s ? A.Yes, it is. B. No, it isn t. C. No, it s Lucy s. D. I don t know. 43. What are the same color? A. The notebook and the baseball B. The watch and the pencil C.the watch and the baseball D.the dictionary and the watch 44. What isn t in the Lost & Found case ? A. A watch B. A basketball C. A pencil D. A dictionary 45. The owner of the pencil is _ . A. Alice B. Tom C. Lucy D. Jenny B. Ms. Smith is an English teacher in Class 6, Grade 8. She always asks the same student to answer his questions because (因为) she doesn t look at the students at all. Her class is very interesting, but her question is not easy for us. Dick are questioned (被提问) three times (次). He is a little worried (苦恼 ). He asks his classmate Jane: “ What can I do ?” After she says something to him, he is very happy. In today s English class, Ms. Smith wants Dick to read the words. Dick says : “ Dick isn t here today. ” “ Oh, I see. You read it , please! ” says Ms. Smith. 46. Ms. Smith is a (n) _ . A. Chinese teacher B. English teacher C. classmate D. friend 47. Ms. Smith always asks _ in class. A. Dick B. Jane C. boys D. the same student 48. Who is Not at school today? A. Dick B. Jane C. Ms. Smith D. Nobody(没有人) . 49. What class is Dick in ? A. One B. Six C.Seven D.Eight 50. Is Jane s idea (主意) good ? A. Yes , it is . B . No, it isn t. C. Yes, it does. D. No, it doesn t. 五、选词填空( 10 分) They, photo, on , what, room, table, red, under , CDs, chair Look at the photo. This is my 51. Can you see my computer? It is on the 52. . Under the table is a 53. .Where are my hat and jacket? Oh, they re 54 . the bed. You can see some baseballs 55. the bed . Look ! This is a 56. bag. It is on the wall. My 57. and tapes are in it. 58 . is that on the wall ? It s my family 59. I love my parents very much . Where are 60 . ? They are in their room. 六、补全对话(10 分) David : 61. _ Helen .I found a baseball . 62. _. Bob : No. I don t have a baseball. I think it s Mike s . He likes baseball. Kate : 63. _ ? Bob : He s in the classroom. Kate :Mike , is this your baseball ? Bob : 64. _ . I lost a baseball. Thank you ! Kate : 65._ .I have a baseball bat. Let s play baseball . 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 Bob : OK! Let s go! 七、改错(5 分) 66. I am not know his name. ( ) _ A B C D 67. I like soccer , but it difficult for me. ( ) _ A B C D 68. Where is your a key ? ( ) _ A B C D 69. Kate is tidy, and I m not. ( ) _ A B C D 70.It is a “ S” . ( ) _ A B C D 八、作文(15 分) 假如你是Tom,请用英文介绍一下自己的房间(必须根据图示,写出帽子,书,钥 匙,磁带,篮球的位置)。 _ _ _ _ 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语 小学英语、英语课件、英语教案、小学英语试题、英语导学案、英语单词短语


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