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    人教版六年级下册英语PEP8 Unit2 综合练习题.doc

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    人教版六年级下册英语PEP8 Unit2 综合练习题.doc

    PEP8 Unit2 综合练习镇海区骆驼实验学校 顾寅一、判断下列每组词画线部分的读音,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”(10%)( )1. house count ( )2. big kite( )3. hole rose ( )4. peach bread( )5. soap boat ( )6. father ask( )7. face hat ( )8. tail pain( )9. think that ( )10. day Sunday二、选出不同类的一项(5%)( )1. A. sick B. fever C. happy D. headache( )2. A. head B. finger C. ear D. sharpener( )3. A. excited B. hurt C. bored D. tired( )4. A. tiger B. mother C. brother D. father( )5. A. kick B. match C. bounce D. pass三、根据句子意思,填上适当的单词(5%)1. Johns father is very _ because he failed the English test.2. I am going on a big trip. I am so _.3. I ran in the rain yesterday. I have a _ today. And now I have a fever.4. If you eat many ice-creams, you will have a _.5. My mother is going on a trip without me. Im very _.四、根据问句,选择相应的答句(5%)( )1. How do you feel? A. Hes tired.( )2. Do you have a headache? B. Yes, it does.( )3. Why do you feel happy? C. No, I dont( )4. How does he feel? D. Because our class won the game.( )5. Does your nose hurt? E. I feel sick.五、单项选择(10%)( )1. Thanks a lot. _. A. No thanks. B. Im OK. C. Youre welcome. D. Thank you.( )2. Whats wrong _ you? A. in B. with C. for D. to( )3. If you are sick, _. A. see the doctor B. see you C. see the film D. do sports( )4. If you are ill, _ some medicine. A. drink B. get C. take D. bring( )5. I failed the math test. _. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thats all D. Im sorry to hear that( )6. How _ Lucy and Lily feel? _. A. does B. is C. do D. are( )7. If you want to buy some medicine, you can go to the _. A. hospital B. bookshop C. garden D. park( )8. My nose _. A. is hurt B. are hurt C. hurt D. hurts( )9. _ is your grandmother? Shes fine. A. What B. How C. When D. why( )10. There _ a football match between Class 1 and Class 3. A. are B. have C. is D. has六、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写(10%)1. Sarah, are, how, you2. so, today, you, happy, look3. matter, is, with, what, the, you4. throat, a, have, sore, I5. Tom, how feel, does, today七、从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,完成句子(5%)into, over, surprise, fine, excited, sad, happy, angry, bounces, hurts,Its Sunday afternoon. The weather is 1 . We are holding a basketball match between boys and girls. All the students are watching. They are 2 .Look! Sarah has the ball now. She is a good basketball player in our class. She passes it to Amy. Amy throws the ball 3 the basketball. Yeah, its a goal! How 4 the girls are!Now, Lily has the ball. She wants to pass it to Lucy, but it hits her head. It 5 her head. Shes a little 6 . Just then a very short but smart boy called Wu Yifan catches the ball. He 7 the ball and then passes it to Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng is standing under the basket. Zhang Peng catches the ball and throws it to the basket. Oh, No! To our 8 , it flies 9 the basket and falls down to the ground from the other side of the basketball.The girls win the match! The boys feels a little 10 and they want to have another match with the girls next Sunday!八、阅读理解(20%)(1) A young man can't sleep well at night. He is very worried and goes to see the doctor. The doctor looks him over carefully, but there is nothing wrong with him. The doctor tells him, "Count from 1 to 10 again and again when you can't sleep. " But every night when he counts numbers to eight, he jumps up from bed quickly. So he looks more and more tired. The doctor feels surprised and asks him, "Why? " The young man answers, “I am a boxer(拳击运动员).” 根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的在括号里写“T”, 错误的写“F”。(10%)1. The young man goes to see a doctor because he can't sleep well. ( )2. There is something wrong with the young man. ( )3. The doctor says, “Count from one to eight again and again when you can't sleep. ” ( )4. The young man can't sleep well after he counts numbers every night. ( )5. The young man is a boxer. ( )(2)Mrs Black is very fat. So she goes to see the doctor.Doctor: Good afternoon, Madam. Whats the matter?Mrs Black: Good afternoon, Doctor. I always feels very tired.Doctor: Do you have a cold?Mrs Black: No, I dont.Doctor: Do you have a fever?Mrs Black: No, I dont.Doctor: Did you sleep well last night?Mrs Black: Yes, I did. I slept for 10 hours.Doctor: Do you smoke?Mrs Black: No, I dont.Doctor: Do you like drinks?Mrs Black: No, I dont.Doctor: Did you have breakfast this morning?Mrs Black: Yes, I did. And I can eat a lot every day.Doctor: What do you have for meals every day?Mrs Black: For breakfast, I often have two cups of milk, three hamburgers, four cakes, two eggs, a bag of French fries and two apples. For lunch, I often have some beef, some fish, a big bowl of soup, two plates of dumplings, three hot dogs, two pizzas and three bananas. For dinner, I often have.Doctor: I see, Madam. You are eating too much. Thats the problem.Mrs Black: You mean I am too fat?Doctor: Yes, I think you can have one apple, one orange, one egg, some vegetables and a glass of water every day.Mrs Black: Before of after meals?Doctor: Instead(代替) of them. And you need to do more sports every day.根据对话的内容,选择合适的答案(10%)( )1. Mrs Black is very _. A. thinner B. fatter C. thin D. fat( )2. This afternoon she _. A. goes shopping B: sees the doctor C. goes to work D. visits her friend( )3. Whats the matter with Mrs Black? A. She has a cold. B. She has a fever. C. She is eating too much. D. She cant sleep well.( )4. Mrs Black should _ every day. A. eat a lot B. drink a lot C. sleep a lot D. do some sports( )5. Which of the followings is not true? (下面哪个句子是不正确的)A. Mrs Black always feels tired.B. Mrs Black is eating too much.C. Mrs Black likes smoking.D. Mrs Black doesnt like drinks.E.


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