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    1 畅游学海敢搏风浪誓教金榜题名。决战高考,改变命运。凌风破浪击长空,擎天揽日跃龙门 Starter Unit2 Whats this in English? 第三课时 3a-3d Teaching and learning Goals: 一、知识与技能 1. 能够正确拼读新单词:a, an, pen, cup, ruler, key, quilt, map, jacket, orange, spell和 please 。 2. 熟练运用句型What s this /that in English? Its a/an . Spell it, please.进行对话。 二、过程与方法 通过听力训练,复习上一课时的单词,引导学生进行生生互动,学习本单元的重点句型。 三、情感态度与价值观 1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性; 2. 通过小组活动、组间竞赛,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神; 3. 通过渐进的学习和一点一滴的进步,体会成功的快乐,摸索学习的方法。 Teaching and learning steps : Step ? . Pre-listening activities 1.Preview. Show the following picture of things to review the words. a keya pen a ruler a cup a map a jacket a quiltan orange 1. Say the words. Revision Ask the students to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the students to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks. (1) 一把尺子 _ (2)一件夹克衫 _ (3) 一把钥匙 _ (4)一床被子 _ (5) 一支钢笔 _ (6)一张地图 _ (7) 一个杯子 _ (8)一个橙子 _ Ask the students to translate the following sentences. - 这个用英语怎么说? _ - 这是一幅地图。 _ - 请拼写它。 _ 2 M-A-P. (设计说明:本部分词组和句子是学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本课的重要语言知识,该部分内容可 以帮助学生更有目的性的学习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有 针对性地学。 ) 2. Lead in (1)Put some real objects on the teacher's desk. (orange, cup, ruler, key, pen, jacket) Teacher show real objects to the Ss ,let the Ss answer. T: What's this in English? Ss: It's a ruler. T: What's this in English? Ss: It's an orange. (Ask about more Ss about other things.) (2). Point to a map on the wall. Ask Ss: What's that in English? Ss: It's a map. Point to a picture of a quilt. Ask Ss: What's that in English? Ss: It's a quilt. (Put the real objects on a desk which is a little far away.) Then ask questions about them. (3). Let Ss ask and answer about the objects in pairs. (设计说明:此环节之所以用这八种物品是因为在后面的听力中会出现这些事物,在此做一个铺垫) StepII While-listening activities T: Please open your books and turn to page S7. Look at 3a. What can you see? S: I can see a ruler, a map, Ask students to listen to the tapes and choose. 1. Listen and find the general idea. The dialogue is about _. A: greetings(问候 ) B: things(物品 ) C :color(颜色 ) 2.Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas. (1) Ask students to listen to the tape and number the pictures 1 8. I ll play the recording 3 twice. The first time, you just listen. The second time, you can check your answers. ( 设计说明 :让学生先认读图片,再听录音给图片编号,既可检查学生能否听懂正确的发音,也有助于纠 正他们的发音。) (2) Now let's listen to the recording again. And complete the words under the pictures in 3a., a _u _e_a _a _a _ _ ck _ta _ _y a _u _ _ t an _r _ _ g _ a _ena _u _ ( 设计说明 : 学生听录音后完成单词,并能正确书写字母,可检查学生对单词的熟悉程度。) (3) Listen to the tape and choose. ( a/an )_quilt (a/an) _ orange . ( a/an )_key. ( 设计说明 :本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻细节信息的能力;同时让学生初步感受一下a、 an 的用法。) (4) Check the Ss answers. 3. Listen and find the general idea. (1) T: Open your books and turn to Page 7. Look at the conversation in 3c.Tell the Ss Bob and Helen are talking about something, Ask the Ss to listen to Bob and Helens conversation and find out: What is the conversation about? Its about_. A: a cup B: a ruler C: a map (2)Check the Ss answers. (3) Listen and repeat. T: Close your books and listen to a conversation. And then repeat. (4) Ask a pair to practice the conversation. (5) T: Now you can practice some more conversations with your partners, using the pictures in 3a. e.g. -Hello, xx! 1 4 -Hello ,xx! How are you? -Fine, thanks. And you? - I m OK,. thank you Whats this in English? -It s a pen. -Spell it ,please. -P-E-N, pen. (6) Ask some pairs to present their conversations. ( 设计说明 : 让学生先听音再朗读并进行对话练习,一方面可以让学生模仿正确的语音语调,另一方面, 可以让学生不断练习新的句型,并在运用中掌握。) 4. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas. (1)T: Look at 3d. Lets listen to some conversations and number the word you hear 1-4. _key _pen _ cup _ruler (2)Then, ask the Ss to listen to the tape a second time and finish the tape scripts. Conversation 1 Girl: Whats _ in English? Boy: Its a _. Girl: _ it, please. Boy: K-E-Y. Conversation 2 Boy: _ that? Girl: Its a cup. Boy: Spell it, _. Girl: _. Conversation 3 Girl 1: Whats_ in _? Girl 2: Its a _. Girl 1: _ it, _. Girl 2:_. Conversation 4 Boy 1: What s_ in _? Boy 2: _ a pen. Boy 1:Spell it, please. Boy 2:P-E-N. (3) Check the answers. (4)Practice conversations in pairs. ( 设计说明 : 本环节的设计内容重在培养学生们的听寻细节信息的能力。通过本项训练,旨在培养学生获 取重要信息的能力,并能通过上下文来猜测,核对信息。本环节所设计的空格正好用来检测前面所学过的 本单元的词汇。) Step Post-listening activities 1.Play a guessing game. (做猜测游戏) Show some pictures of things. Cover the things first, and ask Ss to guess what they are. After that, get Ss to spell the words. 5 amap Whats this in English? Itspenrulerjacketquiltakeyanorangeo 猜猜它是什么? Spell it, please. Using: S1:Whats this/that in English? S2:I think its a/an. S1:Spell it, please. S2:. (设计说明:做游戏丰富了学生的想象力,有效激活学生的探究欲望,符合学生的心理特点,很容易把学 生引入到词汇的记忆和运用中,充分体现“学以致用”的原则。) 2. Chant Let s have a chant. I say P, you say pen I say O, you say orange I say Q, you say quilt I say R, you say ruler I say K , you say key I say M, you say map I say J, you say jacket I say U, and you say me ! (设计说明:利用chant 的形式并配以色彩艳丽的句子,对本课的知识进行总结,同时又是对把字母和单 词结合起来,渗透了对单词的记忆方法,也增加了趣味性。) 3. 拓展提升 Draw a picture of your room and introduce your room(房间 ) (1)The students work in groups, talk about the pictures by using what s this in English? Its a/an . (2) Suppose t his is Cindys room, please fill in the blanks. and try to translate into Chinese. 6 This is Cindys room. A _is on the wall (在墙上) . A _and a _ are on the bed. A ,a and an _are on the desk. A is near the orange .Look! _ _ _ _?Oh, It s _ _ it, please _ ,pen (设计说明:此环节意在培养学生的创新能力,学生自己动手绘画并设计自己的房间,让自己置身于一个 较为真实的语用环境,使对话更有新意,学生用自己的物品进行操练更能使英语生活化,使学生们体会所 学的语言是真实可用的,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。同时学生更好地内化语言知识。) Step Summary: Inquiry into knowledge by translation. 一观察并翻译下列句子体会语法。 What s this in English? _. It's a map._ What s that in English?_ It s an orange._ 1. 这里 What s=_, _表示较近的物品,_表示较远的物品。 2. 用某种语言用_, 如 _Chinese. 3.It is 缩写为 _,What is 缩写为 _. 4. a用在以 _音素开头的的单词前,an 用于以 _音素开头的单词前。 练习:用a/an 填空 _ pen _orange _ apple (设计说明:让学生通过合作学习并总结,目的是引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成有效 的学习策略。教师只在学生讨论后针对有疑问的地方进行精讲,落实了以学定教。) 二 Draw a word tree: Let Ss draw a word tree .show in class and use it to remember the words. 7 a key a quilt a jacket a map a ruler a cup a pen anorange in English Spell it, please. What s this/that ? , Step Exercises: the end-of-class test. . 根据句意或图片提示写出正确的单词。 1._( 什么 ) is this in English? 2. Its _ (一个) orange . 3. -Whats this? -Its a_. 4. This is a_. 5.Its a _ in English. . 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1这个用英语怎么说? _ this in _? 2. 它是一个橙子。 It s _ _. 3. 喂, Helen! 那是什么? _, Helen! _ _? 4请拼写茶杯. _ _,_. 5那是一张地图. _ a _. ( 设计意图:当堂检测主要是针对由本节内容组成的形成性评价,目的是以学评教、强化落实。最后一题 涉及到不定冠词的用法,通过检查及反馈,掌握的不好,下一步教学要渗透类似题型,加以巩固. ,有助 8 于以学定教。) Step Homework: 1.Recite the conversation in 3c.(必做题目) 2. Talk about things you know in English with your partner by using the conversation in 3c. Then write down the conversations. The more , the better.(选做题目 ) 3. Preview new words of Starter Unit2. (必做题目) ( 设计意图:设置必做题目和选做题目,有复习内容,也有预习内容,体现适量性,全面性和层次性。可 以更好地进行分层教学。) 本节课亮点: 1预习部分的词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。 同时通过检测学生的预习成果,教师可以更有针对性的教学,学生可以更有针对性的学。 2导入部分,利用学生熟悉的日常用品创设易于理解的语用情景,学生学习热情高涨;尤其是在用从自 己家里拿来的物品练习时,学生能把英语用到实际生活中去,感到很有成就感。 3. 本节课由于输入比较充分,学生进行听力练习,听大意,听细节,再进行机械与交际的输出训练,而 且输出练习充分有效,循序渐进,由浅入深。 4. 最后的猜谜游戏看谁猜的最多,激发了学生的表达欲望,收到了好的效果。 Chant 也是一个比较好的环节,对本课的知识进行总结,同时又是对把字母和单词结合起来,渗透了对单 词的记忆方法,也增加了趣味性。 在介绍Cindy s 的房间这一环节,为学生们创设了较为真实的语用环境,使学生们体会到所学的语言是 真实可用的。 5. 家庭作业的分层布置,让学习能力强的同学做更能体现他们高水平的作业。 不足之处: 1、在时间的分配上,还应加强操控。 2、在练习读句型“Whats this in English?”和“It s a. ”时,忽略了What is和 it is 的 连读练习。 使用建议: 1. 预习内容一定要提前布置给学生,便于学生更有目的性的去学习,提高课上做题速度。 2. 导入部分,不必要求学生们都能快速掌握“whats this/that.”和“ a/an ”的区别,在接下来的活 动中学生们会逐步感知。 3. 采用 PPT和实物教学,充分调动学生积极性和学习主动性,激发学习热情,注意时间分配。 4. 在听后活动中,chant 和拓展提升两个活动可以依据课堂情况选择其一就可。 Keys: Step ? . Phrases: (1)a ruler (2)a jacket (3)a key (4)a quilt (5)a pen (6)a map (7)a cup (8)an orange Sentences: -What s this in English? - it s a map. -Spell it, please. 9 StepII. 1.(B) 2.(1) (3)a, an, a. 3. c 4.(1) Step . 3.map; quilt, jacket; cup, pen, ruler; key; Whats this in English; an, orange; Spell; O-R-A-N-G-E. Step . 一: 这个用英语怎么说? 它是一张地图。 那个用英语怎么说? 它是一个橙子。 1.What is, this , that. 2.in, in. 3.辅音,元音。 a,a, a, a, a, a, an, an. Step. .1.What 2.an 3.jacket 4.ruler 5.pen. .1.What s, English. 2. an orange. 3 .Hi/Hello, Whats that? 4. Spell cup, please. 5. That s map.


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