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    !? 万事开头难 In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us which goes like this: “All things are difficult before they are easy.“ What the quote conveys is extremely true. There are many obstacles(障碍) and challenges in the process of our growth. Nobody can go through anything without trouble ?We should make great efforts/ spare no effort to accomplish/fulfil/achieve our goals. Only if we face difficulties bravely and overcome them confidently will we feel it easy to deal with them in the end/eventually. 例 1 As for me, I was poor in my English reading comprehension ? I always found English words and sentences difficult to understand. But for (要不是)my parents and teacherss encouragement, I would have given it up. In order not to let them down. I read English vocabulary every day and wrote down unfamiliar words as well. Meanwhile I often turned to teachers for help. As time went by, I made great progress in my reading? 例 2 Take Thomas Edison for example ? He was an outstanding scientist who invented the bulb?At that time, no one could imagine that the night could be as bright as the day. Having attempted hundreds of times to test the material of the bulb, he fin ally succeeded ? He was laughed at or looked down upon by others, but never did he give up. It was his determination and perseverance (毅力) that made him a legend (传奇人物 )who made a great difference to the lives of people throughout the world. Therefore, everything will be easy if we are determined and never lose heart in face of trouble. 2.回顾人生中经历的一些事件有助于我们对过去进行思考。请用英语写一篇100-120 词的 短 文,描述一件对你或你的家庭产生重大影响的事情,并略加评论。 Three years ago, an experience as a volunteer in a nursing home impressed me deeply and changed my attitude to life. I used to think that it was a waste of time to take care of others. It was a journey of volunteering to a nursing home to help the old with some fruits .Into it, some of us began to sweep the floor while others cleaned the window and even read stories to the old. Surprised and happy, they regarded us as their grandsons Laughter could be heard in every comer of the nursing home? We couldrf t be happier. The unforgettable experience really changed my life. Not only does it bring us happiness but it makes people close to one 3?请以 “The biggest challenge I have ever met”为题,写一篇 120字左右的短文。 内容包 括: 1 ?事情经过 2 ?你的感受或者从中获得的启发 In our daily life, we unavoidably (不可避免地 ) come across various challenges now and then (不 时)? The biggest challenge in my life happened when I entered senior high school. I was shocked to find what the physics teacher taught was totally beyond me and I lost my confidence completely. Thinking I just lacked the gift for physics, I stopped making efforts and my grades were poor. Fortunately, my teacher didn't give up on me. Instead, she helped me analyze my problem and I realized I needed to rise to the challenges (面对挑战)bravely. I regained (重新 获得) my confidence, adjusted my approaches (调整方法) and worked hard. Now Pm one of the top students in physics. From the above experience, Fve learned that it is not our inborn (天牛的 )gifts but our efforts that help us achieve success ? When confronted/faced wi (h challenges, we should fight bravely instead of giving up. 4. 我们都需要别人的帮助,也曾得到过别人的帮助。请写一篇 100-120个词的短文, 简要 讲 述一次得到他人的帮助的经历,并谈谈你的感受。 We all have received help of one kind or another. Sometimes, a little help can keep us wann for a long time. Last summer, I flew to Beijing to visit a friend of mine. After the plane landed, I switched my cellphone on, but it failed to pick up (接 4攵)any signals. How could I contact my friend waiting at the airport to collect me? A middle-aged man read the anxiety on my face and handed me his cellphone? Thanks to his help, I was able to get in touch with my friend. This experience has convinced me that a little help sometimes can bring others great convenience?IT1 always remember the kindness the middle-aged man showed to me, and Fm ready to pass it on to others. 5. 生活中我们难免会被人误解。请就此话题用英语写一篇100-120 个词的短文, 记述一次 你 被误解的经历,并简要说明你的处理方式及理由 Every one of us may be misunderstood in our daily life. What is important is how to deal with it. Once in the classroom, Cathy challenged us to open the small board ? Soon, Matt and Mike snatched (夺) the remote control and turned it on. The three of them started to giggle. The curious, innocent people around them like me had no idea Just smiling along ? The next thing I saw was my teacher“ s upset face?“ Didn' t you tell me that you guys will study quietly? You dishonest kids!” I was shocked; my eyes turned wet and I could hardly blink back the tears(止住眼泪) . As I always believe that communication is a good way to clear up misunderstandings, I took a deep breath and stepped forward, holding my head up high, to defend for myself. After learning the truth, my teacher forgave me. 6. 高中三年转瞬即逝, 每个人都有对学校集体生活的美好记忆。请用英语写一篇100120 词 的短文,描述一次令你难忘的集体活动的经历,并谈一谈你的感受。 With time going by, I will graduate in a month. There are many unforgettable experiences during my high school, but I still remember one clearly. In order to free us from the pressure, our art teacher helped us organize a cosplay show on campus? Given such a good chance to relax, all of us took part in it actively. According to the characters we chose, we were divided into different groups where each member had their own task, such as designer, tailor, and model. In the following days, we made full use of our spare time to gather all the material and cooperate with each other to make the work much better. Tired but happy, each group presented their creative work on the show sucessfully. From this experience, what I learned is more than joys and surprise. Actually, what counts is the cooperation in the activity? Only if we work as one team can we achieve success ? Recollecting the time gone by, I have so many precious memories with my classmates. Fd like to share one experience with you. It was a mountain-climbing activity in Senior Two.On the way we were talking, singing and breathing fresh air. However, on the half way, tired and hungry, some could hardly move steps and wanted to give up. At that point, some offered help and some encouraged them, saying “Only after you climb the peak can you enjoy the most beautiful scenery. An hour later, we reached the top. Our effort paid off. We touched the wind, listened to the song of birds and smelt the flowers under a deep blue sky? The experience not only tells me that facing difficulty,we shouldn't give up but makes me realize the power of teams. When we lose heart, there are always some who are waiting for us and ready to help us. 7. 人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。请用英语写一篇120 词左右的短文,描述你体验 幸福的一次经历,并谈一谈你对幸福的理解。 Everyone is eager for happiness. Happiness doesnt lie in how much you receive but how much you give. It was a cold, late after noon and it was showering. Without an umbrella to shelter me from (使 . 躲避) the heavy rain, I had to sUmd still and wait for my father. After seemingly long hours waiting, my father finally arrived ? I was nbout to rush home when I found that my English teacher, Miss Wang, was also waiting for the rain to stop. Without any hesitation, I went to her and gave my umbrella to her. Surprised but happy, she accepted it. Seeing Miss Wang walking in the rain with my umbrella, I smiled and a sense of happiness sprung up (跃起 , 突然出现) in my heart. As the famous saying goes, happiness is real only when shared. As long as we are willing to share, we will find happiness everywhere. &古人云:“吃一堑,长一智”。生活中总有一些事情给人教训,助人成长。请以“taught me a lesson Pll never forget”为题,写一 *篇 100-120 词的短文,描述一件对 你产生重大影响的事情,并略加评论。 As an old saying goes, a fall inlo the pit, gain in your will 乞一堑 , 长一智 I can“ agree more with this view ? There are many hard lessons to learn from life. It reminds me of an accident when I was in junior middle school. One day after school, I had to cross a crowded road to go home?Although the cars were speeding along the road, I tried to run across it. An old granny warned me of the danger, but I didnt take care and persisted in (坚持) walking. Unfortunately, a car knocked me down after I was able to avoid several cars safely. When I came to myself. I was in hospital and my leg was badly injured. Every time I see the scar in my leg, I can n't help telling myself it is never too careful to (再小 心也不为过 )cross the road. WeP better think twice before 【aking action. 9. 生活中我们会遇到一些令人感动的事情,请就此话题写一篇100-120 词左右的英语作文。 记 叙一件你被感动的经历,并略加评论。 From time to time, we are affected by the people and things around us. Small or great, they never fail to have an influence on us. I still remember a winter dawn when I was awakened by the noise outside. It had been snowing heavily the whole night, so the ground was covered with snow ? Annoyed by the unpleasant noise, I pulled the curtain aside, only to find that a group of people were working hard to sweep the snow off the road? The rest of the world were sound asleep, but they were fighting with the coldness for the safety and convenience of those totally unknown to them. In life, we are now and then affected by the people around us, of whom we are sometimes unaware. It is their efforts and contribution that make our life better. Never should we forget the respectable strangers. 10. 5 月 9日,为了庆祝母亲节, 高二(3)班开展了以“感恩父母”为主题的班会活动(自 制 礼物、给父母写信、“感动父母”金点子比赛等)。 假如你是校英语报记者, 请按下列要点用英语写一则110词左右的新闻报道。 标题已给 出, 不计入总词数。 1.时间、地点、活动宗旨、活动内容。 2.同学们的表现。 3?对本次活动的感想或评论。 In order to celebrate Mother's Day , Class 3 Senior 2 organized an activity, whose topic is“Be grateful to parents:. On May 9 th, the whole class were busy being involved in the activity. Some made small presents by themselves, some wrote letters with concentrated attention while others drew portraits of their own parents? Besides there was a competition of 44 the best idea to move parents Everyone was in high spirit. The activity benefits students a lot. Not only did they have a rest away from heavy schoolwork, but it also made them understand their parents more. In addition, students hold the belief that life is full of love, care and warmth. Therefore, it's time for us to do something for our parents in return for their great love. Being thankful makes our life more beautiful and colorful. What a wonderful activity! 假设你是晨光中学的学生李华,请你以“Love Can Change a Person”为题,用英语写一 篇 100-120个词的短文,向英文杂志Reader 9s Digest 投稿。内容要求如下: 1.结合一个具体事例; 2.谈谈你的感想或体会。 注意:短文的标题已给出(不计词数)。 Love Can Change a Person Where there is love, there are miracles ? So powerful is love that it can make a differenee to a pers on. Take Helen Keller, a great American female writer for example? Being blind and deaf, Helen Keller once felt hopeless about life. Fortunately, Ann came to her life as her private teache 匚 She managed to help her how to read and write, which built up her confidence? With her patience and great love, Helen Keller became optimistic and made great achievements in her life. As Helen Keller acknowledged in her book, '“Without Anne, there wouldn't have been a Helen : It was Ann,s love that contributed a lot to her change ? The story between Helen Keller and Arm impresses me a lot. If everybody gives his love, the world will be filled with sunshine. 假设你现在正参加一场英语演讲比赛,你抽到的演讲题目是Smile for Life, and Every Day will be Sunshine, 请你就该话题展开演讲。你的演讲必须包含以下三个方面的内容: 1 ?你对此话的理解;2?用一个事例来支持你的理解;3 ?总结发言。 注意:词数 120 左右。首尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Ladies and Gentlemen, It's my honour to give a speech here ? My topic of speech is “Smile for Life, and Every Day will be Sunshine: It conveys the message that positive attitude really counts in our life. Once we adopt a positive attitude towars life, we may overcome whatever difficulty there is in our way, realize our dreams and gain success ? Here I share one of my experiences with you. With the College Entrance Examination drawing near, I was filled with great anxiety?Under great pressure, I couldn't apply myself to study, resulting in failing an important examination. And you can guess, I got very frustrated. I remember clearly when I was in a bad mood, my headteacher, Miss Zhang, approached me and gave me a badge with a big smile on it and said, “In life we all have those moments when we can't achieve what we want. It is natural. Doni allow those moments to weaken you, but turn them into motivation and let them inspire you.“ The badge she gave to me was a reminder which provided me with constant encouragement to smile for life. Consequently, I gained what I deserved in the next examination. As we can see in the story, it is an optimistic attitude that matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to confront tough difficulties and with smile , you can improve your result to achieve anything you want in life. Thanks for your attention! 请以 uOne person Fm grateful to为题,用英语写一篇 100120 个词的短文,记述一个你 认为值得感谢的人。要求如下: 1. 内容必须结合生活中的一个事例; 2. 简要说明值得感谢的原因或从中得到的启示; 3? 文中不得透漏个人信息。 注意:文章的标题已给出(不计词数)。 One Person Fm Grateful to We are supposed to be grateful to people who are always there with us because they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. My English teacher is such a great soul, to whom I owe many thanks? During the previous study, my biggest flaw must come to carelessness, which worried me a lot. To make matters worse, I was too anxious to seek the fundamental reason for my failure. I just dedicated myself to huge amounts of practice, regardless of repeated mistakes. Fortunately, my teacher noticed it and offered to have a long talk with me. Having been persuaded to change my attitude, I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well. I am grateful to my English teacher for all the support he has given me, which has made me stronger and a better person. 请以“A good state of mind is the base of success.”为题,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英 语写一 篇 100-120 个词的短文。 要求: 1)记述事情的经过,内容必须结合生活中的一个事例。 2)简要说明好的心态对于获得成功的重要性以及从中得到的启示。 3) 文中不得透露个人姓名及班级名称。 A Good State of Mind Is The Base of Success Life is complicated. We cant avoid anything annoying or stressful. Therefore, what is of great importance is that we should keep a good state of mind. An experience never fades from my memory. With a vital exam drawing near, I felt so nervous that I even couldn't eat or sleep, thus making me very sleepy in class. Seeing this, my teacher came to my help. With her aid, I adjusted myself and felt confident again ? In the meantime, a detailed plan was made to go over my lessons. In the end, I managed to pass the exam? It was a good state of mind that helped me get through the exam. A good state of mind is what it takes to realize our goal. Whenever your emotion is out of control, just keep in mind that only by possessing a good state of mind can you attain success.


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