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    中考英语完成句子复习 七上 1.They are in front of Tony and Daming.( 在前面 ) 2.Betty is next to Lingling.( 紧挨着 ) 3.I haven t got any brothers.(没有 ) (have; had; had) 4.In the afternoon, I have art at half past one and I have an English lesson at half past two. What about you, Betty? (怎么样 ) 5.I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast. ( 起床 ) (get; got; got) We go home at half past three. (回家 ) (go; went; gone) 6.She wears a pair of trainers. (一双 ) 【B1 M8 P50 】 7.Daming s uncle likes reading and he reads lots of books and magazines. (许多 ) 8.There are a lot of books in our home. ( 许多 ) 9.Thinkof someone in your family. ( 想起 ,想到 ) (think; thought; thought) 10. Finally, switch on the computer. (接通 ,打开 ) 七下 1.He s taking photos. (照相 ) (take; took; taken) 2.They re waiting for buses and running for trains. ( 等待 ) 3.We re on a school trip and we re having a good time . (玩的愉快 ) 4.We re enjoying the school trip a lot . (许多 ) 5.Put on your clothes. (穿上 ) (put; put; put) 6.Some are having afternoon tea at home. (在家 ) 7.I m visiting my friends in Hollywood at the moment and I m enjoying the sun.(此时 ) 8.We re looking at the homes of the film stars. ( 看) 9.Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? ( 为做准备 ) 10. He s at work . (在工作 ) 11. First, we clean our houses and sweep away bad luck, and then we paint doors and windows red. (扫去 ) (sweep; swept; swept) 12. We don t clean the houses for a few days. (几个 ) 13. They are round and so they bring us good luck all the year round . (一年到头 ) 14. We re going to have a picnic . (去野餐 ) 15. I m looking forwardto seeing my daughter and her daughter, my granddaughter. ( 期盼 , 期 待) 16. We re going to walk up the Great Wall. (登上 ) 17. We re going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture. (观光 )(do; did; done) 18. How do you get from New York to Beijing? ( 从 到. ) 19. Why do you go sightseeing ? (观光 ) 20. Betty wants to go shopping or go cycling . (购物 ) (骑车 ) 21. You don t like going out in the evening. (出去 ) 22. Everyone will study at home in the future . (在将来 ) 23. It will get warm at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough. ( 变暖 ) 24. No one uses a calculator. (没有人 ) 25. But Chinese people are good at table tennis, too. (擅长于 ) (be; am is are; was were; been) 26. She s going to take them around a Beijing siheyuan. ( 带谁参观 ) 27. She is having a good time, and she isn t thinkingabout her homework. ( 考虑 ) 28. Where were you born ? (出生 ) 29. One day I ll go back . (回来 ) 30. The story begins: Once upon a time. (从前 ) 31. She decided to go for a ride . (去乘 ,去骑 ) 32. She looked around her and found nothing. ( 环顾四周 ) 33. She picked up the biggest bowl but she didn t like it. (捡起 ) 34. The stories often include animals that can speak or people (who change into animals).( 变 成) 35. Did you go away in summer? (离开 ,走开 ) 36. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of 14. (在几岁时 ) 37. A tunnel goes through a mountain. (穿过 ) 38. I m on holiday in London with my friend Jenny. ( 度假 ) 39. Finally today I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. ( 购物 ) 40. What friends do you play with ? (和谁玩 ) 八上 1.And you should write down your mistakes in your notebooks.( 写下 ,记下 ) 2.I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other . (互相 ) 3.Just enjoy yourself .(过得快乐 ) 4.I speak English all the time in class.(总是 ,一直 ) 5.“ Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.”(起飞 ) 6.But lots of astronauts have worked on the spacestation . (太空站 ;宇宙空间站 ) 7.They take the space shuttle , and to there and back.(航天飞机 ) 8.His parents want him to drop out of school. (退学 ) 9.His parents have been ill and he has to look after them. (照顾 ) 10. Most people in China have heard of Project Hope and have given money.(听说 ) (hear; heard; heard) 11. What on earth is that? (究竟 ) 12. Yes, of course. (当然 ) 13. Suddenly, all the lights in my house went off.(灯)熄灭 ;停电 ) 14. Americans don t touch people a lot, but they shake hands with each other when they first meet or when they meet again.(握手 ) (shake; shook; shaken) 15. Let s find out what we can do to save them.(发现 ) (find; found; found) 16. They mainly live on bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.( 以 .为 食) 17. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different reasons, so pandas have less and less land to live on.( 越来越少 ) 18. For example , the panda mainly eats bamboo.(例如 ) 19. It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.(发生 ) 20. In Texas and the southeast, there are storms from time to time in summer and fall.( 有时 ) 21. You mustn tdo any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year. (打扫卫生do some cleaning ) 22. Wang Ming has been to a Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2000 people. (超过 ,多 于) 23. But I get on well with her. (和相处融洽 ) 24. I ve taken part in the speech competition three times. (参加 ) 25. At first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mum and dad for a few days. ( 一点 ) 26. My father washes up every day after supper. (洗碗 ) 八下 1.I ll tidy up the table and chairs.(收拾 ) 2.Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? ( 占用 ) 3.I play the violin and I listen to music all the time. (一直 ,总是 ) 4.What made you so interested in music? (对 感兴趣 ) 5.Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after animals. ( 比如 ) 6.As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking ,there was a writing workshop with a professional writer.(并且 ,还 ) 7.In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out as a book in 2003.(出版 ) (come; came; come) 8.Many teenagers love his book, and as a result , David has become a successful young writer. (结果 ) 9.Hold the line, please.(不挂断电话 )等一下 ) (hold; held; held) 10. Sorry. He isn t here right now. (现在 ) 11. I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.(是否 ) 12. In fact, I m studying Chinese.(事实上 ) 13. Our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in a couple of months. (几个 ;两个 ) 14. What does it feel like ? (觉得 ) (feel; felt; felt) 15. By the way, why don t you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing. ( 顺便说 ) 16. My old school was far away. (遥远的 ) 17. I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.(和交朋友 ) 18. I didn t want my parents to worryabout me.(担心 ) 19. At that moment , a boy entered the classroom.(在那时 ) 20. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class.(一天天地 ) 21. I was a bit lonely at first , but people here are friendly, so I am never alone any more! ( 开始 ) 22. Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to look out for the red light . (小心 ) 23. Sally: We d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing. Chenhua: Don t mention it. (不客气 ) 25. “ How old are you?” The radio studio manager at WXBN looked down at me. (向下看 ) 26. At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations. ( 要) 27. If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button. (打开 ) 28. Come on, Sally. (赶快 ) 29. If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life . (挽救你的生 命 save one s life ) 30. If you don t like the programme,turn the TV off . (关上 ) 31. Well, we play some music all together . (一起 ) 32. And then one of us plays a solo of some Irish dance music at the end of the Starsearch concert. (在 结束时 ) 33. We copied it onto the computer and when we finished, we took it off the computer. ( 卸掉 /拿 走/拔 ) 34. If you tell him the truth, he ll be angry with you, but at least you ll prove how honest you are. (至少 ) 35. But you shouldn t use your pocket money . (零用钱 ) 36. After all , your parents gave you that money. (不管怎样 ,毕竟 ) 37. If you offer to do some jobs around the home, or maybe help him with his work, he ll realise that you re truly sorry. (帮助某人做某事) 38. Hurryup ! We ll be late! (赶快 ) 39. Then they come face to face with some terrible men, and have to fight them. (面对面地 ) 40. There s plenty of food and drinks, so no one is hungry. ( 许多 ) 41. I woke up Ling ling and her uncle, and I asked them what the noise was. (叫醒 ) (wake; woke; waken) 42. We also go back to school as soon as the May Day holiday is over.( 一就 ) 43. People all over the world celebrate the New Year. ( 遍布 ) 44. It can depend on the seasons, the moon or the sun. ( 依靠 ) 45. Just before 12 o clock, everyone counts down from 10:10, 9, 8. ( 倒数 ) 46. Some families get together for a special meal with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. (聚会 ) 47. They write down a list of things, such as “ I will help out more at home. I will work harder at school. “ Or “ I won t spend so much time playing video games. ”(一列 ,一栏 ) (帮克服困难 ) 48. No, she missed the final practice so that (目的是 ) Kylie could play this piece of music on her own. (独自 ,自己 on one e own) 49. But the last piece is coming up; I m looking forward to this. (出现 ,发生 ) 50. He gave his life to helping the Chinese people. (献身于 give one s life to ) 51. In the end, he died because he did not stop to take care of his hand. (最后 )(照顾 ) 52. You could go by coat or by train; although it would take so long that you d need to come back immediately. ( 如此 以致 ) 53. They don t learn any life skills until they go to college. (上大学 ) 54. For most teenagers it wouldn t be a holiday at all. (一点也不 notat all ) 55. You go to the airport and see them off . (送别 ) 56. The hero, Jim Hawkins, finds a map. It belonged to Captain Flint. ( 属于 ) 57. I m sorry I haven t been able to answer your letter in time. ( 能) 58. It s an enjoyable film, although in my opinion there s too much fighting. (依我看来 ,以我的 观点 ) 九上 1.Right, listen up , everyone.(注意听 ) 2.I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path.(从内出来 /离开 ) 3.If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they still won t reach the top. (在 的底部 ) 4.I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world.( 处于 的边 缘) 5.As far as I remember, it was started by Becky Wang.( 就来说;至于 ) 6.We dont have a school magazine any more. (不再 not any more ) 7.And Shakespeare s plays are seen by millionsof people every year. (数百万的 ) 8.He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of Mississipi River for several days.( 潜逃,逃跑 ) (run; ran; run) 9.The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious. (成 长,长大成人) (grow; grew; grown) 10. Finally, it talksaboutfreedom, social rules and how people are punished for bad behaviour.(谈论 ) 11. Lingling: What does HAS stand for ? (代表 ;象征 ) (stand; stood; stood) Tony: Haidian All Stars. 12. Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme. It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen. (建立 ,创立 (公司、机构等) (set; set; set) 13. First of all , he ll be invited to competitions around the world.(首先 ) 14. Every morning my mother looks through magazines at home.(浏览 ) 15. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time (一次 ) by hand . (用手工 (制 造) 16. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.( 在 的开始 ) 17. Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players. (而不 是 ) 18. So will books be replaced by computers one day? (某天 ) 19. I wasn t paying attention to what you were saying.( 集中注意力于) (pay; paid; paid) 20. It s closed until January. And the Natural History room as well . (也) 21. Visiting the Science Museum is fun and it s a great way to learn about science because you can work things out and try out ideas. (设法弄懂 ,计算出 ) (试用 ,试验 ,检验 ) 22. Above all, the Science Museum is free.(首先,最重要的是) 23. That means you can drop in (顺便走访 ) for a few minutes or you can stay as long as you like. (同一样 ) 24. It s wasteful to throwaway glass, paper and metal, so every class collects reusable waste, sells it for recycling . (扔掉 ;抛弃 (某物 ) (throw; threw; thrown) 25. Do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning? (代替 ;而不是 ) 26. We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. ( 对造成伤害 ) 27. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real differenceto the environment. (对产生重大影响/很重要 ) 28. We have also put up posters to tell the other students how to be green and save energy.(张贴 , 挂起 ) (put; put; put) 29. The web is made up of millions of documents called web pages.( 组成 ,构成 ) 30. Many people have a favourite website with a number of web pages on the same subject. ( 许 多) 31. Well, have a look at these. (看 一眼 ) 32. Their family life is similarto ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies. (同相似 ) 33. I got some great shots of the boy who plays the guitar on the left . (在左边 ) 34. I ve just come to pick Tony up . (接;捡起 ) 35. Even though all of the photos are excellent; we can t give prizes to everyone. (即使 ) 36. He s over there ! (那边 ) 37. Could you tell him I d like to have aword with him? ( 和某人说几句话) 38. Nemo, a cute orange-and-white fish, and Shrek, a huge green monster have won the hearts of young people in China and all over the world. ( 赢得 的心 ) 39. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian cartoonist Herge invented the character in 1929. (从 开始 ) 40. It takes Jo an hour to get to school, and this adds to the traffic and pollution. ( 向增加 ) 41. You ve made great progress in your study so far. ( 取得进步 ) 42. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you re makingwith your language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. ( 取得进步 ) 43. If you re interested, please fill in our application form where you will also find our list of prices. (填写 ) 44. Don t give up exercise (放弃 ) if you want to stay fit .(保持健康 ) 九下 1. We can never pay you back for your kindness. ( 偿还 ) 2. Now it was in front of him, to set off soon.(出发 ,启程 ) 3. Imgetting off before you.(下车 ) 4. I didn t expect to do well ineither maths or geography, but in the end, I got good grades in both subjects.(要么 要么 ) 5. I was carrying some heavy bags on my bike and I fell off . (摔倒 ) (fall; fell; fallen) 6. People also work harder and lead busier lives. (过某种生活lead a life) ( lead; led; led) 7. Is that all you have on today, Tony?(穿着 ) 8. Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. ( 炫耀 ) 关系代词that 指代先行词a way,所以认为that 是三单 9. First, you must keep to the path.(沿着 ) (keep; kept; kept) 10. Come on! I lllead the way. (领路 ) 11. We soon fell asleep. (睡着了 ) 12. If I reach out, I can just touch him.( 伸手去摸 ) 13. In order to become a “ green school” , a school must include environmental education as part of the timetable.( 为了 ) 14. It s good to meet other people who want to learn English, no matter how good their English is. (无论 ) 15. More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in place of other European lang


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