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    PEP 小学英语五年级上册复习要点 刘磊 PEP英语五年级上册四会单词词汇表 l/nit 1: young年轻的funny滑稽可笑的tall高的strong强壮的kind和蔼的、亲切的;old年老的short 矮的thin瘦的Mr先生like像、喜欢strict严 格的smart聪明的、巧妙的active积极的、活跃的 quiet安静的、文静的very 很、非常but但是 Unit 2: Mondy星期 Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期 四Friday星期五Saturday星 期六Sunday星期天day天have有、 吃on在 时候do homework做作业watch TV看电视 read books读 书 Unit 3: eggplant 茄子fish 鱼green beans 青豆tofu 豆腐potato 土 豆tomato西红柿for为lunch中餐 we我们tasty好吃的sweet 甜的sour酸的fresh新鲜的salty咸的favourite 最喜欢的 they 5re=they are 他们是fruit 水果grape 葡萄 Unit 4: cook the meals 做饭water the flowers 浇花sweep the floor 扫地clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 make the bed 铺床set the table 摆饭桌wash the clothes洗碗碟do the dishes收拾衣服use a computer使用计算机 Unit 5: curtain 窗帘trash bin 垃圾箱closet 壁橱mirror 镜子end table 床头 柜bedroom 卧室kitchen 厨 房bathroom 卫生间living room 客厅in 在里面on在 _ 面 边clothes衣服 under在下面near在 旁边behind 在后 Unit 6: river 河*流flower 花grass 草lake 湖泊forest 森林path 路park 公园picture照片 house 房 子bridge桥 tree 树road公 路building建筑物clean干净的 五年级上册四会句子 1 ?谁是你的英语老师?Carter 先生。Who's your English teacher? Mr. Carter. 2?他长得什么样?他高而强壮。Whafs he like? He's tall and strong. 3?她很安静吗?不是的。她很活跃的。Is she quiet? No, she isrTt. She's very active. 4?她很严格么?是的,但她很和蔼的。Is she strict? Yes, she is, but she's very kind. What day is it today? Ifs Tuesday. What do you have on Tuesdays? We have math and scienee. What do you do on Saturdays? 9 我看电视做作业。I watch TV and do homework. 1 0 你怎么样?我也做作业。What about you? I do my homework, too. 11 ?星期尔们午饭吃什么?What do you have for lunch on Mon days? 1 2?我们吃西红柿,土豆和鱼.We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish. 1 3?你最喜欢的水果是什么? Whafs your favourite fruit? 14?我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的?I like apples. They are sweet. 15?我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄 . 它们酸酸的。I like fruits. But I don't grapes. They're sour. 1 6?星期三你午饭吃什么?What do you have for lunch on Wednesday? 5今天星期几?星期二。 6星期二你们有什么课 ? 7我们有数学和科学课。 8星期六你常常干些什么? 17?我吃米饭,牛肉和豆腐?I have rice and tofu. 18?你会干什么?我会做饭。What can you do? I can cook the meals? 1 9 你会铺床吗?不,我不会。Can you make the bed? No, I cant 20 你会扫: fc 也吗?是的 , 我会。Can you sweep the floor? Yes, I can. 21我房间里有 ?面镜子,两把椅子和?个大衣橱oThere is a mirror, twoch airs and abig closet. 22我家里有两问臣卜室,一间厨房不口一间客厅。There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. 23 衣橱在桌子旁边。The closet is near the table. 24 许多衣服在衣橱里。Many clothes are in the closet? 25 垃圾箱在门后。The trash bin is behind the door. 26 公园里面有 ?个森林吗?是的,有。Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is. 27 有一条河吗?不,没有。Is there a river? No, there isn't. 28 山里有熊猫吗?不,没有。Are there a ny pa ndas i nthem ountains? No, there are n't. 29 河里有鱼吗?是的,有。Are there any fish in the river? Yes, there are. 五年级上册主要知识点 第一单元: 1、 以字母y结尾的名词变复数,如果字母y的前面是元音(a, e , i, o, u),就在y后面直接加So女 口:boyboys.如果字母y前面是辅音,则把y变为i,再加es.如:ladyladies city ities story- stories ? 2、 动词的第三人称单数:( 所谓第三人称单数,就是指既不是你也不是我的另外?个人,可以是 具 体的人名,他,她,或它,也可以是称呼类,如my mother, my friend等。当一个句子中的人物是 第三人称单数,并且这个句子又是一般现在时态时,该句子中的动词要使用第三人称单数形式。 ) have一has like一likes do oes go一goes watch-watches 3、词语变化:fun(形容词形式)- funny funny (名词形式)- fun know(同音词) - no he(宾格形式)-him 反义词: tallshort Ion g short young Id n ew old str on g th in fat thin kind strict active uiet 4、be like与do like:在本单元屮 ,What's .like?的句型是主句型,这里的like是“像 . 一样'' 的 意思.Whafs .like?是问某某长得什么样子,同学们千万别和like的另一个意思“喜欢”相混了。它 的答语一般用:He/She/lt is. (后面跟描写人的外貌特征的词语),如:Whafs your father like?你 爸爸长得什么样子?。而在do like的句子屮,like的意思才是“喜欢”的意思。如I: What does your father like?你爸爸喜欢什么? 第二单元: 1、当询问别人喜欢哪些课程时,classes应当用复数形式,因为别人喜欢的课程可能不止一门。 What classes do you like?你喜欢哪门课程 ? 2、表示星期几的七个单词,开头第?个字母都要大写。其简写形式为前三个字母加点。 week星期,周。(一周包括七天) How many days are there in a week? There are 7?个星期有几天?七天。 Weekend周末(包括周六和周日) How many days are there in a weekend? There are 2?个周末有几天?2天。 在英语国家中, 一个星期的第一天是星期天Sunday. The first day of a week is Sunday. 3、当介词in, on ,at后面跟表示吋间的词语吋,表示在某年或某月(当只有年和月的吋候),用in? 如in May在五月。In 1 988,在1 988年。表示在某段时间,如在上午,下午,晚上也用in. 如in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.表示在某日,在星期几时,用on。 如on Monday, on Sunday ?表示在几点几分,在具体吋间吋,用at.如at 6:30, at 9 o'clock. 4、近义词:often(经常)一usually (常常 , 通常) 5play with 和在 ?起,with后面常用人称代词的宾格形式。如:I can play ping-pong with you.我 可以和你一起打乒乓球。 6. I like Mondays. John likes Sundays.这里的likes 是like 的三单形式,在一般现在时的句子 屮,如果主语是第三人称单数,注意动词要变成三单形式。 7、Today is Sunday. I like Sundays.在这个句子屮 , 前?个星期日Sunday是特指“今天是星期 一”,所以用单数形式,而后一个星期日Sundays是泛指所有的星期日,所以用复数形式。 第三单元: 1、What would you like for lunch?你午饭想吃什么?“forV为了。后面要接名词或人称代词的宾格 形式。 如:rd like some tomatoes and mutt on。我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。 2、some与any的区别: (1 )巧记:肯定句屮用some,请求邀请委婉吋,some用于疑问句; 否定疑问用any,肯定句中用any,任何一个接单数。 (2) 它俩都是“一些”的意思,后面既可接可数名词复数,又可接不可数名词,但用法有区别。 some用于肯定句。但当表示请求、邀请、语气委婉,希望对方得到对方肯定回答吋,可用于疑问 句,此时句中常出现情态动词can, may, could, would, any用丁?否定句和疑问句。女口:A: Could I have some meat? B: Sorry, you can't have any meat? There isn't any. (3) 如果名词前有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等限定词修饰时,则只能用someof,表示“ 中的 一些。 Some of the apples are hard to reach. Some of your teachers are not young. (4) 注意: any也可用在肯定句屮,此吋后面接可数名词的单数,意为“任何?个覽如: You can ask any student in our class? You can choose any subject? 3、I have eggplant and tomatoes for lunch.我午饭吃茄子和西红柿。 这里的eggplant是指一道菜,是被切碎了的,熟的,所以这里的eggplant是不可数名词,不能用复 数形式。 日三餐的英语说法:breakfast早饭lunch 午饭dinner晚饭 西红柿tomato 和土豆potato复数形 式在后面加es : tomatoes, potatoes 4、 下列单词的形容词形式: Salt盐salty咸的( 由名词转化成形容词 ) Health健康healthy健康的(由名词转化成形容词) Taste品尝-tasty好吃的(由动词转化成形容词) 5. 同义词:have to (不得不)must (必须) 6. What 5 s your favorite food? 后面 ?般都跟集合的名词:food食物 fruit 水果drink 饮料colour 颜色class 课程book 书sport 运动vegetable 蔬 菜number数字 day天 7?本单元屮,常考试到的可数名词有:tomatoes, green beans, potatoes 不可数名词有:pork, tofu, mutton 其中有的食物名词需要特别记忆,因为它既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词,这个要以不同的语 境而定。 如:fish当表示为活的鱼的时候,是可数的,但它是单复数同形;当表示为鱼肉的时候,是不可数 的。 cabbage当表示是种包菜的数量吋,是不可数名词,表示为cabbage;当表示不同种类的包菜 时,是可数名词,表示为cabbages eggplant当表示是未经过烹饪的蔬菜时,是可数名词,表示为eggplants;当表示经烹饪过的菜肴 吋,是不可数名词,表示为eggplant 8. What do you have for lunch on Mon days? 其中have表示吃,而不是有,翻译为每逢周一你们午餐吃什么? 回答:We (I)have rice, fish, and gree n bea ns for lunch on Mon days. 第四单元: 1、 当你想询问别人会干什么时,用What can you do? 当你想知道他人会干什么吋,可用What can he do ?或者What can she do ?(注:其屮can为情 态动词,后面必须用动词原形。) 2、I can变为一般疑问句:Can you ? He can. 或She can变为一般疑问句:Can he ./ Can she .? 其屮的he , she也可以变为其他具体的人物。如My mother can cook the meals?变 为一般疑问句:Can your mother cook the meals? 3、help (形容词形式)helpful helpful (动词形式)help 4、 当句子屮出现了情态动词can或其否定形式can*吋,其他的动词要用原型。 第五六单元 1 .There be句型包括There is a .后面跟名词单数,表示一个。例如:There is a mirror on the wall?There are some/many后面跟名词复数,表示多个。例如:There are two end tables near the bed? 2. on与over的区别 on:在。上面,表示与下面的物体相互接触,紧挨着。 over:在。_L面,表示与下面的物体没有接触,悬空着。 3. 一些特殊疑问词的意义与用法: 1 ) w hat什么,叫什么,干什么等。例如:Whafs this?这是什么?Whafs your name? 你的名字是 什么?Whafs your father like?你爸爸长得什么样子?Whafs your mother?你妈妈是干什么的? 2 ) w here哪里,用来问在什么地方,如Where are you from?你来自哪里?Where is your ruler? 尺子在哪里呢? 3 ) w ho谁。用来问人物是谁?如Who,s that man?那个男人是谁? 4) w hose谁的,用来问东西是谁的。女口:Whose book is this ?这是谁的书? 5) what time什么吋间,用来问具体的吋间是几点? 6 ) w hat coulor什么颜色,用来问物体是什么颜色的。 7) w hen什么时候,用来问时间,后面常跟动词。女口:When do you get up? 8) how 怎么样?用来问人的身体状况。女口:How are you?你好吗? 9) how many多少。用来问物体的数量。如I: How many books do you have?你有 多少本书? 1 0 ) how much多少钱。用来问商品或者物体的价格。如I: How much is your schoolbag? 11) which哪一个,用来问具体的哪一个。如I: Which class do you like best?你最喜欢哪一门课 程? 7. 以系动词(am, is, are)和助动词(can, do)等开头的句子叫做般疑问句。 如:Is your sister a teacher? Yes, she is ./No, she is n't. Are you a student? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Do you have new teachers? Yes, we do. / No, we don't? Does Amy have n ew teachers? Yes, she does./ No, she does n't. Can you wash the clothes? Yes, I can. / No, I cant PEP英语五年级下册各单元单元重点句型 When do you get up?你什么时候起床? 2. What do you do on the weekend?周末你做什么? 3. This is my weekend ?这是我的周末。 4. When do you play sports?你何时进行体育活动? 5. Tell us about your day!告诉我们关于你的日子。 6. Which is Mike's timetable?哪?个是迈克的日程表? 7. Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions? Sure.扌丁扰下 , 我可以问你些问题吗?当 然。 8. What do you do?你是做什么的? 9play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.我在下午大约3点钟进行体育活动。 1 0.Thank you for telling me about your day.谢谢你告诉我关于你的日子。 11丄et,s go hiking together next Sunday.下个星期天让我们?起去远足吧。 1 2.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.有时候我去看望我的祖父母。 13. The weather report says it ?s going to rain tomorrow. I can't play football in the rain. I can5t go hiking, either.气预报说明天要下雨。我不能在雨屮踢足球,我也不能去远足。 1 4.Then come to my home.那就来我家吧。 15丄et's watch TV together.让我们 ?起看电视。 16.When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:00 ?你什么时候做 早操?我通常八点钟做早操。 17usually get up at 1 2:00 at noon ?我通常在屮午十二点起床。 Unit 2*重点句型 1 .What 7s your favourite season? 你最喜爱的季节是什么? 2. Whafs the weather like in spring? ILs sunny and warm. 春天的天气像什么样子?又晴朗又暖 和。 3. Which seas on do you like best ? Win ter. I can make a snowma n.你最喜欢明IK* 季 节?冬 天,我可以堆雪人。 4.I can play with snow.我可以玩雪。 5. Winter is beautiful, but iLs too cold for me.冬天时美丽的,但是对我来说太冷了。 6. Why do you like win ter? Because I can sleep (for) a long time.伤为什么喜欢冬 天?因为我可以睡懒觉。 7. When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall.去北京最好的时间是什么时候?秋天。 8. What is the weather like in fall in Beijing? It's sunny and cool.北京秋天的天气像什么样子?又 晴朗又凉爽。 9. What can I do there? You can go to the Great Wall.我可以在那里做什么?你可以去长城。 1 0.Spring is from March to May.春天从三月到五月。 Unit 3*重点句型 I .When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.你的生日在什么吋候?我的生日在六月。 2. How many birthdays are there in January?一月有多少个牛日? 3. What are you doing,John?约翰,你正在做什么? 4am making a birthday chart for our family.我正在为我们家制作一张生日图表。 5. There are three birthdays in June.在六月有三个牛日。 6?Here's the chart.这就是图表。 7. When is your Independence Day?你们的独立日(国庆节)在什么时候? 8. Who has a birthday in October?有谁的牛日在十月? 9?What's the date? It's October ?什么日期?十月日。 10am sending Grandma an e-card.我正在给祖母发一张电子卡片。 II ?Does she have a computer?她有电脑吗? 1 2.Then she won't be able to see the card.那她就不能看到生日卡片了。 13丄et,s make a birthday card.让我们制作一张生日卡片吧。 14. Every one likes to get birthday cards . 每个人都喜欢收至ij牛日卡片。 15hear with my ear.我用我的耳朵听。 /I work with my computer. Recycle 1 1can swim in the sea.我可以在大海屮游泳。 2.It is hard to plant flowers in the rain.在雨中种花太难了。 3.It is so nice to watch the flowers grow.观看花儿成长是如此的舒心惬意。 4love all seasons.我喜爱所有的季节。 Unit 4*重点句型 1 .What are you doing?你正在做什么? 2.1 am talking to you.我正在和你说话呢。 3. Come on, John.老实点,约翰。 4. rm reading a book.我正在看书。 5. Do you want to go to the Children's Center?你想去儿童活动屮心吗? 6.See you later.再见。 7. What is your father doing? He's writing an e-mail.你的父亲正在做什么?他正在写电子邮件。 8. Can I speak to your mom, please? Sure? Please hold on?我可以和你妈妈通话吗?当然 了,请稍等。 9. Mom, there's a call for you.妈妈,有人打电话找你。 1 O.How ?s everybody doing? Just fine. 大家都好吗?都好的。 How are you doing?=How are you? 11'm comi ng. Who's that?我来了。是谁呀? 1 2.What is the emergency number in China?加拿大的急救号码是什么? Unit 5*重点句型 2.Look at tiger. Ifs running?看老虎,它在奔跑。 3see the mother elephant.我看见母象了。 5. That baby kangaroo is so cute. Ifs sleeping 那只袋鼠宝宝真可爱。它在睡觉。 7. That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.那头大象正在用它的鼻子喝水。 8. What are the elephants doing? They're drinking.大象正在做什么?它们正在喝水。 9. What do you see ? I see two kangaroos. 鼠你看见什么?我看见两只袋。 I O.What a big nature park !好大的一个自然公园啊! any= some ?些 II ?疑问句:Do you see any animals?你看见一些动物吗? 否定句:I can't see any animals? 肯定句:I can see some animals? 1 2.Here come two tigers.两只老虎过来了。 1 3.Can tigers really swim? Yes, they can.老虎真的会游泳吗?拾到,它们能。 14. They are climbing trees.它们正在爬树。 15. They're good climbers.它们是很好的攀爬者。 Unit 6重点句型 Are you hav ing a pic nic? No, we are n't. We are doing an experiment ?你彳门正在举行野餐 吗?不,没有。我们正在做?个实验。 3.1s he watching ants?他正在观察蚂蚁吗?Yes,he is. 4. Are they collecting leaves?他们正在收集树叶吗? 5. Are they catch ing butterflies? No, they are n't. They are pick ing up leaves.4 也 们正在捕捉蝴 蝶吗?不,没有。他们正在采摘树叶。 6. What are you doing there?你在那儿做什么?I am watching insects. 7. What do ants like to eat?蚂蚁喜欢吃什么? 8. Come and have a look at the ants?过来看看蚂蚁。 9. Are they eating the honey? Yes, they like sweet food 他们正在吃蜂蜜吗?是的,它们喜欢甜 食。 I O.Do an experiment on me, please.请对我做实验吧。 II .What is John doing? He's playing chess.约翰正在做什么?他正在下棋。 1 2.They are playing together.他们在 ?起玩。 1 3.Tell him we're leaving.告诉他我们走了。 14.Is she counting insects? No, she isn't.她正在数昆虫吗?不,没有。 15?She,s running to us.她正在向我们跑来。 一般时态: I usually get up at 6:25 in the morining. I often go shopping on the weekend. Sometimes I play football? I can plant trees in spring. Lefs watch TV together. I don't go to school. 现在进行吋:(现在正在发生)be+doing 问你(你们):What are you doing? 答:I am eating lunch/We are eating lunch. 问她:What is she doing? She is reading a book. 问他:What is he doing? He is doing homework. 问它:What is it doing? It is eating bananas. 问他(它)们:What are they doing? They are running. 1(第?人称),you (第二人称),he/she/it(第三人称单数)they(第三人称复数),?般吋 态, 谓语动词耍加s,不规则的耍把do变成does, go变成goesjE have变成has,例如: I like spring. He likes spring. I often do my homework at 7:00 in the evening. She often does her homework at 7:oo in the evening. We go to chool at 7:30. She goes to school at 7:50. I have a new computer. He has a new computer. 把句子改成一般疑问句的方法: 第步:首先查找Be动词(is,am are )或情态动词can,并把它移到句首,如: I am a student. 变成:Are you a student ? 肯定回答:Yes, I am . 否定回答:No, I am not. He is reading a book. 变成:Is he reading a book? 肯定回答:Yes,he is. 否定回答:No,he isn't. They are having a picnic. 变成:Are they having a picnic? 肯定回答:Yes,they are. 否定回答:No, they aren't. She can clean the room. 变成:Can she clean the room? 肯定回答:Yes, she can? 否定回答:No ,she can't. 第二步,找不到be动词,就送给它句首Do或Does. They usally have English class at 9:20. 变成:Do they usually have English class at 9:20? Yes , they do. No, they don't. She likes winter best? Does she like win ter best? Yes, she does? No, she does n't. 怎么样把肯定句变成否定句? 第步:在be动词后面加not,如: 肯定句:I am counting in sects. 否定句:I am not counting in sects. 肯定句:She is counti ng in sects ? 否定句:She is not counting in sects. 肯定句:They are flying a kite? 否定句:They are not flying a kite? 第二步:找不到be动词,在动词前面加don't或doesrTt,如: 否定句:They don't go to school at 7:30. 肯定句:He goes to school at 7:30. 否定句:He does n't go to school at 7:30. 肯定句 : They go to school at 7:30.


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