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    初中英语课试讲教案 初中英语课试讲教案 【篇一:初中英语教师应聘试讲】 教学目标: 1.通过教师呈现的句子下学生进行归纳与总结,能够理解简单的定语 从句的含义。 2.通过教师讲解与学生自主探索相结合,学生能够, 了解定语从句的 语法规则。 3.通过练习与完成任务,学生能够分析运用简单的定语从句。 4.学生能够运用简单的定语从句进行写作,提高写作技能。 教学重点 : 1.通过本节课学习简单的定语从句,使学生能够为以后学习复杂定语 从句奠定基础。 2.通过本节课学习简单的定语从句,使学生应用定语从句进行翻译句 子并且运用定语从句进行写作,增加写作亮点。 教学难点: 1.通过本节课的学习,学生理解简单的定语从句 2.通过本节课的学习,学生能运用定语从句进行表达句子。 教学方法: 1.发现法,教师呈现定语从句例句,让学生主动进行归纳,发现定语 从句的特征。 2.讲授法,教师对重点语法知识进行讲解,讲述,讲演。 3.问答法,讲师从各个角度对学生提问,以检查语法知识的学习情况。 4.练习法,教师给予适当的练习以巩固定语从句知识。、 教学过程 1.导入 gooodafter noon everybody , nice to meet you . today ,we will learn attributive clause.(边说边法材料, 并翻译 attributive clause) . firstly , what is attribute ? look at your material . then tell me what you find .(给学生两分钟思考,然后回答,给予评价和指导。) ok ,thanks for your answering . the underlining par is attribute . 在句子中修饰名词或代词的句子成分就是定语。可作定语的成分有 adj npron 名词所有格数词不定式分词动名词介词 短语 adv 等。那么句子做定语从句会怎样呢? 2 语法知识点 讲解第一个句子 1. the t ree is very tall . he is climbing it . the tree that/which he is climbing is very tall . 翻译,他正在爬的那个树非常高。the tree is very tall . 是主句。 that/which引导的句子是定语从句,整个句子修饰the tree ,that 或 which 在从句中做 climb 的宾语。 2. the boy is my brother . he were here a minute ago . the boy who were here a minute ago is my brother . 提问,请问哪个是主句?哪个是定语从句?从句修饰限定谁?who 在从句中做什么成分? 3. the woman is my english teacher . you saw her in the park . the woman who/whom you saw in the park is my enlglish teacher. 讲师讲解,翻译主句,从句关系词先行词 4. the boy is hapyy . his parents love him very much . the boy whose parents love him very much . 教师请学生翻译句子,并分析句子。 总结,上述都是关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰名词或代词,在从 句中做主语,宾语,定语(whose代表 the boy s )。 5.we shall remember the days. we studied together then. we shall remember the days when we studied together . we shall remember the days.we studied together during the days. we shall remember the days during which we studies together. 把句 变为句 的定语从句,句 中的 the days做定语从句的先行 词。在句 中 then 指句 中提到的 the days ,也就是定语从句的先 行词,then 在句中做时间状语, 因此要用 when 引导定语从句, 代替 句中的 then ,也就是说 then 就不能出现在定语从句中了。由此得 到句 we shall remember the days when we studied together. 句还可以写作句 we studied together during the days.(介词 短语 during the days含义为 “ 在这些日子里 ”)。把句 变为句 的定 语从句,因为the days做介词 during的宾语,先行词是the days , 指物,在定语从句中介词during提前,用关系代词which替代 the days ,the days就不能在定语从句中出现了。由此得到句 we shall remember the days during which we studies together. ive always longed for the days.i should be able to be independent then. ive always longed for the days when i should be able to be independent. 第二组: there are moments. i forget all about it then. there are moments when i forget all about it. 6.i know a garden. you can find wild strawberries there. i know a garden where you can find wild strawberries. you can find wild strawberries in it i know a garden in which you can find wild strawberries. 把句 变为句 的定语从句,句 中的 agarden做定语从句的先行 词。在句中 there 指句 中提到的 agarden也就是定语从句的先行 词,there 在句中做地点状语,因此要用where 引导定语从句,代替 句中的 there ,也就是说 there 就不能出现在定语从句中了。由此 得到句 i know a garden where you can find wild strawberries. 请把下面每组的两句话合并为一句,把第二句话变为第一句的定语 从句。 第一组: this is the village.i was born there. this is the village where i was born. 第二组: the lab is not far from here. the chemist often does experiments there. the lab where the chemist often does experiments is not far from here. 7.he wanted to know the reason. i was late for the reason . he wanted to know the reason for which i was late. he wanted to know the reason why i was late. 把句 变为句 的定语从句,句 中的 the reasons做定语从句的 先行词。因为the reason做介词 for 的宾语,先行词是the reason 指物,在定语从句中介词for 提前,用关系代词which替代 the reason ,the reason就不能在定语从句中出现了。由此得到句he wanted to know the reason for which i was late. 注意:在定语从句中当先行词为the reason(s),定语从句由for which引导时,可以用why 代替 for which。由此我们得到句 he wanted to know the reason why i was late. the reason is not very convincing.he came for the reason. the reason why he came is not very convincing. the reason for which he came is not very convincing. 3.作业 一翻译句子 1.我仍然记得爸爸说过的话。 2.正在说话的女孩是我的好朋友。 3.我认识的那个女孩的爸爸是我的老师。 二、合并句子 请把下面每组的两句话合并为一句,把第二句话变为第一句的定语 从句。 1.there came a day.the rain fell at last then. 2.this is the hour.the place is always full of women and children then. 3.we will start at the point.we left off there. 4.give me one good reason.i should help you for the reason. 5.this is the factory.his father works there. 6.i dont know the reason.you quarreled with him. 7.ill never forget the days.we studied together then. 三、链接高考 1.all_is needed is a supply of oil. a.the thing b.that c.what d.which 2.finally ,the thief handed everything_he had stolen to the police. a.which b.what c.whatever d.that 3.in fact the swede did not understand the three questions_were asked in french. a.where b.who c.in which d.which 4.can you tell me the name of the factory_you visited last week ? a.what b.where c./ d.when 5.his parents wouldnt let him marry anyone_family was poor. a.of whom b.whom c.of whose d.whose 6.after living in paris for 50 years he returned to the small town_he grew up as a child. a.which b.that c.where d.when 7.the film brought the hours back to me_i was taken good care of in that far-away village. a.until b.that c.when d.where 【篇二:教师资格证初中英语试讲经验稿】 初中英语试讲经验稿 恩,首先就是穿什么的都有,正装,休闲装,甚至牛仔裤凉鞋等等, 然后也没有具体要求必须着正装,考场里老师也没有提到,所以没有 说规定一定正装,但是个人感觉还是稍微正式点比较好,穿个衬衫配 工装裙或者黑色休闲裤也好过牛仔裤凉鞋。毕竟老师还是比较严 肃的职业。 记得带支笔,因为备考室写教案会用到。考美术的好像备考室有准 备的道具,彩纸,胶布,剪刀等等都有。不用你自己准备了 进去考场之后,同一楼层的考生全都在候场室,然后就是抽签,本 人抽到的是 1 号,之后便是跟着老师去抽题室,抽提排队的时候请尽 量站在第一个,因为所有的1 号抽完之后才回去备考室,这样你会比 别人多几分钟的准备时间。 我抽到的是词汇题,给一个片段,六个单词,要求是读对话,然后 讲单词,其他的两个英语试讲是语法,我看了一眼是一般将来时的时 态,另一个是作文类题目。之后去备考室,这里给你也就是15 分钟 的准备时间,可以把自己的资料带进去,也可以手机百度,低调点, 别被老师看到都是可以的。不是很严。 首先,进入考场,有三个老师,先问两个结构化的面试题目,问到 的有:1,家长工作忙, 认为教育学生完全是学校的责任,你怎么看? 2,你怎么看待 “ 绿领巾 ” 事件。 3,请问你对陶行知的“ 千教万教 ,教人 求真 ; 千学万学 ,学做真人 ” 怎么理解? 4,同学上课一直开小差做小动 作,你怎么办?恩,我知道的就是这些了。然后就是英语试讲,试 讲之后会问你1-2 个关于你试讲的问题,有的可能不问,之后就结束 了。记得擦黑板。 关于教案,我们这儿是不看教案的,你拿着教案讲课,讲完交给面试 老师就行,但是其实你讲完就已经打完分了,一个同学说她讲完交教 案的时候已经偷瞄到自己的成绩了,我教案写的很好,结果没有计入 分数,特别遗憾。 大概就是这么多,不用紧张,我在宾馆跟同学试讲的时候还紧张到 发抖,真到考场上就特别淡定了,也许是抽到的题目相对来说简单点, 讲的有点快,不要太快,当然也别太慢,10 分钟以内讲完。 这里给大家模板作为参考,在备考室的时候你就可以这么准备了, 什么教学目标,难点和重点,教学手段这些完全没必要写啊,直接切 入你开讲就行了。试讲情态动词的语法类试讲稿: step 1 warming up as we know, the 2008 olympics is coming. show two pictures: liuxiang and yaoming. say something about them using modal verbs. 教师展示两幅图片:刘翔和姚明,通过用modal verbs 来描述这两 幅图片。step 2 lead in t: look at the picture, the man is carrying a pile of books. so he can carry heavy books. he wants to enter the room, but he couldnt open the door by himself. so he is making a request to ask for help from the woman by saying “could you open the door, please?” (the teacher writes the three sentences on the blackboard. 1.so he can carry heavy books. 2. he couldnt open the door by himself. 3. could you open the door, please?) t: look at the three modal verbs in each sentence and try to get their meanings. step 3 explanation ? can could ? may might ? will would ? shall should ? must cant e.g. can and could 1)表示能力( ability ),指有能力做某事,意为“ 能够” 。 could 是 can 的过去式 e.g. the girl can dance very well. we all knew that the young man couldnt be a doctor. 2)表示请求( request )或允许( permission)。意为 “ 可否 ” 、“ 可 以” 。比 can 更有礼貌, 在此不是 can 的过去式。 e.g. can you wait a moment please? excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station? 3)表示可能性( possibility)could a. can 表示泛指的 “ 可能 ” , 并非说话者主观认为的可能性,即并非 说话者的主观猜测。 e.g. accident can happen to any drunken driver. b.表示说话者主观猜测,只能用与否定句或疑问句中。 e.g. it cant be my father. he is now in england. step 4 summing up from the demonstration of the modal verbs above, we can find most of them can be used to express certainty, but the degree of them is different. step 5 practice 1)find all the sentences with modal verbs and explain the meaning. 1. other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals. 2. they lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. 3.?or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. 2)complete the following sentences with proper modal verbs.youve been working all day. you _be very tired. (the door bell rings) i wonder who that is, it_be lisa. shes still in the library at this time. it is a long time since we met last time. you _come and see us more often. . 3) make a dialogue using modal verbs according to the given situation. you have to go to buy food and gifts for spring festival. in pairs, one as the shop keeper and the other as the customer, offer and request the items you need. use these expressions to help you. would you like ? could i have ? might i suggest ? may i see ? you should try ? could we look at ? can you see ? we might take ? step 6. homework choose one of the following situations to create a short dialogue using modal verbs. situation a: in a library. ask the librarian if he can help to find a book relating to some specific topics, whether they can be renewed or not, and how to do if the books are lost. (“could you please find?” “may i ? ” “you mustn t? ”) situation b: a doctor gives a patient some advice. (“you should? ”) 这一个就是完整的试讲模板了。 in search of the amber room lead-in: free talk 【篇三:初中英语教师试讲教案】 identify possessions 表示拥有 part 1: lead-in e.g. i have got a brother and a sister. have got 表示拥有 =have (口语) (书面语) we have got a dog. = we have a dog. we have got a cat. = we have a cat. part 2 : detail study 人称区分: i/you/we/they: have/have got e.g. i have got a computer. you have got a good friend. we have got many books in our school. they have got a new car. he/she/it: has/has got e.g. she has got brown hair. he has got two sisters. an elephant has got a long nose. 否定: have got have not got has got has not got 男: can i use your mobile phone, please? 女: sorry, i havent got a mobile phone. i haven t got a mobile phone. = i dont have a mobile phone. = i havent a mobile phone. havent = dont have = havent got e.g. she hasnt got a brother.( 模拟改句 ) 练习: please make negative sentences. 例一:不倒翁 例二:上学方式 疑问: have 提前 e.g. have you got a car? 另外两种表达方式:do you have a car? have you a car? e.g. has she got a brother? (模拟改句 ) have/has 也可做实义动词 例一: have a meal have a breakfast have a lunch have a dinner have a good time have english have a resthave some water have sport we don t have maths on tuesday. part 3: game ? 英文谜语: i have a face. its round. i have two hands. one is long, the other id short. they go round and round. i don t have eyes. i don t have ears. i don t have mouths. i don t have feet. what am i? 附:i have no eyes or ears. 我没有眼睛和耳朵。 请翻译:我没有嘴巴和脚。 ? 汉字谜语: it has a ear on the left. it has two eyes on the top. it has a mouth. and it has a heart. what is it? part 4: homework write down what you have and what you dont have in your family.


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