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    新生代英语基础教程2 Unit6_电子教案.doc

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    新生代英语基础教程2 Unit6_电子教案.doc

    教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程2课 时 _班 级 _专 业 _教 师 _系 部 _教 研 室 _教 材 新生代英语基础教程2Teaching Plan教学单元Unit 6 “Youd better call the doctor.”单元主题l Staying healthy课时安 排8教学内容l Show Time“Youd better call the doctor.”l ReadingDo you know these home remedies?l Chat TimeAt the drugstorel WritingText messagesl Grammargerund / infinitivel My StoryStaying healthy教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner l Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you something about it as much as they can.l Then, go through the questions and complete each answer. In addition, you can ask a few warm-up questions such as “How often do you go to the doctor?” “Have you been for a checkup recently?” You may need to teach the word thermometer if students are unfamiliar with it. Use the picture in the book to teach this vocabulary word.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to healthl Have the students listen and repeat the words. For the definitions, start by teaching the physical symptoms (dizzy, cough, fever, ache, etc.). You can show these by acting them out. Then say a word and have a student act out the symptom. Tell students that the word ache can be applied to head, stomach, tooth or back. l After the warm-up, students have already know the word thermometer. You may also introduce the word temperature, and say “We use a thermometer to take our temperature.” (This is also introducing the infinitive to take.) For painkillers, you can explain that there are many different brands of these. Ask students to tell you some well-known painkiller brands. Once students are comfortable with the new words, let them do the exercises, correcting any mistakes. For the word infection, you can explain the meaning and then ask students what causes and prevents infections. For example, if you cut yourself, cleaning the wound and using a bandage can prevent infection. You may also want to teach the word germ with the sentence, “An infection is caused by germs.” For more vocabulary related to health, see Useful Links on page 15.C and DTo improve students listening and comprehension skillsl Tell the students they will hear a conversation between Jason and his doctor. Then listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences. Correct any mistakes. For more vocabulary related to the doctor, see Useful Links.l For Exercise D, first review the vocabulary words about different diseases like cough, fever, etc. Then let students select one disease and describe its symptom. You can set up an example by saying “if I have a fever, I feel very hot .” Then let students read each clue of the diseases, and predict their names. The fastest student wins. Show TimeATo teach students speaking skills through the videol First, have the students watch the video in its entirety. Ask basic comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?” l Next, have students take turns explaining what is happening in each picture. You can make an example with the first picture, and then have a more confident student try the second one. To make it more fun, you could choose two students, and then have them race to explain what is happening in the picture. The student with the fastest and best explanation wins. B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the videol Watch the video. Then look at Exercise B, and ask students to check Mr. Sanchezs symptoms. l Next, students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C. Have a group of students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Mrs. Sanchez, one as the doctor, one as Mr. Sanchez and the other as Hector. l For an extension activity, you can also have students rewrite the conversation, using different names. To check the answers for Exercises B, C, and D, students can exchange books and listen as you go through the answers.l If you would like to assign homework, you can tell students that they must rewrite every incorrect answer 5, 10 or 20 times at your discretion.ReadingA and BTo improve students reading comprehension and learn about routine checkupsl Explain to students the meaning of routine checkup. Then, ask students how often they have a routine checkup or when their last checkup was. l Before reading, have students brainstorm some things that might happen in a routine checkup.l Next, read and listen to the text and have the students read each of the True/False statements and choose the correct answer. For more information about medical checkup, see Useful Links.C and DTo get the students comfortable when speaking about physical checkupsl Put students in pairs and have them practice talking about medical checkups. Every two minutes have students stand up and change partners. Do this three or four times, depending on class size. l For Exercise D, let students think about is there any home remedy for a slight cold. Then encourage them to do the exercise to learn more about some other home remedies and check the answers. Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting skills through the conversationl Explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which a customer is talking to a pharmacist at the drugstore. Introduce the key vocabulary words for this conversation.l Tell the students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recording so that students have time to write. l Next, have students practice talking about health, monitoring them while they do so.l Now, have students read through Language Note, teaching the idiom once in a blue moon. Ask students some things that they do once in a blue moon. For example, “I go abroad once in a blue moon.” A game you can play with this is every student writes a once in a blue moon sentence on a piece of paper. Then you put all the papers into a hat and read them out one by one. Have the class guess who wrote each sentence.l For Exercise C, review some basic expressions and sentences about seeing a doctor. Then have students work in pairs and do a role-play. One acts as the patient and the other the doctor. Walk around the class and provide students with some guidance. When time is up, invite some good “actors” to perform in front of the class.WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to write text messagesl Have students read the dialog in pairs and guess the meaning of abbreviations and phrases. Check their work.l Work in pairs and complete the conversation between A and B. Try to use abbreviations where possible. Have volunteers demonstrate their conversation.GrammarTo teach students about gerunds and infinitivesl Start by explaining to students what gerunds and infinitives are. Its important that the students understand the basic concept that gerunds and infinitives change verbs into nouns. The best way to do this is to give some examples. Start with subject sentences, for example “Swimming is good exercise for your muscles.” or “To swim is good exercise for your muscles.” (Obviously, the gerund form is more commonly used here, but both are grammatically correct.) Tell students that in this sentence, swimming is the name of an activity, and is thus a noun.l Have students make their own examples and write them on the board.l Then, tell students that when gerunds and infinitives are objects, they are used after certain verbs. Write the lists on the board and drill them to help students memorize them. One way to do this is to have students read them out loud and then erase a word. Students must read them all out loud, including the word you erased (you point to a blank space). l In the end, the whole board will be blank and students will be reading out the words from memory. This may take some time but is worth it to help students remember. l Finish by having students complete the exercises, and then ask them to exchange books and go through the answers, correcting any mistakes. For more information and extra activities related to gerunds and infinitives, see Useful Links on.My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the videol Tell the students that they will watch a video in which real people talk about their health.l Then watch the video and have students complete the true or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help the students. l Next have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Watch the video again and have students fill in the missing words, pausing the video if necessary. Check the students answers, correcting any mistakes.l For the discussion section, give the students your answers to the questions. Next, you can have several students give their answers to the class. Finally, have the students discuss the questions in pairs and/or in groups.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 6.u Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content.u Write text messages with your partner about your health conditions, using abbreviations.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文医生:杰森,该轮到你做检查了。你感觉怎么样?杰森:最近我头疼的厉害。我感到很疲惫也一直在咳嗽。医生:你好像是得了流感。杰森:我想是这样的。医生:这是一些对乙酰氨基酚(退热净),它会帮助你减轻头痛,另外你需要休息。咳嗽怎么样?杰森,你抽烟吗?杰森:嗯我一直在尝试着戒烟,但确实很难。医生:杰森,如果你在意自己的健康的话,那么你必须要戒烟。杰森:谢谢医生。我会尽力的。READING 背景知识Comfortlessness happens frequently in daily life. In most cases, home remedies are all thats needed. E.g. , the best home remedy for colds is to have two cloves of raw garlic at the onset of symptoms. Ginger, a home remedy for helping an upset stomach. Some people still prefer the age-old home remedy of baking soda and a toothbrush to gently whiten teeth at home. 语言解析1. Do you know these home remedies? 你知道这些家庭疗法吗? remedy n.补救法,解决方法,药物 e.g. Honey is an excellent home remedy for sore throats. 蜂蜜是治疗喉咙疼痛的极佳的家庭疗法。 What is my remedy in law in this case? 这件事情我能采取什么法律手段?2. Sometimes, you can find natural cures in your home which are just as good as what you can find in the pharmacy. 有时候,你能在家里找到同药店里效果一样好的天然药品。 cure n. 药物,疗法 e.g. There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但是可以医治。3. The lemon cleanses your throat while the honey soothes it. 柠檬能够清洁你的喉咙而蜂蜜能够舒缓你的疼痛。 cleanse vt.使.清洁,清洗 e.g. Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face. 凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。4. Its a great combination, which is rich in Vitamin C too. 这是一个极佳的组合,富含丰富的维生素C。 be rich in 含有丰富的,富于 e.g. Coca Cola is considered to be rich in sugar. 人们认为可口可乐的含糖量很高.5. If you are feeling under the weather, why not try making a healthy garlic soup with spices? 如果你觉得不舒服,为什么不做一道健康的大蒜辣汤呢? under the weather 身体不适e.g. I was still feeling a bit under the weather. 我仍觉得身体有些不舒服。 参考译文你知道这些家庭疗法吗?有时候,你能在家里找到同药店里效果一样好的天然药品。以下有三种最好的家庭疗法。蜂蜜和柠檬治疗喉咙痛假如你喉咙痛,为什么不来一杯舒缓热饮呢?把水烧开,加入柠檬汁以及一茶匙的蜂蜜。柠檬能够清洁你的喉咙而蜂蜜能够舒缓疼痛。柠檬和蜂蜜是一个极佳的组合,富含丰富的维生素C。蒸汽治疗鼻塞当你鼻塞时,最好的办法就是给你自己制造一个迷你蒸汽室。盆里装满热水,脑袋放在盆上面。脑袋上盖一块毛巾然后深呼吸,很快你就会觉得好一点。大蒜汤治疗感冒许多医生把大蒜称为“天然的抗生素”。如果你觉得不舒服,为什么不做一道健康的大蒜辣汤呢?如果你感冒了这道汤会帮助你疏通鼻子以及脑袋,给你全方位的治疗。当然,这些疗法不是任何时候都有用。如果你在一两天之后还觉得不舒服,记得要去看医生!CHAT TIME 参考译文顾客:你好,我想买这种药,谢谢。药剂师:对不起,这种药柜台上是不出售的。请问你有处方吗?顾客:有,在这里。药剂师:好的,请稍等。这是你的药。用量是一天三次,饭中服用。顾客:会有副作用吗?药剂师:你可能会犯困。顾客:知道了。药剂师:服药期间不能饮酒。顾客:反正我难得喝一次酒。药剂师:你会好起来的。MY STORY 参考译文久美子:我是一个很健康的人。我有哮喘,但是我几乎不生病。要保持健康,就不要抽烟。人应该每天都运动,我不运动,但是真的应该每天都运动。詹妮弗:我去健身房,我常做运动而且食用健康的食物。大卫:要保持健康你必须多喝橙汁,勤洗手而且饮食要健康。丹尼尔:要多喝水,晚上要好好休息并且保持有规律的运动。达雅妮:不要抽烟,要饮食健康以及多做运动。


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