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    新生代英语基础教程1 Unit 3_电子教案.doc

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    新生代英语基础教程1 Unit 3_电子教案.doc

    教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 新生代英语基础教程1 教学计划教 学单 元Unit 3 “Whats for lunch?”单 元主 题l Food课 时安 排8教学内容l Show Time“Whats for lunch?”l ReadingFood labelsl Chat TimeKnock yourself outl WritingA questionnairel GrammarArticles l My StoryBreakfast, lunch, and dinner主要目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you as much as they can about it. Then, go through the questions and choose the best answer. Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to food. l Have the students listen and repeat the words. The most difficult word on this list is probably “delicious”. Have students repeat this word a few times and check pronunciation. l As a warm up, you can also ask students to tell you all the foods they think are delicious. You can do this by asking each student “Which food do you think is delicious?” They can answer in a full sentence “I think _ is/are delicious.” Correct the students if they use the wrong be verb, explaining that we use is for single or uncountable foods and are for countable (plural) foods. You can also ask students to tell you which be verb we would use with the vocabulary words here, for example “Which be verb should we use with the word salad here?”l Once students seem comfortable with the vocabulary, have them do the exercises correcting any errors. C and DTo improve students listening and comprehension skills l Have students go through the conversation quickly and think about what they are talking about. You may remind them to pay attention to key words “dessert”, “drink”, and “iced-tea”. l Tell the students they will hear two people talking about food. Now listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences. Correct any mistakes. l You can also introduce the idea of losing or gaining weight. Tell them that Alex is a man and Jenny is a woman. Clarify that losing weight is not womens patent.l Ask students what they would like to eat and drink for lunch/dinner. Another way to model this conversation is to put students in pairs with one student as the waiter and the other as a customer. Students take turns asking the other what he or she would like to eat/drink. l For exercise D, have students look at the pictures. Label the food with names from the boxes. u Write incomplete sentences in the blackboard like “Im on a diet, so I dont want to eat/drink _.” or “Im really hungry, Ill have_.” Have them fill in the blanks and make up a conversation based on these sentences.Show TimeATo teach students listening and speaking skills through the use of videol First, have students match the pictures to the sentences which describe theml Then, ask basic comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?” l Next, have students take turns in explaining what is happening in each picture. You can do the first picture, and then have a more confident student try the second one. To make it more fun, you could choose two students, and then have them race to explain what is happening in the picture. The student with the fastest and best explanation wins. B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the use of videol Watch the video. By now the students should be confident in naming the three characters. To make sure, you can pause the video when all three characters are on screen and asking the name of each one. l Now look at Exercise B, and ask students if they can remember what Hector and Mateo ordered and have them tick the answers, correcting any errors. Have them refine the conversation they just made up.l Next, students can go through the dialogue in Exercise C and guess the missing words. Watch the video again and check their guessing. Have two students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Hector and the other as Mateo. Another way to do this is to have half the class (for example all the boys) read Mateos lines and half the class (all the girls) read Hectors lines. Continue to refine the conversation according to this exercise.l Finally, have students match the questions to the answers in Exercise D. You may need to remind them that d is a contraction of would. This will help them with Number 3. When they have finished, go through the answers. Continue to refine the conversation according to this exercise.ReadingA, B and CTo improve students reading comprehensionl Have students watch the pictures match the food labels with the phrases as quickly as possible. Invite students to guess what each label means.l Ask students to scan for the right answers to Exercises B and C. (To scan means to read the text very quickly only for the specific information you need without reading laboriously through everything.) Remind them to skip words they dont know.D, E and FImprove students ability to utilise what they have learnedl Have students read through words given before they go on to finish Exercise D. Check their pronunciation. You may divide the class into two groups and have them read the words in turn or you may have students find sentences with these words in labels a to f and read out the corresponding sentence. After they finish the exercise, check their answers.l For Exercise E, have students work in pair and discuss their favorite food. Ask questions like: How is it cooked? What are the ingredients? What is its unique selling point/USP? Provide relative words like fried, baked, stewed, braised and steamed. Now analyse how many parts a food label may contain and write a label for your favorite food. Let students exchange their answers. Correct their mistakes.l Explain to students that they should use the letters in the boxes to complete the words. Do the first and the fifth word together and have them finish the rest by themselves. Anyone who work out the words call out “Bingo”.Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting skills through the use of conversationl First, have students go through the conversation and predict what they are talking about. Remind them to pay special attention to the key words, such as “on a diet”, “soup”, “food”, “staring”, “eat”, “knock yourself out”. Make them understand they are discussing food choices. Tell the students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recording so that students have time to write. Next, have students practice the conversation in pair, monitoring them while they do so. l Now, have students read through the Language Note, teaching the expression “knock yourself out.” You can also teach the expression “go for it,” which has the same meaning. l Next, for Exercise B, have students make new conversations according to the example. You can remind students to refer back to Vocabulary Builder. If they are well-prepared, you may encourage them to explain how to make the food.l Finally, for Exercise C, have students work in pair, acting out the menu with one student as the waitress and the other as the customer. Monitor their performance and provide help.WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to design a questionnairel First, have students go through Exercise A and guess the meaning of the word “questionnaire”. You may remind them that this word is made up of two parts: question and naire. Explain the meaning of “naire” by giving another example “millionaire”. Then, students finish the questionnaire according to their own conditions.l Next, have students put sentences in Exercise B in correct order. If they find it difficult, you can analyse the word order in sentences from Exercise A.l Divide students into several groups and direct them to design a questionnaire on sleeping habits with Exercise A and B as reference. Groups exchange their works and form a final questionnaire. Ask students at school or even from other schools to do the questionnaire. Help students to write a report if possible.GrammarTo teach students how to use articlesl Have students finish Exercise A. check their answers and explain to them that we use articles in front of nouns. Articles can give us more information about a noun, such as whether it is singular, plural, countable or uncountable. Articles can also tell us if we are talking about a specific or unique thing.l Now, introduce a, an, the and . Explain that we use a for singular countable nouns. At this point, you will need to briefly explain the difference between countable and uncountable (also known as non-count). A good way to teach this is to tell students that the material of a thing is important. Liquids and gases are uncountable. For example, juice, soda and water are liquids, so they are uncountable. Air is a gas so it is uncountable. Solids that lose their shape are also uncountable. For example, a table wont lose its shape so it is countable. On the other hand, cheese can melt and is thus uncountable. Tiny solids are also usually uncountable, for example salt, sand, rice and sugar. l Finally, collections of similar things are usually uncountable, such as furniture (this is a collection made up of tables, chairs etc.). You may need to spend a bit of time on this, but it is important students grasp the concept. For an, remind students that we use an before a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). The article the is used for specific or unique nouns. Tell students that specific often means that the noun in question has already been mentioned. Unique means there is only one, such as the sun and the moon. We use no article when the noun is plural or uncountable. Tell students that plural means more than one. In English, plurals are normally formed by adding s. However, in some cases we use es, ies, ves or change the noun. l Once they are ready, have them finish Exercise B and check their answers.My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the use of videol Have students go through Exercises A and B and guess what is on the video. Remind them to pay attention to the title.l Then encourage them to guess the answers according to their prediction.l Now watch the video and have students complete the true or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help the students. l Now have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Watch the video again and have students write in the missing words, pausing the video if necessary. Check the students answers, correcting any mistakes. l For Exercise C, you can say “Alejandra usually has coffee with milk, fruit, yogurt, and cereal for breakfast.” Or you may tell them what you have eaten for breakfast. Then ask them what they eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Have students practice conversation in pair or move freely to ask their classmates.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 3.u Read the text in this unit again.u Write a questionnaire on the topic students are interested in.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文珍妮:嗨,亚历克斯,想来点这个甜点吗?非常好吃!亚历克斯:不,谢谢,珍妮。我正在减肥。珍妮:哦,我知道了。那炸薯条要吗?它们也很好吃。亚历克斯:嗯我想我还是就吃点沙拉吧。珍妮:好的。那喝点什么呢?苏打水吗?亚历克斯:不了,谢谢。我还是来点不加糖的冰茶吧。珍妮:哦,来点甜点吧。你也就活这么一次!亚历克斯:好吧好吧,那我尝尝。SHOW TIME 语言解析1. The menu looks good. 菜单看起来不错。look这里用作系动词,意为“看起来”,其后可以加多种语言成分。 1)look+形容词 e.g. The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。 2)look+过去分词 e.g. He looked surprised when he heard the news. 得知消息时他显得吃惊。 3)look+名词 e.g. He looks a nice, honest man. 他看上去是个诚实的好人。 4)look+介词短语 e.g. He looks in good health. 他看起来十分健康。2. HECTOR : Im really thirsty, too. I think Ill have a soda.MATEO : Go ahead, knock yourself out.赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个苏打水。玛特奥:好吧! 你随便点。knock yourself out. 1)用餐时,当某人说“想点什么”,你可以用这句话回答,表示“随意点”。2)当对方说自己想干什么事情的时候,可用此短语回答,包含的意思是“你可以做任何你想做的事情,不必客气”。e.g. A: Can I borrow your pencil for a while? B: Knock yourself out. My pencil is just on the table. 我能借你的铅笔用一下吗?请随便,我的铅笔就在桌子上。点餐用语 点餐时,服务生会问:1、What would you like for an appetizer(开胃菜)/ the main course(主菜)/ a salad(沙拉)/ your soup(汤)?2. Are you ready to order? 您准备要点餐了吗?3. Would you like to order now? 您是现在点餐吗?4. What can I get for you? 我能帮您点什么? 点餐时,顾客可能会问:1. How large are the portions? 这个分量有多大?2. Whats the special today? 今天的特餐是什么?3. Does the New York steak come with a baked potato? 纽约牛排有附烤土豆吗?4. Can I get a side order of onion rings? 我能点一份洋葱圈副餐吗?5. What do you suggest/recommend for a soup? 你们有什么推荐的汤?6. What do you serve for dessert? 你们都有什么甜点?3. Our special today is chicken and rice. 我们今天的特色菜是鸡肉米饭。Special这里是 “特色菜”,作名词用时,通常指“特别而不属于常态的事物”1)指“特色产品”e.g. Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store. 杂货店为了招揽顾客不得不推出多种特色产品。2)指“特别节目”、“特辑”e.g. There is a special on TV tonight about Elton Johns thirty-five year musical career. 今晚有个关于Elton John三十五年音乐生涯的电视特辑。4. Heres your salad and iced tea. 这是你的沙拉和冰茶。这是here放在句首的倒装结构。1)如果后面是名词,使用Here+动词+名词e.g. Here comes the bus. 公交车来了。 Here is a good piece of news for you.有个好消息要告诉你。2)如果后面是代词,则使用Here+代词+动词e.g. Here you are. 给你。More notel 吃沙拉时常会加酱。常见的有千岛酱(Thousand Island dressing)、意大利(Italy dressing)、法式(French dressing)等。l 汉堡及三明治常加的配菜和调味料mustard 芥末酱mayonnaise 沙拉酱pickle relish 酸黄瓜酱pickle slices 酸黄瓜片ketchup 番茄酱lettuce 生菜;莴苣5. Ill have a slice of chocolate cake. 我想来一片巧克力蛋糕。a slice of 一片。虽然英语中并没有“量词”这一词类,但履行量词功能的结构普遍存在。此外还有:l an order of French fries 一份薯条l a medium soda 一杯中杯汽水l a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡l a glass of milk 一杯牛奶l a bowl of soup 一碗汤l a piece of bread 一片面包 参考译文赫克托:我好饿啊!玛特奥: 我也是。菜单看起来不错,我们吃点什么?赫克托:炸薯条、洋葱圈、汉堡包、干酪汉堡、墨西哥夹饼、炸薯片,都很不错。玛特奥:炸薯条、洋葱圈和一个汉堡,你确定吗?赫克托:当然了,为什么不呢?玛特奥:这对身体可不是很好。我要吃份蔬菜沙拉,你也要每天吃点新鲜蔬菜的,知道吗?嘿?赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个苏打水。玛特奥: 好吧! 你随便点。娜奥米:嗨,你们俩,好啊!赫克托:我好饿啊!娜奥米:噢, 那你来对地方了。赫克托:午餐有什么?娜奥米:今天的特色菜是鸡肉米饭,不过番茄酱拌意大利面也很不错。你需要时间考虑一下吗?赫克托:不了,我已经决定了,我要一个干酪汉堡、炸薯条、洋葱圈和一杯苏打水。娜奥米:哇,你确实饿了。你呢,玛特奥?你想吃点什么?玛特奥: 鸡肉沙拉里都有什么呢?娜奥米:胡萝卜和蘑菇。玛特奥:听起来不错,我能再加点西红柿吗?娜奥米:当然了,想喝点什么吗?玛特奥:冰茶,不加糖。娜奥米:好的。干酪汉堡、炸薯条、洋葱圈、鸡肉沙拉加西红柿、一杯苏打水和一杯不加糖的冰茶。马上就来。娜奥米:这是你的沙拉和冰茶。玛特奥:看上去很好吃的样子。娜奥米:这是你的干酪汉堡、炸薯条、洋葱圈和苏打水。你确定你都能吃完吗?赫克托:没问题。娜奥米:好吧,用餐快乐。娜奥米:怎么样?玛特奥:非常不错,鸡肉沙拉很好吃。娜奥米:不错,非常开心你喜欢。你呢,赫克托?赫克托:我也觉得很好吃,太好吃了。还有什么甜点吗?娜奥米:我们有香草冰淇淋、巧克力蛋糕、苹果派。你们想要点什么呢?玛特奥:我想来一块巧克力蛋糕。娜奥米:蛋糕不错哦,我觉得你会喜欢的。


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