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    学习好资料欢迎下载 PEP 小学英语六年级下册一二单元练习题 六年级英语 一、听录音,选择正确的单词。 1.( )A toothache B. headache 5.( )A. fever B. throat 2.( )A sore B.sad 6.( )A. bored B.tired 3.( )A. hurt B. hurts 7.( )A. taller B.smaller 4.( )A. older B. old 8.( )A. size B. think 9.( )A. heavy B. heavier 10.( )A. matter B. bigger 二、听录音,给单词标序号。 A:stronger taller younger shorter older ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B:heavier longer bigger smaller thinner ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C:have a fever hurt have a cold have a headache have toothache have a sore throat ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) D:tired happy angry excited sad bored ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断对错。 学习好资料欢迎下载 1、()2、()3、()4、()5、() 6、()7、()8、()9、()10、() 四、听录音,选择正确的图片。 1( )2.( ) A. B. A. B. 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) A B A B A. B. 五、听问句,选择正确的答语。 1.( ) A. I m 52kg. B.I m 152cm. 学习好资料欢迎下载 2.( ) A. I m 50kg. B.I m 162cm. 3.( )A.I wear size17. B. 76cm. 4.( ) A. I have the flu. B. I am sorry to hear that. 5.( )A. She s excited . B. She has a headache . 笔试部分 六、判断下列单词中的划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不相同写“F”。 ()1.A. baby B. tail C. day ()2. A. dive B. hiking C. milk ()3. A. boy B. toy C. point ()4. A. coat B. now C. know ()5. A. house B. mouse C. mouth 七、根据要求写单词。 1、写出下列单词的比较级。 short_ strong_ young_ small_ big_ thin_ heavy _ 2、写出下列单词的反义词。 taller_ older_ longer_ happy_ 八、补全句子。 1、_?-I m 157cm . 2、_?-I m 40kg. 3、What s the matter ? -My leg _. 学习好资料欢迎下载 4、How are you ,John . You _ so happy . 九、选择正确的词填空。 A. have a flu B. older C. tired D. hurts E. 4 F. taller 1. I have a fever, I have a headache,my nose hurts. I might_. 2. Jim is 165cm, Tom is 167cm. Who is _? 3.My brother is _ years _ than me. 4. What s the matter? My finger_. 5. I worked all day, I was so _. 十、连词成句。 1I m, and, than, shorter, thinner, you. _ 2.Sarah, matter , the, what s _ 3. 4cm, than ,me, you , taller ,are. _ 4. happy , look , today , so , you . _ 5. heavy , are , how , you . 十一、阅读理解。 (一)阅读短文,判断对错。 It s winter.Many people feel sick.Look at Zoom and and his mother.Theyre in the hospital. Doctor:Good morning,Zoom.How are you? Zoom:I feel sick. Doctor:Oh,Im sorry to hear that.Whats the matter? 学习好资料欢迎下载 Zoom:I think I have a flu. Doctor:Have you got a headache? Zoom:No,I haven t. Doctor:Have you got a sore throat. Zoom:No,I haven t. Doctor:Does your nose hurt? Zoom:No. Doctor:Oh,I know.Do you like football games? Zoom:Yes,I do. Very much. Doctor:I see.There is a football match this afternoon.And you ll be fine after it. Mother:Oh,thanks. 1.Many people feel sick in the winter. ( ) 2.Zoom got a headache. ( ) 3.Zoom hasn t got a sore throat. ( ) 4.Zoom likes football games very much. ( ) 5.Zoom doesn t want to watch football match. ( ) (二) 阅读对话,完成句子。 Girl:Mom,look,there are some birds. Mom:Which bird do you like? Girl:I like the green one.Its taller than the blue one. Mom:Which bird is stronger? Girl:The blue one is stronger. Mom:I like the blue bird.I think its younger. Girl:But the green birds tail is longer than the blue one. Mom:I think its about 20 cm long. 1.The green bird is _than the blue one. 2.The blue bird is _than the green one. 3.The green bird tail is about _long. 4.The mom likes the _bird. 5. The girl likes the_bird. 十二、作文 1.看图,描述一下他们的感觉。 学习好资料欢迎下载 2.描述你的家庭成员或者好朋友的年龄,身高、体重。不少于三个人。 . 3.如果你得了流感,你都有什么感觉呢,请用学过的英语写出你的症状。 _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _.


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