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    大学生自考教育中心 2016 年 10 月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学真题 I、Each of the statement below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1、Semantics is the study of different linguistic level: lexis syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.( D ) A、relations B、origins C、forms D、meanings 2、The relationship between sound and meaning is because people of the same speech.( B ) A、arbitrary B、conventional C、symbolic D、fixed 3、Which of the following belongs to the common core of the English language?( A ) A、Polysemy B、Terminology C、Jargon D、Slang 4、At the end of the 6th century Latin-speaking Roman missionaries spread Christianity and brought many terms such as abbot, candle, alter.( D ) A、geographical B、medical C、artistic D、religious 5、 In the mid-seventeenth century, enabled English to absorb words from all major languages of the world.( B ) A、the Renaissance B、the growth of colonization C、advances in science and technology D、a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek classics 6、New words like Mao jacket, kungfu, blank belt come into present-day English vocabulary due to .( C ) A、social, economic and political and political changes B、an upsurge of learning ancient Roman classics 大学生自考教育中心 C、the influence of other cultures and languages D、the rapid development of modern science and technology 7、For the word idealistic, prisoner, individualist, only ideal, prison, individual are . ( A ) A、free morphemes B、bound morphemes C、functional words D、grammatical words 8、For the word antecedent, -ced- is called a(n) .( B ) A、free morpheme B、bound root C、free root D、affix 9、There are inflectional affixes in the following words EXCEPT.( C ) A、likes B、hardest C、hatred D、going 10、Which of the following prefixes is a pejorative prefix?( C ) A、a-(asleep) B、de-(de-compose) C、mal-(mal-practice) D、extra-(extra-strong) 11、The prefixes bi-, multi-, semi- are prefixes.( B ) A、miscellaneous B、number C、locative D、reversative 12、Words like nylon, orlon are words from proper names, which were originally . ( D ) A、names of people B、names of places C、names of books D、trade names 13、 is the result of human recognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.( B ) A、Reference B、Concept C、Sense D、Motivation 14、The meaning given in the dictionary and forming the core of word-meaning is 大学生自考教育中心 meaning.( B ) A、grammatical B、conceptual C、associative D、affective 15、The following are words of appreciative meanings EXCEPT.( C ) A、famous B、determined C、associative D、affective 16、Which of the following statements is true?( A ) A、Perfect homonyms share the same spelling and pronounciation. B、Homonyms mainly come from borrowing, changes in sound and spelling, and dialects. C、Homonyms are words whose meanings are closely related. D、Most homonyms are words that are the same in spelling, but differ in sound and meaning. 17、Horse, dog, pig are subordinates in relation to animal, which shows the sense relation of .( D ) A、antoymy B、synonymy C、homonymy D、hyponymy 18、Which of the following expressions does NOT use antonyms?( C ) A、Easy come, easy go. B、More haste, less speed. C、Feed a cold and starve a fever. D、United we stand, divided we fall 19、The word picture originally denoted mere “painting”, but now has come to include “drawing” and even “photograph”. This example shows of meaning.( A ) A、extension B、narrowing C、degradation D、transfer 20、which of the following words has undergone elevation of meaning?( B ) A、busybody: busy person officious and meddlesome person B、naughty: wicked, bad, evil-not behaving properly C、notorious: well-known-unfavorable well-known 大学生自考教育中心 D、voyage: journey-journey by water 21、 The meaning of clean-sounding has changed from “sight” to” hearing” . This example shows .( B ) A、associated transfer B、transfer of sensations C、transfer between abstract and concrete meanings D、transfer between subject and objective meanings 22、Many familiar words have different meanings when they are used in different contexts. Study the following sentences carefully and decide in which sentence stage means “the theatre or acting as a profession”.( C ) A、The union kept plans alive to stage new strikes. B、The scientists have added another stage to the rocket. C、Michael Jackson is a star of the stage, screen, and television. D、I believe in the national independence as the first stage of responsible self-government. 23、I like Mary better than Jean. The above sentence has ambiguity due to .( D ) A、polysemy B、homonymy C、antonymy D、grammatical structure 24、 is used as context clues in the flowing sentence: “Do get me a clop,” she said, smacking her lips, but her brother, with a scornful glance up at the branches, said that there were none ripe yet.( B ) A、Hyponymy B、Example C、Word structure D、Definition 25、When in a brown study is used as an idiom, brown cannot rereplaced by red, green, etc. This shows that .( C ) A、many idioms are grammatically unanalysable 大学生自考教育中心 B、the word order of idioms cannot be inverted or changed C、the structure of an idiom is a large extent unchangeable D、the consitituents of an idiom cannot be delete or added to 26、 The English idiom means “something that spoils the perfections of something” . ( D ) A、white elephant B、flesh and blood C、an apple of discord D、fly in the ointment 27、Which of the following idioms is NOT a phrasal verb?( B ) A、look into B、fall flat C、get away with D、put off 28、Which of the following statements is NOT true?( A ) A、Monolingual dictionaries are written in two languages. B、An unabridged dictionary is an unshortened one. C、Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language D、Special dictionaries concentrate on a particular area of language or knowledge 29、The grammatical code +obj v-ed means .( C ) A、verb+infinitive B、verb+object+infinitive C、verb+object+past+participle D、verb+object+clause with wh- 30、 Which of the following is NOT the proper Chinese equivalent for its English item?( C ) A、吃软不吃硬open to persuasion, but not to coercion B、布衣素食coarse clothes and simple fare C、打小报告be a reporter D、没词儿be suck for an answer 大学生自考教育中心 II、Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%) 31、Newly-created words or expressions in English vocabulary, such as AIDS and E-mail are called neologisms. 32、In modern times,borrowing brings less than ten percent of modern English vocabulary from other languages. 33、In the words prewar, bloody, impossible, pre-, -y, im- are called derivational affixes. 34、Compounds differ from free phrases in three aspects: phonetic, semantic, and grammatical features. 35、 The sense of an expression is not a thing, so it is difficult to say what sort of identity it is, For example, and, if, yes dont refer to anything in the world, but all have meanings. 36、The problem of interrelation of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles; diachronic approach and synchronic approach. 37、Words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer. 38、The extra-linguistic context may extend to embrace the entire cultural background, which may also affect the meaning of words. 39、The main body of a dictionary is its definitions of words. 40、All sentence idioms are complete sentences. They are mainly proverbs and sayings, including colloquialisms and catchphrases. III. Define the following terms. (15%) 大学生自考教育中心 41、semantic change(referring to modes of vocabulary development) Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need. 42、compounding Compounding is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. 43、synonyms Synonyms can be defines as words different in sound and spelling but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning. 44、grammatical context In some cases, the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context. 45、phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs are idioms which are composed of a verb plus a prep. And/or a particle. IV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%) 46、Give the definition of a stem and point out the stem(s) in the word “internationalist”. A stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. “nation, national, international, internationalist” are all stems. 47、Explain the difference between initialisms and acronyms with the example words VOA, AIDS, N-bomb, UFO, CORE, ID. Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter, e.g. VOA, ID, UFO. A cronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word, or formed with the initial letter of the first word plus the whole of the second, e.g. AIDS, CORE, 大学生自考教育中心 N-bomb. 48、 Arrange each of the following groups of synonyms according to their degree of intensity, from the weakest to the strongest. 1) astonish, amaze, surprise 2) pardon, forgive, excuse 3) genius, ability, talent 4) sadness, grief, sorrow 5) pleasure, rapture, delight 1) surprise, amaze, astonish 2) excuse, pardon, forgive 3) ability, talent, genius 4) sadness, sorrow, grief 5) pleasure, delight, rapture 49. What are the three major functions of context? 1) elimination of ambiguity 2) indication of referents 3) provision of clues for inferring word-meaning V. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. (20%) 50、Comment on the following two sentences to illustrate the two sub-categories of affective meaning. A)Knowledge of inequality has stimulated envy, ambition and greed. 大学生自考教育中心 B)One who is filled with ambition usually works hard. Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or pejorative. Word of positive overtones are used to show appreciation or the attitude of approval, while those of negative connotations imply disapproval, contempt or criticism. The appreciative or pejorative meanings of the words are usually brought out in context. In sentence A, ambition undoubtedly conveys a pejorative overtone, along with the other two words envy and greed, while in sentence B, the same word ambition is obviously used in good sense, showing approval on the part of the speaker, together with the words work hard. 51、What characteristic of antonyms does the following pair of sentences demonstrate? A)How tall is his brother? B)How short is his brother? Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion, pairs of antonyms are seen as marked and unmarked terms respectively. In many pairs we find one member is more specific than the other and the meaning of the specific is included in that of the general, so far as the meaning is concerned, sentence A includes the meaning of sentence B. the use of tall does not exclude the possibility of his brother being short. But sentence B is much more restricted in sense and is considered semantically abnormal unless the speaker is particularly interested in the shortness of his brother.


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