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    (一) 单选题 1. The product in her factory is better than _(A) which of mine (B) that of mine (C) mine (D) what of mine 2. I dont know if the story is true, but I will try to _ it.(A) conform (B) proof (C) identify (D) verify 3. He is quite sure that its _impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.(A) absolutely (B) exclusively (C) fully (D) roughly 4. _ eleven oclock did he come home.(A) Not until (B) when (C) as (D) what 5. It was important for any lecturer to get the audience _ right at the beginning and then gradually increase the pressure.(A) related (B) concerned (C) involved (D) mixed 6. Parents of young children have to learn something about _ in case their children get hurt.(A) first help (B) first save (C) first treat (D) first aide 7. The hot-tempered boy is _of violence.(A) capable (B) able (C) competent (D) fit 8. I have bought two pens, _ writes well.(A) neither of them (B) neither of which (C) none of which (D) both of which 9. he child _ his stamp collection from the burning house.(A) rescued (B) delivered (C) saved (D) relieved 10. We waited _ for the bus last night .(A) long time (B) a long time (C) some long time (D) the long time 11. A: Is your Web site for teachers or students? B: Its about 50/50. There is a lot for both, and I try to keep _ (A) a balance (B) to balance (C) inclined (D) to be balanced 12. _ a marked difference between right and wrong can be very important in ones career.(A) A rule of (B) An understanding of (C) An example of (D) An awareness of 13. Everyone of us has _ computer ; _ computer is _ brain .(A) a/a/the (B) a/the/the (C) the/a/a (D) a/a/a 14. His wife had the front door painted green yesterday, _ she?(A) did (B) didnt (C) had (D) hadnt 15. When we saw his face , we knew _ was bad .(A) the new (B) some news (C) a news (D) news 16. With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very _for the nineteenth-century factory worker.(A) hostile (B) tedious (C) anxious (D) obscure 17. The cost of the damage _ our worst fears.(A) excelled (B) examined (C) exceeded (D) excess 18. Its high time we _(A) wake up him (B) wake him up (C) woke up him (D) woke him up 19. My job in this hotel is to _diner.(A) announce (B) have (C) proclaim (D) claim 20. He has spent _money on his new house.(A) a large number of (B) the number of (C) lots of (D) numbers of 21. The amendments of the constitution will be _ from Christmas.(A) efficient (B) effective (C) effectively (D) efficiently 22. He is an expert _ the worlds mystical religions. (A) on (B) at (C) in (D) for 23. Guests were _ into the few remaining rooms.(A) crowded (B) cropped (C) filled (D) gathered 24. The governor pays too much attention on his public _(A) imagination (B) image (C) imagination (D) imaginative 25. Id like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and _, in a quiet place.(A) afar all (B) above all (C) in all (D) for all 26. Henry should have known _ than to ask Tom for money.(A) more (B) better (C) much (D) less 27. I ordered _ book on Mark Twain some time ago. _ book has not arrived yet.(A) a /The (B) the/A (C) a/A (D) the/The 28. To call the music of anther music-culture “primitive” is _ones own standards on a group that does not recognize them.(A) imposing (B) stressing (C) emphasizing (D) putting 29. His costly mistake _ severe loss.(A) resulted from (B) resulted in (C) in resulted (D) resulted 30. _ his wife will sit at the table to wait for him to come back.(A) However he is late (B) However is he late (C) However late he is (D) However late is he 31. John complained to the book seller that there were several pages _ in the dictionary.(A) missing (B) losing (C) dropping (D) leaking 32. Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have _my matches.(A) got out of (B) got rid of (C) got away with (D) run out of 33. Id like to take my picture _stands a high tower.(A) where (B) which (C) that (D) there 34. We should carry out reform and open to the outside world and _ punish corruption. (A) in the same time (B) at the same time (C) at the same (D) by the time 35. There is no _ in the world.(A) love greater than a mother (B) love greater than that of a mother (C) love greater as a mother (D) as great love a as that of a mother 36. What made her cry? - _ her new bike.(A) Because she lost (B) Losing (C) Because of losing (D) To losing 37. I mean _ tomorrow.(A) to go (B) going (C) to going (D) go 38. What is Mary doing at home?She is playing _.(A) a piano (B) her piano (C) piano (D) the piano 39. Form this they _ that each crab follows not only the rhythm of the sun but also that of the tides.(A) disclosed (B) discovered (C) invented (D) intended 40. It is impossible for us to hear everything _ is going on in the world.(A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where 41. You have already works for _ hour . Youd better have _ rest .(A) the/a (B) a/a (C) an/a (D) the/a 42. I have brought you _ flowers for your birthday.(A) few (B) a few (C) little (D) a little 43. My brother works in _ , but I m not certain which one .(A) a factory (B) factory (C) the factory (D) that factory 44. More than one car _ destroyed in the accident.(A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were 45. The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.(A) change (B) has changed (C) changing (D) have changed 46. Even under the best conditions, we couldnt finish in _ three days.(A) no less than (B) less than (C) less and less (D) much less 47. Your noble character consists in the fact that you never hesitate to serve those who are badly in need of your help even _your life.(A) at the risk of (B) n the need of (C) at the mercy of (D) in the place of 48. Well go on with the experiment _he approves _disapproves.(A) whether or (B) neither nor (C) not only but also (D) so . that 49. Three hours passed, and we were still unable to _John of his sons guilt.(A) convince (B) inform (C) warn (D) convict 50. John Smith is _ honest young man.(A) one (B) an (C) the (D) a (二) 完型填空 1. What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation%3F In one sense there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear differences them, and the pronunciation of English shifts a great deal in different geographical. How do we decide what sort of English to use as a model%3F This is not a question that can bein the same way for all foreign learners of English. you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a longof speaking English for general communication purpose, you should tend to acquire a goodof the pronunciation of this area. On the other hand, if you live in a countrythere is no traditional use of English, you must take as your model some form of native English pronunciation. It does not very much which form you choose. The most effective way is to take as your model the sort of English you canmost often(1) (A)No (B)None (C)Not (D)Nor (2) (A)between (B) of (C)among (D)from (3) (A)areas (B)countries (C)parts (D)spaces (4) (A)given (B)satisfied (C)responded (D)answered (5) (A)Because (B)If (C)When (D)Whether (6) (A)custom (B)tradition (C)use (D)habit (7) (A)variety (B)practice (C)fashion (D)method (8) (A)where (B)that (C)which (D)what (9) (A)care (B)trouble (C)affect (D)matter (10) (A)listen (B)notice (C)hear (D)Find 2. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them and a child rarely dislikes food it is badly cooked. The a meal is cooked and served is most important and an served meal generally often a child%27s appetite. Never ask a child to likes and dislikes in front of him or allow else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother vegetables in the child%27s hearing he is to copy this procedure. Take it granted that he likes everything and he probably .(1) (A)if (B)until (C)that (D)unless (2) (A)procedure (B)process (C)way (D)method (3) (A)adequately (B)keenly (C)urgently (D)eagerly (4) (A)improve (B)develop (C)advance (D)progress (5) (A)remark (B)tell (C)discuss (D)argu (6) (A)everybody (B)anybody (C)somebody (D)nobody (7) (A)opposes (B)denies (C)refuses (D)offends (8) (A)willing (B)possible (C)obliged (D)likely (9) (A)with (B)as (C)over (D)for (10) (A)should (B)may (C)will (D)Must (三) 阅读理解 1. I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didnt remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge; yet fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they dont necessarily reflect anything about me. I dont know how to socialize. When I leave school I fear I will be o no use to society. I realize that everyone has her or his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep studying. Yet I plan to look for a part time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know society. I still believe that working my hardest does make me happy. I will still stay on in college, but I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world. From the passage, we know that the author( ).(A) does not think education is the most important thing in her life any more. (B) realizes that it is more important to really develop oneself than just to store knowledge (C) thinks that communication with other people is more important than education (D) comes to learn how important it is to make a public speech By saying that she is “a top junior student” in her college, the author means that she is( ).(A) a student in her third year in a college (B) a very young college student (C) younger than most students in college (D) shorter than others in college The author thinks the awards she has received ( ).(A) show that she is a top student (B) show that how much time she has spent in learning (C) mean she only knows how to learn, but not how to socialize (D) dont necessarily reflect her real self The author fears that she will be of no use to society, mainly because( ).(A) she feels she is a loser (B) she doesnt know how to communicate with others (C) studying takes too much of her time (D) she is unable to develop herself Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage, when the author says that she wants to find a part time job?(A) The job might enable her to get know society. (B) She wants to change her lifestyle. (C) Working part time while studying will make her happy. (D) She wants to get some shelter from the real world. 难度:中 分值:15.0 2. “Are you the happiest man in the world?” When asked the question, most people would say no. They dont think they are the happiest of the people around them. They would point out that one of their neighbors is happier than any one of them. “Doctor Frank has a career himself. His wife is the most beautiful and well-educated lady in the community. No, I dont think I am happier than Doctor Frank. At least my career is not as successful as his.” Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happiera relative, a close friend or, often, someone we even hardly know. I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters, and of his joy at being a TV talk-show host. I remember thinking he was one of the lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Once we talked about the Internet, he is grateful for its existence. He told me, because he could look up information on diabetes(糖尿病) the terrible disease that made his wife suffer and could possibly passed down to his lovely children. When I heard this, I felt like a fool for taking it for granted that nothing unhappy excited in his life. This made me think a lot and I soon drew one of the most significant conclusions about happiness; there is little relation between the situation of peoples lives and how happy they are. We all know people who are richer and have an easier life than others, yet they are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault. As a bald man told me, “Whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair.” It is hard for us to give up the image of “being perfect”. As nothing is perfect, anyone can be unhappy. It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy. True happiness lies in struggling to be happy. 16. According to the author, most people would _ they are the happiest in the world. According to the author, most people would ( )they are the happiest in the world.(A) doubt whether (B) like to think that (C) think about whether (D) not think that The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with( ).(A) a close friend (B) anyone we think is happier (C) a relative (D) someone we even hardly know What is not true about the young man the author once met with?(A) He is a TV talk-show host (B) Everything goes effortlessly right for him (C) He loves his wife and their daughters


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