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    A级语法练习8. What do you think of his suggestion _ we all attend the meeting? A) which B) whether C) that D) what9. There is no evidence _ oil price will come down in the near future. A) which B) that C) where D) as10. News came from the sales manager _ the new product had been selling well in the local market for three months. A) whose B) what C) which D) that11. This book is designed for the learners _ native languages are not English. A) whose B) which C) who D) what12. Once more I have to leave Beijing, _ I hae been living for eight years. A) that B) where C) which D) as13. It wasnt such a good job _ she had read about in the advertisement. A) like B) which C) as D) what14. I tried to get out of the business _ I found impossible to carry on. A) why B) which C) what D) where15. He is used to flying by air and on no occasion _ fightened. A) he has ever felt B) he ever feels C) ever does he feel D) has he ever felt16. Not until yesterday _ anything about the project that will be completed soon. A) he agreed B) have I learnt C) I learnt D) that I learnt17. Not until the day before yesterday _ to give a speech at the meeting. A) he agreed B) does he agree C) he agrees D) did he agree18. Not for a moment _ the truth of your explanation about the event. A) we have doubted B) did we doubt C) we had doubted D) doubted we19. Only when we had finished all the work _ that it was too late to take a bus home. A) did we realize B) will we realize C) we did realize D) we will realize20. Young _ he is, he has proved to be an able salesman. A) that B) who C) as D) whichUnit 41. When he went out, he would wear sunglasses _ nobody would recognize him. ( 0412 )A) so that B) now that C) as though D) in case2. _ Susan gets onto the top of a tall building, she will feel very much frightened. ( 0506 ) A) Now that B) Even though C) Every time D) Only if3. You cant get a drivers license _ you are at least sixteen years old. ( 0606 ) A) if B) unless C) when D) though4. The policeman saw the thief _ he appeared on the street corner. ( 0612 ) A) not until B) as long as C) the moment D) only if5. She didnt go to the party last night, _ she had to finish her term paper. ( 0706 ) A) if B) though C) till D) because6. Ill ask Mr. Smith to ring you up _ he comes back to the office. ( 0712 ) A) when B) where C) because D) although7. I dont doubt _ the stock market will recover from the economic crisis. ( 0712 ) A) if B) what C) that D) which8. The young man lost his job last month, but it wasnt long _he found a new one. ( 0606 ) A) before B) while C) as D) after9. Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, _ you want to call me and discuss things. ( 0806 ) A) in case B) unless C) until D) so that10. She got to know the young man very well _ she had worked for so long. ( 0412 ) A) to whom B) im whom C) whom D) with whom11. I felt so embarrassed that I couldnt do anything but _ there when I first met my present boss. ( 0412 ) A) to sit B) sitting C) sat D) sit12. The chair looks rather unusual in shape, but it is very comfortable to sit _. ( 0506 ) A) by B) on C) with D) at13. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _ the other car. ( 0606 ) A) at B) to C) on D) for14. Try not to be absent _ class again for the rest of the term. ( 0606 ) A) from B) on C) in D) of15. _ his surprise, the manager found nobody in the meeting room. ( 0612 ) A) At B) To C) For D) With16. This problem is _ his ability and I dont think he can solve it. ( 0706 ) A) to B) in C) beyond D) under17. Although he did not feel well, he insisted _ going there together with us. ( 0712 ) A) to B) on C) at D) for18. My boss said that he was badly _ need of my assistance. ( 0512 ) A) at B) in C) for D) with19. Some people think _ about their rights than they do about their responsibilities. ( 0412 ) A) so much B) too much C) much more D) much too20. The harder I tried _ it seemed to solve that math problem. ( 0606 ) A) the impossible B) most impossible C) the most impossible D) the more impossibleUnit 51. We surely (find )_ a good solution to the technical problems in the near future. ( 0506 )2. By the end of this year the factory (produce )_ 20,000 cell phones. ( 0512 )3. John not only learnt Chinese but also (know) _ the difference between his culture and ours. ( 0606 )4. By the end of next month, we (find ) _ a good solution to the technical problem. ( 0612 )5. No one can deny that we (make ) _ tremendous progress in the past twenty years. ( 0706 )6. Karl probably (see ) _ Star Wars several times for he knows every detail of the film. ( 0712 )7. Since five managers are going to give their reports the meeting ( last )_ for at least two hours. ( 0712 )8. My mother (enjoy ) _ a better health since we came to live in this beautiful seaside city. ( 0806 )9. When ( ask ) _ about the advertising campaign of the new product, the manager said it was a great success. ( 0706 )10. Believe it or not, when first (introduce ) _ to Europe, tomato was thought to be poisonous. ( 0712 )11. As a rule, readers ( not allow ) _ to take dictionaries out of the reading room. ( 0412 )12. By the end of last year, nearly a million cars ( produce ) _ in that auto factory. ( 0412 )13. Before the flight takes off, all passengers ( ask ) _ to fasten their seat belts. ( 0506 )14. All the members of the club were present when the Chairman ( elect ) _ last week. ( 0512 ) 15. The policemen ( tell )_ not to take any action until they received further order. ( 0606 )16. The father wants to know why his son ( question )_ by the police last week. ( 0606 )17. The people injured in the accident ( send ) _ to the nearest hospital for treatment last night. ( 0706 )18. A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and ( allow ) _ to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month. ( 0712 )19. In the rent as much as $ 750 a month, water, gas and electricity should ( include ) _. ( 0806 )20. Dr. Richard, together with his wife and three children, ( be ) _ to arrive in Beijing this afternoon. ( 0412 )Unit 61. With his knowledge and experience, he is no doubt ( qualify ) _ for the task. ( 0506 )2. (watch ) _ by a crowd of people, Charles felt embarrassed and couldnt say a word. ( 0512 )3. ( impress )_by the young mans good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm. ( 0612 )4. We regret to inform you that we no longer manafacture the product you are ( interest ) _ in. ( 0612 )5. The tall building ( complete ) _ last month is our new classroom building. ( 0612 )6. It was in his childhood that he read most of the books ( write ) _ by Mark Twain. ( 0806 )7. With the help of the police, the woman finally found her ( lose ) _ child after a sleepless night. ( 0806 )8. We should read more and see more in order to ( wide ) _ our horizons. ( 0512 )9. Before the flight takes off, all passengers are asked to (fast) _ their seat belts. ( 0606 )10. The local government is trying to raise money to ( modern ) _ the citys public transport systems. ( 0306 )11. ( Take )_ the financial difficulties into consideration, wed better put off the plan till next year. ( 0412 )12. The children ( play ) _ the violin over there will go on the stage next week. (0606)13. The research group has submitted a report, ( suggest ) _ reforms to be made. ( 0706 )14. The lecture was so ( bore ) _ that many of the students in the classroom fell asleep. ( 0806 )15. For those foreign students who are interested in ( learn ) _ Chinese, the university offers a Chinese training program every summer. ( 0506 )16. A guest in this hotel accused one of the hotel staff of ( steal ) _ his money. ( 0506 )17. We all felt excited when China succeeded in ( launch ) _ its first manned spaceship. ( 0612 )18. The engineers spent the whole night ( work ) _ on the new device. ( 0706 )19. I remember ( see ) _ you somewhere before, but I cant tell the exact place. ( 0712 )20. Mr. Smith considered ( sell ) _ his car and house before moving to Beijing. ( 0806 )Unit 71. The global average air temperature is believed ( rise ) _ in the near future. ( 0412 )2. When she was very young, my sister already knew where ( put ) _ her toys and dolls. ( 0512 )3. The nurse told the visitors ( not speak )_ so loudly as to disturb the patients. ( 0612 )4. I dont think it necessary ( discuss ) _ the matter with him before the problem is settled. ( 0712 )5. The more challenging the journey is, the (happy) _ the young people will feel. ( 0506 )6. Im the ( little ) _ experienced of all the doctors here. ( 0312 )7. The price of petrol is much ( high ) _ now than it was this time last year. ( 0706 )8. There is a well-known proverb: “The more haste, the ( little ) _ speed. ( 0406 )9. It has been a long winter, and were ( eager ) _ waiting for the coming of spring. ( 0412 )10. If a business wants to sell its products ( international ) _ , it should do some world market research first. ( 0506 )11. After the flood, life was ( extreme ) _ difficult for the farmers in this area. ( 0606 )12. The manager was ( entire ) _ unaware of the trouble with the heating system in the hotel until this week. ( 0612 )13. Application for this training course should be sent ( direct ) _ to the admission office. ( 0706 )14. Although he was ( deep ) _ hurt by what she said to him, he made no reply. ( 0712 )15. The government is trying to find a way to deal with the problem of pollution ( effective ) _. ( 0806 )16. It is ( reason ) _ for parents to pay for their childrens education. ( 0412 )17. Following the ( success ) _ settlement of the strike, the train service is now back to normal. ( 0506 )18. Some experts suggest that we slow down the ( economy ) _ growth in the country. ( 0512 )19. Doing a second job to earn more money also means you hae to pay ( addition ) _ income tax. ( 0512 )20. The organization started a ( nation ) _ campaign against cigarette smoking in public places. ( 0706 )Unit 81. It is important that he ( be ) _ called back immediately. ( 0412 )2. He might not have been killed in the traffic accident yesterday if he ( fasten ) _ the seat belt. ( 0506 )3. He might have been killed in that car accident yesterday if he ( take ) _ part in that activity with the team.4. The boy passed the final exams. But if he had spent more time on them, the results ( be ) _ much better. ( 0606 )5. If he had taken his lawyers advice, he (save) _ himself a great deal of trouble. ( 0612 )6. It is high time that the manager ( pay ) _ more attention to the services for the customers. ( 0706 )7. It is strongly recommended that teachers ( use ) _ computers to assist in their classroom teaching. ( 0712 )8. The young man did not have enough money; otherwise he ( buy ) _ a more expensive watch. ( 0806 )9. I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be an efficient ( employ ) _. ( 0612 )10. We are not short of raw material at the moment, but we need reliable ( equip ) _. ( 0506 )11. Following the ( settle ) _ of the strike, the train service is now back to normal. ( 0512 )12. Ive heard that the musical group will set off for Hong Kong to give a three day ( perform ) _. ( 0606 )13. I cannot go shopping with you because I have an ( appoint ) _ with my dentist this afternoon. ( 0606 )14. Im afraid there is not much ( differ ) _ in their points of view. ( 0612 )15. Im not sure whether we can gain any profit from the ( invest ) _. ( 0706 )16. Sandy made quite a number of ( apply ) _ for a management position but failed every time. ( 0712 )17. At the meeting a ( propose ) _ was put forward by John Smith. ( 0412 )18. Obviously, nuclear power can never be the only ( solve ) _ to nergy crisis. ( 0806 )19. Nobody at the meeting would ( belief ) _ that the new proposal could be carried out smoothly. ( 0806 )20. They fully recognized the enormous ( strong ) _ and influence of the union. ( 0412 )时态语态语气专题练习1. China will be the largest market for automobiles in 20 or 25 years if the countrys economy _ to grow at the current rate.A. continues B. has continued C. continued D. has been continued2. Whenever I went home, I (bring) _ some gifts to my children.3. A young man stood nearby while I (read) _ the newspapers.4. Over forty years (pass) _ since the first bridge was built in the district.5. The Chinese people are doing things no one (do) _ so far.6. This is one of the largest bridges that _ on this river.A. is ever built B. has ever bee built C. was ever built


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