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    新概念英语第一册1-28课测试一,选择填空()1,This is _ole umbrella.A a B an C / D green -Whose shirt is that? -Its _.A my B your C Tim D my fathers3Give _some books,please.A he B I C her D she4Where are they? -They are _.A books B nine C yellow Din the room .5How do you do ? -_.A How are you ? B How old are you ? C How do you do ? D Nice to meet you .6-_is this young man?-This is Tom . A Who B How C What D Whose7That ice cream man _very busy. A is B are C am D This8_is a cup on the table .A It B That C There D This 9-Please give me the bag. -_one ?A What B Which C Where D Who 10The book is _the shelf.A on B for C at D/二 句型转换1 She is a lazy girl.(改成复数句) _2 Its a brown case.(划线提问)_ is the case?3The television is near the window.(划线提问)_the television?4 There is a cooker in the kitchen .(改成复数句).There _some _in the kitchen .5 Im a new student .(变成疑问句) _6They are hard-working women .(否定句) _7 She is a busy housewife.(疑问句) _8 Its his tie.(划线提问) _tie _it?9Shes very well .(划线提问)_10These are black cats.(改成单数句)_三 短文填空,根据短文从ABC三个答案中选择正确答案。Can _1_see the cat in the picture? _2_my cat. Its name is _3_ ,Mother gives_4_it on my birthday. What colour is it ?Its _5_.She has a good friend .Her _6_is Kitty .She is _7_.Kitty looks like a tiger .They_8_me very much .and I like_9_, too. They always pull my things here and there.( )1 A your B you C yours( )2. A Its B Its C It ( )3 A Mimi B a Mimi C a the Mimi( )4 A my B I C me( )5 A White B white C which( )6 A friend of name B friends names C friends name( )7 A black B a black C black colour( )8 A like B look like C like at( )9 A they B them C theirs四,翻译1他们是干什么工作的?他们是医生。2 这些孩子累了。3 那儿有一个卖冰激凌的人4你怎么了?你还好吗?5你是哪国人?我是英国人。6 请给我一个冰激凌。7那些是他的帽子。8请给我一些尺子。哪一些?架子上的那些。五,阅读理解 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 This is No.2 Middle school .My friends, Wei Hua is in the school .She is fifteen. She is in Class Three. Grade Two. Wei Hua has two good friends . They are Kate and Lily. Kate is from England. She is fifteen too. But she is in No.3 Middle School. She is in Class One. Grade Two. Lily is an American girl. She is fifteen, too . She is in No.2 Middle school too. She is in Class Two ,Grade Two. Lilys Chinese teacher is Miss Yang .Lily likes Chinese very much. She can speak Chinese very well.( )1 Kate is _girlA an America B an English C a Chinese( )2 Wei Hua is in _Middle Cchool. A No.1 BNo.2 C No.3 ( )3 Kate is in _Middle School.A No.3BNo.2 C No.1( ) 4 Lily comes from_A the USA B England CJapan( ) 5 Kate ,Wei hua and Lily are all in Grade_A One B Three C Two


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