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    17秋学期(1709)大学英语(一)在线作业试卷总分:100 测试时间:-1-5CBBBC 6-10ACBBA 11-15AABCB 16-20DACDB 21-25AAACB 26-30BBCBA31-35BABDB 36-40CBAAA 41-45CACCD 46-50BBBBC单选题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V1. _ you do is for my good. I know this all the time. A. All whatB. All whichC. WhateverD. Whichever满分:2 分2. She ( )work next Monday. A. is startingB. startsC. started满分:2 分3. I come here twice a week to swim and ( ). A. workB. work outC. work to满分:2 分4. A ( ) was the meeting like? B: It was very exciting. A. HowB. WhatC. Why满分:2 分5. The government introduced new regulations _inflation(通货膨胀)might be brought under control. A. forB. becauseC. so thatD. as for满分:2 分6. The popular young doctor is the _ director of the medical research institute. A. CurrentB. radicalC. averageD. typical满分:2 分7. The youth centers set up by the city government have _ those young people to spend their time wisely. A. relievedB. occupiedC. enabledD. prohibited满分:2 分8. Its not surprising that as a successful businessman, my friend Martin is not _ he was when he graduated five years ago. A. thatB. whatC. howD. why满分:2 分9. Her fear of making mistakes has caused her great difficulty in _ with others in English. A. organizingB. communicatingC. retreatingD. researching满分:2 分10. I go swimming on ( ) Thursdays for two hours. A. /B. aC. an满分:2 分11. The patient speaker _ now and then to make sure that he was fully understood. A. took overB. went overC. came throughD. broke off满分:2 分12. A:I am from England. B: ( ). A. So am IB. So do IC. So have I满分:2 分13. To our great disappointment, many things did not _ quite as satisfactory as we had expected. A. set outB. turn outC. come downD. result in满分:2 分14. We often have ( ) supper at home. A. usB. oursC. our满分:2 分15. Polly goes to a gym twice ( )week with her friends. A. /B. aC. the满分:2 分16. My elderly father seems very _ to sit in front of the TV all day long. A. BoringB. typicalC. stunnedD. content满分:2 分17. A:( ), David? B:An orange juice. A. What do you likeB. What would you likeC. Would you like an orange juice满分:2 分18. Before he spoke to the crowd, Jackson took a deep breath to _ his excessive nervousness. A. EndureB. fortifyC. relieveD. prohibit满分:2 分19. My elderly father seems very _ to sit in front of the TV all day long. A. BoringB. typicalC. stunnedD. content满分:2 分20. Johnnies hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and _ in position. A. PrivilegeB. promotionC. complimentsD. advantage满分:2 分21. When ( )for London? A. is she flyingB. she fliesC. she is going to fly满分:2 分22. The professor paused as if _ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made. A. expectingB. to expectC. expectedD. to have expected满分:2 分23. David is ( ) only accountant in my sons company. A. theB. anC. a满分:2 分24. The next morning the landladys body was found in the storeroom, and the police _ murder. A. ExclaimedB. recalledC. suspectedD. ganized满分:2 分25. The rent is 700 pounds a month. It is a good price ( ) the area. A. onB. forC. at满分:2 分26. To our great disappointment, many things did not _ quite as satisfactory as we had expected. A. set outB. turn outC. come downD. result in满分:2 分27. His children found it hard to _ him from the simple way of life in the countryside. A. skipB. dissuadeC. tightenD. endure满分:2 分28. In the past few days we have _ the importance of further research in this field. A. set asideB. pulled intoC. talked overD. carried out满分:2 分29. Johnnies hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and _ in position. A. PrivilegeB. promotionC. complimentsD. advantage满分:2 分30. ( ) name is Jane. ( ) is from the USA. A. Her, SheB. Shes, SheC. Her, Her满分:2 分31. Thank you for your gifts, but you _ such expensive things. A. mustnt buyB. shouldnt buyC. mustnt have boughtD. shouldnt have bought满分:2 分32. He hasnt got ( ) cousins. A. anyB. someC. many满分:2 分33. A:The chair is not comfortable enough. B:Yes, I agree. It is ( ). A. to be not comfortableB. too uncomfortableC. no comfortable满分:2 分34. Im confused a bout your intention and can _ decide on what to do. A. necessarilyB. undoubtedlyC. previouslyD. barely满分:2 分35. A:Im keen on football. B: So ( )I. A. haveB. doC. am满分:2 分36. A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I. A. haveB. amC. do满分:2 分37. Tell me about your new friend. ( )is he like? A. HowB. WhatC. Why满分:2 分38. The company promised in the letter to _ the goods to be delivered in no time. A. arrange forB. make sureC. set asideD. talk over满分:2 分39. If he had worked hard_. A. he might have passed the final examB. he might pass the final examC. he has passed the final examD. he passed the final exam满分:2 分40. The patient speaker _ now and then to make sure that he was fully understood. A. took overB. went overC. came throughD. broke off满分:2 分41. On my way home, I quite often ( ) the milk man. A. see withB. meet intoC. come across满分:2 分42. The cardigan is particularly to my taste, _ its price. A. exceptB. besidesC. except forD. in addition to满分:2 分43. Not until darkness fell _ he hadnt done half of his work. A. that he realizedB. that he didnt realizeC. did he realizeD. didnt he realize满分:2 分44. As the rain was getting heavier, the tourists were forced to _ for the hotel where they were staying. A. find outB. come throughC. set offD. go over满分:2 分45. Dont expect a millionaire to be dressed expensively all the time; a rich man does not _ show off his wealth. A. reluctantlyB. occasionallyC. emotionallyD. ecessarily满分:2 分46. ( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husbands friends. A. These, ThoseB. This, ThatC. Here, There满分:2 分47. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing. Rose: ( ). Linda: Pleased to meet you, too. A. Hello, Linda! How are you?B. Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.C. Good evening, Linda.满分:2 分48. I am ( ) engineer. A. aB. anC. /满分:2 分49. A strong wind was _ the broken window. A. free fromB. responsible forC. ready forD. sure of满分:2 分50. _ wants the book may have it. A. AnybodyB. WhoC. WhoeverD. Everybody满分:2 分


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