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    机电工程学院 机械电子工程 Good morning everybody!it is my honor to speak here and i am very glad to share my topic with you.let me introduce myself first.my name is .my major is Machinery and electronic engineering,the research direction is industrial robot control.then today Id like to talk something about industry robot .when it comes to robots ,I dont think we are strangers .but there is a difference between the industrial robot and the robot in the life .Ive divided my presentation into four parts :introduction / development /application /prospect The first part deal with the introduction of industry robot ,there are a number of definitions of the term robot,but there is a definition that is accepted by the professional staff of the manufacturing industry ,which is proposed by the American Robot Association .This definition is that Industrial robot is a robot,it is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material,tool,or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.The second part relates to the development of industrial robot .in this part ,i shall first talk about development of foreign industrial robot and then touch on development of domestic industrial robot .At the end of the 1950s ,the us on the basic of servo institutions and automatic control technology ,developed a general independent industry by the automatic operation device .In1969,general motors with 21 sets of industrial robot welding of the car body automatic production line. In the 1970s to the 1980s ,industrial robot into products later ,gain the world common application later ,then a lot of research institutions to research the second generation may have function of the robot ,appeared ABB ,Sweden ,Germanys KUKA robot company and some Japanese companies Comparing with industrial robots domain of developed countries ,our countrys industrial robot domain started a little later . Industrial robot in china roughly experienced three stages :the 70s embryonic stage,the 80s development stage and 90s practical period .during the 40 years development ,Chinese industrial robot technology had been improved rapidly, As shown in the picture, the annual amount of Chinese industrial robots continue to improve,but comparing with some developed countries such as Germany there are still a large gap The third part concerns the application of industrial robots .Now the industrial robot has became a kind of flexible tools for manufacturing system (FMS),automation factory (FA).This picture is industrial robot production line,we can see there are a lot of robots.Industrial robots can replace humans do a lot of complex dangerous work, which shows three pictures were welded industrial robots,assembly of industrial robots and industrial robots Handling.the experience of some developed countries show that the benefit of using industrial robots is very obvious.It can reduce the production cost ,save materials ,improve the utilization rate of the machine tool and the number of defective works .All these can raise company competition ability.And the last part discusses the prospect of industrial robot . From the above picture we can see that Chinas sales of industrial robots in constantly improving, which ranks first in industrial welding robots .Today our country is committed to become a manufacturing powerful country.It is very essential to increase Chinese industrial automation.Industrial robot technology is the main mean to make our country change manufacturing powerful.Ok thank you for listening thats all.


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