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    雅思口语基础lesson three.doc

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    雅思口语基础lesson three.doc

    Social Issue l Pollution air pollution What are the possible factors leading to the reduction in air quality and what are the adverse effects caused by it? Words and Expressions asthma 哮喘;lung cancer-肺癌; 降解-bio-degrade: v; bio-degradable : adj 释放,排放:emit; give offv ; carbon dioxide 二氧化碳;green house effect 温室效应;global warming 全球变暖;副作用: side effect; adverse effect; negative effect; ill effect;毒气:toxic/poisonous gases; 废气:waste gases; 尾气:emission; exhaust; 烟尘:smoke and dust; curve dust; incineration: n (听力考试)incinerate : v -焚烧;焚化;减排: reduce emission; 低碳:low carbon; 污染物: pollutant n ; We should try to avoid incineration when disposing of various rubbish ; instead, to bio-degrade the waste will be undoubtedly a very feasible and reasonable method. sample answer Actually, there are several reasons contributing to the .of air quality. To begin with, the most one is that due to the fast pace of., the .from . and factories has severely .air. Besides, what I should add here is that frequent caused by .and .can bring about the serious air problems as well. Undoubtedly, reduction in air quality may give rise to various to human being, such as .or even. 因素: reason; factor; element; trigger; indicator; 重要的: important; significant ;严重的:serious; rigorous; severe; 主要的: main; dominant; water pollution What are the main factors leading to the current water scarcity and pollution? Could you recommend effective solutions as opposed to the problem? l words and expressions publicity/propaganda : 宣传;government=authority :政府;土地的腐蚀soil erosion; 短缺-n: scarcity ; shortage; rarity ; defficiency ; lack; 滥用,挥霍:lavish; squander; waste; abuse 化工废料: the chemical waste; 更好的替代品:better alternative ; better substitute ; 石油泄漏:the Petrol Leakage : negligence and carelessness:玩忽职守,粗心大意; Eg: For example, last year , the accident of petrol leakage near the DL Bay , which was caused by individuals negligence and carelessness, triggered irreparable and inestimable loss in the seawater quality. Points: In general, the current water problem may have something to do with the three following reasons. To begin with, some factories and individuals pour the .and . directly into rivers, lakes or sea , which may seriously pollute the water and even spread various harmful and. Besides, the backward and . in .and. is another factor for this problem. Last but not least, the increasing population poses threat at the current water . so seriously that it is impossible to meet peoples basic need for water in some areas. Accordingly, it is very urgent to take effective and scientific measures to tackle the problem. First of all, the government should invest more fund in constructing more . as well as supporting the study of new technologies in., such as the and .Secondly, it is also necessary to carry out the . to fight against those behaviors of polluting and squandering water resources and . In the third place, it is also advisable to educate the public to realize the importance of. and to make full use of various media to . by means of making some programs or publishing some reports . As for the last suggestion, it is a good idea to resort to . to restrict peoples water consumption . l Solutions-基本解决方法: 钱;技术; 法律; 媒体宣传; 教育考点词:解决-cope with; deal with; handle; tackle; sovle; resolve; address; settle l 某人应该做某事: should; ought to; be supposed to; be expected to ; be duty-bound to do ; l 应该做某事:it is advisable (for sb) to do; it is a good idea to do ; it is preferable/urgent/ desirable/acceptable/ wise to do;noise pollution Is the place where you are living now quiet or noisy and what do you think of the noise pollution?l words and expressions comparatively quiet: 相对比较安静的;development zone 开发区construction spot : 工地;airport : 机场;busy and noisy commercial center: 热闹的商业中心outskirt/ suburban/ countryside :郊区,乡下;sample answer : Fortunately, I am living in a quiet place. It is far from .,which means that I dont have to suffer from the boring noise every day. In fact, I hate the noisy environment, because it may my normal life and even make me feel very., .and . Worse than that, I cant concentrate on my work or study in such an environment. And noise can also lead to some problems, like. and. Especially for people who live in modern., every day, they are .by the annoying. from the .machines, the .traffics and. crowd. Therefore, in such situation, to enjoy the in countryside has become a kind of . for them. l Insomnia : In(否定) + somn(sleep)+ ia (疾病)sleeplessness Somnambulism : somn(sleep)+ ambul (moving-ambulance : 救护车)+ ism (n)-梦游: sleepwalking; l What should individuals do to protect our environment?Words and Expressions afforest:造林(v); carry out / issue/launch/ release some relevant laws; spare no effort to do;make every effort to do; try ones best to do ; endeavor/strive to do sth: 努力做某事; low-carbon life style; energy-saving bulb; disposable chopsticks; bio-degradable grocery bagplastic bags; take a doggy pack; rubbish-sorting paper-free office ; Dont litter/throw away the rubbish anywhere;liter : 升; litter: 乱扔little: adj solar-energy heater; Sample Answer: Well, in my opinion, protecting environment is every ones. In our daily life, we should try to use those .and .materials instead of the and .ones. Recently, the new term “” has been frequently .in various media. This is the evidence that people tend to pay attention to such environmental issues.l Pressure and Stress l What do you think of pressure or stress? Is it necessary or unnecessary?Words and Expressionmoderate pressure: 适中的压力explore ones potential : 挖掘某人的潜力;create miracles: 创造奇迹;reduce ones life quality: 降低某人的生活质量;cause various psychological problems:导致各种心理问题;stimulate ones motivation:激发某人的斗志;propel sb to complete assigement with high efficiency: 推动某人高效率地完成任务;Sample answer : To be honest, currently, peoples. of life is. We are .every day, busy with our work or study. Besides, we have to be with various. competitions and that is why we often feel pressured, stressful, strained, tensioned, frustrated, depressed, exhausted (subhealth :亚健康). Consequently, it is very necessary for us to get fully relaxed in our spare time. But on the other hand, proper stress may push us forward. The key is how we can turn it into a kind of. As for me, the life without pressure is just like an aimless boat. So, in some degree/to some extent, people still need some stress to make themselves proceed.l Extinction of Wildlife Could you explain what makes the rare animals or species die out (extinct) from the planet?distinction-不同,区别; extinction灭绝; instinct直觉 Sample answer: Well, from my point of view, several factors lead to the current.as for wild animals. First of all, this is due to the law of nature. Some .can not adjust to the .of environment and they are .to disappear. In addition, the .natural environment should be blamed. The rain, , and global warming, all of these have greatly destroyed their., which makes them become homeless. The .illegal hunting.is another factor. It is .that some people cruelly animals only for their fur, meat or organs. -描述法律:野生动物保护法


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