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    First Industrial revolution,Time: 1760s Symbol: 哈格里夫斯发明珍妮纺纱机,Britain is the birthplace(发源地) of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution began from Britain is not accidental, there is a profound political premise, the social economy premise and the premise of science and technology. 恩格斯说:“当革命风暴横扫法国时,英国正在进行一场比较平静的但是威力并不因此减弱的变革。”,Social Background,System: The further development of the capitalist system,Labor: enclosure movement (圈地运动),Capital: foreign trade, colonial rob(海外贸易,殖民掠夺),Market: the biggest colonial empire,Technology: the accumulation of manufactury(手工工场的积累),Features 特点,1. The machine production instead of manual labor. 2. The human into the era of steam. 3. Technological inventions from practical experience of craftsman(工匠); science and technology has not really been combined. 4. The first occurred in the textile sector(轻纺部门). 5. In the first place in the UK, then slowly spread to other countries.,Achievement,The age of steam,Fluence,1.Greatly improve the productivity(生产力). Machines replaced handwork, large factory replaced the manual workshop. (机器代替了手工,大工厂代替了手工工场。),2.Major changes in class relations. Society is divided into two opposite classes: bourgeoisie(资产阶级) and proletariat(无产阶级).,3.Begin the process of urbanization; Advanced mode of production and technology spread to the country, impacting the old system, old ideas and changing peoples life.,4.The industrial revolution has greatly strengthened the connection between all over the world, changing the face of the world, finally established the bourgeois rule of the world. (世界资产阶级统治),The Second Industrial Revolution,Social Background,(1) The establishment of the capitalist system in the world (2) The basis (基础)of The First Industrial Revolution; (3) The needs of the development of capitalism; (4) The rapid development of science and technology.,Feature,(1) The combination of science and technology. (2) The emerging capitalist countries play an important role,Achievement,(1) In 1866, the German Siemens(西门子) invent generator (发电机); In the 1870 s, the actual generator available. (2) Motor, electric light, trams, telephone, projector and so on, the human into the age of electricity. (3) The new means of transport: cars and planes (internal combustion engine driven). 内燃机驱动,Fluence,(1) The great changes in industrial structure. Dominated by light industry to heavy industry as the leading factor. (2) The emergence of monopoly(垄断组织). (3) The form of the world market.,The third Industrial Revolution Start in Ameria,1940s,Social Background,1. The political security - the development of capitalism is relatively stable and the national monopoly capitalism(国家垄断资本主义) development; 2. The theory preparation - a major breakthrough in the scientific theory in the 20th century; 3. Social conditions - the military demand of world war II, after the arms race (战后军备竞赛)and the requirement of economic development.,Features,1. The speed for Science and technology into directly productivity is quicker ; (科学技术转化为直接生产力的速度加快) 2. Science and technology combined with each other and mutual promotion, increasing scientific research; (科学和技术密切结合相互促进,科研领域不断扩大) 3. Mutual penetration between various fields of science and technology. (科学技术各个领域间相互渗透),Achievement,First stage: In the 1940s to 1970s On behalf of the technology is nuclear power technology, computer technology and space technology. The second stage: The 1970s up to now On behalf of the technology is information technology.,Fluences,1, Greatly promote the development of social productivity 2, Promoted the social economic structure and social life structure changes-the proportion of the tertiary industry(第三产业比重上升). 3, Promotes the adjustment of international economic structure(推动了国际经济格局的调整)-expand the economic gap between the developed countries and many developing countries . For developing countries, it is both opportunity and challenge.,Thank you!,


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