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    Lesson 14 Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗?单词学习amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的英文解释:enjoyable, causing laughter or smiles amuse mju:z v.令人好笑的 英文解释: make sb laugh or smileEveryone was amused at the cute boy. 大家都被这个可爱的孩子逗乐了。or: Everyone was amused by the cute boy.The amusing story amused the children. 这个好笑的故事把孩子们都逗乐了。be amused at/by 因感到好笑be amused to do sth 做取乐amusement mjuzm()nt n. 娱乐,消遣 UShe looked at me in amusement. 她饶有趣味地看着我。experience ikspirins 1) n. 经历,阅历 Can amusing experience 一次好笑的经历an unpleasant experience 一次不愉快的经历an unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历He had many amusing experiences while traveling in France.当他在法国旅行时,有过许多有趣的经历。 You must try some of her home-made wine. Its quite an experience.你一定要尝尝她家自酿的酒,那真是一饱口福啊。2) n. 经验 U He hasnt had enough work experience. 他没有足够的工作经验。 I know from experience that he will arrive late. 我从经验得出,他一定会迟到的。3) v. 经历,感受 Experience happiness and bitterness btns together. 同甘共苦。Go through thick and thin together. (口)同甘共苦experienced kspri:nst adj. 有经验的, 老练的, 经验丰富的an experienced nurse 一个有经验的护士inexperienced nksprnst adj. 无经验的,不熟练的 He is inexperienced in looking after children. 他照看孩子没有经验。wave 1) v. 指固定物体上下或往复摆动或摇动a flag flg waving in the breeze 在微风中飘扬的一面旗子2) 挥手,招手wave to sb 朝某人挥手 or: wave at sb3) vt. 挥动wave a hand 挥手wave a flag 挥舞一面旗子wave an umbrella 挥舞一把雨伞wave sb goodbye 同某人挥手道别 or: wave goodbye to sb 4) n. 波浪,挥手lift 1) vt. 举起,抬起The box is too heavy; I cant lift it. 这只箱子太沉,我抬不动。lift ones hat 举起帽子(打招呼时的动作)2) vi. (雾,云)消散,(雨,雪)停止The fog has lifted. 雾已经散了。3) n. 电梯 elevator elvet (Am)4) n. 搭便车 Ill give you a lift to work. 我会捎你去上班。ask for a lift 要求搭车hitch ht a lift 搭车5) n. (心情的)高涨,飞扬 The victory vkt()r gave our spirits spirits a lift. 那场胜利使我们精神为之一振。6) liftboy 电梯服务员 /elevator operator (Am)reply vi. 回答,答复 She has replied to my letter. 她已经回我信了。reply to a question 回答一个问题answer 1) vt. (用语言,行为的)回答,答复 Did you answer her letter? 你回复她的信了吗? I answered his insult with a blow. 我对他的侮辱报之一拳。2) vt. 应接,应答answer the door 去开门answer the telephone 接电话3) answer back/ talk back 顶嘴4) answer for 代表,对某事负责 It will answer for our purpose. pps 那代表我们的目的。respond rspnd vi. 1) 回答,应答 She didnt respond to my question. 她没有回答我的问题。 She didnt respond to my letter. 她没有给我回信。2) 对做出回答或反应 He responded to the insult nslt with a punch. pn(t)他对侮辱的反应是重重的一拳。language 1) n. 语言speak a language 讲一门语言spoken language 口语written language 书面语言language teaching 语言教学a foreign frn language 外语the second foreign language 第二外语ones native netv language 母语2) n. 文字等以外的传达信号,人造语言body language 肢体语言sign language 手势语journey n. 旅行,通常指长途陆路直接到达的旅行a long train journey 长途火车旅行go on ones last journey 去世trip n. (美)包括乘短途交通工具以及徒步远足的所有旅行。 (英)通常指短途的观光旅行a bus trip 汽车旅行a business bzns trip 商务旅行take a trip 去旅行voyage 航海航行,乘船旅游 Go on a voyage around the world. 做环游世界的旅行or: Make a voyage around the world.or: Take a voyage around the world.He is the now on the voyage viid home. 他正在回航途中。trip v. 绊倒 She tripped over the carpet and fell. 她在地毯上绊倒了。过去完成时过去完成时由had加过去分词构成,主要表示过去某时前已发生的动作或情况,即过去的过去。1)在很多情况下没有明显的时间状语,时间由上下文表示出来,这时过去完成时表示的动作在另一过去的动作之前发生,也就是过去的过去,用过去完成时。They fulfilled flfld the plan earlier than they had expected.他们完成的比预料早一些。With their help,I realized that I had been wrong. 在他们的帮助下,我意识到我错了。2)在包含when,as soon as,after,until,before等连词的复合句中,如果主句谓语和从句谓语表示的过去动作是在不同时间发生的,那么先发生动作通常用过去完成时。When I woke up it had already stopped raining.我醒来的时候,雨已经停了。I hadnt had any food before I came here.我来这之前没吃东西。She didnt go to bed until she had finished her work.直到她完成工作之后,她才去睡觉。As soon as the sun had set we returned to our hotel. htel太阳一落山我们回到旅馆。 The children ran away after they had broken the window.他们打破玻璃,孩子们跑了。例句:1、She wrote the letter.She went to the post office.(after)After she had written the letter,she went to the post office.2、He had dinner.He went to the cinema.(after)After he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.3、I fastened my seat belt.The plane took off.(when)When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off.Fasten you seat belt,I have something terrible to tell you.请你做好准备,我有一些不好的事情要告诉你。4、We did not disturb him. He finished work.(until)We did not disturb him ,until he bad finished work.用正确时态填空:1、The moment he had said this,he regrettde it .(regret)2、It had begun to rain before she took a taxi.(begin)课文讲解1、leave 1) v. 离开leave England for a tour of the world 离开英国去做一次环球旅行leave for England 离开去英国leave Shanghai 离开上海leave for Shanghai 离开去上海2) 辞去,退学 He left his job for a better one. 他辞去工作目的是为了找个更好的。 The boy left school. (Am) 这孩子退学了。3) take French leave 不辞而别;擅自离开leave it at that (语言行为等)就到此为止,别再说什么excuse/pardon my French 原谅我说粗话(或冒犯的话)2、south south-南/ north-北/east-东/west-西1) n. 南部,南in the south of 在南部(范围之内)on the south of 在以南(范围之外,接壤,相邻)to the south of 以南(隔海相望)2) adj. 南面的the south gate of a school 学校的南大门3) adv. 向南地 Those windows face south 那些窗户朝南。 Those windows face east. Those windows face west.3、Franc frk1) France frns n.法兰西,法国2) French frent adj.法国的;法国人的;法语的 n.法语Frenchman/Frenchwoman 法国人in French 用法语3) Francfrk n. (法国、瑞士、比利时等国的货币单位)法郎4) French chalk 滑石粉take French leave 不辞而别French doors 落地玻璃门French windows (Am) 落地窗French fries 炸薯条chips 炸薯片4、drive-drove-drivenon 有继续地,不停顿地Go on please. 请继续。Walk on. 继续走。5、on the way 在路上in the way 拦路或用这种方式on the way to 在去某地的路上by the way 顺便说,顺便提in a way or: in some way 在某种意义上in this way 用这种方式in that way 用那种方式get ones own way 随心所欲6、ask sb for sth 向要求He asked his mother for a kiss. 他要妈妈吻他。He asked me for a lift. 他向我要求搭车。ask 问He asked me a question after the lesson. 课后他问了我一个问题。7、get on 上车get into 上车(强调进入车里)get off 下车get out of 下车(强调从车里出去)8、say sth to sb 对说say good morning to sb 对道早安say hello to sb 向打招呼9、in French 用法语in Chinese、in English、in Japanese、in Spanishin German ( Germany 德国)10、apart from 除了还有:except / except for / but / besides 表示除了区别:except prep. 除了except sth/ except doing sthexcept thatexcept for 置于句首,表示除去微不足道的瑕疵的东西,不影响大局的.except和except for 皆表示从总体中除掉、去掉的含义。but"除了"常用于nobody, none, nowhere, who, all, everyone, anyone等不定代词之后。apart from 一种表示"除掉"相当于 except for,可以放句首;另外一种表示"除了,也"相当于besides。besides 除之外,(而且,还有) 1、Apart from / Except for his nose, he is quite good-looking. 2、Im a good girl except for my inexperience. 3、Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.4、 Besides / Apart from his right arm, he broke his two legs, too.5、 I invited everyone to my party except / but John. 除没邀请约翰外,我邀请了大家来参加我的宴会。 6、I invited everyone to my party besides John. 除约翰外,我还邀请了每个人来参加我的宴会。 7、Except for / But 5 pence, I have nothing about me. 除掉5分钱之外,我什么都没有。 8、I havent told anybody but you.除了你之外,我没有告诉任何人。9、 Who but a fool would do such a thing?除了傻子之外,谁还能干这事? 10、Youll have nobody but yourself to blame. 除了你自己外,没有人该受你责备。11、not at all 根本不 Thank you so much. Not at all. (/ You are welcome.) Im terribly sorry. Not at all. (/ Forget it.) I dont know any French at all./ I know no French at all. I dont like him at all.我根本就不喜欢他。12、neither 都不,用于两个人或两件事which of 哪一个 Which of the two do you want?either of 两者之一 Either of them will do. 两个中任一个都行。(谓语动词是单数)neither of 两者都不 I like neither of them. 两个我都不喜欢。both of 两者都 I bought both of them.13、reach 到达get toarrive in + 大地方arrive at + 小地方come to14、as 正像,正如引导非限定性定语从句Special Difficulties难点1、ask 问ask for sth 要求某样东西After the lesson, he asked me a question. 课后,他问了我一个问题。He asked for an apple. 他要一个苹果。2、表示除了的短语和词:except except forapart frombesidesbut3、表示两个人或两件事时的短语:which ofeither ofneither ofboth of1. Except for a slight headache, I feel all right now. (Except / Except for)2. I like them very much so I bought both of them. (neither of / both of)3. Apart from being a bit too long, the play was very good. (Except / Apart from)4. I asked a question. I did not ask for an answer. (asked问 / asked for要求)5. He could not answer either of the questions I asked. (neither of / either of, asked / asked for)题库1、I speak a few words of French, I dont know French.A. many B. much C. plenty of D. a little分析:A.许多 C.充足的;都不能用来修饰某种语言;B和D都可以用来修饰某种语言,但a little 不能用在否定句中,不可以说I dont know a little French.2、The young man vaved to the writer.He him.A. saluted B. greeted C.signaled to D.nodded分析:A.向。致敬,向。敬礼 B问候,向。打招呼; C.用手势等动作向。示意 D点头,表示同意或打招呼3、He replied in Frnch, He the writer in French. A. responded B. answered C.returned D. remarkde分析:A.回答,答复,作及物动词时后面要用that引导的宾主丛句,如果表示对人或某种建议作出答复,则要用to;B回答C.回到,返回;D评论,议论,注意到。4、His tales,together with his comical actions us tremendously.A. shocked B. amused C.offended D. disturbed分析:A.使震惊,使震动,使休克;B使发笑,使愉快C.得罪,使不愉快;D打乱,打搅,扰乱复习过去完成时:had + 过去分词After he had finished work he went home.完成工作,他回家了be amused atbe amused bybe amused to do sth an amusing experience 一次有趣的经历be experienced in 在某方面的经验wave at sb 对某人挥手wave goodbye to sb 对某人挥手道别ask for a lift 要求搭车reply to 答复speak a language 讲一门语言speak a foreign language 讲外语boby language 肢体语言during the journey 在旅途中take a trip / make a trip 继续旅行on the voyage vd 在航行过程中leave for 离开去某地take French leave 不告而别in the south of France 在法国的南部in Frence 用法语in + 某种语言say good morning to sb 对某人说早上好apart from 除了neither of 两者都不both of 两者都either of 两者或者这个,或者那个量词:a plot plt of 一小块(土地)There are several plots of land for sale. 有几小块地待售。a pool of 1)一小片;一片;一滩(液体);一小片(光亮)After the heavy rain the fields were filled with pools of water.大雨过后,田野里昼是一个个小水坑。2)一群(人);一些(钱);一批;一些(物)a pool of workers 一群工人a pool of applicants 一些申请者


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