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    NCE2学习情况记载表姓名日期 默写:第 单元授课内容 1. 讲解第44课单词、语法、课文、语言点。 本课重点结构:v-ing 动词的ing形式动名词1. 作主语 Eating is always a pleasure.2. 作宾语 1)介词宾语 I am keen on cycling. Without saying anything, he went out. I look forward to seeing him tomorrow. 我期待明天见到他。 I am used to getting up late. 我习惯晚点起床。 2)动词宾语 (比较to do和doing) They continued running./ to run. (在begin, start 后加to do或doing, 没有区别) 但是,有些词如love, like, hate 后面加ing或to do也有细微区别。 To do 表示一次性的喜好,doing 表示长期性的喜好。 e.g. I hate disturbing people when they are busy. 我不喜欢在别人忙的时候打扰他们。 I hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment? 我不想打扰你,我能进来一会吗? 比较 doing 和 to be done (need doing= need to be done; want doing=want to be done) My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了,需要修补。= It needs to be mended. Those windows are dirty. They want washing. = They want to be washed.3. 作表语 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 His job is driving a bus. 他的工作时开公共汽车。 4. 作定语,表示功能a dining-room 餐厅;a sleeping car 卧铺车厢;a swimming pool游泳池;a reading-room阅览室练习 do/to do/ doing1. Beside _ , she is kind and tender.A. beautiful B. being beautiful C. she beautiful D. is beautiful2. One learns English by making mistakes and _ them.A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct3. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking4. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk5. _ , I went to the railway station to see my friend off. A. After ate my dinner quickly B. After quickly eat my dinner C. After eat my dinner quickly D. After quickly eating my dinner6. Dont you remember _ ? A. seeing the man before B. to see the man before C. saw the man before D. to have been seeing the man before7. Can I see your new shirt? Sorry. It _ . I can show you it some time later. A. need to wash B. needs washed C. need washing D. needs washing8. I prefer _ to _ because I think climbing is not as exciting as skiing.A. ski, climb B. ski, climbing C. skiing, climb D. skiing, climbing9. The classroom wants _ .A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning10. This X-ray machine needs _ .A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. being repaired11. Usually, I like _ at night, but Id like _ TV this evening.A. read, to watch B. reading, watching C. read, watching D. reading, to watch12. I am looking forward _ from you soon.A. to hear B. of hearing C. hearing D. to hearing13. Would you like _ the risk of going to the island with me?A. to take B. to do C. to make D. getting14. There was _ noise outside that we couldnt hear the teacher.A. so many B. such much C. such many D. so much15. _ a deep breath of you feel nervous. It may get knocked off.A. Do B. Make C. Take D. Give16. Do you have some good ways on _ English? Yeah, I practice _ English for at least two hours every day. A. learn; speak B. learning; speaking C. learning; to speak D. learn; to speak 把下列句子/短语翻译成英语。1. 他冒着生命危险去救那孩子。(take the risk)2. 她跑得太快了,我根本就追不上她。(catch up with)3. 翻看报纸的时候,我看到一幅非常有趣的图片。(go through)4. 她已经上气不接下气了,但他还是继续追赶。5. 我总是忘记检查我的拼写。6. 向我走来 7. 经历艰辛 8. 屏住呼吸 9. 得到这些文件(document) 10. 在森林边上


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