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    课题复习Unit 19-21 重难点解析1. 四会:会听、会说、会读、会写U19-21的单词;2. 能正确运用一般过去式描述过去发生的事情;3. 掌握一般过去式不规则动词;4. 掌握将来时的用法;课堂教学步骤及内容【课前检测U19-21】翻译下列的句子: 白天气温会升至12摄氏度,夜间气温会降到4摄氏度。从今天起,会刮起西南风,风会从大西洋带来暖空气,也会带来一些降雨。 我看了看午餐盒,发现了脆脆卷。 上个月十分干冷,接下来的几天情况会有所变化。 当天晚上,一只松鼠闯进了这个“防松鼠”喂鸟器。你是一名很成功的模特。我想过平凡的生活这是我最后一次拍时装照了。【复习U19】一、重要句子:a. Well, I bought it because of the label. This bird feeder is squirrel-proof. 我是因为标签上写着“防松鼠喂鸟器”才买的。b. That night, a squirrel broke into the squirrel-proof bird feeder.当天晚上,一只松鼠闯进了这个“防松鼠”喂鸟器。c. The squirrel s tummy became enormous. 松鼠的肚子撑得大大的。d. A dead squirrel in my bird feeder, outside my kitchen window!厨房窗户外的喂鸟器里有只死松鼠。e. But what s the use of that?但这又有什么用呢?二、根据Lesson 37的对话,口头回答下列问题:1.Why Polly buy the bird feeder?2.What did Polly cut down?3.What did Polly put in the bird feeder?4.After Polly took the bird feeder to the shop, what happened? 5.Where did Polly hang the bird feeder?6.What happened to the squirrel s tummy?7.Who ate all the nuts?三、语音(辅音的浊化与元音发音的长短)Voicing and vowel lengthice/eyeswrite/rideplate/playedhat/hadbacks/bags【复习U20】一、重要句子:f. I want to tell you something, Daisy.我要告诉你一些事情,黛西。g. This will be my last fashion shoot.这是我最后一次拍时装照了。h. I m going to get an ordinary job in an office.我要找一份普通的办公室工作。i. You re a very successful model. 你是一名很成功的模特。j. And I want an ordinary life.我想过平凡的生活。k. It ll be wonderful. 那就太棒了!二、根据Lesson 39的对话,口头回答下列问题:1. Is Nina an unsuccessful model?7. Where will she go in the evening?2.Does she want a special life? 8. Where will she cook, and who will she eat them with?3. In an office job, will she work late in the evening?9. Who will she meet, maybe, one day?4. Will she sleep in a different bed every night?10. What kind of life will they have together?5. What kind of life does Nina want?11. What will that be like?6. What hours will she work in an office job?三、语音(爆破音的省略)Elision of plosiveswant to changelast Mondaywon t shefriends【复习U21】一、重要句子:l. And now it s time to nine, and time for the weather forecast.现在是8点55分,是天气预报时间。m. Last month was unusually cold and dry. But all that will change in the next few days.上个月十分干冷,接下来的几天情况会有所变化。n. From today, the wind will be blow from the south west. It will bring in warm air from the Atlantic.从今天起,会刮起西南风,风会从大西洋带来暖空其,也会带来一些降雨。o. The whole country will have some rain showers in the next three days. 接下来的3天全国都会有阵雨,有时雨会很大。p. Temperature will rise to 12 degrees Celsius in the day. Night temperature will fall to 4 degrees Celsius.白天气温会升至12摄氏度,夜间气温会降到4摄氏度。q. And the outlook for next weekend: the three w s - warm, wet and windy. 预计下周末天气会是3W-温暖、湿润、有风。二、根据Lesson 41的对话,口头回答下列问题:1. What was the weather like last month?5. What will the whole country have in the next tree days?2. Where will the wind blow from?6. What will day and night temperatures do?3. What air will it bring in from the Atlantic?7. What will it feel like over the hills?4. When will air rain come in from the south west?8. What are the three w s?三、语音(介词的弱读)Weak forms: prepositionstime for the forecast rain from the south at the studio 【Units 19-21语法知识】一、一般将来时1. be going to 和will的用法区别(1)be going to含有“计划、打算、准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思。如:Annie is going to the supermarket.安妮准备去超市。(2)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定要发生的事情,而will表示客观上将来势必要发生的事情。如:Look at the cloud! Its going to rain .看乌云!要下雨了!2. be going to结构和will结构的比较:(1) 主语+be going to+动词原形+其他. 如:He is going to buy a new car.他准备买辆新的小汽车。(2) 主语+will/shall+动词原形+其他.如:He will buy a new car.3. 用于一般将来时和一般过去时的时间标志词:(1) 一般将来时:tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; next Monday; next month等。(2) 一般过去时:yesterday,; the day before yesterday; last Sunday; last week; two days ago等。二、不规则动词的过去式irregular verbsInfinitiveSimple pastbringbroughtget upgot upgivegaveleaveleftmeetmetrunransaysaidsleepslepttaketooktelltoldwinwonwritewrote【Units 19-21阶段大练兵】1、 写出下列单词的过去式。1. tell_11. see_2. buy_12. put_3. hang_13. break_4. eat_14. become_5. go_15. cut_6. give_16. get_7. want_17. sleep_8. write_18. run_9. meet_19. leave_10. bring_20. say_2、 将方框中的时间词分类。tree hours ago, last week, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next month, a moment ago, in three days, yesterday, last Tuesday, in a moment, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, next June, next winter, last night, one month ago 过去时间_将来时间_3、 按照要求改写句子。1. We ll have some rain next week. (用last week改写)_2. They ll move to New York in two months. (对划线部分提问)_3. She bought a house one year ago. (改为一般疑问句)_4. Jack went to the cinema with his sister. (对划线部分提问)_5. She will go to school tomorrow. (改为否定句)_4、 单项选择。1. - _ did you finish your homework? - One hour ago.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Who 2. - Now it s twenty to eleven, and time _ sleep. A. withB. atC. forD. of3. -What happened? - Well, a burglar _ the house and took my money away.A. broke intoB. broke inC. broke to D. broke4. - When _ the country have some rain showers? - In the next three days.A. didB. doC. isD. will5. Paul and Jack _ to the park tomorrow.A. goB. wentC. will goD. going6. Let s _ over to Carla at the London Weather Centre.A. goB. getC. beD. have5、 写作。请根据表格内容写一篇短文,介绍你昨天做过的事和明天的计划。注意一般过去时和一般将来是的运用。要求:1. 语句连贯,语法正确; 2. 60字词左右。yesterdaytomorrowmorning: do homework;wash clothesmorning: go to the library;do some shoppingafternoon: play footballafternoon: have a swimevening:go to Lucy s partyevening: go to the cinema _作业布置U19-21同步基础过关练习:根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Hello! I m Alex. I often get up at 6.30a.m. Half an hour later I have my breakfast. At 7.30 a.m. I take a bus to school. I have Maths, Chinese and English classes from 8.00 a.m. I have lunch talk with my classmates at school. I have three classes from 1.40 p.m. to 4.10. p.m. in the afternoon. After school. I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5.00 p.m. I usually have dinner at 6.00 p.m. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10.30 p.m., I go to bed.A. At half past sixB. At sevenC. At six fortyD. At seven thirty1. When does Alex go to school in the morning?2. Alex eats breakfast at _.A. sixB. sevenC. seven thirtyD. eight3. How long does it take Alex to have breakfast?A. Thirty minutesB. An hourC. Ten minutesD.Twenty minutes4. Alex eats lunch _.A. at schoolB. at homeC. in a restaurantD. at a hotel5. Alex usually _ before he goes to bed.A. plays computer gamesB. takes a showerC. listens to musicD. watches TV


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