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    Unit 2 Housing 2014-09-30 Highlights Warming -up: Listening Comprehension Topic: Housing Grammar Tips: Word Formation Practical Writing: Certificate Listening comprehension New words flat n. (一套)单元房;(一间)公寓=apartment pound n. 英镑,镑 equip v.装备,配备 equip (sb.) with . 备有. favor n. 好感,宠爱 in favor of 有利于,支持 do me a favor 帮个忙 in your favor以你方为受 益人 furniture n. 家具;设备;附属品 a piece of furniture 一件家具 section A 1. difference a difference between A and B 2. else 3. however 4. lonely alone adj.独自的 5.weekends at weekends 在周末 6. without 7. living live on ones own 照顾自己,一个人住 8.discovered 发现 New words bungalow 平房,小屋 mansion 豪宅,宅第 mailbox 邮箱 ranch house 农场房屋 apartment 公寓town house condominium 公寓 warehouse 仓库 货栈 questions 1. What are American houses like? 2. What is an apartment like? 3. Where do suburan Americans shop? How do they go there? 4. How many Americans move houses every year? 5. What is the typical American character according to the text? true or false 1. The living room of a town house is also the bedroom. 2. Suburban Americans usually drive to the shopping malls. 3. Most of the houses in the suburbs are skyscrapers. 4. As Americans families tend to change their place, it is quite correct to say that they are moving houses all the time. 5. Americans enjoy fixing up their house and making it more livable. Active words master master She has attained the degree of Master of Arts. The dog remained faithful to his master. Its not easy to master a foreign language. She learned to master her anger. Where is the master switch? share Your share of the cost is 10. Share prices rose yesterday. There is only one bedroom, so well have to share. She wont share her secret with us. I am sorry: I cant share your opinion about this question. move She waited for him to get up, but he didnt move. One wrong move can lose the whole game. My family moved here two years ago. Nobody seems willing to move in the matter. They were deeply moved by the film. House Her house is furnished in excellent taste. Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house. He tried to feed and house his family. The building will house twelve boys and eight girls. 作业 P22. V. P23. VII 周五上课之前交到讲桌上 text B prefer prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do B prefer A to B advantage take advantage of curiosity curious be curious about If you meet the new words while reading, what will you do ? Its not always necessary to understand the meaning of every word, just go on reading! Guess the meaning! When we deal with the problems in reading comprehension, we can use Word Formation to help us, but the context(上下文,语语境) is also very important. 1. I will not make friends with a dishonest person. 2. When the little boy finished, his father was speechless. 3. A bad-looking pickpocket stole my wallet 根据构词法猜词 首先要熟悉基本的构词法及其规律, 其 次要掌握一定的词根和词缀。如:un-, im-, mis-, -less, -ness等。 小 结 dis+honest 不诚实的 speech+less 说不出话的 pick+pocket 扒手 构词法 派生法(Derivation) 合成法(Compounding) 转化法(Conversion) 缩略法(Abbreviation) able unable; teach teacher space+ship spaceship visit v. visit n. Do it yourself. DIY 合成词 Compounding pain-killer sleep-walk sleep-walker What is Compounding? Put two or more words together to form a new word. highway waiting-room kind-hearted 合成词汇展厅 一.合成名词 二.合成形容词 三.合成动词 四.合成副词 五.合成代词 1. housewife, coastline, X-ray, firefighter, workforce 名词名词 2. sitting-room, waiting-room, sleeping- pill动名词+名词 3.gentleman, newcomer, supermarket, deadline形容词名词 4.television-advertising, window-shopping 名词+动名词 5.father-in-law, daughter-in-law, comrade-in-arms 二.合成形容词 1.duty-free, world-famous, worldwide, ice -cool 2.English-speaking, peace-loving, man- eating 3.Man-made, snow-covered, sun burnt, heart-broken 4. white- haired, middle-aged, good- tempered 三.合成动词 1. sun-bathe, brainwash, handpick, daydream 2. overhear, oversleep, output, uphold, uplift 四.合成副词 1. sometimes, midway, meanwhile, straightway 2. beforehand, downhill, upstairs, overhead, downtown 五.合成代词 something; everything; nobody; someone; anybody 构成方式: some/any/no+thing/one/body Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. conversion 一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不 变得方法叫作转换法 转化法(Conversion) taste v.尝起来 n. 味道It has a good taste. It tastes very good. hand n.手 v.递送 wrong adj.错误的 n.错的事 We always walk hand in hand. Please hand me the book. There is something wrong with the car. He didnt know the difference between right and wrong . clean adj. 干净 v.清扫 Please keep tidy and clean. You have to clean the blackboard after class. the+ adj. 表示一类人,做主语时,谓 语用复数。 The old are respected highly in this country. 派生法 Derivation 派 生 法 前缀 后缀 否定前缀 其他前缀 名词后缀 形容词后缀 副词后缀 动词后缀 否定前缀 其他前缀 加前缀: happy - _happy 加后缀: develop - develop_ 既加前缀又加后缀: employ -_employ_ un ment un ment 派生词(derivation) 1.派生词 注意:前缀一般只改变词义, 不改变词类;后缀一般只改变 词类,不引起词义变化 Derivation: 前缀: (1)表示否定意义: dis-,il-, im-, in-, mis-, non-, un-等。 disagree, incorrect, illeagal, irregular, misfortune, unfinish (2) 表示其它意义:a-(形容词), anti-(反对,抵抗), auto-(自动 ), co-(共同), en-(使), inter- (互相), re-(再,又), sub-(下 面的,次), tele-()距离远等 Alone, antigas, cooperate, enjoy, internet, reuse, subway 1. 名词后缀ence, -er, -or, -ese, -ess, - ful, -ian, -ist, -ment, -ness, -tion等。 difference, soldier, operator, Chinese, waitor, waitress, mouthful, musician, novelist, achievement 2.动词后缀:-en(用于形容词后), - fy(使化), -ize(使.成为) Deepen, widen, enlarge, enrich, beautify, civilize 3.形容词后缀:-al, -en, -ern, -ese, - ful, -ish, -ive, -less, -ly, -ous, -y等 natural, respectable, Chinese, wooden, eastern, thankful, motherly, snowy ,helpless 4.构成副词后缀:-ly(用于形容词之后 表方式或程度),-ward/ -wards (用于表 示方位的词之后表方向) Wholly, downward 构成数词后缀:-teen(十几),-ty (几十), -th( 序数词) Fourteen, nineteen, forty, ninety, eighth 四、缩略法( Abbreviation ) DV VIP SOS WWW Digital Video Very Important Person Save Our Ship World Wide Web VIP UFO BBC VOA ?


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